September 3, 2015

Another Georgia state Senator sends letters to both U.S. Senators urging an end to consideration of Dax Lopez for federal judge – we agree and thank Senator Josh McKoon

Posted by D.A. King at 11:45 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Below is the text of a letter sent to us from Georgia state Senator Josh McKoon to both of our U.S. Senators:


Dear Senators Isakson and Perdue:

I am writing you today to respectfully request that you withhold your approval of the nomination of Judge Dax Lopez so that it may not advance to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

President Obama nominated a qualified jurist last year who was not given the opportunity to have his nomination advanced to the full Senate for consideration.

Judge Lopez has served for the last 11 years on the Board of Directors of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO), an organization which has routinely advanced arguments to avoid or flout existing federal and state law and has opposed strongly common sense legislation to aid in the enforcement of immigration law at the state and local level.

Service on the Board of GALEO arguably runs afoul of Canon 5 of the Georgia Code of Judicial Conduct which states in pertinent part that:

Judges Shall Regulate Their Extra-Judicial Activities to Minimize the Risk of Conflict with Their Judicial Duties…B. Civic and Charitable Activities. Judges may not participate in civic and charitable activities that reflect adversely upon their impartiality or interfere with the performance of their judicial duties. Judges may serve as officers, directors, trustees, or non-legal advisors of educational, religious, charitable, fraternal, or civic organizations not conducted for the economic or political advantage of their members, subject to the following limitations: (1) Judges shall not serve if it is likely that the organization will be engaged in proceedings that would ordinarily come before them or will be regularly engaged in adversary proceedings in any court. Commentary: The changing nature of some organizations and of their relationship to the law makes it necessary for judges regularly to re-examine the activities of each organization with which they are affiliated to determine if it is proper for them to continue their relationship with it. For example, in many jurisdictions charitable hospitals are now more frequently in court than in the past. Similarly, the boards of some legal aid organizations now make policy decisions that may have political significance or imply commitment to causes that may come before the courts for adjudication.

GALEO has filed amicus briefs in cases involving immigration law and policy. See Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights et al v. Governor Nathan Deal, et al (U.S. District Court for Northern District of Georgia, Case No. 1:11-cv-1804-TWT) and State of Texas et al v. United States of America et al (United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Appeal No. 15-40238). The willingness to risk violation of Canon 5 by continuing to serve on the Board of Directors of GALEO should raise serious questions about the propriety of moving forward with confirmation proceedings.

As I have been drafting this letter to you, I have become aware of Judge Lopez’s resignation from the GALEO Board of Directors. That does not change the fact that he served for 11 years, including after GALEO inserted itself into at least two federal actions involving immigration issues that he would undoubtedly be confronted with in his role as a Federal District Court Judge. For these reasons, I respectfully request that you withhold support for this nomination.

Thank you for your diligent service to our State.

Best Regards,

Joshua R. McKoon

September 1, 2015

Georgia state Senator Steve Gooch letter to Georgia’s U.S. Senators opposing GALEO’s Dax Lopez for federal judge

Posted by D.A. King at 11:15 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Senator Gooch sent a letter to Senator Johnny Isakson opposing the nomination of Dax Eric Lopez to serve as a United States District Judge for the Northern District of Georgia. Thank you Senator Gooch!


Georgia state Senator Greg Kirk letter to Georgia’s U.S. Senators opposing GALEO’s Dax Lopez for federal judge

Posted by D.A. King at 10:57 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

On August 31, 2015, Senator Greg Kirk sent a letter to Senator Johnny Isakson stating his opposition to the nomination of Dax Lopez to the federal bench. Thank you, Senator Kirk!Sen-Kirk-letter-2015sep01

August 28, 2015

Another letter to Georgia’s U.S. Senators against confirmation of Dax Lopez for federal judge – from Republican state Senator William Ligon

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August 26, 2015

No to Dax Lopez! Letters to Georgia U.S. senators from Cobb County Sheriff Neil Warren

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Read both letters HERE.

Cobb County Sheriff Neil Warren letters to Georgia’s U.S. senators opposing confirmation of GALEO’s Dax Lopez as federal judge identical letters were sent to each senator

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Gwinnett County sheriff, Butch Conway, letter to Georgia Senators opposing GALEO’s Dax Lopez nomination to federal bench – an identical letter was sent to both U.S. senators

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Gwinnett County Sheriff, Butch Conway sends letters to Georgia Senators concerning Obama’s nominations of GALEO’s Dax Lopez for federal judge

Posted by D.A. King at 11:37 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

View these two letters here.

August 22, 2015

The time to stop activist anti-enforcement federal judges is before they become federal judges – NO to Dax Lopez!

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GALEO Commends Fulton County Commissioners for urging Sheriff to decline ICE hold requests


GALEO Commends Fulton County Commissioners for urging Sheriff to decline ICE hold requests


Media Contact: Jerry González, GALEO Executive Director Tel.: (404) 745-2580 / Email:

September 3, 2014 (ATLANTA, GA)- Fulton County Commission scheduled a vote today on a Resolution urging the Fulton County Sheriff to “implement a policy to decline detainer requests from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement.”

Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO, testified today before the Fulton County Commission urging them to adopt the proposed resolution which was co-sponsored by four County Commissioners and led by Commissioner Joan Gardner. The Fulton County Commission had heard from community members of SONG, GLAHR and 9 to 5, in previous weeks of public comment period educating the commissioners on the issue and why the immigration holds were bad public policy and bad for our communities.
Gonzalez, issued the following statement after the Fulton County Commission passed a resolution, 6-0, today urging the Fulton County Sheriff to decline ICE hold requests:

On behalf of GALEO, I would like to commend Fulton County Commissioners’ leadership and resolution urging the Fulton County Sheriff to stop honoring the ICE hold requests in order to keep families together but to also enhance public safety. We urge the Fulton County Sheriff to move forward quickly and implement the recommendation.

Since Fulton County is the first jurisdiction in the state with such a recommendation, GALEO would also like to encourage other jurisdictions in the state to adopt similar policies and stop honoring the hold requests from ICE.”

About Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO)

GALEO’s mission is to increase civic engagement and leadership of the Latino/Hispanic community across Georgia.

CORE BELIEFS: Inclusive, Non-Partisan, Diversity, Responsive

Dax Lopez

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