Videos focused on American border security, illegal immigration, illegal employment, legislation and law enforcement
D.A. King interviewed by Jorge Ramos on the Univision Network. (English) August, 2013 - 12 minutes.
Aztlan Rising
Legal Workers Line Up for Restaurant Jobs After Sheriff Joe Raids
The family of Dustin Inman held a vigil for their son, who was killed by an illegal alien 10 years ago. The illegal alien is still at large. Family: "We are the other side of immigration debate"... Tell the Inmans' about "family separation".
Dustin Inman's Mom and Dad - illegal immigration separates an American family. Forever. Billy and Kathy Inman are still looking for the illegal alien who hit their car, killing their sixteen year-old son Dustin and putting Kathy in a wheelchair. (May 6, 2009)
More videos:
- Accused killer of Dustin Inman will not be returned to U.S. WSB-TV, June 16, 2016.
- Man in country illegally, accused of killing Dustin Inman, likely won't be jailed, CBS46, June 18, 2016.
- DIS videos Mexican Flags Hoisted Over 'Liberated' Territory at Chicano Park in San Diego, April 25, 2016.
- Georgia state Senator Tommie Williams speaks in favor of drivers licenses for illegal aliens. Testimony given in the Georgia state senate on February 29, 2016.
- Emory to give scholarships to undocumented students, WSB-TV, April 8, 2015.
- Georgia state Senator Tommie Williams speaks in favor of drivers licenses for illegal aliens - 2015 version. Wants protection for his illegal alien sous chef. Testimony given in the Georgia state senate on March 31, 2015.
- Signs supporting bill offends Hispanic community WSB-TV 2. March 18, 2015.
- Georgia state Senator and restaurant owner Tommie Williams says opponents of drivers licenses for illegal aliens do not like brown people. Testimony given in the Georgia state senate on February 29, 2016.
- A fun DHS flashback from June 2014 - DHS Secretary: 'Last Time I Looked An Executive Order Can't Supersede The Law'.
- Gonzalez Gonzalo Harrell WANTED!!! - FBI Case
- New NumbersUSA Video
- Terry Anderson video interviews and tributes
- Sen. Josh McKoon: Point of Personal Privilege February 14, 2017.
- Illegal Aliens Fear Deportation, November 16, 2016.
- Immigration issue hits home for local man - Billy Inman, November 16, 2016.
- Bill King is interviewed by Lou Dobbs" on May 31, 2007. Bill King, a former Chief Border Patrol Agent, ran the 1986 amnesty program (Western Region). He was on the Board of Directors of American Border Patrol.
- Which child would you chose? written by an American mother with two sons and several grandchildren who was overwhelmed with sorrow and empathy for George & Laura Wilkerson and an untold number of families who have lost their precious loved ones to "preventable" illegal alien crimes occurring in America at an extremely alarming rate. July 28, 2016.
Chris Crane on the price of opposing Obama immigration policies
Chris Crane is an Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation official who also heads the immigration officers' union.
In his role at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and as president of the National ICE Council, Crane has repeatedly challenged the Obama administration's immigration policies and voiced opposition to the Senate immigration reform bill now being considered. He worries that the administration’s policies are making it harder for him and the agents he represents to enforce the law.
Crane recently displayed his passion for these issues when he was ejected from a press conference held by the bi-partisan “Gang of Eight” senators who put together the immigration bill now under consideration in the Senate. - Cobb County Ga: County Chairman Tim Lee no longer is willing to protect tax funded jobs! Chamber of Commerce real bosses! - January 13, 2013
- Anti-enforcement TV 'news' - complicit Atlanta TV station almost balanced and almost accurate - February 7, 2012
- D.A. King responds to Carlos Santana - May 16, 2011
- Georgia Rally at State Capitol - February 22, 2011
- Brian Tolar testifies to Georgia House Judiciary Committee - February 8, 2011
- I-Team: Hiring Illegal Immigrants - February 7, 2011
- E-Verify ICE Public Service Announcement - 2011
- Homecoming of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry - December 19, 2010
FOX FIVE NEWSMAKER - D.A. King VIDEO (a tired face for radio) Newsmaker: Hiring Illegal Immigrants
ATLANTA - E-Verify is a free service sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security that allows companies to verify a potential employee’s immigration status. So why aren’t all employers using it? Employers can only use the service when they make a new hire. So what about undocumented workers who are already employed?
An estimated half million illegal immigrants live in Georgia. Four counties take part in 287(g), the federal program allowing local sheriffs to screen for undocumented immigrants. Cherokee County is awaiting approval.
So far nearly 16,000 suspected illegal aliens have been turned over to immigrations authorities through the 287(g) program in Georgia.
D.A. King, a prominent opponent of illegal immigration in Georgia stopped by the FOX 5 studios Thursday to talk about the topic.
WSB TV Atlanta, Channel 2 Investigates: Non-Citizens Voting In Georgia Elections - Local Leaders Admit To Not Keeping Accurate Records
ATLANTA -- A Channel 2 Action News investigation found total numbers could be as high as 605 non-citizens registered to vote, and 220 who voted. State leaders could not confirm the exact numbers because, as our investigation found, no one keeps accurate data of non-citizens who live here. Watch video - October 29, 2010
- Georgia Inmates Detained Under 287 (g) Speak Out FOX FIVE ATLANTA VIDEO - October 29, 2010
FOX FIVE ATLANTA TV VIDEO I-Team: Illegal Immigrant Students: ARRESTED
ATLANTA - The government estimates nearly half a million illegal immigrants live in Georgia. Legally, they’re not allowed to work. But they are allowed to go to school. FOX 5 I-Team reporter Randy Travis reveals for the first time which schools they’re attending. No one knows for sure how many illegal immigrants are students in Georgia high schools and colleges.
But we do know how many have been arrested. - New NumbersUSA Video - October 11, 2010
- Corruption and defiance continues at GDOT: Immigration laws mean nothing - September 17, 2010
- D.A. King: Georgia Dept. of Transportation is in violation of immigration law - August 18, 2010
- Integrity-free Public Works contractors - Georgia government unconcerned about JOBS JOBS JOBS - CBS Atlanta asks if GDOT contractor is hiring illegal alien workers - August 16, 2010
- They are baaaaack! Illegals return to the Cobb Courthouse construction - July 8, 2010
- The Birthright Citizenship Challenge Facing America - John Eastman, July 5, 2008
- CIS - Steven Camarota Debates Dream Act on FOX News - June 18, 2010
- Congressman Bob Bishop speaks on US border security on Federal lands - June 18, 2010
- Typical open borders nut hates Border Patrol - which is mostly Hispanic - June 24, 2010
- Broken Border: Ft. Hancock, TX: Feds Abandon Americans to Mexican Violence - June 19, 2010
- Chateau Elan, Georgia, is filling many positions after firing illegal alien workers and is now hiring American workers to replace the fired illegal immigrants. - June 9, 2010
- Georgia Governor Perdue sends illegal alien Jessica Colotl back to Kennesaw State University to finish her degree, even though it is in violation of the law. D.A. King of the Dustin Inman Society is interviewed. - May 25, 2010
- Inger Eberhart of the Dustin Inman Society supports immigration enforcement - May 23, 2010
- Cost to detain and deport illegal aliens is exposed - May 10, 2010
- One day in the life of a US Border Patrol agent - May 10, 2010
- Smuggled drugs in Atlanta arriving from Mexico - May 10, 2010
- Watch D.A. King's third 5-minute presentation (click on Tab 2; May 11, 2010) to the Cobb County Board of Commissioners educating them on ACCG/GMA and the fact that both of those organizations lobby against enforcement of our immigration laws.
- D.A. King begins public exposure of anti-enforcement ACCG/GMA lobby - May 5, 2010
- Documented terrorist danger from open border with Mexico - Another amnesty will not save American lives from being lost! Read the Congressional report. - May 3, 2010
- Radical Immigration 'Reform' Rally, Atlanta, GA - May 3, 2010
- Georgia and feds not enforcing immigration/labor laws at Atlanta airport - part 1 - April 30, 2010
- Georgia and feds not enforcing immigration/labor laws at Atlanta airport - part 2 - April 30, 2010. Here is an AJC article.
- D.A. King asks Cobb County to quit ACCG (please click on "tab 2") - April 27, 2010
GA Rep. Jay Powell acts as willing tool of ACCG/GMA to take jobs from American workers in Georgia - April 1, 2010. NOTE: Georgia Representative Jay Powell is a former GMA president.
- D.A. asks Cobb County to quit ACCG - April 27, 2010
- Jerry Gonzalez, smear huckster, loses enforcement debate - April 26, 2010
- Jerry Gonzalez, smear huckster with GALEO, contends: I misspoke but will continue to smear pro-enforcement Americans. In this debate with D.A. King of The Dustin Inman Society on the new Arizona immigration law SB 1070, Gonzalez resorts to name-calling and race-baiting. - April 26, 2010
- D.A. King on Arizona immigration law with anti-enforcement advocate - April 26, 2010
- D.A. King asks Cobb County to end membership in ACCG Inc. - April 13, 2010
- Clergy: don't deport illegals - April 5, 2010
- Senators Graham and Schumer on Immigration Reform (Amnesty) - March 28, 2010. Senator Schumer states that 15,000 illegal aliens cross our border every day and take jobs from America citizens. Senator Lindsey Graham and Senator Schumer discuss Immigration "Reform" - meaning amnesty. Senator Graham states that immigration reform (amnesty) will be a "heavy lift" this year and probably will not happen.
- Usual Suspects Demand Amnesty, Again
Audio of D.A. King on the Terry Anderson Radio Show - March 28, 2010. D.A. discusses the 2010 legislative session in Georgia and the failure of the legislature to pass two bills punishing contractors hiring illegal labor on public works projects.
- Illegal aliens March on America - Youth For Western Civilization (YWC) Video of Amnesty rally. Illegal aliens marched against America on Sunday, March 21, 2010. They were told not to bring anything but American flags, as organizers were eager to promote the lie that they cared about the United States. This video shows their true colors. Also see YWC Write Up and Pictures. Also see videos of the march from a pro-amnesty website.
- GALEO Inc. assists and transports illegal aliens across state lines demanding a repeat of the 1986 amnesty
- TV Ad: High Immigration Impacts America's Unemployed This is one of two ads combating the claims of the open-borders groups that America needs more foreign labor. The federal government imports more than 125,000 foreign workers every month, while 15 million Americans continue to look for work. Here's the second ad.
- NumbersUSA President Roy Beck and DC Mayoral Candidate Leo Alexander On February 25, 2010, the People for Change group in Prince George's County Maryland held a town hall forum to discuss the impacts of illegal immigration on local communities. NumbersUSA President Roy Beck and DC Mayoral Candidate Leo Alexander came under fire from protesters for taking a stand against illegal immigration.
- Illegal aliens fearless about federal enforcement! Contact Atlanta ICE at 404-346-2300
- Black market labor! - More on the Cobb County Courthouse Caper
- Sarah Palin says she supports Amnesty-again McCain - but she doesn't really know why
- America is hurtin'! - Contractors working on the Cobb County Courthouse use black-market labor - illegal aliens - in Marietta,Georgia USA. Illegal aliens were hired as bricklayers, keeping Americans from working on the construction site.
- Cobb County Courthouse contractors are using black market labor - February 10, 2010. Using illegal alien scab labor forces American workers out of their jobs in this tight economy. Contractors claim to be using the E-Verify program, but undercover workers claim illegal aliens are hired as subcontractors and are paid cash.
- Illegal aliens with drugs and machine guns sneaking into the U.S. - in broad daylight! While Secretary Napolitano testified before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, December 9, 2009 that "Our efforts are achieving their desired results at the border. . . . In short, the security of our southwest border has been transformed," the facts say otherwise.
- Border Fence Fraud - This is Not a Fence!
- Father Bascio on the immorality of illegal immigration
- Rep. Ted Poe Wants Congress To Take It Easy On White House Party Crashers, Says They're Just Undocumented Immigrants
- Enforcement works: 287 (g) reducing crime in Gwinnett County, Georgia
- Gwinnett Sheriff Lauds Success of 287(g)
- 287 (g) works! Illegal alien captured and deported in Georgia
- Georgia administering welfare benefits without eligibility verification
- D.A. King and anti-enforcement advocate, Rich Pellegrino interviewed regarding 287(g) November 16, 2009. 287(g) is a provision of federal law that allows state and local authorities to locate and report illegal aliens who have been arrested for additional crimes after having evaded capture at our border. Pellegrino wants "comprehensive immigration reform" which is code for a repeat of the amnesty of 1986.
- Terry Anderson ratio talk show host interview by CAPS. See The Terry Anderson Show
- Senator Edward M. Kennedy addresses an [illegal] immigration rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on April 10, 2006.
- La Raza Member Attacks Gene Green Townhall Attendees
- Gwinnett County Georgia to comply with 2006 law - finally. The local TV station is clueless that the law was passed in 2006 and went into effect in 2007. See the Dustin Inman Society page on compliance with the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act of 2006 using our Information on administering Public Benefits in Georgia.
- New Video Addresses Costs & Burdens of Immigration on U.S. Health Care & Taxpayers
- Immigration 106 -- The Emergency Room: Immigration and the Welfare State - This video addresses the accessibility illegal aliens have to public education and emergency room medical care as well as the strain that mass legal immigration levels have put on an array of social services.
- Atlanta Police Chief joins immigration debate (August 11, 2009)
- What budget cuts? GA college rewards illegals with free language classes (July 18, 2009)
- Illegal alien supporters teaching children how to hate America, Victorville/Hesperia, California (July 12, 2009)
- Taxpayer dollars spent on free ESL classes in Georgia - Adult education is a "Public Benefit" (July 16, 2009)
- TV reporter admits enforcement works: 287 (g) in Gwinnett (July 13, 2009). Also see this article: Gwinnett gets tougher on illegal aliens, Marietta Daily Journal (July 14, 2009)
- Anti enforcement subversives oppose 287 (g) in Gwinnett County Georgia (July 11, 2009)
- Rick Sanchez vs. Lou Dobbs on immigration (May 1, 2009)
- Georgia enforces law on illegal...going out of business sales (June 3, 2009)
- Dustin Inman Society's Inger Eberhart against amnesty (June 1, 2009)
- 287 (g); Gwinnett County GA - Sheriff Butch Conway: ENFORCEMENT WORKS! (May 19, 2009)
- Vicente Fox on Open Borders - the former Mexican President talks about steps to integrate the United States with Mexico (May 12, 2009)
- The cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in Gwinnett County, Georgia is $50K per day! (May 9, 2009)
- MALDEF mouthpiece plays race card. Again. D.A. King: voice of reason - A MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) mouthpiece plays the race card again during an interview about an illegal immigration rally. D.A. King presents reasoned arguments for enforcing the rule of law. (May 5, 2009)
- Illegal Alien Lobby gets help from TV Reporter - Illegal Alien Lobby gets help from TV Reporter. Facts and balanced reporting are optional. The reporter presents an infomercial for the illegal aliens against use of the very effective 287g program in which local law enforcement coordinates with federal immigration enforcement on illegal immigration. Here is more information on the 287 g program. (May 3, 2009)
- Georgia Power uses black-market labor - American killed, part 1 - An illegal alien employed by Georgia Power killed an American in a work-related accident. (April 24, 2009)
- Georgia Power uses black-market labor - American killed, part 2 - An illegal alien employed by Georgia Power killed an American in a work-related accident. (April 23, 2009)
- Jerry Gonzalez: American immigration laws? - not for us! -
Jerry Gonzalez of the Georgia-based GALEO group points that United States laws against illegal immigration are unjust and should be broken. The interview with Jerry Gonzalez took place on an April 8, 2009 march by illegal aliens and their handlers in a demand that the U.S. end enforcement of our immigration laws (open borders). Jerry is the marcher wearing the manly red plaid shirt and cap.
CBS 46 asked Gonzalez questions as to why the illegal aliens did not want immigration law enforced. He answered a few questions - view his answers on this video. However the reporter noted that many pointed questions they asked were never answered at all. - Atlanta TV reporter Caitlin Pratt does infomercial for illegal alien industry. Twisting the meanings of words beyond comprehension, an Atlanta TV reporter does an infomercial for the illegal alien industry, calling illegal aliens "pilgrims". This "news story" reports on a march for illegal alien "immigrant rights" in Marietta. (April 8, 2009)
- How not to report on illegal immigration - a fine example of widely missing the mark when reporting on criminal illegal aliens in the United States. This segment covers an "immigrant march" in Georgia.
- Race baiting in Georgia - Georgia Rep. James Mills presents testimony on HB45, after which Rep. Alisha Morgan accuses supporters of the bill as being white supremacists, racists, and members of "hate groups". D.A. King and Inger Eberhart of the Dustin Inman Society then respond. (February 23, 2009)
- Mexican Voter ID - D.A. King of The Dustin Inman Society presents the security features of Mexican Voter ID and registration - much more secure than that used in the United States. Testimony given in the Georgia Legislature in support of HR12, (February 23, 2009)
- Report on costs of illegal aliens SB 529 - the 2006 Georgia Security/Immigration Compliance Act prevents certain public benefits from going to those not here legally. In these troubled financial times, it is important that government agencies abide by and enforce the Act. Interview with D.A. King, (January 13, 2009)
- Georgia Senator Douglas: cost of illegal immigration, testimony, (February 2, 2009)
- D.A. King and Inger Eberhart present a 15-minute press conference at the Georgia Capitol on January 12, 2009. Watch part 1 and
and part 2.
The press conference covered the importance of addressing illegal immigration. Inger Eberhart emphasizes the Jordan commission finding and the words of the late Barbara Jordan, the first African-American woman to be elected to Congress from the South who said:
"Those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave."
D.A. King discussed the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act and the importance of local governments compliance with federal law and 2006 Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (GSICA). And to announce intent to lobby for HB 2 that strengthened GSICA. HB 2 was eventually passed and signed into law. - ACLU organized illegal alien lobby opposes 287 (g) in Gwinnett County Georgia - This program will screen and eventually deport Gwinnett County jail inmates who are illegal aliens. (January 14, 2009)
- Inger Eberhart's testimony before the Cherokee County, GA, Commissioners on the Jordan Commission and illegal immigration (December 30, 2008)
- U.S. Air Marshalls:'Ignore the illegal aliens on our nations airliners', (November 24, 2008)
- Previously Deported Criminal Alien Shoots Two Cops in New York Subway, (October 21, 2008)
- Illegal Aliens Show Their Gratitude, Illegal aliens show their true colors in Los Angeles: the red, green and white of Mexico, [undated].
- JD Hayworth on Jamiel Shaw Murder, (March 24, 2008)
- Illegal Aliens Protest Against Free Speech, November 4, 2006. Pro illegal allian advocacy groups brought 6 van loads of illegal day laborers to protest in front of KFI AM640 studios in Burbank, CA. They were upset that talk show hosts John and Ken discuss illegal immigration on their radio show.
- Dustin Inman Vigil, (June 16, 2008).
- Illegal Aliens are Self Deporting, CBS 46, (July 10, 2007)
- CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (May 1, 2007) - Anderson Cooper covers May 1, 2007 illegal alien demonstrations and the subject of illegal immigration. Interviews include D.A. King, of the Dustin Inman Society, Georgia.
- Lou Dobbs - Tucson Area Drug Trade Booming
CBS Discovers Scam: Anchor baby births -- at your expense
It was 5 a.m. and CBS News national correspondent Byron Pitts is with a woman who is nine months pregnant. She's rushed to a south Texas hospital to undergo a C-section - a $4,700 medical procedure that won't cost her a dime. She qualifies for emergency Medicaid... - Cobb County sheriff Neil Warren: 287g works! - 287 g - Georgia Sheriff acts on illegal immigration. Billy and Kathy Inman - Dustin's parents - are featured.
- Dustin Inman Rally in Lafayette Park, Washington, DC, (April 22, 2007)
- Attrition through enforcement works in Arizona
- Iraqi Aliens Pay Mexican Smugglers $25,000 To Cross Border
- Fake documents: A Homeland Security threat! From Georgia - Fraudulent ID for illegal aliens - possibly terrorists. WSB TV Atlanta report on illegal aliens using false documents and stolen ID. This is a "don't miss"! Two parts: Part 1 and Part 2
- NBC NEWS Undercover News Report: Illegal Alien Identification Fraud - illegals enter U.S. with rented false documents. Terrorist threat.
- Illegal aliens are self deporting from Georgia - Enforcement works! Results of Georgia's SB 529.
- 100 illegals a day self deporting from Arizona - Attrition through enforcement works!"
- Illegal Immigrants ITIN Biz SCAM (Individual Tax ID Number). Illegals - possible terrorists - use American tax numbers to set up corporations.
- Illegals: 'We have a RIGHT to Work in America' - Dunkin Donuts uses Basic Pilot (now known as "E-Verify") - Lou Dobbs (August 9, 2007)
- Un-American Union Sues to Stop Raids (September 13, 2007)
- llegal aliens rally for amnesty, again, in Los Angeles - They are marching against a group of American citizens opposed to amnesty again. (2007)
- Arrogant Mexico Blasts US Immigration Policy
- D.A. King debates church effort at sanctuary on CNN (October, 2006)
- Illegals Sue to Stop ICE Raids (September 21, 2007)
- The Illegal Immigration Traffic Report with Jack Simmons
- Taxpayers footing medical bills for illegal immigrants
- Irving TX Under Attack by ILLEGALS (September 27, 2007)
- Please note: Extensive Lou Dobbs video archives here:
- An assortment of videos from Immigration (Note, we have not seen or reviewed all of these videos).