Photos from the January 20, 2010 GALEO rally for amnesty

GALEO - a Sam Zamarripa founded Georgia pro-open borders/illegal alien lobbying corporation - organized a January rally for amnesty-again at the state Capitol here in Georgia. It wasn't exactly a huge success.

Because DIS president D.A. King is in the Capitol nearly every day during the legislative session, he was able to stop by and take a few photographs of the "crowd" that attended the "rally." The photos here were taken at 5:15-5:20 PM. The "rally" began at 5:00 PM. King reports that he watched about 10 people walk up just before the 5:00 PM start time and saw them, led by GALEO Executive Director, Gerardo E. (Jerry) Gonzalez, head into the legislative office building when no one else showed up.

No doubt Jerry Gonzalez will report to his puppeteers that his rally was a huge success...

The anti-enforcement young man (left, first photo) who waved at the camera as the first photo was taken - on public property - got quite upset ("you can't take my picture" he screamed at King - in English) when he realized who the photographer was. Last we saw him, he was frantically searching for a Capitol Police officer to report King for taking his a "rally." In front of the Georgia Capitol. In the public "free speech" area. D.A. got quite a chuckle out of that one.

The GALEO amnesty rally was announced HERE and HERE and a press release HERE was sent out again the day of the "rally." One of the tactics for the far-left as presented in Rules for Radicals from Saul Alinsky (Rule #1) is: "If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do."

Jerry did a poor job of hiding his numbers at this rally!

Note - it turns out that when Jerry Gonzalez saw that his rally fizzled due to lack of interest, he and his little band stayed in the legislative office building and renamed it a "press conference" - a strained description considering there was no press. He posted a photo of his own HERE.)