June 6, 2018

In which the AJC and Bill Torpy refer to me as an “anti-immigration activist” last November

Posted by D.A. King at 6:18 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Bill Torpy, photo AJC

November 9, 2017

Torpy at Large: The real reason Casey Cagle is on Decatur’s case

Lt. Governor Casey Cagle this week again tore into Decatur, alleging that the liberal bastion is a hideaway — no, more like a sanctuary — for immigrants who have entered this country without legal permission.

–> Cagle filed a complaint with something called the Immigration Enforcement Review Board, a kangaroo court created by the state to give anti-immigration activist D.A. King something to do.

The Lt. Gov’s beef with the city is a Decatur police manual that says the cops aren’t supposed to turn over people to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) unless there’s a judicial warrant to hold them.

In essence, Decatur is saying police will hang onto people they stop if they are wanted for something — an active warrant for fraud, burglary, not showing up to traffic court, etc. — but they won’t throw the person into the slammer on behalf of ICE simply if there’s a suspicion that they sneaked across the border without U.S. blessing.

Last year, Candidate Trump said he wanted to get rid of the “bad hombres” coming to our country, and Old Casey is deputizing himself in that roundup. In his correspondence, Cagle goes all law-and-order on this matter, talking about murders and dope dealing, and even sex cases.

Cagle’s complaint states that “sanctuary policies create sanctuaries for criminals,” and that he wants to “ensure that every criminal illegal alien encountered by our law enforcement officers is arrested, transferred to federal custody and deported.”

“Criminal illegal alien” might mean that an immigrant is peddling meth or gang banging. Or it might mean he’s a dude who waded across the Rio Grande, cuts your lawn and has his paperwork messed up.

In his complaint, Cagle notes that Georgia prisons house 1,316 convicts whom ICE wants to see after they get released. Sounds bad, right?

But let’s do some math. There are an estimated 400,000 unauthorized immigrants in Georgia. Divide that number into 1,316 and you’ll find that 0.33 of 1 percent of such immigrants are “bad hombres.”

Compare that to the criminality of our local yokels. Georgia has a population of 10.3 million, of which 52,847 are prisoners (after subtracting the 1,316). That means that 0.51 of 1 percent of Georgia’s residents are muy malo. Or, put another way, Americans are more likely to be convicts than the border jumpers.

+ U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in action in metro Atlanta: ICE Atlanta deputy field office director Joe Sifuentez (left) and photo JOHN SPINK/THE ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in action in metro Atlanta: ICE Atlanta deputy field office director Joe Sifuentez (left) and … Read More
In fact, a study by the libertarian Cato Institute says native-born Americans are three times as likely to be locked up for crimes as illegal immigrants.

It makes sense. If you sneak over here to improve your life, then you’ll want to walk quietly and not stir up too much trouble.

Decatur is a safe city, in the top 10 for mid-sized Georgia towns last year. So I’m not sure that Casey was worried about the population there.

My guess is he’s more worried about the population who will be voting next year in the Republican primary. Cagle is running to remove the Lt. from his title and is up against a few other rough political hombres in the race.

One of them, state Sen. Michael Williams, is crazy-desperado tough. At any given moment Williams is likely to be cradling a firearm for the cameras or extolling the virtues of weaponry. I’m hearing his bumper stickers will say: “A bump stock in every glove box.”Candidates like Williams frighten Cagle, who is the front-runner and heir apparent. Williams isn’t frightening because he can win. No, he’s scary because he can make Cagle appear weak and allow one of the other candidates, such as former state Sen. Hunter Hill or Secretary of State Brian Kemp, to pass him by.

Therefore, there’s dependable Decatur, the brightest blue dot on the Georgia map, which hangs there like a piñata waiting to get whacked by Candidate Casey.

The Republican base loves it when the Libs get smacked around, and Cagle is no doubt thinking, “Why not me?”

Why not, indeed? These days, if a GOP front-runner seems to be a bit mild, then he becomes Jeb Bush, dazed and flattened by the angry hordes who come to the polls. Casey’s not going to let that happen, hence his campaign against Decatur.

Cagle also lets Decatur know there’s some funding that could get cut — a little friendly threat.

According to his office, Decatur got $143,389 in state funds during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016. Also, in that same fiscal year, Decatur got $1,329,853 in federal awards administered by the state. That’s a lot of bike lanes!

Decatur, population 22,000, is currently a hot town, a place with a bustling downtown that other areas envy. City Commission meetings are well attended and cordial, even when they discuss using eminent domain to expand a park….Read more here.

June 4, 2018

The AJC and Bill Torpy: Pro-Enforcement on immigration is “anti-immigration…”

Posted by D.A. King at 9:15 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

UPDATED with my reply to Torpy here.

In the below rant in which he invents a scenario, liberal AJC writer Bill Torpy refers to me as an “anti-immigration activist.” I have asked for a correction. I think Torpy is a flake…

Bill Torpy, photo AJC

AJC – front page of the Metro news section

June 4, 2018


Torpy at Large: Casey at the bat, swinging at ‘illegals’ in Decatur

And we don’t mean immigrants who’ve come here without authorization

May 25, 2018

The GOP gubernatorial primary runoff is underway and Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle can return to the important work of beating up on illegals.

I can almost see the ad where he borrows from the catchy TV commercial of his opponent, Secretary of State Brian Kemp.

After the requisite shotgun blast, Casey manfully ambles over to his monster truck and drawls, “Ah’ve got a big truck, just in case I need to round up criminal illegals and take ‘em home myself.”

The camera cuts away to the pickup truck bed, but it’s not filled with Latino laborers. It’s filled with Casey’s other version of illegals — tie-dyed, rainbow-coalitioned Decaturites.

“I’m gonna bring ‘em back to New York City,” he says. “Yup, I just said that.”

Gov Lite’s war with the city of Decatur will continue to amp up, as there are two more long months of campaigning to endure.

–>Last fall, with election year looming, Candidate Cagle took issue with Decatur and filed a complaint with the Immigration Enforcement Review Board, which I’ve described as an entity created by the state in 2011 to give anti-immigration activist D.A. King somewhere to file complaints.

Decatur Police Chief Mike Booker had issued a directive saying his officers were not to turn over people to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) unless there was a valid judicial warrant to hold them — such as an active warrant for burglary or missing traffic court. The chief said it was a Fourth Amendment thing.

Casey, a veteran pol, chortled and rubbed his hands together in glee upon hearing this. He had himself a two-fer: He could appear tough on illegal immigration (hey, it worked for Trump) AND he could beat up on Decatur, the bluest burg in Georgia.

Cagle said Decatur was creating “sanctuaries for criminals.” If found “guilty” by the immigration panel, the city could be fined and lose state and federal funding, maybe a million dollars.


On the GOP side, candidates Casey Cagle and Brian Kemp will face a July runoff as they continue their push to become the Republican nominee for governor.

The city has fired back, calling Cagle a bully, a panderer and even a bit of a girly man, which is a real dig because the GOP primary with all its guns and trucks is a real machismo rodeo.

“He wasn’t man enough to come here today and make these allegations and maybe even put his hand up and swear under oath to answer questions,” said Decatur’s attorney, Bryan Downs, at the immigration board hearing last month.

Team Casey said he was busy that day. Besides, he had a couple of state employees man the room during the hours of testimony. A Decatur resident and attorney named Tom Stubbs took issue with that and filed an ethics complaint against Casey. He said Cagle is having state employees work on his campaign, “which is like having taxpayers paint your house or cut your grass.”

State law says complaints may be filed by any “legally registered voter.” So who filed it? Was it Citizen Casey? Gov Lite Casey? Candidate Casey?

“Trying to parse whether he acted as an official or a citizen is silliness,” Cagle campaign official Brian Robinson told me. “Of course, Casey’s campaign is going to talk about his record in office and how he has kept his promises to fight illegal immigration.

“It’s what a campaign is,” Robinson continued. “Casey isn’t just talk. He’s going to take action on illegal immigration — and the examples go back years, not months.”

Lt. Governor Casey Cagle, the leading conservative Republican for governor, and his wife Nita thank supporters at his election night watch party on Tuesday, May 22, 2018, in his hometown of Gainesville. (ccompton@ajc.com/Curtis Compton)
Another Cagle operative said ICE detainers aren’t issued for Mickey Mouse crimes: “The reality is we’re talking about homicide, armed robbery, child molestation and kidnapping and similar offenses.”

Hmm. My BS detector dinged on this one. If the bad hombres were wanted for homicide, molestation or aggravated assault, there’d be something more than an ICE detainer out for them. There’d be criminal warrants.

I called immigration attorney Dustin Baxter, who said the vast majority of ICE detainer cases he sees are for driving without a licence.

“The gang bangers and murderers are not being released,” Baxter said. “That is dog whistle politics.”

Decatur’s immigration review board hearing finally was held Tuesday, May 15 — a full six months after the complaint was filed. Four days later, and just 72 hours before the polls opened, the review board released a proposed opinion saying Decatur violated Georgia code and is a “sanctuary city.”

Three times the ruling mentioned that Decatur would even let suspected terrorists walk free.

Candidate Gov Lite cheered, saying Decatur and other cities need to clean up their act, “or else there will be serious consequences.”

Decatur attorney Downs growled, “Ridiculous!” when asked about the references to terrorism. “They stretched and twisted what the (police chief’s) memo said.” Read more here. 



May 24, 2018

Georgia: Immigration on top of voters’ minds

Posted by D.A. King at 6:31 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Dustin Inman Society

Dalton Daily Citizen

May 24, 2018

Immigration on top of voter’s minds

Jill Nolin CNHI newspapers

Susan McCorkle knew Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle was her guy in the governor’s race when she checked off three things: Conservative, Christian and a firm stance against illegal immigration.

The 67-year-old retiree who lives in Rocky Face was so sure of it that she scooted to downtown Dalton on the first day of early voting to cast her ballot.

McCorkle lives in ruby red Whitfield County, where nearly 71 percent of voters backed President Donald Trump. But the northwest Georgia county is also home to a growing Latino population that includes many young people who are able to remain in the country through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

“I’m a Christian first and I’m going to treat people with respect. I’m not going to pinpoint somebody and be disrespectful to them, because they’re God’s child,” McCorkle said as she left the Dalton-Whitfield Senior Center, which serves a voting precinct, after finishing a yoga class.

“But I do believe that if you break the law, there’s a penalty for breaking the law,” she said.

The Republican candidates squared off for months over their get-tough views on illegal immigration.

Cagle vowed to heed Trump’s call and send Georgia National Guard troops to the Mexican border. Cagle will be in a run-off next month with Secretary of State Brian Kemp, who said in a political ad that he was ready to personally round up “criminal illegals.”

Aside from pro-gun pledges, talk of tackling illegal immigration dominated the Republican primary. One candidate, Michael Williams, who didn’t break 5 percent in the final vote tally, even went so far as to hit the road with a “deportation bus” that he promised to fill with criminals if elected.

None of this fazed Erin Babb, a 40-year-old Dalton social worker and Democrat who said her daughter attends school with immigrant children.

“It’s not surprising, given what’s coming from the top,” Babb said, referring to President Donald Trump. “It’s just more of the same.”

But one Republican voter, who declined to give her name, said she was troubled by political rhetoric that seemingly lumps all newcomers together — violent criminals and all. The woman said she has developed friendships with the Hispanic members of her church whose status is unknown to her.

But throughout this community, passions on immigration run hot. Many Republican voters interviewed for this story said they were pleased to hear candidates focus on the issue during the primaries.

“A lot of people won’t say it, but I think we’re allowing too many people illegally into our country,” Whitfield County voter Frank Land as he left the Varnell Parks and Recreation Center. “And they’re taking up a lot of our resources through the food stamps and everything like that. I think we’ve got our own people we need to feed.”

Strong feelings on immigration nearly cost state Sen. Chuck Payne, R-Dalton, his seat under the Gold Dome.

The first-term lawmaker drew an opponent who criticized Payne for not supporting a proposal to issue a special driver’s license to those who lack lawful status, such as DACA recipients.

Payne has cited practical reasons for opposing the bill, which he said would needlessly expand government. His lack of support caused the bill to fail in a committee, although the measure later made it out of committee without his aid. It eventually stalled.

The Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce fought the measure for other reasons. Rob Bradham, who is chamber president and CEO, told lawmakers this session that thousands of DACA recipients live in the northwest Georgia community.

Many of them are on the payroll of some of the Carpet Capital’s large flooring manufacturers, he said.

The state is home to an estimated 21,600 DACA recipients, according to a federal report released last fall. The majority of them — about 15,700 — live in the greater Atlanta area. About 1,500 live in Gainesville. Dalton was not included in the report.

“If you vote for this bill and pass this bill, it will make it more difficult for our employers, who are in a tight labor market as a it is, to employ these DACA recipients who want to be productive members of our community and are productive members of our community,” Bradham told lawmakers at the time.

Payne’s opponent, Scott Tidwell, said… Read there rest here.


Jill Nolin covers the Georgia Statehouse for CNHI’s newspapers and websites.

D.A. King in Insider Advantage Georgia: Lawsuit from former illegal alien, anti-enforcement lobbyist candidate raises questions

Posted by D.A. King at 6:16 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

GALEO Inc. lobbyist Maria Palasios testifies against illegal alien drivers license reform legislation – March, 2018. Photo: Georgia state senate

 Insider advantage Georgia

Lawsuit from former illegal alien, anti-enforcement lobbyist candidate raises questions

May 23, 2018

D.A. King

As IAG Publisher Phil Kent recently noted here, a former illegal alien, Maria Palasios, is suing to reverse a decision from Secretary of State Brian Kemp that she is ineligible to run for a seat in the General Assembly. The story creates several important questions and probably exposes another lie from the Obama administration on the illegal executive DACA amnesty.

In their own coverage of the story, the AJC reports that Palasios “was brought by her parents to the United States from Mexico as an infant without authorization, and she became a U.S. citizen in 2017.”

Exactly how, we should ask, did an illegal alien become a U.S. citizen? Naturalization requires lawful status.

When he rolled out the DACA amnesty during the 2012 presidential campaign, Obama assured the nation: “now, let’s be clear — this is not amnesty, this is not immunity. This is not a path to citizenship.”
It is likely that Palasios was given DACA status, and given the possibility she will be elected to lawmaker status, that should be an integral part of the story. It is also likely that she exploited a process called “advance parole” in which an alien obtains permission to leave the U.S., then reenters with permission – that is to say lawfully. After that there can be a path to a “green card” and to citizenship.

As the Washington Post reluctantly explained in September, according to Senator Charles Grassley and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, 59,778 DACA recipients had applied for green-card status — and 39,514 had been approved.

Of the illegal aliens who had received green cards, 1,056 had become U.S. citizens as of September, 2017.

It is also quite relevant that would-be lawmaker Palasios is employed by the corporate-funded, anti-borders GALEO Corporation to lobby against immigration enforcement under the Gold Dome. You can see her in action (here 9:07 on the counter) in an official Senate Public Safety Committee video from March lobbying against former state Sen. Josh McKoon’s illegal alien drivers license reform bill that would have stopped the current practice of giving some illegal aliens the exact same drivers license as legal immigrants.

Note: This is the same hearing noted by IAG last month in which Dalton state Sen. Chuck Payne, R-Dalton, asked how McKoon’s bill would be enforced “out of state” before he voted against it. Payne was re-elected in his primary race yesterday.

In the lawsuit Palasios – and the ACLU – claim she has been a “citizen” of Georgia since 2009, which was three years before Obama’s DACA amnesty. It looks like the “New Georgia” may be a place where illegal aliens can be considered “citizens.”

We’ll see.

D.A. King is president of the Dustin Inman Society   Here

April 17, 2018

Clarke County, Georgia Sheriff’s new policy on ICE holds and criminal aliens is a reversal of his February anti-sanctuary position

Posted by D.A. King at 8:29 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

MS-13 gang leaders , Houston Rape, murder suspects Photo: Breitbart


Clarke County Sheriff’s new policy on ICE holds and criminal aliens is a reversal of his February position

D.A. King

As has been widely reported, another county sheriff in Georgia has announced his office will not offer full cooperation with ICE on holding illegal aliens that land in his jail for other crimes.

Clarke County Sheriff Ira Edwards Jr. released a statement on Friday, April 13 that he is “discontinuing the practice of honoring ICE requests to detain persons after criminal charges or other holds are resolved.”

What we have not seen reported is that Sheriff Edwards is on the record as late as February enthusiastically expressing his support of immigration enforcement and opposition to sanctuary policies.

Edwards is a member of the board of the National Sheriffs’ Association. He was part of a group of sheriffs who met in February with President Donald Trump to discuss illegal immigration and sanctuary policies. He was rather effusive in his pro-enforcement position to the Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal.

“I was very, very surprised when I was in a training [conference] this past week, and there was a federal magistrate judge that told us she had sentenced a person over 25 times, and that person has come back into our country,”

“My concern is, as a sheriff, if we are going to secure our homeland, it is going to be imperative that we build some type of border to prevent those that would do harm within our community, within our homeland,”

“When we have the sanctuary cities, that is going to be a breeding ground for those who come back that are undocumented, coming back into our community. That is why I am kind of concerned,”

Earlier this year, Edwards had convened a ‘Citizens Input Committee’ and charged them to consider community safety and provide policy recommendations that serve the best interests of the mostly liberal Athens-Clarke County, home of the University of Georgia.

In another victory for the many corporate-funded anti-borders groups that lobby in Georgia against immigration enforcement, Clarke County joins the cities of Atlanta, Decatur and Clarkston in rolling back policy offering protections for residents regarding immigration holds of criminal aliens.

Gang members released by local law enforcement

Sheriff Edwards did not comment on how his reversal in policy would effect gang activity in his county. According to federal authorities, Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than Arizona and has a growing gang problem.

The Center for Immigration Studies reports that “according to ICE statistics provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee, over a nine-month period in FY2017, 142 gang members that ICE was seeking to deport were released by the local law enforcement agency instead of transferred to ICE custody.”

Athens/Clarke County is home to current Secretary of State and Republican candidate for governor, Brian Kemp, who has made criminal aliens and Georgia’s illegal immigration crisis a major part of his campaign.


November 14, 2016

Paul Ryan – “Open Borders is in his ideological DNA”

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Breitbart News

11 Oct 2015

EXCLUSIVE– NumbersUSA President: Paul Ryan ‘Terrifying,’ ‘Open Borders Seeps Out of Every Pore Of His Being’

As donor class Republicans and beltway pundits intensify their “Draft Ryan” campaign, anti-amnesty advocates are pleading with House Republicans to quash the candidacy of the man they call the most open-borders member of Congress.
While these advocates have largely refrained in the past from getting involved in the House leadership scuffle, they now have an urgent warning for House members. They contend that Paul Ryan is an immigration extremist – and point to historical records placing him at the center of a 1990-era corporate-led sabotage of immigration curbs then sought by both parties.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, the president of the immigration control group NumbersUSA, Roy Beck, described Paul Ryan as “terrifying.”

“There’s nobody in the Republican Party who could be worse than Paul Ryan,” Beck implored. “He has spent his entire adulthood ideologically connected to the open borders crowd. Open Borders is in his ideological DNA. That’s the terrifying thing. He’s an ideologue and his spent his whole life working for ideologues. Open borders seeps out of every pore of his being. This isn’t personal, it’s just who he is.”

Ryan’s ideological fidelity to Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy has been well documented. Also well-documented is his intimate alliance with Congressman Luis Gutierrez and Mick Mulvaney to complete Senator Marco Rubio’s amnesty push – earning him Gutierrez’s effusive endorsement for House Speaker. But less discussed, Roy Beck explains, is that Ryan has been at the center of efforts to open America’s border for the last twenty years – playing a starring role in several high-stakes immigration battles that altered forever the future of the GOP and the nation.

In the words of Bloomberg’s John Heilemann, who co-authored the book Game Change with Time Magazine’s Mark Halperin: “[Ryan’s] ties to the pro-immigration mafia ran deep. A protégé of [Cesar] Conda and an ally of [Rick] Swartz [founder of the pro-amnesty National Immigration Forum], Ryan was the staffer who had aided Jack Kemp and William Bennett in their crusade against Proposition 187.”

The Washington Times adds in a 2012 article that Ryan, “worked to water down the strict immigration limits in a bill Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican, was working to pass in the mid-1990s… As a staffer in Washington, he worked for Jack Kemp and Sen. Sam Brownback — both of whom were part of the Republicans’ pro-immigration wing, and who fought crackdown efforts from within their own party… As a congressman, he voted for a 2002 legalization bill, praised the 2006 Senate immigration bill backed by Mr. Bush and co-sponsored a 2009 Democratic bill that would have legalized immigrant farmworkers.”

Most recently, in the words of pro-amnestyIleana Ros-Lehtinen Ryan worked “every day” to pass the mass amnesty bill for all of America’s illegal immigrant population.

Ryan’s immigration journey began as college intern working in Washington, when he developed a relationship with Cesar Conda, one of the nation’s top strategists pursuing mass immigration. Rubio would later tap Conda as his Senate Chief of Staff, to help him devise the Gang of Eight immigration plan and then later to advise his presidential campaign.

As AP wrote in 2012, during his time as an intern, “[Ryan] caught the eye of a top [Senator] Kasten aide, Cesar Conda, who offered Ryan a post on Kasten’s staff after Ryan’s 1992 graduation, his first full-time Washington job.”

As Conda later went on to say, “Every chance he [Paul Ryan] got, he’d take the opportunity to pop his head into my office.” To this day, on Conda’s LinkedIn page, he promotes that he has been “described by the Associated Press as one of Rep. Paul Ryan’s ‘conservative mentors.’” AP notes that Conda continued to play a “pivotal role” throughout Ryan’s career: “In 2007, Conda was an adviser to Romney’s presidential campaign and introduced the two men in Washington. A scheduled 15-minute meeting lasted nearly an hour, Conda said.”

After college, Paul Ryan worked alongside former-New York Congressman Jack Kemp in their coordinated attack California’s Proposition 187, a measure pushed by GOP Governor Pete Wilson – and approved by a wide popular vote – which denied state benefits to illegals and required that they be turned over to federal authorities if caught. The measure was blocked by a judge and never went into effect– if it had, potentially millions of California’s illegals, chain migrants and their children would have returned home, unable to draw benefits or alter the state’s political bent.

As National Review reported in 2013, Paul Ryan told EWTN host Raymond Arroyo,”‘I actually campaigned with Jack Kemp against a thing called Prop 187,’ […] [Ryan] said they both worried that the proposal would burn Republicans within the immigrant community, and ‘make it so that Latino voters would not hear the other messages of empowerment.’”…READ MORE HERE

October 13, 2016

D.A.King in the Macon Telegraph today – Foreign language voter assistance latest move by Georgia’s Secretary of State

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Macon Telegraph


October 13, 2016

Foreign language voter assistance latest move by Georgia’s Secretary of State

D.A. King


What if you don’t understand simple English but want to vote in Georgia? No problem! A recent press release (NOTE: After we passed around the info, Kemp’s office deleted most of it. We managed to save one of the videos HERE.) from Secretary of State Brian Kemp proudly boasts of his “new video tutorials in English, Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish and Vietnamese on voter registration, absentee voting by mail, advance in-person voting, and Election Day voting.”

“These new resources will help voters who are non-English speakers know how to register to vote and prepare to cast their ballot” says Kemp. “Georgia is not a “covered jurisdiction” under the federal Voting Rights Act to offer election information in other languages” Kemp tells us.

For now, actual ballots are still printed in English.

Most schoolchildren and all naturalized Americans understand that with very few exceptions, the ability to speak and understand simple English is a requirement for naturalization — and that it is a crime for non-citizens to vote in Georgia elections.

This writer phoned the Gold Dome office of Secretary Kemp last week for answers to a few questions, but the promised return call never came. So, maybe readers will have enough curiosity on the topic to call themselves. The phone number for the Georgia Secretary of State’s office is 404-656-2881.

One of the questions in mind was why Secretary Kemp limited his executive pronouncement to include only five foreign languages. Why not French, German or Somali? Why not Cantonese?

Why not at least match the “it’s good for business” inclusiveness of Gov. Deal’s Department of Driver Services, which has been issuing drivers licenses to illegal aliens since July of 2012 and offers the written drivers license exam in 10 foreign languages?

Indeed, why not fast forward and officially convert Georgia into a welcoming place to live, do business and vote by accommodating every language? If we are going to voluntarily cater to non-English speaking voters, why not all of them?

To no one’s surprise, the leftists in the illegal alien lobby were quick to offer their gratitude and applause for Kemp’s progressiveness. Along with the Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Jerry Gonzalez of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials Corp. (GALEO) immediately sent out his own hopeful press release.

“We hope this is the beginning of the Secretary of State’s Office offering more in-language voter education materials and continue to support Asian Americans, Latinos, and all people of color as we carry on our fight for full access to participation in American democracy.”

Corporate-funded GALEO is widely recognized as Georgia’s most visibly tribalist and extreme advocacy group against official English and enforcement of American immigration laws. They are threatening a federal lawsuit demanding foreign language voter ballots in Georgia.

Secretary Kemp was one of several Republicans who attended an annual “Power Breakfast” GALEO fundraiser gala in May, 2015.

In any language, this all looks like an example of what to expect from the establishment Republican promise to be more “inclusive” and their effort to be more Dem-like to stay in office.

Kemp’s videos can be viewed on his Youtube page – ‘BrianKempGA’


Read more here: 

September 8, 2015

THE ILLEGAL ALIEN LOBBY: #1 A beginners guide to GALEO – doing the job Georgia’s liberal media does not do… Kilpatrick Stockton

Posted by D.A. King at 11:24 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

*Note: The below is the first installment of the “Beginners Guide to GALEO” (see here for all installments) which was a collection of verified information on GALEO we were proud to share with the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee and our U.S. Senators in 2015/2016. It was related to Dax Lopez and his nomination to the federal bench. We were successful – Lopez, a longtime GALEO board member and fundraiser saw his nomination fail. We win.  

An AJC news story here. Another one here. And here. And a happy LTE on our win from D.A. King

  • UPDATE: Oct. 28, 2024: GALEO Inc. & Jerry Gonzalez- a partial history.


Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials Inc. (GALEO)
IRS 501 c (6) non-profit
“To promote civic engagement and leadership of the Latino community…”

Reality: To serve as community organizer for illegal aliens, to lobby against enforcement of American immigration laws, against official English, voter ID and an equal application of American law and for another amnesty in the name of identity politics…

IRS form 990 EZ for 2013

* Reported revenue $77,737 (see Part 1, line 9) of which $17,520 was reported as paid to Executive Director Jerry Gonzalez (see Part IV) for 20 hours work per week.

* Not included in reported revenue total was $9000.00 in donated rent. (Schedule O)

Note: The address for both GALEO and GALEO Latino Community Development Fund Inc. (below) is 1100 Peachtree St. Suite 2800, Atlanta, Ga., 30309. That is the same address as the law offices of Kilpatrick Stockton in Atlanta. Multiple people have confirmed to me over the years that they have seen the GALEO offices inside Kilpatrick Stockton office suite.

See “Advocacy.


**** and…


GALEO Latino Community Development Fund Inc.
IRS 501 c (3) non-profit
“To help implement civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino community in Georgia. Through our leadership program…GALEO has graduated over 400 community leaders (as of 2013 filing) throughout the state in both urban and rural areas and has equipped them with basic leadership skills for the community members to accomplish more for themselves in their own communities …

*Note: In partnership with the UGA Fanning Institute: From the GALEO website – “The Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) and the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund (GLCDF) were established to increase the leadership development and civic engagement of the Latino community across Georgia.

The GLCDF has implemented the GALEO Institute for Leadership (GIL) to focus upon leadership development of the Latino community across our state. As part of the GALEO Institute for Leadership, we have formed a strategic partnership with the University of Georgia’s Fanning Institute to expand and develop our joint efforts for their Community Leadership Program.”

Reality: Training more wanna-be Jerry Gonzalez anti-borders community organizers for placement around Georgia. 

IRS form 990 for 2013

* Reported revenue: $72,793 (see Part I , line 1) of which $ 55,140 (see Part IV) was reported as paid to Executive Director Jerry Gonzalez.

* Gonzalez salary represents is 75 % of total donated revenue. Reported hours worked per week: 20.

* Not included in this revenue is: $ 9000.00 donated rent and $ 23,320 in “donated media services from a Latino television network. Telemundo is our educated assumption – (See Part II, block 28). A current Telemundo reporter, Maria Duarte, is a former GALEO senior staffer and currently vice-Chair of the GALEO Leadership Council.

I have given info like this to many members of the press since 2005. There has never been any corresponding reports on GALEO or profiles of Gonzalez or GALEO founder and bagman, former state Senator Sam Zamarippa.

I have been “profiled” by the AJC twice and by the Associated Press and the New York Times .

Including Georgia’s Republican Attorney General Sam Olens and Brian Kemp, Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, along with Republican state Senator and Appropriations Chairman Jack Hill and with Republican Georgia House Representative B.J. Pak, (write-up here) other GALEO donors and sponsors can be seen here from the GALEO 12th Annual Power Breakfast, its largest fund-raising event of the year, and one of several such annual events.

* Note Part II, line 1.

Also, we find no record on Guidestar of an IRS form 990 for either above corporation for the year 2014 yet.

See also: GALEO Institute for Leadership and GALEO Leadership Council .




edited, 6:30 PM, Sept. 8, 2015

May 11, 2015

Georgia Republican Secretary of State and Attorney General support illegal alien lobby – attend GALEO fundraiser: GOP base silent

Posted by D.A. King at 1:04 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

From the event program

UPDATE: Quick math estimation shows GALEO brought in about $50,000 here, with the help of these corporations and elected officials.

Georgia Republican gubernatorial hopefuls donate to illegal alien lobby and lend prestige of their offices to goals and agenda by attending Friday’s GALEO fundraiser!

I hope you remember us informing you about a massive fundraiser breakfast gala the GALEO illegal alien lobby leftists had scheduled for last Friday, May 8.

GALEO, led by a Democrat fundraiser named Jerry Gonzalez boasted for weeks that Republican Governor Nathan Deal would attend and offer “welcoming remarks” at the gala.

This is one of several fundraisers that GALEO stages each year.

Whether because of our phone calls to the Governor’s office or some other reason, Deal cancelled at the last minute, which is evident from his name appearing on the program for the event. Maybe friend of GALEO Governor Deal can make the next one.


The Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens (R) and the Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp (R) did attend and donate to the anti-borders cause of the GALEO Obama-ites.

So did Republican Georgia state Rep BJ Pak.

To be clear: In addition to viciously fighting against voter ID and English as a state or federal official language, Jerry Gonzalez is a well-known far-left, race-baiter who fearlessly marches in the streets of Atlanta demanding an end to enforcement of our immigration laws. Their amnesty-again rallying cry is “not one more deportation.”

Known in the Georgia Capitol as “Angry Jerry” for his vitriolic outbursts at legislators in committee hearings and in the hallways, Jerry Gonzalez also compares illegal aliens to black Americans and the civil rights struggle.

Gonzalez is a former staffer at *MALDEF, whose founder’s, Mario Obledo most well-known quote from 1998 tells us about the goals of Jerry and his mob;

California is going to become a Hispanic state and if anyone doesn’t like it they should leave — they ought to go back to Europe.” HERE.

Wanna-be-goon Gonzalez has chased 100 lb. Ga. Rep Katie Dempsey around a meeting focused on protecting American jobs in Rome, Ga. while screaming insults at her – before local police removed him. He is known for publicly denigrating Cobb County Police and the Cobb and Gwinnett sheriffs as anti-immigrant, anti-Hispanic racists for doing their job and brought the leader of the Socialist Workers Party into Georgia to fight for drivers licenses for illegal aliens.

He must be rolling around laughing while he counts the tens of thousands of dollars made from his funder that gubernatorial hopefuls Republican Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens, Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brian Kemp along with Rep B.J. Pak helped him raise by donating to his cause and attending Friday’s breakfast fundraiser.

This money will go a long way towards his anti-borders group in the fight for amnesty and against voter ID and training more radical Democrat community organizers.

Olens, Kemp and Pak can add their names to the list of “friends” GALEO boasts of that include that all-American luminary, Jane Fonda.

You may not be surprised to learn about the usual corporate suspects who have always financed the illegal alien lobby. Western Union, Coca Cola, Georgia Power, and Cox Communications were well represented in their financial help and sponsorship of the GALEO breakfast event.

An AJC reporter, Greg Bluestein, was there. But not as a reporter. From his name tag, it appears in an event photo he attended as a guest of one of the sponsors and GALEO board members.

Cox Communications owns and controls the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper and WSB-TV and WSB radio here in Atlanta. I pass this on in case there are some people still confused about the agenda-driven and biased immigration coverage that is peddled here lately.

*NOTEWORTHY FACT: The AJC served as the Chair of the Atlanta fundraiser for the previously mentioned MALDEF in 2004. We staged a protest outside the event, which was covered by CNN. But not the AJC.

There are plenty more corporations that fund the illegal alien lobby.

For a complete list of the individuals and corporations that sponsored the open borders tribalist event, see the “thank you” page from GALEO to sponsors HERE. NOTE: This list does not include the individuals who apparently paid donations to attend like Olens, Pak and Kemp.

If for no other reason to support and defend Rep. Katie Dempsey, you may want to contact the offices of Cox Communications, Attorney General Sam Olens, Secretary of State Brian Kemp and state Rep BJ Pak if you have any thoughts on their helping to fund the anti-voter ID, open borders leftists, led by Angry Jerry Gonzalez.

* Cox Communications:
Todd Smith
Director of Media Relations
(404) 269-3124
Email tsmith@cox.com

* Office of Attorney General Sam Olens (R)–
Office of the Attorney General
40 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, Ga 30334
(404) 656-3300
(404) 657-8733

* Office of Secretary of State Brian Kemp (R)–
2 MLK, Jr. Dr.
Suite 313, Floyd West Tower
Atlanta, GA 30334-1530
(404) 656-2817
E-Mail (click)

* Office of state Rep B.J. Pak (R)–
• Capitol Address
• 601-B Coverdell Legislative Office Building
• Atlanta, GA 30334
404.656.0254 – Office
EMAIL BJ.Pak@house.ga.gov

And, considering his willingness to attack defenseless female legislators and the shameless smearing he uses so often, you may want to ask tough guy Angry Jerry Gonzalez if he still beats his husband.

February 11, 2015

AJC The Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper has reported that 2013 Georgia law stops illegal aliens from obtaining a Georgia driver’s license – while it all but ignores a 2015 bill that really does stop illegal aliens from obtaining a Georgia driver’s license

Posted by D.A. King at 9:47 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Republican-ruled Georgia is issuing drivers licenses to illegal aliens – and it looks like the AJC wants to keep it that way.

In the current 40 session-day 2015 Georgia General Assembly, Republican state Senator Josh McKoon has sponsored SB 6, legislation that would end the practice of rewarding illegal aliens who benefit from Obama’s executive DACA amnesty and the soon-to-come DAPA amnesty with a Georgia driver’s license and official state ID cards.

The well-written legislation would keep DLs and state ID cards from all illegal aliens.

According to DHS, the Peach State has more illegal aliens than Arizona, ranks number seven in the nation in its population of illegals and (when he would mention the crisis) Republican Governor Nathan Deal has cited “$2.4 billion” as an annual cost of the crime of illegal immigration to Georgia taxpayers.

The Georgia legislature is huge majority Republican. In fact, the Senate has a GOP super-majority. They can literally pass anything they can agree on – including a resolution to allow a popular vote on amending the state constitution to make English the constitutional official language of state government. A resolution doing exactly that was allowed to die in committee last year. The Atlanta-Area Chamber of Commerce and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce proudly and very proudly and publicly claimed responsibility for the “let the people vote” resolution’s demise along with a bill similar to this year’s SB 6. Too “anti-business.”

It is somewhat amusing and very instructive to watch most of the Georgia Senate dodge the issue of Obama’s amnesty while the state itself is a plantiff in the 26-state lawsuit challenging the Emperor’s amnesty proclamation. Ah…politics and the power of the Chamber of Commerce.

A successful attorney from Columbus, the young, up-and-coming and unabashedly pro-enforcement McKoon is also Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

There are 38 Republican Georgia state Senators. They all ran as “conservatives.” To date, only 11 have publicly picked a side on driver’s licenses to illegal aliens and shown their support for McKoon’s bill by co-sponsoring it. The chances of any of them being elected or re-elected three months ago by proclaiming their support for DLs to illegals are…zero to zero.

A few more alarming facts: Many state legislators are clueless that driver’s licenses are going to DACA victims of borders. Many more have no idea that Obama’s Emperor-like decree of deferred action on deportation does not change the fact that the illegal aliens who receive that deferred action does not grant legal status – they are still illegal aliens. For the “that can’t be true, if it was I would have read it in the newspaper” set: we give you the USCIS website – “Deferred action does not provide lawful status.”

Having quite incorrectly told its readers that legislation passed in 2013 stopped DACA illegals from getting driver’s licenses, the AJC is apparently operating on the correct assumption that too much information distributed to the voting public would result in an outraged ground swell of pressure from irate conservative voters and swift approval of SB 6 in the Senate. While other issues repetitivly hit the AJC pages like daily raindrops, as far as I can see they have run one report on the bill – in November, when McKoon pre-filed his bill. There has been nothing on the OP-ED pages about this oh-so inconvenient measure.

Transportation taxes, selling beer onsite at breweries and religious freedom legislation get most of the AJC coverage.

McKoon has also written a very educational OP-ED that he was told would be welcomed for consideration on the AJC opinion page. Having sent the commentary in, McKoon’s last report to me was that he has not heard back from the “credible, compelling, complete” beacon of enlightenment in Georgia. His piece aimed at educating the public – and his fellow legislators on the fact that GOP-Georgia is giving illegal aliens drivers licenses – has run in several other, more open-minded Georgia newspapers, Georgia political websites and on Townhall.com .

It may help readers to get the picture here by understanding hat the AJC’s senior managing editor – Bert Roughton Jr. – is also senior editorial director. Handy, isn’t it?

A long time AJC staffer, Roughton has referred to his job as “newspapering.” As a long time AJC reader, I agree, but not in a good way.

It may also help to “tell the story” from Atlanta to know newspapering-Roughton’s wife, Melinda Ennis Roughton is a mover/shaker in the Georgia business and advertising community and seems to be quite outspoken in partisan politics. You can decide for your self what side she is on by reading her 2009 piece “10 reasons Southerners should vote Democratic” and her profile.

More on Roughton and his activist (not that there is anything wrong with that) wife from an industrious local blogger HERE

Anyway the AJC dumped the concept of “public editor” years ago when new management was brought in to save the paper. Apparently, readers are urged to contact any managment staffer to ask questions or lodge complaints.

Regarding the 2013 news report from the AJC’s “justice in journalism” and New York Times – trained immigration reporter, Jeremy Redmon, I have contacted a senior editor asking if there was any correction to the false story from 2013, and if they are considering offering a complete and compelling education educating on the details of McKoon’s legislation.

After a week, I still have no response from the AJC. The 2013 report from Redmon is posted in part below:

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Thursday, April 25, 2013

By Jeremy Redmon

Law bars illegal immigrants from Ga. driver’s license

Gov. Nathan Deal has quietly signed into law a measure that will expand Georgia’s crackdown on illegal immigration as Congress debates overhauling the nation’s immigration system.
Senate Bill 160 is aimed at blocking illegal immigrants from obtaining state driver’s licenses, grants, public housing and retirement benefits. The law, to take effect July 1, will also prevent people from using foreign passports to get public benefits in Georgia, unless those passports include paperwork indicating they are in the country legally.

Deal signed the measure Wednesday without public comment. The legislation expands on House Bill 87, a comprehensive immigration measure he signed into law in 2011.

The Republican governor’s decision to sign the new legislation comes as national GOP leaders are recalibrating their positions on immigration after President Barack Obama’s re-election win last year with about 70 percent of the Hispanic vote.

Congress is now considering a bipartisan bill that would provide a pathway to citizenship for the estimated 11 million immigrants living illegally in the U.S. The federal Homeland Security Department estimated there were 440,000 immigrants living illegally in Georgia in 2011.

About 1,500 people marched through downtown Atlanta on April 10 in support of Congress overhauling the immigration system. Among other things, the demonstrators called on Deal to veto SB 160.

SB 160 is also intended to clean up several unintended problems created by the state’s 2011 immigration law.

For example, the bill is aimed at preventing massive backlogs for professional license renewals. Those backlogs were created by a provision in the 2011 law that requires applicants to show certain forms of “secure and verifiable” identification every time they renew their licenses.

“This legislation fixes some of the unintended consequences of the 2011 immigration legislation,” said Brian Robinson, a spokesman for the governor. “This will restore efficiency to government services, such as receiving a professional license, while still safeguarding taxpayers against the costs of illegal immigration.”

Secretary of State Brian Kemp, whose office handles professional license applications, praised the legislation.

“SB 160 will help hardworking Georgians get in the workforce faster,” he said in a prepared statement…

The report was behind a paywall HERE.

If it still is and if you are not an AJC subscriber (there is a lot of that going around), you can read the entire report for $.99 if I understand the process correctly.

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