June 19, 2019

A conservative immigrant and DIS board member writes to Gov Kemp on GALEO – again

Posted by D.A. King at 2:21 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

We received this letter today as a Bcc. I added the link back to Ms. Grabar’s original letter and one to Gov Kemp’s “big truck” ad.


Governor Kemp,

About two months ago I wrote explaining that as a proud immigrant and American I was asking you to pass over Dax Lopez for a judicial promotion due to his association with the radical and leftist GALEO group. I was glad to see you ultimately make the right decision on that case.

The idea of encouraging and rewarding a sitting state court judge who served as board member and fundraiser keynote speaker for the GALEO activists while they fight enforcement of our immigration laws and a long list of other conservative ideals, including reporting criminal aliens to federal authorities, seemed contrary to the way you presented yourself during your campaign.

To my disappointment, I now see that you have appointed to a statewide, constitutional office, John King, someone who is greeted by GALEO as a “close friend” and who served as keynote speaker at a GALEO fundraiser while he was a police chief and while GALEO was fighting against local law enforcement aiding ICE in locating criminal aliens.

I am not aware of a single move from your office to use your power to rid Georgia of illegal employers or illegal aliens. Even the most generous observer would judge that you are much more on the side of GALEO than you are the majority of Georgians who trusted you to be strong and effective against the crime of illegal immigration.

Your campaign pledges on the criminal aliens and illegal immigration ravaging Georgia and Georgians now appear to be empty promises.

I cannot further explain my anger and disappointment, and I assure you this will not be forgotten.

Mary Grabar

Member, Board of Advisors

The Dustin Inman Society


Georgia Governor Appoints Replacement Insurance Commissioner with Ties to Anti-enforcement Immigration Lobbying Group, GALEO * #BrianKemp #JohnKing

Posted by D.A. King at 6:57 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Immigration Politics Georgia

June 13, 2019

Georgia Governor Appoints Replacement Insurance Commissioner with Ties to Anti-enforcement Immigration Lobbying Group, GALEO

D.A. King


Yesterday, Georgia Republican Governor, Brian Kemp, announced his appointment of a metro-Atlanta police chief, John King, to be the replacement for the now-suspended elected Insurance Commissioner, Jim Beck. In Georgia, Insurance Commissioner is a statewide, constitutional office.

Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of the corporate-funded, anti-enforcement lobbyist group, GALEO, was quick to send out a media release praising the “historic” appointment and boasting that King had assisted the activist group as keynote speaker at a GALEO breakfast fundraiser several years ago.

“Congrats to Chief King, close friend of @GALEOorg !” was the much-repeated celebratory post on the GALEO Facebook page.

Kemp’s Insurance Commissioner appointee has no background or experience in the insurance industry.

Kemp’s appointment of the GALEO-connected police chief to Insurance Commissioner comes as a shock to many Republican voters in the state. Georgia’s conservative U.S. Senator David Perdue stopped the Obama nomination of a one-time GALEO board member, Dax Lopez, to a federal bench seat in 2016 because of his concern with the GALEO relationship.

DeKalb State Court Judge Dax Lopez. Image: Daily Signal

Perhaps unknown to most Republican voters, in addition to marching in the streets of Atlanta against enforcement of existing federal laws on immigration, GALEO and its director are well-known in the state Capitol for lobbying against state legislation aimed at reporting criminal aliens to federal authorities and establishing an official database of illegal aliens serving time in the state’s prison system.

GALEO lobbies against voter ID, official English and local jails honoring ICE detainers. Executive Director Gonzalez is known to verbally attack female legislators when he does not approve of speeches or positions on illegal immigration. In 2011, Gonzalez posted this angry explanation of being asked to leave the Georgia Capitol when he lashed out at state Senator Renee Unterman for a speech she made on the floor of the senate.

GALEO online poster opposing 2018 legislation to improve reporting of illegal aliens to federal authorities

In 2011, GALEO’s Gonzalez was escorted out of a Rome, Georgia luncheon that featured a panel discussion on immigration when he began yelling at diminutive state Rep Katie Dempsey as reported by the Rome News Tribune.

Read the rest here.

May 22, 2019

Inger Eberhart of the Dustin Inman Society on Insider Advantage Georgia: On the war on Immigration enforcement in Georgia

Posted by D.A. King at 10:39 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Editor’s note: The Gwinnett county 287 g program was extended to 2020 late Tuesday afternoon. 

“It’s my responsibility to assist the federal government in identifying illegal aliens committing crimes in Gwinnett County,” Gwinnett County Sheriff Butch Conway on the 287(g) agreement with ICE

With the corporate-donor dollars on the anti-enforcement side, the war on immigration enforcement is raging in Georgia. It is not at all clear who will prevail.

Inger Eberhart

In question this month is the federal program that allows two local jails to locate and hold illegal aliens captured for additional crimes here in Georgia.

Sheriff Butch Conway’s Office has had an agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement since 2009 in which specially trained deputies can act as immigration agents under the supervision of ICE officials. Such agreements are allowed under Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

All known aliens are screened using the database provided by ICE to determine immigration status and the illegal aliens are then reported to ICE.

In 2007, Cobb Sheriff Neil Warren was the first in the state to have his jail become 287(g) approved. Both sheriffs report significant success in not only turning over criminal aliens to ICE for deportation, but in reducing the overall jail population. The 287(g) program acts as a deterrent to many illegals who are carefully considering where to take up residence.

Both sheriffs’ agreements with ICE on the 287(g) program are scheduled to expire next month unless the arrangements are extended or renewed. And both sheriffs report that they have captured murderers, kidnappers, rapists and child molesters who were found to be in the country illegally. In a different time, one would assume that nobody would have a problem with the federal authorities receiving help from local jails. Those times are long gone.

In today’s Georgia, identity politics groups oppose the added 287(g) enforcement with the ever-present but mindless talking point that it somehow makes the community less safe. The idea is that it is better to leave criminal aliens in the Georgia community than to risk “separating families.”

It is easy to describe the various opponents of enforcement as “the usual suspects”, but we think it educational to name some names – the Latin American Association for example. David Schafer serves as ‘Managing Director of Advocacy’ for the LAA. “We have to ask ourselves, ‘What’s good for our community,’ ” Schafer told the Gwinnett Daily Post in 2016, the last time Sheriff Conway’s 287(g) agreement was renewed. “Is it better to work with communities in terms of helping them build confidence to report crimes? And how much good does it do us to be taking parents out of families when we’ve got a situation where these families are already struggling to make a living when we’re effectively taking the wage earner out of the home?”

The list of anti-287(g) activists goes on to include the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) that has organized lobbying against immigration enforcement since 2003 – including for the eleven years that State Court Judge and current candidate for a governor’s appointment to the DeKalb Superior Court, Dax Lopez served as board member and fund raiser….read the entire column here.

March 17, 2018

*UPDATED: SPLC joins corporate-funded anti-enforcement group, GALEO, in advocacy against passage of public safety legislation in Georgia #SB452

Posted by D.A. King at 12:10 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: CAPS

SPLC joins corporate-funded anti-enforcement group, GALEO, in advocacy against passage of public safety legislation in Georgia

We happily predict SB452 goes to the governor’s desk. *UPDATED: Despite the fact that it had the votes to pass, SB 452 died on the last day of session when Republican Speaker David Ralston refused to allow a vote. He did however keep the House in session past midnight to get a bill passed on which his son was lobbyist. Here.

On a rainy Saturday a contractor (he is an American) is working across the hall to remove and replace our 1984 toilet — which reminded me of Morris Dees, Heidi Beirich and the SPLC….

Monday’s email (March 12, 2018) brought us two frantic emails from anti-enforcement advocacy groups urging us to act to kill legislation pending in the Georgia legislature. One of the groups, GALEO, is well known here for it’s anti-borders advocacy since 2003 and is financed by corporate Georgia (see Cox Enterprises (parent company of the AJC newspaper), Coca-Cola, Georgia Power, State Farm Insurance Co., Southwest Airlines, Telemundo, Univision et al). Run by a perpetually-angry ethnic hustler named Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO is notably radical enough that one of it’s former board member’s nomination for a federal judgeship died in the U.S. Senate because of the association. At DIS, we are proud of our work in stopping Dax Lopez from becoming a federal judge – and going to the state Supreme Court.

The other action alert was from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Both emails urged us to take action to stop passage of SB452, a bill aimed at identifying illegal aliens in Georgia law enforcement custody and sharing that information. According to the left-tilted Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, which also opposes the bill, SB452 is bad for “immigrants” — and Georgia. We disagree and are actively working for passage and have helped amend the bill to quantify the number of foreigners and, separately, the number of illegal aliens in the state corrections system.

The bill has already passed the Georgia Senate and is set to be heard in the House Public Safety Committee Monday.

From the GBPI:

“The legislation requires local police departments and jails across Georgia to take a series of steps once an unauthorized immigrant comes into their custody. That includes notifying local prosecutors, requiring sentencing courts to review immigration papers and, most importantly, handing over that Georgian’s address and other personal information to ICE. The legislation envisions a seamless process that takes custody of any undocumented resident who comes into contact with Georgia’s court system, even for minor violations like a parking ticket, and hands them over to federal immigration agents.


A local NPR station hates SB452 too. Rep Jesse Petrea is set to shepherd the bill through the House process. Petrea is a hero from last year here. We happily predict this one goes to the governor’s desk.

With any mention of immigration enforcement and protecting Americans from illegal alien criminals (note: Heidi hates the term “crimigrants”), it is easy to understand why the Marxist hate mongers at the SPLC are up in arms against the bill, but as far as we can remember, this is the first time since we started our pro-enforcement effort here in 2003 that we have seen them send out an alert against specific legislation. It makes me want to take a shower, but we have been on their email list – as well as GALEO’s – for fifteen years. When pro-enforcement groups advocate for passage of such bills or enforcement of immigration laws, the crazies call it “hate.”

Here is the message from GALEO and below is the we-hate-imigration-enforcement, kill-the-bill goop from the SPLC:

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MARCH 12, 2018
Dear ******,

We need your help to ensure public safety organizations protect all Georgians. Tell your Representatives to say NO to SB 452.

Nearly 1 in 5 Georgians are part of the immigrant community. This legislation would make it mandatory for local police officers to enforce immigration laws.

As a result, police would be unable to focus their time on ensuring that our communities are safe, and immigrant victims and witnesses of crime will be scared to report crimes to police officers.

Here are more facts about the bill:

  • SB 452 will make our communities less safe.
  • SB 452 will go against our values and split up families by taking immigrant parents away from their children who are U.S. citizens.
  • SB 452 will hurt business in Georgia by making the state look unfriendly to immigrants. We want to show companies that Georgia is open for economic development, not that we are making our police act as immigration agents.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Spread the word! Ask your friends, family members, neighbors, congregations, and communities to call their lawmakers using the toll-free number.

Thank you,

Your friends at the SPLC

P.S. Not in Georgia? Reply to this email and we’ll update our records.

This email was sent to ***********.com To update your email address or other account information, please reply to this email and let us know.
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September 19, 2017

Brown supremacist, anti-enforcement Jerry Gonzalez: An angry ethnic hustler with ties to “hate group”

Posted by D.A. King at 2:28 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

GALEO’s Jerry Gonzalez – photo, DIS

“Shorter: The SPLC says the Nation of Islam is a “hate group” and Jerry Gonzalez of GALEO Inc. is partners in the anti-enforcement Cobb United for Change Coalition with the Nation of Islam.


Brown supremacist Jerry Gonzalez: An ethnic hustler with ties to “hate group”

By his own mindless standards, the Executive Director of GALEO, Jerry Gonzalez, has ties to at least one “hate group.” Which makes his latest race-baiting hissy fit, smear-shot at my pro-enforcement friend Phil Kent all the more obvious and comical.

Under Jerry (Gerado E.) Gonzalez’s leadership, the anti-enforcement immigration corporation GALEO partnered up with several marginal groups in 2008 to form what they called the “Cobb United for Change Coalition” here in Cobb County, Georgia.

The groups and their leaders involved in this coalition included the Nation of Islam (headed nationally by the Rev. Louis Farrakhan), the corporate-funded Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (Jerry Gonzalez), the New Order National Human Rights Organization (Gerald Rose), the Cobb Immigrant Alliance (Rich Pellegrino), the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (Mexican citizen and former Atlanta Mexican Consul General Teodoro Maus), the Cobb Southern Christian Leadership Conference (the Rev. Dwight Graves), the Family Life Restoration Center (Luther Washington Jr.) and according to an Marietta Daily Journal editorial, the National Council of La Raza (Janet Murguía).

For the readers who do not understand Spanish, a translation: The last group mentioned above translates as “The National Council of the Race.” After forty-six years, La Raza has changed it’s name.

When they aren’t smearing Christian groups and caring for its off shore bank accounts, the SPLC hucksters, put out a “hate map” of “hate groups” which has included the Nation of Islam, one of GALEO’s partners in the Cobb United for Change Coalition.

Shorter: The SPLC says the Nation of Islam is a “hate group” and Jerry Gonzalez of GALEO Inc. is partners in the anti-enforcement Cobb United for Change Coalition with the Nation of Islam.

For mainstream Georgians who have the pleasure of not being familiar with “Angry Jerry” Gonzalez, it may help to know that he is one of the ethnic hustler, hard leftists who uses the endless smears from the discredited SPLC to attempt to keep pro-American dialogue out of the immigration debate. But he is also a wanna be tough guy when he doesn’t like what you have to say. Example: A 2011 Rome News-Tribune report (“Immigration discussion gets heated during panel”  recounts Gonzalez’s antics at a mainstream event in that lovely Georgia city.

Apparently, Gonzalez was “uninvited” as a panel member on a scheduled meeting focused on Georgia’s E-Verify law.

According to the Rome news report, Gonzalez showed up anyway, angrily shouted at Rome’s diminutive and well-liked state Representative, Katie Dempsey, from the audience during and after the event and ended up being escorted out of the event, the building and off the property by Rome police officers. Dempsey was a cosigner on the bill that created the E-Verify requirement for private employers, HB 87. Word around Rome is that the meeting organizers learned of Jerry’s involvement in a lawsuit against the governor and the state to overturn stop enforcement/HB 87 and concluded that Gonzalez wasn’t the best choice for a rational, unbiased discussion.

We agree. And we wonder if Angry Jerry will chase and scream at Phil Kent at the coming event. In the spirit of the leftist smear artists, somebody may want to ask Jerry if he still beats his husband. 

Led by Gonzalez, GALEO toxic for federal judge nominee

Angry Jerry is likely still hysterical over the fact that the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee tossed consideration of a GALEO board member, Dax Lopez, after Barack Obama nominated him for a federal judge seat here in Georgia. Georgia Senator David Perdue, a committee member, made it clear that Lopez’s ties to the radical, Jane Fonda-funded GALEO Inc. caused enough concern to reject Dax Lopez.

If Angry Jerry’s years of marching in the streets of Georgia and Washington D.C. demanding an end to voter ID and enforcement of American immigration laws wasn’t what illustrated the anti-American nature of Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO and it’s mission, maybe it was the fact that Gonzalez is a former employee of the radical MALDEF.

To get an idea of the ideology involved in rabid haters like Gonzalez, it helps to know what a MALDEF founder, Mario Obledo, made it quite clear on the radio in 1998: “California is going to become a Hispanic state and if anyone doesn’t like it they should leave. They ought to go back to Europe.” 

Ladies and Gentlemen, Jerry Gonzalez, race-baiting hater.

November 13, 2016

Email exchange, Request for interview – Regina Willis, freelance “journalist” November 9, 2016

Posted by D.A. King at 9:45 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  



On Nov 9, 2016, at 11:08 AM, Regina Willis wrote:

Hello D.A. King,

I am a freelance reporter doing a story for Creative Loafing on the immigrant enforcement review board, stemming from your most recent complaint filed with the board against the City of Atlanta. Let me know if you’d be available to discuss this complaint, as well as your previous complaints with the board and your work on HB 87 creating this board.

Thanks so much, and I look forward to speaking with you at your earliest convenience.


Regina Willis
Freelance Reporter
e: RWillisD@gmail.com


On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 11:36 AM, D.A. King wrote:
Your editors do not have the professional courtesy to return queries about sending in response letters and columns as balance to the anti enforcement goop that shows up in your paper. That was not always the case.
But, I will send you replies to an email interview questions.


On Wed, Mov 9, 2016 at 11:48 AM, D.A. King wrote
Regina Willis , sharry.smith@creativeloafing.com, Phil Kent , Tim Bryant

I just read Your Better Georgia “journalism” on ” Georgia Racists/Dax Lopez…” The fact that Creative Loafing has dipped so far into the barrel for free lance is not that surprising. You have no honor and you are not a journalist. But I will still reply to email questions.


Thanks for agreeing to answer some questions. I’m interested in:

(1) Your work with the IERB. Do you know how many complaints you have filed? What source(s) inform these complaints (e.g. what makes you decide to file an open records request and investigate a certain body)?

(2) What do you hope to accomplish with this most recent complaint against the City of Atlanta?

(3) What have been some of the most important outcomes, in your opinion, from HB 87 in general? From the work of the IERB specifically?

(4) Many folks, myself included (as you have noted), have labeled you and your work as racist. What do you think drives folks to call your work racist/xenophobic? How do you respond to those assertions?


Regina (Ari) Willis
Freelance Reporter
e: RWillisD@gmail.com


From: “D.A. KING”
Subject: Re: Request for interview
Date: November 9, 2016 at 2:12:32 PM EST
To: Regina Willis
Cc: sharry.smith@creativeloafing.com, debbie.michaud@creativeloafing.com, alicia.carter@creativeloafing.com, Timothy Bryant , Roger Hines

On Nov 9, 2016, at 12:05 PM, Regina Willis wrote:


Thanks for agreeing to answer some questions. I’m interested in:

(1) Your work with the IERB. Do you know how many complaints you have filed? What source(s) inform these complaints (e.g. what makes you decide to file an open records request and investigate a certain body)

On November 9, 2016 let me first say “VIVA, DONALD TRUMP!”

I don’t work “with” the IERB. Any registered voter Ga citizen can file a valid complaint.

By my count, before the current one, I have filed four complaints with IERB. One against City of Atlanta for violation of 2011 state law against official acceptence of consular IDs such as the Mexican matricula consular. Results HERE. Because real immigrants can and must obtain and carry US ID, the only people who need documents like the matricula consular are illegal aliens. In an effort to point you and CR readers to the difference between immigrants like my adopted sister and illegal aliens, like the man who killed forever sixteen Dustin Inman, try to remember that because they are here lawfully, immigrants do not require a repeat of the “one time” amnesty of 1986 and that real immigrants are already on a path to citizenship.

At one time I had several matricula ID cards used as a way of showing how insecure they are.

I also filed three other complaints taken from public records which showed literally pages of lists of official entities that had ignored or violated state laws aimed at protecting public benefits for eligible applicants and that official employers like cities and counties don’t hire contractors that use black market labor. This would exclude illegal aliens. Complaints can be found HERE. The IERB stalled for about two years, pointedly said the complaints were too voluminous and summarily discarded one complaint section entirely, saying that they lacked resources to handle so many violations. In the end, only DeKalb county was fined $5000, and that was suspended until the county (just one of pages of violators) demonstrated compliance. There is a very inaccurate write up here from one of your fellow anti-enforcement leftists. Imagine if these same cities and counties had ignored the laws that require free health care treatment and K-12 education to illegal aliens..

I file complaints when I have time. With a little effort, I can locate and document many other violations. It became very obvious that Mayor Reed and his lawyers had re-written and ignored the state law on issuing business licenses and other public benefits without the required sworn statement that the applicant is eligible. Giving public benefits to illegals would be a serious crime in Mexico. Here, not so much. We’ll see. There are a high but unknown number of violations in Atlanta over the course of four years. I file complaints because when it comes to monitoring compliance with immigration laws, Atlanta media usually takes a walk on its responsibility to address official defiance of the law the rest of us are held to.

(2) What do you hope to accomplish with this most recent complaint against the City of Atlanta?

The law provides for serious penalties for officials and public departments that are covered by the law. My hope is that the IERB will use all of its power to send a message to the other officials who are allowed to scoff at the law. Best case? Mayor Reed takes a heavy personal fine as the final authority in charge of what are admitted violations.The citizens of Atlanta should not be required to pay any fines out of the city treasure for Reed’s defiance of state law. I have also filed complaints with the Georgia AG. So far, silence from them. Because of the Chamber of Commerce affiliated state government and having more illegals than Arizona, the Peach State is morphing into “Georgiafornia.”

(3) What have been some of the most important outcomes, in your opinion, from HB 87 in general? From the work of the IERB specifically?

The heart of HB 87 was the E-verify expansion. Despite the endless assurances that it would be a thing of the past from a gaggle of liberal reporters in 2011, Georgians are still eating state-grown peaches, onions and berries. The number of illegal aliens has been reduced, which is what happens in other states where E-Verify is mandated. We still have a long way to go, but the joyus election of “Make America Great Again!” Donald Trump as president may help to increase the outward migration of the victims of borders who lower our wages and challenge our rule of law. The IERB was set up by lobbyists from the very people it is supposed to monitor – ACCG/GMA. There is a very narrow avenue for real enforcement or sanctions. But Mayor Kasim Reed and his administrators have managed to fill all of the requirements for punishment. The 2011 law HB 87 was done due to high public outrage, in an effort to make average citizens assume everything had been taken care of in the organized crime of illegal hiring and illegal immigration. It hasn’t.

(4) Many folks, myself included (as you have noted), have labeled you and your work as racist. What do you think drives folks to call your work racist/xenophobic? How do you respond to those assertions?

People like you use “racist” when they have no way to counter the facts of pro-borders conservatives. I normally let the proud Hispanic Americans and African-Americans on my board reply to these idiot questions. You need to know: “illegal” is not a race. Neither is Hispanic.

I see that you personally have labeled many elected officials as “racist,” including sheriffs. In the limited bubble-world of totalitarian progressives, borders, immigration laws and advocates for an equal application of the law are attacked with the liberal goop of racism. Thanks to years of this race-baiting and these baseless attacks, the American people woke up, took a stand and elected Donald trump president. Like most Americans, including Barbara Jordan, we take a pro-enforcement position on borders and immigration and have the courage to say that there is no universal civil right to live in the USA or to ignore American borders or our system of laws. You, your editors and your readers should try to understand that all nations, including Mexico, have borders, refuse drivers licenses and benefits to illegals, deport illegal aliens and protect their own citizens. You should headline your piece “Everybody I don’t like is Hitler” and call it a day. By the way, most U.S. Border Patrol Agents who are right now risking their lives to protect us are Hispanic Americans. How racist and xenophobic, ehh?


On November 9, 2016 at 9:39 PM, D.A. King wrote

Regina Willis , “D.A. KING”
corrected typo for accuracy and grammar – last paragraph of my reply

People like you use “racist” when they have no way to counter the facts of pro-borders conservatives. I normally let the proud Hispanic Americans and African-Americans on my board reply to these idiot questions.You need to know: “illegal” is not a race. Neither is Hispanic. I see thatyou personally have labeled many elected officials as “racist,” including sheriffs. In the limited bubble-world of totalitarian progressives, borders, immigration laws and advocates for an equal application of the law are attacked with the liberal goop of racism. Thanks to years of this race-baiting and these baseless attacks, the American people woke up, took a stand and elected Donald Trump president. Like most Americans, including Barbara Jordan, we take a pro-enforcement position on borders and immigration and have the courage to say that there is no universal civil right to live in the USA or to ignore American borders or our system of laws. You, your editors and your readers should try to understand that other nations, including Mexico, have borders, refuse drivers licenses and benefits to illegals, deport illegal aliens and protect their own citizens. You should headline your piece “Everybody I don’t like is Hitler” and call it a day. By the way, most U.S. Border Patrol Agents who are right now risking their lives to protect us are Hispanic Americans. How racist and xenophobic, ehh?




On Nov 14, 2016, at 10:33 AM, Regina Willis <rwillisd@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello D.A. King,

I do have a few follow up questions for you.


From D.A. King

On Nov 14, 2016 at 12:22 PM

(1) You’ve mentioned the board using ‘all of its power,’ both in your previous answers to my questions and in comments you made to the board. I get the sense that you are frustrated the board isn’t doing more. How would you ideally like to see the board operate?

Again, the board was dreamed up by lobbyists and lawyers from ACCG/GMA to ‘police’ their own members. It serves as a firewall. Having watched as various official entities have been caught violating the laws in HB 87 and seeing the “OK, now that D.A. King has brought forward these violations, you guys need to cut that out to avoid sanctions…” response from the board, it is difficult not to be frustrated. The IERB has subpoena power and can require the city of Atlanta to produce records that illustrate the scope of violations I have exposed. I am grateful that they voted to do that on this case. These are the clear violations the AJC and other sanctimonious Atlanta media have ignored. The General Assembly should abolish the IERB and the pubic should demand that violations of laws designed to safegaurd public benefits and sanctuary city laws go directly to the same system of enforcement that lowly citizen’s violations do. It should be noted that the AG’s office can still prosecute these violations, regardless of what the IERB does or does not do. Now, if I could only get a response from that office to my complaints…

You may have noticed at least one board member mention that he didn’t think there was “intent” on the part of the city of Atlanta to “knowingly” violate clearly written laws. This is a warm-up to the declaration that despite the Mayor being a former state legislator , despite having a crew of lawyers and advisors, the city of Atlanta “just didn’t understand” that it was administering public benefits in violation of a law ACCG/GMA fought – and the city and the mayor should not suffer and punishment. It’s the Comey/Hillary/bathroom server response to enforcement. Readers should remember that the next time they get a speeding ticket. Try telling the cop you just didn’t know about traffic laws…

(2) What do you make of the fact that you lobbied/advocated for HB 87 and subsequently are the primary person to use the IERB that law created? Why do you think you’re the primary person filing complaints?

Few other people even know the process. Most Americans have no clue how their government really works. Especially on the state and local level. My educated guess is that more people look forward to root canals than know about the IERB – or state law designed to stop illegal aliens from taking benefits and jobs meant for hard working legal immigrants and Americans.

(3) How do you think “the limited bubble-world of totalitarian progressives,” approaches immigration policy?

Ha! With the goal of open borders through thinking less and race-baiting more, the game is to blur the line between honest and law-abiding immigrants and the illegal aliens who are merely undocumented future Democrat-gimme more voters while smearing anyone, regardless of description, who stands up to say we should enforce our immigration and employment laws as enthusiastically and as unapologetically as does Mexico. Most people don’t know we take in more legal immigration than any nation on the planet. More than a million a year. While screaming for better jobs and higher pay, the mindless left joins the Wall St. Journal anything-for-a- buck right in trying for limitless immigration – open borders – clueless to the natural laws of supply and demand. To help out: More workers means lower wages. I grew up in a blue-collar working class family. It is stunning that people accept the ridiculous dogma that we need more immigration to be “fair” – while wages for working Americans are going down in real dollars.
What is your fear about what would happen if those policies went into effect?

It is easy to argue that in part they are already in effect in Obama’s America. Without a reverse, it’s Adios America – official open borders combined with the welfare state that is 21st century America and the current interpretation of birthright citizenship means we would further our current reputation as the ultimate destination for world-wide migration. Most of us prefer a real country to a teeming tower-of-Babel, lawless, welfare-admin region that will soon look more like a sci-fi movie than a constitutional republic with a rule of law if people don’t start recognizing the obvious. I always enjoy asking which laws the “tolerant progressives” want enforced and which ones they chose to ignore. A brilliant answer is evident in watching the freaked-out leftist media snivel and the loving millennials rioting in American streets screaming that Trump and American police should be murdered because they don’t like the results of the election. In today’s bizarro world, “racists” are people who are winning an argument with liberals. With Trump’s election, mainstream America just won a whopper of an argument. To quote about a gazillion conservatives on Twitter lately: “Liberal tears taste so sweet…”

August 27, 2016

D.A. King in the Atlanta Jewish Times – Letters to the editor, August 26, 2016

Posted by D.A. King at 9:03 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

We are grateful for the space.

Atlanta Jewish Times

Letters to the editor


August 26, 2016

Latinos Dominate Immigration

In her report on the fourth annual Charla and Challah Jewish-Latino community event (“Immigrant Experience Helps Unite Jews, Latinos,” Aug. 12), Sarah Moosazadeh has “informed” your readers that “today, immigration restrictions stand in the way for Latin American immigrants who seek new opportunities and a better standard of living in the United States.”

Respectfully, that statement is absurd.

Event participant Judge Dax Lopez said, “People have valid concerns, but debates should be based on facts vs. feelings.” We wholeheartedly agree.

The latest available annual official figures show that of the more than 1 million legal immigrants admitted to the United States in 2014, Mexico was the No. 1 sending nation. The Department of Homeland Security flow chart “U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents: 2014” shows that Cuba, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Colombia also are in the top 20 sending countries.

By region, the combined numbers of immigrants from Central America and South America are far ahead of Europe and Oceania, for example.

We hope that the AJT’s future news coverage of immigration will include more careful research, less baseless opinion, and perhaps a nod to the underrepresentation and possible oppression of European immigrants in the oft-described “rich tapestry of the diverse fabric” of the “press-one-for-English,” changing American population.

Perhaps the object of the community event or news report was to add to the ongoing push for officially open borders and unrestricted immigration. In that case, we would point to the obvious fact that such a policy would be the end of any semblance of a sovereign, defined nation and a mindless betrayal of struggling American workers.

— D.A. King, Marietta, president, Dustin Inman Society, for the board of advisers   HERE

February 21, 2016

We need help to continue to fight illegal immigration

Posted by D.A. King at 2:34 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Dustin Inman Society alert

We are put of funds. We need your help. I am sorry to ask. It is critical.

Republican-controlled Georgia is still giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens.

We are still trying to get a hearing in the Senate Public Safety on SB 6, which would address this issue and much more. Friday is the last possible day. The chairman there is Senator Tyler Harper. SB 6 has been in his committee for more than a year. If you take time to call his office, the message is “Give SB 6 a hearing.”

We cannot continue to operate here without some help with expenses. Our last appeal for assistance produced two donations. At Christmas time. We cannot afford to send out many alerts any more, so I am using Facebook a lot.

If you can help, your contribution can be tax deductible. Please help. I have been doing this full time since 2003.


We are still trying to help pass SR 675, that would allow all Georgia voters to decide in November on amending the state constitution to make English the official language of government. Monday is the last possible day to get it passed in the Republican super-majority state senate.

We are also struggling to stop SB 320 in the House. Law enforcement officials are outraged at the security dangers in this legislation.
Please see HERE for how bad a bill this is. We need your help. In seven legislative days, SB 320 passed the same committee where SB 6 has been held for more than a year.

SB 320 is a bill written and pushed by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce. It is a very dangerous bill. It passed with ZERO “NO” votes in the state senate last week.

We are proud to have supplied the facts that resulted in consideration of GALEO’s Dax Lopez for a lifetime seat as a federal judge.

Please help us continue if you are able?

* YES to SB 6 – stop giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens.
* YES to SR 675 – let us vote on official English in November!
* NO to SB 320 – kill this bill in the House before it kills somebody in Georgia!

February 4, 2016

ACTION NEEDED! One phone call please? Let Georgia Lt. Governor Casey Cagle know you want SB 6 to get a vote!

Posted by D.A. King at 12:41 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

DIS alert


The Dustin Inman Society is proud to have played a pivotal role in providing the information that led to the end of consideration of GALEO-pal Dax Lopez for a lifetime federal judge seat in Georgia. Thank you all for the help! The illegal alien lobby is quite upset that one of their own has been turned away because of his affiliation with anti-borders GALEO Inc. Many thanks again to U.S. Senator David Perdue!

NOW!  There are even more illegal aliens on their way to Georgia! Obama has stopped any pretense of capturing many illegal alien border-crossers. Please see the Washington Times news.

Did you know? Right now, Republican-controlled Georgia is issuing drivers licenses, official state photo ID cards and public benefits to the illegal aliens rewarded by Obama with work permits and Social Security cards in his illegal 2012 amnesty. Yes, these illegals are eligible for unemployment benefits in Georgia. If Obama’s pending Supreme Court lawsuit is successful we will have another 200,000 illegal aliens added to the approximately 20,000 who already have a Georgia drivers license.

Obama’s deferred action on deportation does NOT provide legal status.

*ACTION NEEDED!– One phone call please?

We want Senate Bill 6 in Georgia to be voted on in the GOP-ruled state senate!

SB6, sponsored by state Senator Josh McKoon has been changed improved and expanded.

It will stop rewarding these illegal aliens with a drivers license that looks almost exactly like the ones issued to U.S. citizens – you know the ones we use to ID ourselves when we vote. Or board an airliner. Or sent a truck. Or buy explosives. (See proposed replacement document on the bottom)

SB6 will also require Georgia law enforcement to share official information they have so common citizens can see when Obama has released criminal aliens onto our the streets of Georgia. It will stop illegal aliens from becoming lawyers and public school teachers and insure that illegal aliens do not get in front of U.S. citizens and real immigrants for in-state tuition.

Please make one phone call today (and tomorrow) to Georgia Lt. Governor Casey Cagle’s office in Atlanta. The message to leave with the staffer is simple: “Please tell the Lt. Governor that we are watching and we want to see SB6 get a vote by the full state senate. Why are we giving illegal aliens a drivers license?”

Office of Georgia’s LT Governor Casey Cagle (R)
240 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: (404) 656-5030
Fax: (404) 656-6739


BONUS: More info HERE.

FYI – the illegal alien lobby is calling Lt. Gov Cagle right now


mock-up of the proposed SB6 replacement of the current Georgia drivers license issued to illegal aliens.

February 3, 2016


Posted by D.A. King at 10:38 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Paul Mirengoff

January 23, 2016


When Democratic presidents nominate leftist minority group members to the federal bench, it’s win-win for them. Either they get a leftist confirmed plus the right to brag about how much they’re doing for minorities or the Democrats can castigate Republicans for being mean to minorities.

The nomination of Dax Lopez to the federal district court for the Northern District of Georgia is a classic example. Lopez is Hispanic (and Jewish too). But Sen. David Perdue stood up to the pressure to rubber stamp his nomination and blocked it.

Now Perdue is feeling the backlash, as is clear from this article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. The Hispanic National Bar Association has blasted Perdue, as has the Anti-Defamation League. And the Democrats, of course, are playing this for all they think it’s worth. Antonio Molina, the caucus chair of the Democratic Party of Georgia sniffed:

These kinds of partisan games only reinforce what we already know about the GOP—there is no room at their table for Latinos. They’ve now gone from blocking commonsense immigration reform and opportunity for DREAMers to depriving Georgia of a talented legal mind for no other reason than his association with the Latino community.

But should Lopez be confirmed? In my view, the Democrats are lucky that any Obama nominees are being taken up in his lame duck year. Indeed, I believe that Republicans should have enforced a strong presumption against any judicial confirmations in response to President Obama’s lawless executive amnesty.

That aside, Perdue was right to block this particular nominee. Why?

First, he and fellow Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson received many letters from state legislators and law enforcement officials opposing Lopez’s nomination. In fact, the sheriffs of Georgia’s second and third most populous counties (Gwinett and Cobb) opposed it. So did the State Senate Majority Whip and State Senate Majority Caucus Chairman.

Second, Lopez is a radical who favors lawlessness as a means to accomplish his policy preferences. He served on the Board of Directors of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO). Lopez says that GALEO is “an organization very near and dear to my heart.”

During Lopez’s time on the GALEO board, this outfit, among other leftist positions:

Applauded the Fulton County Sheriff for refusing to cooperate with ICE on deportations.

Supported Obama’s unlawful executive orders on illegal immigration and amnesty.

Opposed Georgia’s voter identification law.

Opposed Georgia’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Lopez also took a lead role in slandering opponents of illegal immigration. He researched, wrote, and edited a GALEO White Paper that attacked groups such as the Center for Immigration Studies, claiming that their views are “strikingly similar” to those of “racial separatists.” He singled out one anti-illegal immigration activist in part for saying “there is no universal civil right to live in the United States.”

Cobb County Sheriff Neil Warren noted GALEO’s strident lawlessness in his letter opposing Lopez’s nomination. He wrote:

In my 38 years of law enforcement service in Cobb County Georgia, including 11 years as Sheriff, I have never seen an organization work harder against the interest of our state. GALEO has called for law enforcement to turn a blind eye towards criminals that have illegally penetrated our borders and then perpetrated crimes against the very citizens I am sworn to protect.

Third, Lopez likes receiving preferential treatment because of his ethnicity. A vocal supporter of race-based affirmative action for his entire public life, I’m told that he has said his LSAT score was low and he would never have been admitted to Vanderbilt Law School but for the preference he received as a Hispanic.

Fourth, Lopez believes strongly in judicial activism. Speaking about federal judges during the 1960s, Lopez reportedly said:

The simple answer to how these judges became the unsung heroes of the [c]ivil rights movement is that judges have the power not only to talk about change, they can actually ORDER change…and what they did is that through the Courts they provided non violent forum [sic] to address injustice which led to real change, nonviolent revolution. . . .

These were the original activist judges, judges that applied all of the law, not just the portions they felt supported their own prejudiced views.

If confirmed, Lopez would almost surely strive to become a “hero” by applying “all of the law” to advance his revolutionary agenda, especially when it comes to illegal immigration.

Senator Perdue will be roundly condemned in the mainstream media and in other liberal circles for standing against Lopez’s confirmation. The Democrats will use this to raise money to try and defeat him when he stands for re-election.

It is important, therefore, that Perdue’s vote be praised by conservative outlets, so that less courageous Senators, and those from less Red states, will feel comfortable standing against hardcore left-wing judicial nominees in the future.

Letters to the Senator from our readers commending, cc-ing other GOP Senators, would also be helpful.   HERE

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