MALDEF, ACLU, GALEO, ADL sponsored rally against passage of the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (SB 529)
Photos taken inside the Georgia Capitol immediately after the March 8, 2006 MALDEF, ACLU, GALEO, ADL sponsored rally against passage of the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (SB 529).
These pictures are of some of the dozens of self-described illegal aliens who GALEO Executive Director Gerardo E. (Jerry) Gonzalez brought into the Georgia Capitol and the Georgia Senate Chamber.He proudly assisted the illegal aliens in lobbying Georgia legislators against passage of SB 529.
As usual, Gonzalez had no compunction about assisting and encouraging illegal aliens despite the clear federal law making that action a crime.
GALEO employee and lobbyist Jerry Gonzalez can be seen in one of the photos as he does a press interview.
PLEASE read the AJC report on the day here.