We get mail - page 7
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Dear Mr. King,
Thank you for all that you have done for our country. I am enclosing a little picture of my granddaughter Emma as a reminder of what this struggle is all about.
I have been following the efforts to stop illegal immigration through American Patrol and I am very impressed with what you and other patriots have accomplished in Georgia. Way to go Georgia!
I am also trying to get the word out on the North American Union.
This illegal immigration issue has really opened my eyes on the phony actors and pathological liars who run Washington. Next election I am voting for Duncan Hunter because he has been fighting on this issue for many years. I am being much more careful in my voting because in politics not all that glitters is gold.
M.T., Dracut, MA
I have lived in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Italy, India, Indonesia and Singapore. I HAD TO LEARN THEIR LANGUAGE. No government document/drivers' license, gas pump, hardware store, grocery store, etc. WAS PRINTED IN MY LANGUAGE!
In all the years of ALL the IMMIGRANTS to the USA, they all learned ENGLISH and assimilated. ONLY the MEXICANS refuse! Because they think this is their country.
Yesterday I saw a car with a bumper sticker "LA RAZA" - what does that tell us about the increasing arrogance of these illegals?
J.R., Alpharetta, GA
I heard your interview yesterday on NPR. I am one of many fairly liberal Democrats in this part of the country who believes that everything you said during the interview is correct. And I am REALLY tired of the endless droning of the media and supporters of illegal immigration about "jobs Americans won't do", "they are HELPING(??)the economy" etc. etc. Your answers to NPRs questions were spot on. Great Job!! I'm sending a donation.
K.B., Rochester, NY
Local enforcement is automatic in other countries. When are we going to wake up and insist that the local police - the "cop on his beat" patrol the streets as he once did. The patrol car is efficient in its way but does not, as it were, have its ear to the ground. Critics of the old system suggest that for the local police to be empowered to challenge the legality of any stranger's presence amd to arrest illegals, turns us into a 'police state". Nonsense.
Our cities will not be safe until we - the police of the local Precinct - know exactly who is in each neighborhood. Years ago, when I was a Fulbright student in London, I was required to report to the local police: name, addres, means of support, purpose of presence in the U.K.. A year or so later, when I forgot to report a change of address, the police came looking for me. (The Bobby at my door did not arrest me; he just gave me a friendly reminder that British law required me to report that change.)
In Japan, I'm told, the local police go on unspecified dates, to each house in their precinct, knock on the door and ask, "Who lives here?" If they did not control and keep track of the persons in the neighborhood, the nation called "Japan" would have disappeared in the flood, drowned by over-population, by millions of unwanted, unassimilatable immigrants.
WHEN will plain old Yankee Common Sense be our daily guide for survival as individuals and as a nation? Common sense dictates that we need to keep track of whoever comes to live nextdoor. The current chaos cultivated by our government must be stopped. If our representatives refuse to do so, we should resort to our historic tradition of local militia manned by the citizen residents of each neighborhood. Thus, the Declaration of Independence advises if our government fails or refuses to govern, the people should assume the initiative to bring law and order. The current chaos is a form of individual and national suicide - it invites the mischief makers to do as they please because we are too stupid to stop them.
D.I., London, England
I am proud of everyone [who helped fight the 2007 Senate Amnesty bill]. It surprised me that I (and we) really can make a difference! And thank you for your tireless efforts, much appreciated!!!
Thank you for all your good work! As we say in Texas we really "crapped in their messkits" on this one. Those damn politicians in Washington found out what Freedom in Action means. Freedom is only for those willing to fight for it and apparently there are a hell of a lot of us in that category. I live in Texas where the Moron in the White House comes from. We finally got us a President without an Accent but unfortunately we also got one without a Brain!!
I loved every minute of calling, faxin and bitchin at those rascals. I think we were like a bunch of fireants. We found more than a few Republicans who need cleaning out of DC on this one! Our Texas Senators were strong with us from the beginning in spite of lots of pressure from Bush. He is for open borders totally and just wont enforce any laws relating to this mess.
Thanks again for your efforts. I am proud to be a part of what you started. Lets keep going. I have lived too damn long to see my Country given away by a bunch of worthless politicians. It aint gonna happen!
C., Texas
I heard your NPR interview this morning. Well spoken. I am among many who know without a doubt that amnesty will reappear many more times and that neither party- because they are identical- will secure our borders, enforce the laws or suddenly care that we survive as an independent nation.
Well done! I appreciate your voice.
J.G., Snohomish, Washington
We have had family living in Marrietta near Austel Road. The apartment complexes there are full of "ILLEGALS". Our GrandSon worked in one of them one Summer and he said there was at least 12 persons in each apartment. MY parents and Grandparents immigrated from Italy. My Mother was left behind in Naples (2 years old) because she had the Croupe. My Father could not attend Public School until he learned American (English). Keep Up The good work !!!
T.A., Raleigh, NC
Dear Mr. King: I believe it was you who was profiled on today's NPR, and I THOROUGHLY, ABSOLUTELY agree with what you folks are trying to do, and I raise my hat to you. Nothing gets me more riled up than this issue.
And I know what I speak of as well: I have been working in over 13 countries, studied in another three and have travelled in close to 60. Why can't we get it right?
I realize (at least as far as this issue is concerned) that we have two basically do-nothings up here, so I am not sure how effective I can sway things. But do e-mail me any relevant information you can provide.
Anyway, carry on the good fight, and thanks.
K.M., Dorchester, MA
I heard the NPR story 7/5/07 and thought Mr. King expressed my sentiments exactly. On this issue, I remember the 1986 legislation. It promised to solve this problem. Who is talking about how and why that law failed? The problem is enforcing those existing laws. And apparently the federal government does not have the will to do it. So why should I believe future lawmakers will change. If it means I have to pay more at a restaurant, motel, for home construction or fruits and vegetables, so be it. If fruit rots on the vine in the State of Washington, does that justify looking the other way on the rule of law? I do not like supporting an illegal low paid work force and allowing private business to profit on the backs of illegal workers. What are labor unions positions? Where is the discussion of opening up more legal immigration into the USA to meet the demand for labor?
J.C., Virginia Beach, VA
Thanks for sending me this additional information. I briefly went to the BLOG and it will be my Monday's homework! I am off next week for spring break and will have the time to give your hard work the full attention it deserves. I feel that as an educator, but more importantly an American citizen, it is my responsibility to educate our country and stop the destruction of this great nation. I will get back to you next week with questions or just my impressions, if you don't mind. In order to help, I need to keep researching and trying to comprehend this insanity. Thanks for providing me with information that I will be able to share with others. You are just amazing.
I have to admit that while I was familiar with the NAU, the video was so powerful that I started shaking. I can't imagine what impact it will have on those who are unfamiliar with any of this. I hope and pray that it moves them to act!
Any feedback I get regarding the video etc., I'll pass it on to you.
D.B., Chicago
Thanks for the talking points on illegals. I've used several of them. I read an article today in the Dallas Morning News that said something like, "If immigrants left, our inner cities would be in trouble. There would be no workers. Americans having been moving to suburban areas for better employment opportunities." What a pack of lies! People have moved out of the cities to get away from the crime illegals are bringing in, the horrible education systems because of the illegals whose parents could care less about a good education but love the free breakfasts and lunches the kids get, and from the trashy neighborhoods because many time illegals rent houses and as many as 30 people live there. You can't get into an emergency room for treatment because the illegals use it like a doctor's office (and they don't have to pay and no one reports them). If you look at the education system alone, we now have to provide bilingual education, ESL services, and breakfast and lunch fo! r these kids. That's where a large part of the money in education is going.
Pam, Texas