News, commentary and reading
This news archive is closed to new articles as of June 21, 2021. Please see The New Dustin Inman Society website for current issues and articles.

Audio interview with Atlanta State Senator Sam Zamarripa and D.A. King, by Maria Hinojosa, Latino USA, October 14, 2004. (program #600). You can also listen to this audio in mp3 format.
Also see: daily news sources on illegal immigration: The Stein report - current news.
Michelle Malkin immigration blog. |
Other news sources in Georgia: Atlanta Latino (purports to be a "bi-lingual" news source - click on the "English" tab, top right). La Vision newspaper. Mundo Hispanico, Atlanta (click on the English tab - "Ingles", top left)
News Articles
The Underground Labor Force is Rising to the Surface, by Robert Justich, fixed income portfolio manager, and Betty Ng, sovereign debt analyst, Bear Stearns Asset Management. This paper was featured in Barron's and on CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight.
- Testimony on 'The 287(g) Program: Ensuring the Integrity of America's Border Security System through Federal-State Partnerships', Kris Kobach (University of Missouri, Kansas City, School of Law), Congressional Testimony, July 27, 2005
- State and Local Authority to Enforce Immigration Law - A Unified Approach for Stopping Terrorists, By Mr. Kris W. Kobach, Center for Immigration Studies, June, 2004
Gwinnett ethics panel recommends commissioner receive written warning, by D.A. King, Atlanta Journal Constitution, January 27, 2020
“While the commissioner testified that her comments were not intended to reflect her personal beliefs regarding Mr. King … her choice of words and the manner in which she delivered them at [the subsequent commission meeting] can reasonably be interpreted otherwise,” the ethics board wrote in its findings."
Elated v. Scared: Americans Are Divided on Justice Kennedy’s Retirement, by Richard Fauset, New York Times, June 28, 2018
Mr. King, eagerly awaiting who will move into Mr. Kennedy’s office, is a well-known and influential activist in Georgia whose flavor of anti-illegal immigrant activism prefigured that of Mr. Trump: He is president of a group called The Dustin Inman Society, named for a teenage boy killed in 2000 in a wreck with an undocumented immigrant driver.
Letter: Break Chain Migration, by D.A. King, Atlanta Jewish Times, March 3, 2018
Even though we are now taking in about 1 million legal immigrants every year, Aunt Fannie would have a much more difficult time migrating to New York from Poland now than she did in 1905.
Georgia’s immigration enforcement panel draws scrutiny, by Jeremy Redmon, Atlanta Journal Constitution, October 23, 2017
“For the SPLC, pretty much everyone who opposes their political agenda is attacked as ‘racists’ or ‘haters,’ ” he said. “That smear campaign isn’t fooling many thinking Americans.”
Amnesty for ‘Dreamers’ won’t solve policy flaw creating DACA dilemma, by Roy Beck, The Hill, September 12, 2017
As soon as amnestied illegal immigrants become U.S. citizens, current law allows them to petition for their parents to also obtain lifetime work permits and permanent residency. In such a case, the sins of the parents not only won’t be visited upon the children, they won’t fall upon the parents, either.
Atlanta fined $1,000 for violating Georgia immigration law, by Jeremy Redmon, Atlanta Journal Constitution, July 21, 2017
This is not the first time King has set his sights on the city. In 2012, he alleged Atlanta violated state law by allowing people to use Mexican matricula consular ID cards in city government transactions. Georgia law says city officials may not accept the cards when people apply for public benefits. Atlanta officials asked the state board to dismiss the complaint after the City Council repealed an ordinance at the heart of the dispute.
Politicians, Media Boycott Public Concerns About Immigration In Georgia Race, by Neil Munro - Breitbart News, Breitbart News, June 14, 2017
The media is also ignoring the issue, despite the poll results, King added. “It is not in the [Atlanta Journal-Constitution] newspaper, it is not on the radio….’ and it was basically kept out of the TV debate, said King. “They did not do another [question] after the first question which was ‘Do you support the travel ban?'” he said.
HB 452 sees ‘needless changes’; GBI info sharing delayed by Senator Harper, by Phil Kent, Insider Advantage Georgia, March 15, 2017
Georgia activist D.A. King, who has been working on this bill for almost two years, says he is “appalled at Public Safety Committee Chairman Tyler Harper’s uninformed changes, which insert additional, subjective language qualifying which criminal aliens will be subject to the legislation.”
Shouldn’t the public know when ICE releases criminal aliens? Georgia bill says “yes.”, by D.A. King, National Review, March 14, 2017
With that kind of dominance, passage may seem guaranteed, but my pro-enforcement friend on the ground in Georgia, D.A. King, has been working on this for about eighteen months and the says the outcome in the Senate is far from certain, with the possibility that Big Business might try to kill the measure.
Read more at: (
Georgia Poll Shows Huge Opposition To Obama's Amnesty, by Neil Munro, Daily Caller, February 16, 2015
But "many GOP state senators are doing almost comical verbal contortions trying to excuse their refusal to co-sponsor the [license] legislation," King told The Daily Caller.
AJC - Readers write Immigration laws protect law-abiding, by Billy & Kathy Inman, Atlanta Journal Constitution, November 12, 2014
While not as strict as immigration enforcement in Mexico, the Secure Communities program works toward locating illegal aliens who have landed in the nation's jails because of arrests for additional crimes.
Sen. Ted Cruz Moves Front And Center In GOP Response To Border Crisis, by Esther Yu-Hsi Lee, Fox News Latno, July 17, 2014
"What the now panicked Democrats are calling Cruz's 'hardline stance' on immigration is what conservatives simply call 'enforcement,'" King said. "It looks like Cruz is holding fast on giving Obama more money to enforce immigration law only if he stops refusing to enforce the immigration law... Cruz simply wants the promise of not extending the DACA trick to more 'victims of borders.'"
On Jeb's 'Act Of Love': Republicans Should Keep Looking For A Presidential Candidate, by D.A. King, Fox News Latino, April 8, 2014
In what should be the last words of a viable presidential campaign probe, Jeb defends the victims of borders who illegally enter the remnants of the Republic and take American jobs with the unforgettable words "yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony. It's an act of love, it's an act of commitment to your family."
National Push by a Local Immigration Activist: No G.O.P. Retreat, by JuliaPreston - Senior Times immigration reporter, New York Times, August 7, 2013
"Help us stop RubiObama amnesty!" one big sign read, with President Obama's name joined by his hallmark red-white-and-blue letter to that of Senator Rubio.
A Father's love: Dad remembers son while seeking justice for his death, by Joshua Sharp, Cherokee Tribune, June 16, 2013
This Father's Day marks the 13th anniversary of the death of a Woodstock teen killed in a car accident. The man accused of causing the crash was believed to be in the United States illegally. There has been no trial in the case.
Dustin Inman was a 16-year-old Etowah High School student who spent his days, like many other Cherokee County boys his age, fishing, hunting and passing time with friends and family.
If he were alive today, he would be 29 years old
Group rallies to pressure Georgia Senators for immigration response, by MDJ - Rachel Miller, Marietta Daily Journal, June 6, 2013
King said the amnesty legislation would remove the illegal status from immigrants and allow them to remain in the country.
American workers deserve much better than the "open border" bill that would allow 33 million job seekers to enter the United States over the next 10 years, King said.
King added there is no requirement for immigrants to learn English before becoming legalized.
King said the bill does not focus on the prevention of illegal immigration."It doesn't have border security first," he said.
King said the bill also allows for slush funds for "radical groups" like the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials, the National Council of LaRaza, and the ACLU..
Where Imigration rallies once drew hundreds of thousands, few turn out, by Associated Press/Fox News Latino, Fox News Latino, May 2, 2012
There are also strong indications that fewer immigrants are trying to come to America, and others have gone home.
"Sometimes it feels like every day is like a risk," said Eduardo Villegas, a 38-year-old undocumented immigrant who came to Georgia in the mid-90s, drawn by the construction boom that preceded the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta.
May Day protests show weak immigration movement, by Associated Press/KATE BRUMBACK and PETER PRENGAMAN, Kansas City Star, May 2, 2012
People pushing for tougher immigration laws and enforcement say the heightened fear in immigrant communities is proof that the tide is turning.
"Every day without a repeat of the 1986 amnesty is a victory for the majority of Americans," said D.A. King, a proponent of Georgia's enforcement-focused immigration law passed in 2011. "The pro-enforcement side is winning, but it isn't pretty."
Atlanta stops accepting Mexican government ID cards amid complaints, by AP/Fox News Latino, Fox News latino, May 1, 2012
The complaint filed in February by anti-illegal immigration activist D.A. King was the first complaint received by the board, which was also created by the anti-illegal immigration law enacted last year.
May Day marchers say Georgia immigration laws unfair, by Walter Jones, Florida Times Union/Morris News Service, May 1, 2012
The march and rally were noisy but peaceful. Still, nearly a dozen state troopers were on hand to watch as was D.A. King, a vocal supporter of the state's immigration law known as HB 87.
King, the president of the Dustin Inman Society, lobbies for strict enforcement of the law. He quietly photographed some of the homemade signs held by the participants, such as "Education is a human right," "No hate," and "Georgia does not grow without immigrants."
Read more at (
About 100 people rally at Ga. Capitol for May Day, by Associated press, htrnnews/ 6000 various other newspapers, May 1, 2012
D.A. King, founder of the Dustin Inman Society, which pushes for tougher enforcement of immigration laws, had a different take on the small turnout.
"I think it's an example of the fact that enforcement works," he said. "Not only is there less black market labor, there are also fewer illegal aliens and their supporters to come out to events like this."
Rally participants waved signs saying "Education is a human right," and "Legalize, organize, unionize for immigrant and worker rights." One banner in Spanish read, "The fight for justice knows no borders! Revolution now."
Justices to Rule on Role of the States in Immigration, by Julia Preston, New York Times, April 22, 2012
The Arizona law explicitly adopts a strategy known as attrition through enforcement, designed to make it so difficult and risky for illegal immigrants to live and work in the state that they will decide voluntarily to return home, or "self-deport."
Events here in Georgia showed how effective policing measures can be at driving illegal immigrants from a state. Georgia has been passing laws aimed at making it hard for illegal immigrants to live and work here since 2006. D. A. King, a staunch foe of illegal immigration who was a driving force behind most of those laws, said the measures deterred illegal immigrants from settling in Georgia, saving taxpayers money. He said the policing law adopted last year built on those earlier initiatives.
"If you use local authorities as a force multiplier for federal enforcement agencies," Mr. King said, "that is the terror that illegal aliens really fear."
Indeed, just the rumor that Georgia had adopted an Arizona-style law sent a chill through Hispanic immigrant communities throughout the southern farming region.
Georgia immigration review panel gets 1st complaint, by Kate Brumback - Associated Press, Montgomery Advertiser, March 9, 2012
The first complaint with the Immigration Enforcement Review Board was filed last month by anti-illegal immigration activist D.A. King against Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and city council members, saying a city ordinance violates state law by allowing applicants for public benefits to present an unacceptable Mexican government ID card.
County, cities work to comply with HB 87, by Geoff Folsom, Marietta Daily Journal, December 4, 2011
King said it took years for the pro-enforcement side to add the penalties in House Bill 87, and it would not surprise him to see GMA and ACCG work to try to undo those.
"ACCG/GMA represents one of the most powerful lobbying concerns under the Gold Dome and uses its dues from its member counties and municipalities to hire these ubiquitous well-funded lobbyists," King said. "County and city governments get their funds from taxpayers. I urge voters to monitor the activities of ACCG/GMA to see how their money is used in the Capitol."
Activist key to immigration bill, by Kate Brumback Associated Press, Athens Banner Herald and 9000 other news outlets, July 4, 2011
ATLANTA - With the fate of a proposal to crack down on illegal immigration still unknown in the frenetic final days of Georgia's legislative session, the bill's author was spotted several times huddled in hushed discussions in the Capitol hallways with D.A. King.
Remembering Dustin, by Kathryn Dobies, Marietta Daily Journal, June 17, 2010
Billy, 46, who works as a truck driver, said he took 56 days off work last year alone to take his wife to the hospital. While he said he tries to take care of her as much as he can himself, he said he often needs someone to help him, since Kathy needs care 24 hours a day.
Strict immigration law lacks 'teeth', by Mary Lou Pickel, Atlanta Journal Constitution, March 2, 2010
Cobb County District Attorney Pat Head faults the law for not providing penalties for those who break it.
"It would have been good to say, 'This shall be punished,' "
 Head said. "If they don't put anything in there, then there's no punishment," he said.
Bill would require businesses to participate in E-Verify program, by Camie Young - senior writer, Gwinnett Daily Post, February 27, 2010
In an economy where jobs are hard to find, state Rep. Bobby Reese wants to make sure the ones that are available aren't taken by illegal immigrants. Reese, who is running for Congress, recently filed House Bill 1259, known as The Georgia Employer and Worker Protection Act of 2010. The legislation would require Georgia businesses to participate in the E-Verify program as a condition for obtaining a business license or occupational tax certificate.
Hispanics flee law, job loss, by Andria Simmons, Atlanta Journal Constitution, February 16, 2010
Gwinnett County deputies identified 464 inmates who were in the country illegally during the first few months of the program, which is known as 287(g), Sheriff Butch Conway said. Jailers noticed another surprising outcome of the fledgling program: Foreign-born inmates, a category that encompasses illegal immigrants and legal U.S. residents born in other countries, decreased by 32 percent since the program's inception, compared to the same time frame in 2008.
The sharp decline might signal that illegal immigrants are leaving Gwinnett County to elude potential deportation, or unauthorized immigrants are avoiding contact with law enforcement, either by committing fewer crimes or by making themselves scarce, the sheriff said.
ACLU: Ga. immigration program has led to profiling, by Associated Press, Columbus Ledger Enquirer, October 12, 2009
King bristles at the notion raised by opponents of the program that people are deported for relatively minor offenses like having a busted tail light or driving without a license. They are deported, he said, because their illegal status is revealed when they are arrested for these or more serious offenses.
"287(g) was never intended to only go after a certain group of criminals," he said.
- Mission Creep and the Southern Poverty Law Center's Misguided Focus, by Carol M. Swain, Political Analyst, Professor of Political Science and Law at Vanderbilt University, August 10, 2009
- Hate and Slander for Profit - Dissecting the Southern Poverty Law Center Report, a report by Diggers Realm, August 1, 2009
NPR interview of D.A. King by Stephen Gross, WABE, February 26, 2009 - we recommend this audio interview. (Listen here if the previous link does not work.)
Gwinnett gets tougher on illegal aliens, by Kate Brumbeck - Associated Press, Marietta Daily Journal - others, July 14, 2009
"As a group of Americans of all descriptions pursuing the full and equal application of American immigration law, we could not be more proud of our role in encouraging the expansion of immigration enforcement in Gwinnett," wrote anti-illegal immigration activist D.A. King in an e-mail to supporters Sunday.
King is founder of the Dustin Inman Society, which seeks stricter laws against illegal immigration and is named for a Georgia teen killed in a traffic accident caused by an illegal immigrant.
Ga. worker eligibility checks largely unenforced, by Kate Brumbeck - Associated Press, Columbus Ledger Inquirer, July 10, 2009
The compliance rate for another part of the 2006 law requiring screening of applicants for public benefits - like Medicaid, food stamps and professional licenses - is even lower. In January, only 13 state governments or agencies had signed up to access the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements database. Homeland Security numbers from this week show just 17 users
If Perdue signs bill, immigration laws will tighten, by Mary Lou Pickel, Atlanta Journal Constitution, April 18, 2009
That is a deterrent, in and of itself, to people coming into Georgia or remaining here illegally," said D.A. King, president of the Dustin Inman Society, a Marietta-based anti-illegal immigration group, and a supporter of the legislation.
The measure, House Bill 2, updates sections of the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act of 2006, a comprehensive crackdown on illegal immigration in Georgia. It is awaiting Perdue's signature.
Key parts of Georgia immigration law not enforced, by Kate Brumback, Associated Press, January 12, 2009
D.A. King, head of the Dustin Inman Society, which pushes for stricter laws to combat illegal immigration, said at a news conference Monday at the state Capitol that local governments are flouting the law. He said he plans to lobby during the current legislative session, which started Monday, for measures to promote enforcement.
``We need to be in the forefront of the nation again,'' King told reporters. ``We passed the law, now we need to enforce it.''
- The truth about 'hate crimes' and the racial justice racket, by Ron Smith,, December 3, 2008
- The Southern Poverty Law Center - No Artistry in its Smears, by Don Feder,, February 8, 2001
- Video: Attrition through enforcement works in Arizona, by News staff, Fox news, December 5, 2007
- ADL's definition of 'bigotry' proving elastic, by D.A. King, Marietta Daily Journal, November 2, 2007
- Bludgeons of Bigotry, by Bill Nigut ADL, Marietta Daily Journal, October 31, 2007
- Spooky tactics should be resisted, by Laura Armstrong, Marietta Daily Journal, October 28, 2007
- Modern-day McCarthyism, by Joe Kirby, Marietta Daily Journal, October 28, 2007
- Modern-day McCarthyism, by Joe Kirby, Marietta Daily Journal, October 28, 2007
- Anti-Defamation League blasts Marietta's King, by Jon Gillooly, Marietta Daily Journal, October 24, 2007
- Latinos claim rights violated, by Kelly Brooks, Marietta Daily Journal, October 12, 2007
- Protesters blast proposed immigration reform, by Brian Feagans, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, May 31, 2007
- U.S., Mexico, Canada 'harmonizing' policies - North American deep cooperation on many fronts already under way, reveals new official publication, by Staff writers, WorldNetDaily, January 15, 2007
- The truth about conspiracy theories, by Tom DeWeese, American Policy Center, Canada Free Press, January 11, 2007
- The Southern Poverty Law Center: A Twisted Definition of Hate, by Matthew Vadum, Capital Research Center, November, 2006
Immigration pact to speed ID of illegals, by Amanda Casciaro, Marietta Daily Journal, October 27, 2006
- Cobb takes steps to enforce immigration laws, by Amanda Casciaro, Marietta Daily Journal, October 25, 2006
- Another immigration legalization rally held in Atlanta, by HARRY R. WEBER, Gainesville Times/ Associated Press, October 7, 2006
- Illegal immigration opponents urge action, by Amanda Casciaro, Marietta Daily Journal, September 27, 2006
Groups demand Perdue retract immigration statements, by AP - Dorrie Turner, Macon Telegraph, September 18, 2006
- Man arrested twice released, by Ashley Fuller, Cherokee Tribune, September 14, 2006
- Employer sanctions for illegal workers scaled back, by Spencer S. Hsu and Kari Lydersen, Washington Post/ Cincinnati Post, June 19, 2006
- Immigrants say temporary worker program won't be temporary, by LYNN BREZOSKY Associated Press, Houston Chronicle .com, June 13, 2006
- Homeland Security accepts fake ID, by Stephen Dinan, Washington Post, June 12, 2006
- Broken: Tens of thousands of illegals from terror-sponsoring countries in U.S., by Kenneth R. Timmerman,, June 8, 2006
- State senator speaks to group on immigration, by Aaron Baca, Marietta Daily Journal, May 31, 2006
- Double vision, by Sara A. Carter, [ San Bernadino Sun], May 28, 2006
- President Quietly Creating 'NAFTA Plus', by Jerome R. Corsi, Human Events online, May 24, 2006
- Keep 'America' in Michigan schools, by Michael Warren, The Detroit News, May 24, 2006
- North American Union to Replace USA?, by Jerome R. Corsi, Human Events online, May 19, 2006
Senate Immigration Bill Would Allow 100 Million New Legal Immigrants over the Next Twenty Years, by Robert Rector, Heritage Foundation, May 15, 2006
- Leading the Charge Against Illegal Aliens - D.A. King of the Dustin Inman Society says he's battling to protect America's borders and stem the tide of illegal immigrants into Georgia, by Coleman Cowan, Business Week Online, May 1, 2006
- Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands - States such as Georgia are cracking down on illegal labor as reform stalls on the Hill, by Staff writers, Business Week Online, May 1, 2006
- The UN's "Borderless" World, by Joseph Klein, Frony Page Magazine, April 24, 2006
Mexicans casting aspersions at Americans should look in the mirror, by Larry Elder,, April 8, 2006
Audio Interview with D.A. King on Latino USA, by D.A. King, Latino USA, April 7, 2006
Audio Interview with D.A. King on Latino USA, by D.A. King, Latino USA, April 7, 2006
- What Bush fails to see at the border, by Ronald F. Maxwell, Washington Times, April 6, 2006
- Fuzzy Math on Illegal Immigration, by Carl Bialik, The Wall Street Journal, April 5, 2006
- Zamarripa to bow out of politics, by Sonji Jacobs, Atlanta Journal Constitution, April 5, 2006
- Warrior against illegals lives, breathes the issue, by Carlos Campos, Atlanta Journal Constitution, March 27, 2006
- Guest Worker Programs Have Flawed Past, by JIM ABRAMS Associated Press, Sokesman-Review, March 25, 2006
- House next to take on immigration, by Dave Williams, Gwinnett Daily Post, March 9, 2006
- Senate ratifies limits on illegals Bill would deny benefits, punish employers, but foes call it mean-spirited, by Jim Tharpe, Carlos Campos, Atlanta Journal Constitution, March 9, 2006
- Hispanics flood Capitol to protest immigration bill, by Carlos Campos, Atlanta Journal Constitution, March 8, 2006
- Activists push immigration restrictions, hoping for illegals' self-deportation, by GIOVANNA DELL'ORTO Associated Press, Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, February 26, 2006
Illegals-advocate group to stalk Minute Man kids, Day labor center strikes back at Border group, by World Net Daily, World Net Daily, February 25, 2006
- The Second Mexican War, by Lawrence Auster, Front Page Magazine, February 17, 2006
- The New Immigration Cops, by Miriam Jordan, Wall Street Journal, February 2, 2006
- The New Immigration Cops, by Miriam Jordan, Wall Street Journal, February 2, 2006
Civil rights belong only to citizens, by D.A. King, Red and Black University of Georgia, January 18, 2006
Father's mission to avenge son's death pays off, by Ann Dickerson, Atlanta Journal Constitution, December 17, 2005
- Alien Birthright Citizenship: A Fable That Lives Through Ignorance, by P.A. Madison, The Federalist Blog, December 17, 2005
- Bush on the Constitution: "Just a goddamned piece of paper", by Doug Thompson, Capitol Hill Blue, December 9, 2005
Pew Hispanic Center Report: Unemployment Plays Small Role in Spurring Mexican Migration to U.S., by Press Release, Pew Hispanic Center, December 6, 2005
- Playing Both Sides of the Fence - The President will try to end a year of mishaps with a victory on immigration reform. But his own party may revolt, by John Cloud, Mike Allen, TIME Magazine, December 5, 2005
- Border fence too essential to ignore by Jan C. Ting - editorial, The Philadelphia Inquirer, December 4, 2005
- GOP Congress Earmarks $4 Million for Leftist Pro-Illegal Alien Group by Amanda B. Carpenter, Human Events Online, December 2, 2005
- Border Wars - More illegal immigrants. More violence. More death. The public has had it. Now the Bush administration has a new plan. But will it matter?, by Angie C. Marek, U.S. News and World Report, November 28, 2005
Liberals Beware - there is a high cost to 'cheap' labor, by Richard Lamm,, November 27, 2005
- National reform needed instead of immigration bill, officials say, by Blake Aued, Athens Banner-Herald, November 16, 2005
- Mad as hell in Cobb County - 'Immigration crime fighter' D.A. King defies critics by Doug Monroe,, November 2, 2005
- Mexico's Undiplomatic Diplomats, by Heather Mac Donald, City journal, Autumn, 2005
- Frustrated ranchers take over border security, by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, October 31, 2005
- Businesses that hire illegals could lose state contracts, Mike Sunnucks, Phoenix Business Journal, October 28, 2005
- Signs homeless are willing to work, opinion: Atlanta Journal-Constitution, October 21, 2005
- Homeless paid $10 to rally - Crowd opposes illegal immigration, by Nancy Badertscher, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, October 20, 2005
- Rally pushes end of aid to illegals, by Nancy Badertscher, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, October 18, 2005
- Protest focuses on aid by state, by Vicky Eckenrode, Morris News Service, The Agusta Chronicle, October 17, 2005
Immigration costs more than thought, Peter A. Brown, Orlando Sentinal, October 14, 2005
- Feds break up cocaine ring; 28 arrested, by Bill Rankin, Atlanta Journal, Constitution, October 14, 2005
Harvest of death on the Eastern Shore, byBill Burke, Virginia-Piolot, October 10, 2005
- Mexican flag at City Hall fuels controversy, by Dusty Vassey, The Tifton Gazette, October 7, 2005
- Alert the Media! D.A. King agrees with Cynthia Tucker!, by D.A. King, The Wake Up American Foundation, October 6, 2005
- Birthright citizenship under attack, by Mary Lou Pickel, Eunice Moscoso, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, September 29, 2005
- Report: Illegal Immigration Has Increased, by Stephen Ohlemacher, Associated Press Writer,, September 27, 2005
- Groups rally for curbs in immigration - Gathering targets illegal aliens, welfare, by y Elizabeth Walters, Concord Monitor, September 26, 2005
- Father believes killer freed - 5-year hunt ends in frustration, by Ann Dickerson, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, September 22, 2005
- Loans exist in legal gray area; immigrants [illegal aliens] invest where they work, by Greg Avery, Boulder (Colorado) Daily Camera Business, September 19, 2005
- Brown Berets Get Ready, by Romeo Cantu, KGBT 4 TV, September 15, 2005
- Bill would put lid - on services to illegal aliens, by Marietta Daily Journal Online, September 15, 2005
Illegal immigration tarnishes America - A controversial Idaho county commissioner calls for blocking our borders, by Robert Vasquez, published on Tidepool, September 14, 2005
- Not So Realistic - Why Some Would-Be Immigration Reformers Don't Have the Answer, by Mark Krikorian, National Review, September 12, 2005
- Networks Have an Ear for Spanish, by Meg James, Los Angeles Times, September 11, 2005
- More on U.S. Taxpayer aid to Katrina Illegals, by D.A. King, posted September 10, 2005
- DREAM Act - a nightmare from Hispandering politicians, by D.A. King, Marietta Daily Journal, September 9, 2005
- Local police can enforce laws on immigration, by Chipp Reid, Danbury News-Times, September 9, 2005
- U.S. Has Agreed Not to Prosecute Undocumented Migrants [illegal aliens] Affected by Katrina, by Associated Press, September 2, 2005
- Anti-immigrant diatribe nothing new - Textbook knee-jerk open-borders response letter to the editor, Marietta Daily Journal, September 2, 2005
- A Reader Offers Pro Bono Tax Advice To Ranch Rescue SPLC Victims, by Raymond McClaren, September 1, 2005
- U.S. policy on immigration is a tragic joke, by Lou Dobbs, Arizona Republic, August 28, 2005
- Answers on immigration hard to find, by Mike King, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, August 25, 2005
- Democrats serve up barbecue, politics, by Jake Jacobs, Macon Telegraph, August 22, 2005
- Illegal Immigration, Treason, and Buffet Restaurants, by Jill Walker, The Conservative Voice, August 24, 2005
- Illegal alien lobby eating the elephant one bite at a time, by D.A. King, Marietta Daily Journal, August 24, 2005
- You have been invaded, America, Statement by U.S. Border Patrol Local 2544, Tucson, Arizona, August 20, 2005
- Liberal Two-Step - Dems pay lip service only on border control, by Mark Krikorian, National Review, August 19, 2005
- Leaders propose a minority alliance, by Yolanda DeLong,, August 18, 2005
- It's 2005: Do you know where your tax dollars are?, by D.A. king, Columnist, originally published in the Marietta Daily Journal, August 16, 2005
- [Coweta] County [Ga.] cracking down on illegals, by Sarah Fay Campbell, Times Herald, Newnan, Georgia, August 17, 2005
- USA officials seek to declare "border vigilantism" a federal hate crime, by Hector Carreon, La Voz de Aztlan, August 15, 2005
- North Carolina DWI Death Prompts Proposal for Tracking Illegal Immigrants, by Associated Press,, August 15, 2005
- Napolitano declares emergency, OKs funding for border, by Paul Davenport, Associated Press, Tucson Citizen, August 15, 2005
- Number of expats more than 20 million, by Arturo Zarture Zarate, El Universal, August 15, 2005
- Attitudes toward Immigrants and Immigration Policy, by the Pew Hispanic Center, August 16, 2005
- Immigration taboos, by Thomas Sowell,, August 16, 2005
- Judge Rules: If Feds Won't Enforce Immigration Laws, Locals Must Not, by Mac Johnson, Human Events Online, August 15, 2005
- Latinos rally for change, by Michael Easterbrook, News & Observer, August 15, 2005
- U.S. frustration with Mexico may be growing, by Jerry Brewer,, August 15, 2005
- Bill Richardson touches off a firestorm in Mexico, by Frontera NorteSur,,August 15, 2005
- Rogers standing firm on illegals, by Don McKee, Marietta Daily Journal, August 15, 2005
- Chambliss: We'll tackle immigration, by Dave Williams, Gwinnett Daily Post, August 12, 2005
- Illegal Alien Crime Wave, by Jim Kouri, The Sierra Times, August 12, 2005
- Illegal immigrants will be hot state topic, by Sinji Jacobs, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, August 11, 2005
- Just asking, by D.A. King, Washington Times, August 8, 2005
- Students may earn diploma in Spanish, by Eric Beavers, The Daily Citizen, August 8, 2005
Web site inspired by child's death, by Ashley Fuller, Cherokee Tribune, August 7, 2005
- Students who speak English as second language will be on 5-year plan, by Alisa Marie DeMao, Online Athens, August 5, 2005
- Mundo Hispanico article on Zamarripa bank protest, Translation of article by Mundo Hispanico, August 5, 2005
- FDIC Endorsement of Illegal Alien Mortgages Violates the Law, by Dan Stein Report, August 5, 2005
Stealing The American Dream, by D.A. King, published August 3, 2005
Illegal immigrant or independent contractor?, by Philip J. Siegel, Professional Roofing, August, 2005
- Mexican mercenaries expand base into U.S., by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, August 1, 2005
- What Would It Cost to Deport Illegal Aliens?, by Mac Johnson, Human Events Online, August 1, 2005
- DWI record worse than known - Oversights left man on road, in U.S. despite 5 charges, by Liz Chandler, Ames Alexander Danica Coto, Charlotte Observer, July 31, 2005
- Mexico Meltdown Watch, by Brenda Walker, published July 31, 2005
How Far Is It From Illegal To Undocumented?, by D.A. King, published July 30, 2005
- Now they tell us! What Hispanic immigration means to America, by Michelle Malkin, July 30, 2005
- Readers get a peek behind our newsprint curtain, by Angela Tuck, Atlanta Journal - Constitution, July 30, 2005
- Illegal entry by non-Mexicans rises - Those coming from Brazil, Central America, and 'countries of concern' could hit 150,000 this year, by Chris Axtman, Christian Science Monitor, July 26, 2005
- Merger with Mexico, by Joseph Farah,, July 20, 2005
- N.J. immigrants getting N.C. licenses, by Taft Wireback,, July 20, 2005
- Child Labor, And Tragedy, In Georgiafornia, by D.A. King, published July 20, 2005
- Despite some gains, Georgia's job market still limping, by The Associated Press, July 31, 2005
- Embracing Illegals - Companies are getting hooked on the buying power of 11 million undocumented immigrants, by Business Week Online, July 18, 2005
- Treasonous agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations, by Devvy Kidd, WorldNetDaily, June 17, 2005
- One Mexican in every 11 emigrates to U.S., by Rachel Urang, Los Angeles Daily News, June 15, 2005
- CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada, by Phyllis Schlafly, EagleForum, July 13, 2005
- Governor Perdue on sidelines on illegal aliens, by D.A. King, published in the Marietta Daily Journal June 10, 2005
Illegal Aliens and American Medicine, by Madeleine Pelner Cosman, Ph.D., Esq., The Journal of the American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 10 Number 1 - Spring 2005
- La Reconquista -- Amnesty's Elephant in the Living Room, by Carl Horowitz, The Social Contract, Spring, 2005
- George Thomas Clark debates D.A. King about immigration, by George Thomas Clark, April 22, 2005
- ACLU aiding illegal entry into U.S.? - Minuteman spokesman charges group with criminal activity, by, April 15, 2005
Immigrants [illegal aliens] latch on to tax ID numbers - Undocumented workers [illegal aliens] able to obtain home loans, By Rebecca McCarthy, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, October 12, 2004
The True Cost of 'Cheap Labor',
by D.A. King, January 28, 2004, Marietta Daily Journal
- Transcript: Immigrant Nation: Divided Country, CNN Presents, Aired April 17, 2005 and October 17, 2004
- Who is the Southern Poverty Law Center and What is Their Role in the Campaign Against Prop. 200? by FAIR, August 24, 2004
- Morris Dees Fact Sheet published by The Patriotist
- Could There Be Twenty Million Illegals In The U.S.?, by By D.A. King, The Dustin Inman Society, August 7, 2004
- Our border with Mexico is still far from secure, by Lou Dobbs, CNN, CNN News, June 17, 2004
- CNN's Lou Dobbs interview with T. J. Bonner, President, National Border Patrol Council, by Lou Dobbs, CNN, CNN News, June 15, 2004
- Preying On Human Cargo, by Michael Maiello and Susan Kitchens,, Forbes, June 7, 2004
- Border control initiative runs into troubles, by Susan Carroll and Daniel Gonzalez, Tucson Citizen, June 3, 2004
- Border Desert Proves Deadly For Mexicans, by Timothy Egan, New York Times, May 23, 2004
- Bush Amnesty Sparks Surge in Border Crossings, by staff writers, Fox News, February 19, 2004
- When a hate crime is something to love by Wesley Pruden, Editor in Chief, The Washington Times, February, 2004
- Lump of Coal Fairfax Journal, December 16, 2003
- Wypijewski Replies on the SPLC, by JoAnn Wypijewski, The Nation, February 8, 2001
- INS: 7 million illegal immigrants in United States - Mexicans make up nearly 70 percent of total, figures show, by Terry Frieden, CNN, February 1, 2003
- Is it Assimilation or Invasion?, By Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum, November 28, 2001
- Estimate of Illegal Immigrant Population Rises, by Staff writers, National Center for Policy Analysis, October 25, 2001
- Feds Undercount Illegal Aliens, by Staff writers,, March 16, 2001
- Intolerance Identified - Morris Dees and The Southern Poverty Law Center, by Karen De Coster, The Laissez Faire City Times, December, 2000
- The Church Of Morris Dees by Ken Silverstein, Harpers Magazine, November, 2000
- The 287(g) Program: Ensuring the Integrity of America's Border Security System through Federal-State Partnerships, by Kris W. Kobach, Professor of Law, University of Missouri (Kansas City) School of Law, July 27, 2005
The Potential for New Latino Homeownership Among Undocumented Latino Immigrants, by the National Association of Hispanic Professionals, October, 2004
- Government breaks promise to veterans but ponies up for illegal immigrants, by D.A. King, August 5, 2004, published in the Marietta Daily Journal
- Unauthorized Migrants: Numbers and Characteristics, by Jeffrey S. Passel, Pew Hispanic Center, June 14, 2005
- The Open Borders Lobby and the Nation's Security After 9/11, by William Hawkins and Erin Anderson,, January 21, 2004
- Sending Money Home - State-by-State Analysis of US Remittances to Latin America, 2004
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