February 25, 2020

Chuck Payne file version: Letter to the editor Dalton Daily Citizen, Jan 14, 2020

Posted by D.A. King at 1:39 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Ga state Senator Chuck Payne, Photo: Georgia senate.

Letter: Remembering Kemp’s promises on illegal immigration

“Georgians should realize most illegal immigration is a direct result of illegal employment and must be recognized as the organized crime that it is. Kemp is silent on the entire issue.

“Business friendly” is a term that is counter to “pro-enforcement” on immigration. Dalton conservatives have their own problems in that Republican state Sen. Chuck Payne has pledged his allegiance to the billionaire-funded, anti-enforcement group FWD.us that lobbies in Washington, D.C., and the state Capitol. Payne has described his work with the group as “a moral imperative and a political obligation to my constituents and the health of our country and economy,” according to Georgia Recorder.”

Entire letter as published here.


Breitbart News: GOP Rep. Pushes Anti-Sanctuary Cities Bill in Georgia – *Rep Philip Singleton

Posted by D.A. King at 1:09 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Dustin Inman Society


Breitbart News
February 24, 2020

Neil Munro


GA state Rep Philip Singleton
Photo: Georgia General Assembly

GOP Rep. Pushes Anti-Sanctuary Cities Bill in Georgia

A GOP legislator and 19 co-sponsors are pushing legislation to bar sanctuary cities in Georgia.

“I’m very hopeful,” said state Rep. Philip Singleton, who flew AH-64 attack helicopters in Afghanistan and Iraq. He continued

This legislation is directly in line with President Donald Trump’s agenda and the agenda that Governor Brian Kemp ran on, and the Republicans across the state have talked about for years.  I’m very hopeful that they will decide to legislate the way that they campaigned.

This is extremely important for Georgia, not only for the safety of the immigrant community but also for the safety of every Georgian. And it’s important, especially in a major election year, that the voters see that the conservatives that they’ve elected will actually get legislation improving their lives like the [candidates] promised.

A July 2018 report by the left-wing Georgia Budget and Policy Institute said the roughly one-third of all immigrants in the state are  “unauthorized immigrants.” The estimated population of 377,000 illegals outnumbered the resident population of 260,000 green card holders and was close to the population of 427,000 immigrant citizens.

The population of illegals nudges up crime rates, pushes down Americans’ wages, and boosts housing prices. But business groups welcome the extra population because it provides more workers, customers, and renters to businesses.

The “Georgia Anti-Sanctuary Act” is being co-sponsored by GOP Reps. Steve Tarvin, Scot Turner, Ken Pullin, Kevin Cook, Michael Caldwell, and Sheri Gilligan. They are backed up by additional sponsors, including Marc Morris, Mitchell Scoggins, Mathew Gambill, Steven Sainz, Emory Dunahoo, Joseph Gullett, Jeff Jones, David Clark, Rick Williams, and Danny Mathis, said D.A. King, a pro-American immigration-reform activist in the state, and the founder of the Dustin Inman Society.

Their HB 915 bill would require the state to support federal immigration enforcement efforts and prevent any local obstruction. A statement at InsiderAdvantage.com from Singleton said:

State entities and agencies would be required to comply with federal immigration detainers and would be prohibited from withholding information or records from federal immigration enforcement efforts regarding an immigrant’s status. Additionally, the bill would encourage a seamless transfer process regarding illegal aliens who are held in a state’s correctional facility to be transferred into federal custody. Under this bill, it would also be illegal for state or local law enforcement officers who have custody of an illegal to deny or knowingly fail to comply with an alien’s detainer’s requests.

My bill is carefully modeled from the 2017 Texas SB-4 and 2019 Florida SB-168 bills. They have both been signed into law in their respective states and have both been upheld in federal court rulings.

However, Singleton and the cosponsors need the support of top GOP leaders for the bill to become law, said King.

“What’s required for this bill to pass is [first] a hearing in a subcommittee, then a full committee hearing at the Judiciary Committee, and then it has to go from [the] judiciary [committee] to [the] rules [committee], and then from rules to the House floor before legislative day 28,” he said… Read the rest here.




January 20, 2020

Cherokee County Republican Rep Scot Turner sponsors bill to gut protections against illegal aliens accessing public benefit: Professional licenses. It’s HB 773

Posted by D.A. King at 10:42 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Rep Scot Turner. Photo: Ga General Assembly website

Georgia state Rep Scot Turner

The below is text from animal relying to several people this morning, including another state Rep replying to someone asking if I know what i am talking about. Below is a facebook exchange from jan 216 with Rep Scot Turner


Scott does not understand the law as is, which I have worked for literally 15 years. Chip Rogers , SB 529 in 2006. I wrote 2009 HB2 myself. We improved in HB87 in 2011 and again in SB160 in 2013.

OCGA 50-36-1 requires all applicants for public benefits over age 18 to swear they are eligible for benefits due to US citizenship or lawful immigration presence. Then, that legal immigration status is verified using the no-cost federal SAVE program. This “cut the red tape” auto-issue reciprocity nonsense would allow an illegal alien who moves here from other states that do not use a verification system (most states don’t) to receive the professional license without so much as the current required affidavit, much less federal verification.Scott will need to explain how an illegal alien does not have ability to establish “residency” and cannot access the professional license if there is no test, no affidavit swearing to eligibility (status) and no SAVE verification. The current laws on public benefits was put in place for a reason. See also 50-36-2

*This legislation will eliminate the process of SAVE verification. But likely will make GA “ better for business.”
Scott originally replied to me (see his Facebook page for yesterday’s dialogue)that he had changed to a sub that would only allow US citizens to participate in the reciprocity. Then I pointed out he would be stopping legal immigrants and legal temp workers. Now I see this.

I urge all to educate themselves before the establishment starts the push to dismantle the laws in place to make it more difficult for illegals to operate in GA. This will be “an issue.”

Last year GA DOT gutted part of the EVerify law for public contractors because nearly zero legislators understand the laws. The one(s) who did remained silent to stay in the cool kids club.

I am 404-
Scott has started something he does not understand and is now trying to keep a bad bill that cannot improve, only reduce current system designed by people who actually understand system.



Facebook exchange, January 16, 2020

Scot Turner Campaign Page
January 16 at 12:23 AM ·
Unemployment is at historically low levels and the economy is on fire. As a result, we need to address the needs of employers to be able to put licensed professionals to work as soon as possible.
Because of this, I have introduced HB 773, which is modeled after Arizona’s professional licensing law. If someone is in a licensed profession, have a year of experience and have kept a good standing, pass a background check, and show that they understand how Georgia law applies to their profession, their license obtained in a different state would be recognized here. This would make these individuals available to go to work here as soon as they establish residency in the state.
HB 773 2019-2020 Regular Session
A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Title 43 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to professions and businesses, so as to provide for reciprocal licensing of professions, occupations, and trades…

D.a. King ‪So you want reciprocity with the many states, California being one, that issue professional licenses to illegal aliens – thereby gutting the intent of OCGA 50-36-1 that many of us worked to create and sharpen over the years? Governor Brian Kemp‬

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Scot Turner Campaign Page ‪D.a. King‪ there is a committee substitute that would ensure this applies to US citizens. But thank you for your vigilance.‬

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D.a. King ‪Scot Turner Campaign Page It’s not about citizens, but individuals eligible because of lawful presence. If your sub says US citizens, it is restricting lawful permanent residents (LPR, GREEN CARD HOLDERS -immigrants) and guest workers. Happy to help, but sounds like it still has problems. Please let me know.‬

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Scot Turner Campaign Page ‪D.a. King‪ would welcome any thoughtful feedback to make the best bill possible.‬

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D.a. King ‪Scot Turner Campaign Page We will oppose your bill. You are still taking out the SAVE verification process for eligibility provided in 50-36-1. Professional licenses are public benefits. There must be a way to insure only eligible applicants obtain th…See More‬

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D.a. King ‪Scot Turner Campaign Page Thanks. I think a lot of you. The concept to remove red tape will inevitably go to less verification. In a state with more illegal aliens than green card holders. I know you are trying to help. My advice is to work towards actual enforcement of existing laws to insure a level playing (job) field for legal residents.‬

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Scot Turner Campaign Page ‪D.a. King‪ there has to be a balance between that enforcement and the liberty of Americans. I think we can find that balance while ensuring Americans are still free.‬

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D.a. King ‪Scot Turner Campaign Page Yep. Freedom is reduced when we screen out illegal aliens from public benefits. Now I see. THANKS.‬

Email exchange with several other people including a mother state Rep who is asking if I know what I am talking about: Jan. 20



January 3, 2020

D.A. King in Insider Advantage Georgia today:$100 million annual revenue source should not be ignored

Posted by D.A. King at 9:59 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: Insider Advantage Georgia


A subscription news outlet

January 3, 202

$100 million annual revenue source should not be ignored


Georgia voters should be asking why all concerned under the Gold Dome are apparently ignoring a proven successful process that would create a new revenue stream estimated to add about $100 million to the Georgia coffers annually.

With current budget woes producing headlines like “Hundreds of jobs, programs, would be slashed from Georgia budget”and reports that Gov. Kemp wants to cut $300 million from the budget this year, $100 million in new annual revenue seems like real money.

The new revenue stream would come without costing Georgia tax-filers a penny.

This writer originally reported here on legislation from Rep Jeff Jones (R – Brunswick) in late 2016 that would mimic a working system in Oklahoma that has added to that state’s budget since 2010.

“Rep. Jones has found a way to tap into the enormous amount of money that is sent out of Georgia every year without going anywhere near the Georgia economy – and the best news is that the majority of that money comes from drug dealers and illegal aliens!

What is it? A small, 100% refundable fee on funds wired out of Georgia, that taxpayers could easily recoup on their state tax returns. In simple terms, it goes like this: Let’s say you wire $1000.00 to Aunt Martha in South Carolina to help with her upcoming surgery. When you send the helpful payment out, the wire service would add on a small extra fee  (around 2%) – which you would get back when you file your tax return or a simple, short form explaining that you are not required to file a return because of low income. The wire transfer agency would be compensated for the collection effort.

The same fee would be added to the money that illegal drug dealers send out of Georgia. The government of Mexico alone received about $25 billion American dollars last year, mostly from its citizens living here in the good old USA. That is more money than Mexico made on oil revenues.

Georgia has more illegal aliens than Arizona. (and many more than Oklahoma) We don’t have figures on how many American dollars are sent out of Georgia by drug dealers, but Atlanta is a known terminus for that insidious organized crime.

The income for the state in this genius plan comes from the fact that the huge majority of illegal aliens and drug dealers do not file a tax return. Get it?” is what we wrote more three years ago.

Repeat note to media skeptics: Everyone who files a state tax return or special short form can get their fee back.

While Rep Jones has worked hard to accommodate stakeholders since 2016 and polished and tweaked his revenue bill, the basics have not changed. According to the anti-immigration enforcement Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than green card holders and the illicit drug business is booming in the Peach State.

The original estimates of the revenue dollar amount have doubled since the bill was written due to changes in the language.

One feature that has not changed is the wire transfer withholding would apply to everyone who wired money out of Georgia, regardless of its final destination.

To illustrate the constant growth in revenue this idea has produced in Oklahoma since it became law, we posted collections by year since it began here from the Oklahoma Tax Commssion.

We detect media resistance

David North at the Center for Immigration Studies also wrote about Jones’ bill in 2016 and that write-up was sent to the AJC’s Jim Galloway that year. The resulting excitedly inaccurate AJC coverage ran with the headline “First Trump-era bill could slap a tax on cash sent to foreign homes.”

The AJC reported that the fully refundable wire transfer fee was a “tax” and that it would only apply to foreigners sending money to their home countries. And they didn’t seem to like the idea that it would affect illegal aliens.

We hope the governor and concerned, responsible House members will take a hard look at Jones’ $100 million a year revenue bill for themselves – maybe even give it a hearing. And maybe sign on as cosponsors. It’s HB532.

You read it here first. Again.

D.A. King is president of the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society @DAKDIS    Here.


September 14, 2019

We need help. Two things you can do right now to help fight illegal immigration in Georgia

Posted by D.A. King at 9:39 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  



We need help.

Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than green card holders. And more than Arizona. And if you are still waiting for Gov Kemp and his “Big Truck” to help – we hope you aren’t holding your breath.

The illegal alien lobby is financed by corporate-Georgia and Marxists like George Soros. We operate on donations from normal Americans.

Two things you can do right now:

1) Please sign this petition aimed at exposing the race-hustlers against immigration enforcement in Gwinnett County, Georgia.

2) IF you are able, please consider helping us with the expense incurred from doing this since 2003 – IF you can afford a contribution, please see the GoFundMe page our friend Kathy Ramey Statham has set up here.

Some recent news here and here.


Please share this?


June 12, 2019

The cost of stopping Dax Lopez appointment? “Close friend” of the illegal alien lobby (GALEO) with zero insurance experience to be named Georgia Insurance Commissioner

Posted by D.A. King at 10:05 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

GALEO’s Jerry Gonzalez and “friend of GALEO” John King/ Photo: AJC.

Sigh – earlier this month GALEO’s Dax Lopez was passed over for an appointment to DeKalb Superior Court by Governor Kemp. Today we hear that Kemp has appointed Doraville police chief John King, a “close friend” of the corporate-funded illegal alien lobby to be Insurance Commissioner. King has no experience in insurance.

Below is a screen shot from the GALEO facebook page with King and corporate-funded GALEO leader Jerry Gonzalez.

–> UPDATE: November 8, 2020:It looks like the AJC has removed the June 12, 2019 page with the report and subject of our screen shot of GALEO’s Twitter post. And after less than two years!

No worries we found it here from the Wayback Machine.

More detailed write up here.

May 31, 2019

Terrific letter to the editor, MDJ columnist Kevin Foley looking up and talking down to Cobb sheriff on anti-enforcement GALEO Also update on #DaxLopez

Posted by D.A. King at 10:12 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: DIS

NOTE: Dax Lopez does not get appointment!

This excerpt from the AJC Political Insider blog, the Jolt today:

“Gov. Brian Kemp announced four new Superior Court judgeships Friday – but the list was just as notable for a potential jurist who was passed over for a promotion.

That would be DeKalb State Court Judge Dax Lopez,a Latino Jewish Republican who was seeking a superior court seat.

Lopez was blocked by U.S. Sen. David Perdue from a federal judgeship after anti-illegal immigration activists in Georgia objected to his leadership in a group that opposed local government participation in 287(g) programs.

Some of those same forces oppose his bid for the new county post.

Kemp tapped another state court judge, Shondeana C. Morris, for the post.

A former Fulton County prosecutor and assistant Atlanta solicitor, Kemp said she “offers the ideal set of legal expertise and leadership skills for this critically important position.”

The Dustin Inman Society worked very hard to organize resistance to GALEO’s Dax Lopez (now a state court judge) being appointed to superior court by Governor Kemp. The announcement that Lopez did not get the promotion came this morning. We are grateful to all who took time to write, call, email, and tweet Gov. Brian Kemp urging him to pass over GALEO’s anti-enforcement judge for advancement. Thank you, Gov. Kemp!

Letter to the editor today in the MDJ. I don’t subscribe and cannot read it through the pay wall, so thanks to Sue for sending it along.

Marietta Daily Journal


May 31, 2019



Kevin Foley giving Sheriff Warren advice on the subversive and race-baiting GALEO Corporation is another example of the uninformed leftist writer looking up and talking down. GALEO, led by the perpetually angry and professional-victim Jerry Gonzalez, is yet another corporate-funded anti-borders group that has a widely known reputation in political circles for smearing political enemies.

Maybe Foley was among the past crowds that GALEO has led in marches in the streets of Atlanta protesting any immigration enforcement. GALEO particularly hates 287(g) because it detects and reports illegal aliens already captured for other crimes.

Foley’s advice to the sheriff to “engage” rather than “condemn” illustrates that Foley writes from a jerking knee and not any basis in knowledge or experience.

Gonzalez, the boss face of GALEO since its creation in 2003, has accused Warren of bias and prejudice for simply carrying out his sworn duty to protect all Cobb residents. Gonzalez has also falsely smeared pro-immigration enforcement legislators for legislation that would reduce the effects of the illegal aliens GALEO is dependent on to keep the corporate donations flowing. Gonzalez was thrown out of a Rome, Georgia, event by police several years ago for chasing and verbally attacking the diminutive state Rep Katie Dempsey. There is a long history of GALEO radicalism including lobbying against official English, voter ID, and E-Verify — while transporting illegal aliens to the state Capitol.

GALEO lobbied against jails honoring ICE detainers for criminal illegals.

In short, GALEO is a typical subversive and radical but innocuously named anti-borders activist corporation. While that may be right up Foley’s alley, he should at least have the facts before he offers advice to Sheriff Warren.

State Court Judge Dax Lopez served as a board member for eleven years while Jerry Gonzalez led GALEO in the above described activities. He was as silent as mouse, except when he personally wrote Gov. Deal to veto a bill against illegal aliens driving with no license.

In 2016, Dax Lopez was denied a federal court seat because of the courage of Georgia’s Sen. David Perdue, who investigated the facts brought to him by D.A. King on GALEO directly from the GALEO website, much of which has now been deleted. A long list of very respected legislators and other officials including Sheriff Warren wrote to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee advising against Dax Lopez.

Kevin Foley advising Neil Warren is comical.

John Litland



May 22, 2019

Inger Eberhart of the Dustin Inman Society on Insider Advantage Georgia: On the war on Immigration enforcement in Georgia

Posted by D.A. King at 10:39 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Editor’s note: The Gwinnett county 287 g program was extended to 2020 late Tuesday afternoon. 

“It’s my responsibility to assist the federal government in identifying illegal aliens committing crimes in Gwinnett County,” Gwinnett County Sheriff Butch Conway on the 287(g) agreement with ICE

With the corporate-donor dollars on the anti-enforcement side, the war on immigration enforcement is raging in Georgia. It is not at all clear who will prevail.

Inger Eberhart

In question this month is the federal program that allows two local jails to locate and hold illegal aliens captured for additional crimes here in Georgia.

Sheriff Butch Conway’s Office has had an agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement since 2009 in which specially trained deputies can act as immigration agents under the supervision of ICE officials. Such agreements are allowed under Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

All known aliens are screened using the database provided by ICE to determine immigration status and the illegal aliens are then reported to ICE.

In 2007, Cobb Sheriff Neil Warren was the first in the state to have his jail become 287(g) approved. Both sheriffs report significant success in not only turning over criminal aliens to ICE for deportation, but in reducing the overall jail population. The 287(g) program acts as a deterrent to many illegals who are carefully considering where to take up residence.

Both sheriffs’ agreements with ICE on the 287(g) program are scheduled to expire next month unless the arrangements are extended or renewed. And both sheriffs report that they have captured murderers, kidnappers, rapists and child molesters who were found to be in the country illegally. In a different time, one would assume that nobody would have a problem with the federal authorities receiving help from local jails. Those times are long gone.

In today’s Georgia, identity politics groups oppose the added 287(g) enforcement with the ever-present but mindless talking point that it somehow makes the community less safe. The idea is that it is better to leave criminal aliens in the Georgia community than to risk “separating families.”

It is easy to describe the various opponents of enforcement as “the usual suspects”, but we think it educational to name some names – the Latin American Association for example. David Schafer serves as ‘Managing Director of Advocacy’ for the LAA. “We have to ask ourselves, ‘What’s good for our community,’ ” Schafer told the Gwinnett Daily Post in 2016, the last time Sheriff Conway’s 287(g) agreement was renewed. “Is it better to work with communities in terms of helping them build confidence to report crimes? And how much good does it do us to be taking parents out of families when we’ve got a situation where these families are already struggling to make a living when we’re effectively taking the wage earner out of the home?”

The list of anti-287(g) activists goes on to include the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) that has organized lobbying against immigration enforcement since 2003 – including for the eleven years that State Court Judge and current candidate for a governor’s appointment to the DeKalb Superior Court, Dax Lopez served as board member and fund raiser….read the entire column here.

May 13, 2019

Another “NO to Dax Lopez” letter – “in our rural North Georgia community, there would be no political payoff for putting a former GALEO sympathizer, fundraiser and tactician in a Superior Court seat”

Posted by D.A. King at 9:05 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below letter was copied to us this evening. I have more to post, but little time…

Dear Gov. Kemp

I just learned that Dax Lopez is on a list for you to pick from for a DeKalb Superior Court appointment. I am shocked that this man is anyone’s choice for a higher court. I hope that you are not seriously considering him.

The fact that Lopez was on the board of the GALEO Co. and remained silent while Jerry Gonzalez accused good, decent people, including legislators and law enforcement officers of “racism” and “hate” because they made it clear that immigration laws matter makes me shudder to think he is any type of judge. GALEO stands against voter ID and uses ethnicity as a political weapon and did so the entire time Dax Lopez was a board member.

Senator Perdue has proven his courage in pointing out the problems with Dax Lopez when Obama tried to make him a federal judge. I am told that there is some imagined political benefit to advancing Dax Lopez due to his ethnicity. I trust we are only going to advance judges because of their proven integrity and personal history. As a recent former Republican county chair, current state committee member and a grassroots activist for your campaign, I respectfully assure you and your advisors that here in our rural North Georgia community, there would be no political payoff for putting a former GALEO sympathizer, fundraiser and tactician in a Superior Court seat.

Please pass over Dax Lopez as Senator Perdue did in 2016.

Denise Burns

Ringgold, GA 30736

April 15, 2019

Adios Kangaroo Court: We are happy to report that the IERB has been abolished by the General Assembly (WHOPPEE!) ***UPDATED***

Posted by D.A. King at 10:44 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Photo: Bensbiltong.com

UPDATED May 13, 2019. Governor Kemp signed this bill yesterday. The IERB is officially abolished. Good riddance!

The bill (HB553) that repeals the law that created the IERB received zero “NAY” votes. We are confident the governor will allow this bill to become law. Did we say “WHOPPEE?” Please see here for a little more insight on our joy. See here for more info from Decaturish.com

DIS archive of IERB here.

HB 553

318 SECTION 17-1.

319 Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to state government, is amended
320 by repealing Code Section 50-36-3, relating to the Immigration Enforcement Review Board,
321 membership, duties, sanctions, and civil actions, and designating said Code section as
322 reserved.

323 SECTION 17-2.
324 Any assets of the Immigration Enforcement Review Board existing as of June 30, 2019, shall
325 devolve by operation of law and without further action to the State of Georgia on July 1,
326 2019. Any liabilities and obligations of the Immigration Enforcement Review Board existing
327 as of June 30, 2019, shall be transferred to and assumed by the State of Georgia, by such
328 instruments as may be required to maintain the same.

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