Terms, facts, acronyms and issues concerning America's un-secured borders and the illegal immigration crisis
- Combining American and Mexican Social Security Systems: Totalization
- Mortgage loans to illegal aliens
- Amnesty
- Drivers Licenses for illegal aliens
- Matricula Consular ID
- Birthright Citizenship
- Education and public schools
- Gangs
- Free health care
- In-state college tuition
- Illegal Alien Numbers
- See more issues on FAIR's website
Terms and acronyms
Most government used terms and acronyms pertaining to legal immigration can be found here.
We answer frequently asked questions and offer additional information on facts and more terms that apply to illegal immigration below. Please check back regularly, as we are constantly adding to the list.
What is an immigrant?
What is an alien?
Any person not a citizen or national of the United States. More information.
What does the word "illegal" mean?
Definition. Many who advocate for open borders and the continued colonization of the United States attempt to blur the line between real, legal immigrants who wait to join the American family legally - and illegal aliens, who have no respect for our system of laws...unless it benefits them directly. Don't be confused about the difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien.
From where does illegal immigration come?
Because our borders remain unsecured, people from all parts of the world walk into our republic everyday. This includes nations such as Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.
The U.S. Census and U.S. Border Patrol records show that most illegal immigration comes from Latin America, with Mexico sending about 70% of the total. The Pew Hispanic Center reports that 80-85% of the Mexican born people now in the U.S came here illegally (see article).
See More information.
More information. (Please contact The Dustin Inman Society if you do not believe that we as a nation - and a state - are being invaded and colonized by illegal aliens who are trespassing in the U.S... mostly from Mexico).
What is a resident alien and non-resident alien?
What is a "Green Card"?
What is the Green Card Lottery, or "Diversity lottery"?
Explanation. Really... is this the way we really want to decide who becomes an American?
What is the official language of the United States?
The U.S. has no official language. There are 231 languages spoken in the United States, and 6,800 languages used somewhere in the world. Executive Order 13166 potentially applies to all of them. The Bush administration insists on preserving Executive Order 13166.
What is the official language of Georgia?
In what languages are Georgia voting ballots printed?
What results can we expect from massive illegal immigration?
Take a look at El Cenizo, Texas.
What is an "Anchor baby"?
Definition and more information.
What is an "OTM"?
An illgeal border crosser who is Other Than Mexican.
What is an "NTA"?
What do the Border Patrol Agents think?
See their Tucson Local 2544 website.
FACT: According to United States Senator John McCain, U.S. Border Patrol figures indicated that in the year 2002, nearly four million people crossed our borders illegally. Illegal immigration has increased since each year since 2002.
Fact: Illegal immigration has actually increased since the horror of 9/11
Fact: The U.S. Border Patrol reports that illegal immigration increased after and because of President Bush's amnesty proposal in 2004.
Fact: The U.S. gave a "one time" amnesty to nearly three million illegal aliens in 1986.
FACT: There have been six amnesties since the "one time amnesty" of 1986 for nearly three million illegal aliens.
Fact: Amnesties, by any name ("Guest worker plan", "legalization", "regularzation" etc.) do not stop illegal immigration.
Fact: Most illegal immigration into the U.S. comes from Mexico and Latin America.
Fact: Mexico's population is in excess of 100 million.
FACT: Mexico encourages and assists illegal immigration into the United States.
Fact: In 2002, births to illegal aliens accounted for nearly one out of every 10 births in the United States.
Fact: One in every 11 people born in Mexico is a U.S. resident, and about half enter the border illegally.
Fact: U.S. population, at 296 million in 2005, is projected to double within the lifetimes of children born today. Two thirds of this growth is due to mass immigration. (More information).