August 5, 2014

ILLEGAL ALIEN LOBBY-Donor/sponsor/enabler list for Jerry Gonzalez’s GALEO May, 2014 11th annual Power Breakfast fundraiser.

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Donor/sponsor/enabler list for Jerry Gonzalez’s GALEO May, 2014 11th annual Power Breakfast fundraiser. The Annual GALEO Power Breakfast is one of the principle fundraising events for anti-borders GALEO & the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund.

Jerry Gonzalez bio HERE

PHOTO – that is Jerry Gonzalez on the far-left with more of Georgia’s illegal alien lobby in Georgia Governor Deal’s office, July, 2014 from a WABE radio story HEREJerry in Gov Deal office July, 2014

Gerardo E. (Jerry) Gonzalez is a former MALDEF employee.

Important, (but ignored by the media) quote from MALDEF co-founder, Mario Obledo: “California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. They ought to go back to Europe.”

Thank you from Angry-Jerry Gonzalez HERE .

List of illegal alien lobby fund-raiser event sponsors:

*Georgia Republican state Senator Jack Hill

*Georgia Republican state Senator Tommie Williams (Note, we see a “thank you” to Georgia state Senator Tommie Williams at the fundraiser, but not a formal note of his donation. Maybe they are referring to Williams’ help in joining Jerry Gonzalez in South Georgia (June, 2014) to address a group to ‘get out the vote’…)

*Cox Enterprises – owners of: Cox Media group, Auto Trader,

*Coca Cola

*Kuck Immigration law Partners law firm Charles Kuck is vice-Chair of the GALEO Board of Directors – most media in Georgia, including the AJC simply describes him as “an immigration lawyer.”

*Georgia Power

*Western Union

*McGuire Woods law firm

*McKenna Long Aldridge law firm

*Jason Esteves Atlanta Board of Education – * Keynote speaker and member of the Board of GALEO


*AmeriMex Communications Corporation

*Briarcliff Pediatrics (this office is operated by Jerry Gonzalez’s husband, Dr. Ray Deeb )

*Rey Pascual Rey Pascual is a member of the Board, GALEO

*Rohan Law, P.C. Douglas Rohan is a member of the Board of Directors, GALEO

*Southwest Airlines ( there was a later drawing for two airline tickets donated by SWA – the winner was GALEO member Republican state Senator Jack Hill. Gonzalez congratulated Senator Jack Hill in a GALEO “get out the vote” newsletter in June : “Congratulations to Georgia State Senator Jack Hill (R-Reidsville), the GALEO Member who renewed his membership during the months of May/June to qualify for a pair of Southwest Airlines tickets! We drew the winning ticket on Thursday, July 10th at the GALEO office. Pictures are posted on our facebook wall! There is a lot going on and your actions and raising your voice is necessary.”

*Corso Law Center

*International Women’s Health Services

*The Road to Recovery Inc. (This immigration-dependent business was founded and is operated by Rocio Woody, who is also a Board member of GALEO. Rocio Del Milagro Woody was appointed to Georgia’s State Board of Corrections in the fall of 2013 by Republican Governor Nathan Deal and confirmed in that position by the super-majority Republican-controlled state Senate. Breitbart write up here.)

*Arnall Golden Gregory

*Castan & Lecca P.C.

*Consultorio Medico Hispano

*Jake Sanchez

*Better Pallets Inc.

*Judge Dax Lopez –Lopez is also a member opf the board of GALEO

*Judith Martinez

*La Voz Latina, Savannah

* Leonard Gomez, City Council, Grantville Georgia – Gomez is a product of GALEO network ‘Institute for Leadership’ anti-borders training in community organizing

*Mimi Woodsen, City Council Columbus, Georgia – Woodsen is also board member GALEO

*Georgia state Senator Nan Orrock (D)

*Georgia state Representative Pat Gardner (D)

*BB&T bank

*Laura Murvartian – Murvartian is an Executive Member of the board of GALEO – Treasurer

*Norma Price

*Rey Martinez, City Council Loganville, Georgia

*State Farm Insurance Co. did not participate this year, but usually does. HERE is link to 2013 event.

Entire list as posted on GALEO facebook page here

Photos here

Link to 2014 GALEO Board members HERE

Training future anti-borders radicals HERE

May 2, 2009

2009 GALEO Board of Directors

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2009 GALEO Board of Directors

GALEO Executive Board of Directors

Chairman: Former State Sen. Sam Zamarripa (SD-36, D-Atlanta), Co-Chair
Vice Chair: Rep. Pedro Marin (HD-96, D-Gwinnett County)), Co-Chair
Vice Chair: Evelyn “Mimi” Woodson, Columbus City Council
Treasurer: Dax Lopez, Foltz Martin,LLP
Secretary: Rocio Del Milagro Woody, The Road to Recovery, Inc.

GALEO Board Members At Large:

Judge Tony Del Campo, DeKalb County State Court
David Rodriguez, Former Member of the Lawrenceville City Council
Rudy Beserra, The Coca-Cola Company
State Rep. Tony Sellier (R-Fort Valley)
Luz Borrero, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, City of Atlanta
Charles Kuck, Kuck Casablanca LLC


June 18, 2019

From Republican activist Chris Owen: Another letter to Gov Kemp on GALEO’s John King

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Another letter. And a note to Ms. Owen. Yes, Gov Kemp knows all about GALEO.


Dear Gov. Kemp:

Up to this point I have been very PLEASED with the decisions that you have made!

This one baffles me, however! WHAT IN THE WORLD POSESSED YOU TO CHOOSE JOHN KING TO TAKE JIM BECK’S PLACE? Do you really know WHO he is??? Do you KNOW WHAT GALEO IS? Did you really do your homework? WHY would you choose someone who is pro-amnesty, pro-illegal immigration…….. in ANY POSITION in the GA bureaucracy?

Needless to say, I am VERY disappointed! PLEASE DO YOUR HOMEWORK THE NEXT TIME…..and thoroughly vet candidates such as this!

Chris Owen

October 23, 2018

D.A. King in Insider Advantage Georgia today: Temporary driver’s license for foreign nationals acceptable ID at Georgia polls

Posted by D.A. King at 12:29 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Insider Advantage Georgia

October 23, 2018

D.A. King

This seems far, far away from “voter suppression.” The driver’s license Georgia issues to non-citizens – including illegal aliens who have already been ordered deported – is acceptable and “proper identification” when casting a ballot.

This, according to multiple staffers at the main office of the Cobb Board of Elections and Registration office in Marietta when asked multiple times by this early voter last week. To get an answer I had to explain what a limited term license is.

For those who are not well versed in the topic, the driver’s license DDS issues to foreigners is labeled “LIMITED TERM” across the top, which is the only difference between it and a U.S. citizen’s driver’s license.

Georgia’s temporary “Limited Term” drivers license. Photo: DDS.

The acceptance appears to be in compliance with Georgia law (OCGA 21-2-417) which merely says “proper identification shall consist of any one of the following: A Georgia driver’s license which was properly issued by the appropriate state agency;…”

This brings to mind the several attempts in the last few years under the Gold Dome to clarify the limitations of the limited term driver’s license, which, generally, is supposed to be valid for the period of an alien’s visa.

In the 2017 General Assembly, House Rep Alan Powell introduced a bill to add “INELIGIBLE VOTER” – which was a compromise to his original language, which would have added the term “NON CITIZEN” to the non-citizens driver’s license. Powell came under heavy fire from the illegal alien lobby and his attempt at driver’s license/voter ID reform died.

More than 20,000 aliens who have received a deferral in deportation proceedings or who have already been ordered deported also hold the same limited term license according to information from DDS early this year.

In 2016, the state senate passed a bill sponsored by Senator Josh McKoon that would have marked the limited term driver’s license held by this group with “NO LAWFUL STATUS.”

McKoon contended his bill would help prevent voter fraud and terrorism. The driving and ID credentials are also accepted as ID to enter federal buildings and to board airliners in America’s airports. Including the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO), corporate -funded opponents argued such reform would “stigmatize” people and represented a ‘Scarlett Letter’ for “immigrants.” The legislation died in the House.

For this writer, the lunacy that a driver’s license designed and intended for foreign nationals is accepted as valid ID to vote in Georgia is surpassed by the fact that literally no official I have ever spoken to at my Cobb polling place over the years – supervisors included – had ever even heard of a “limited term” driver’s license.

For a memorable first-hand education, readers may want to ask about this when they vote.

You read it here first.

D.A. King of Marietta is president of the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society.

June 17, 2017

American family separation: It’s not a “Happy Father’s Day” in Georgia – Billy Inman writes on the seventeenth anniversary of his only child’s death at the hands of an illegal alien

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Billy and Kathy Inman, 2016 CBS 46, Atlanta


Yesterday marked seventeen years since a horrific traffic crash in which sixteen year-old Dustin Inman was killed by an illegal alien to whom the state of North Carolina issued a drivers license and to whom someone gave a job. The illegal alien had encounters with local law enforcement several times prior to ruining the Inman family’s world but was released each time. Dustin was the only child of a salt-of-the-earth Woodstock, Georgia family, Billy and Kathy Inman. Dustin’s killer escaped custody shortly after the incident and has not been re-captured. The U.S. government has told the Inmans’ that he is in Mexico and cannot be extradited.

(Personal note: We will not forget that the topic of immigration has been treated as radioactive by all concerned – and victims like the Inmans’ have been ignored in the seemingly endless, big-money political campaign in Georgia’s 6th District where I live.)

Below is draft of a letter Billy Inman sent to us to pass on. A version of this letter was published in the Gilmer County News – the county in which Dustin was killed. You can reach out to the Inmans’ at Billy’s e-address: lookin4em@ ( or on Billy Inman’s Facebook page.

D.A. King


Hey folks this is Billy Inman. This Father’s Day weekend marks seventeen years since the tragic day we lost our son Dustin who would have been 33 years old now.

His Mom, my wife Kathy, is in the shape she is today – in constant pain in a wheelchair and dealing with doctors every week – because an illegal alien Gonzalo Harrell-Gonzalez (an “everyday illegal alien”) slammed into our car at an estimated 62 mile an hour and still hasn’t been held accountable for the horrific pain he caused our family.

Our government knows where Gonzalo is but they say there’s nothing they can do about it because he’s in Mexico. (note: here is a letter from DOJ to the Inman family) But it happened here and I want to thank President Trump for what he has done on illegal immigration and I believe that’s what got him elected. I got to meet him back in October. I feel he wants the best for America and his handshake truly has meant the world to me.

Dustin Inman, forever sixteen

We have been invited to Washington several times but Kathy’s condition caused by the illegal alien forced us to cancel three times. In April, the government flew us to Washington for the opening of the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) which is an official an advocate to help victims of illegal aliens created by President Trump.

I truly hope something will be done so that you won’t have to go through what my family has. It’s not right. Our thanks to President Trump and all who have helped battle this problem.

This shouldn’t be a sanctuary for illegal aliens and those who have fled the U.S. for the crimes they have committed should be brought back for justice.

Billy Inman, Dustin’s Dad
Woodstock, Ga. June, 2017

October 6, 2016

Illegal alien lobby applauds Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, for producing foreign language voter-assistance videos

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You can call Kemp’s office in the state Capitol at 404-656-2881 – he will be running for governor in 2018.

GALEO & Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta applaud Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s effort to close the language barrier

Press Statement

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Contact: Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director, GALEO 404.745.2580,


Stephanie Cho, Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta, Executive Director, 404-585-8446,

(ATLANTA, GA) – On Tuesday, October 4th, Secretary of State Brian Kemp unveiled the first of four new video tutorials in-language on voter registration, absentee voting by mail, advance in-person voting, and Election Day voting.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta and GALEO applaud Secretary of State Brian Kemp for translating online voter registration tutorials in Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, and Vietnamese. With only six days left until the voter registration deadline, we appreciate Secretary Kemp’s effort to close the language barrier gap and to outreach to citizens who are Limited English Proficient.

We hope this is the beginning of the Secretary of State’s Office offering more in-language voter education materials and continue to support Asian Americans, Latinos, and all People of Color as we carry on our fight for full access to participation in American Democracy

For the full statement from Secretary of state HERE.

Videos are uploaded on Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s YouTube channel HERE. UPDATE: SEE HERE.


Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta (formerly Asian American Legal Advocacy Center or AALAC) is the first nonprofit legal center dedicated to the civil rights of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) in the Southeast. We were formed in the Spring of 2010 by and for Asian Americans. We work in four major program areas: public policy; civic engagement; leadership development; and legal services. You can read more about us at


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