May 13, 2015

D.A. King in the Marietta Daily Journal: Brian Kemp, Sam Olens other Ga. GOP officials made nice at illegal alien fundraiser #GALEO

Posted by D.A. King at 6:50 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  




Image: Borealis Philanthropy


Marietta Daily Journal

May 13, 2015


D.A. King



“California is going to become a Hispanic state and if anyone doesn’t like it they should leave. They ought to go back to Europe.” — Mario Guerra Obledo, co-founder of MALDEF, on the Tom Likus radio show, 1998

With start-up financing from the Ford Foundation, Obledo co-founded the now largely corporate-funded Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund in 1968. His angry promise cited above leaped to mind Friday when we learned that the innocuously named illegal alien lobby corporation “Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials” welcomed some interesting — and powerful — guests to a recent breakfast fundraiser gala in metro Atlanta.

Secretary of State Brian Kemp and Attorney General Sam Olens, Republicans both, participated in the 12th annual GALEO “Power Breakfast” moneymaker last Friday. State Rep B.J. Pak (R-Lilburn) was also there.

What do powerful Republican Georgia politicians helping finance the anti-enforcement GALEO have to do with the quote above from MALDEF’s Mario Obledo?

The executive director of GALEO is community organizer Jerry Gonzalez. Before he was awarded with the leadership of GALEO, he was a Democratic fundraiser and MALDEF lobbyist at the Georgia Capitol, where he is known for his vitriolic outbursts at Republican legislators. Gonzalez and his anti-borders corporation have actively fought every immigration enforcement bill under the Gold Dome, including HB 87 of 2011, and Gonzalez has brought the leader of the Socialist Workers party into Georgia to fight for driver’s licenses for illegal aliens.

As a certain indicator of growing political power in what this writer now sadly refers to as “Georgiafornia,” Gonzalez crowed for weeks that Republican Governor Nathan Deal would assist with the GALEO funding campaign by attending Friday’s event and would offer some “welcoming remarks.” Alas, political insiders report that Deal cancelled at the last minute.

The pre-printed GALEO event program with Deal’s name and a “thank you” list of the Georgia corporations that sponsor GALEO can be seen on my MDJ blog and on the Dustin Inman Society Facebook page. Western Union, Georgia Power, Coca Cola and Cox Communications are just a few of the non-politician Gonzalez financiers.

GALEO’s Jerry Gonzalez – photo, DIS

Gonzalez boasts on the GALEO website that All-American luminary Jane Fonda was a “founding friend.” With their tacit endorsement, it looks like Deal, Olens, Kemp and Pak have joined “Hanoi Jane” in supporting the GALEO/Gonzalez agenda.

An abbreviated list of Gonzalez’s accomplishments on behalf of the open-borders, brown-supremacist goals include fearlessly marching in the streets of Atlanta demanding an end to enforcement of American immigration laws. They also include denigrating Cobb Police and Sheriff Neil Warren for supposedly creating “an environment of fear through active racial profiling and intimidation targeting the Latino community within Cobb County” by doing their jobs.

Readers with long memories may remember the 2007 federal approval for the Cobb sheriff’s office use of the life-saving federal 287(g) program that expanded the authority to locate and hold illegal aliens who had been captured for other crimes. “This has set us back tremendously” a seething Gonzalez said then.

Donations to GALEO help with its opposition to voter ID as “anti-Hispanic” and Gonzalez makes it clear that making English our official language would be an “insult to our culture.”

I watched in person several years ago as Gonzalez marched in protest of then-CNN newsman Lou Dobbs with a large group of fellow travelers carrying signs calling Dobbs a “racist” and other placards reading “THIS IS OUR CONTINENT- GO BACK TO EUROPE!” I asked some of the group with Gonzalez where my black friends who opposed illegal immigration should return to.

“Africa” was the quick and defiant reply.

State Rep Katie Dempsey (R-Rome) must be quite curious about Gonzalez’s newly revealed Republican supporters. Four years ago, the Rome News-Tribune reported that a very angry Jerry Gonzalez shadowed the diminutive legislator around a Rome event focused on E-Verify until “Gonzalez, who began yelling at Dempsey when the meeting ended,” was escorted by local police from the property.

GALEO has staged multiple fundraisers a year since its creation in 2003. From the event program, about $40,000 would be a very close estimation of the amount of operating funds the aforementioned Republican officials helped GALEO raise last week.

Gonzalez has every right to be rolling in laughter at his success with GOP politicians — yet they will no doubt cling to claims they are “conservatives.”

I wonder any of this will come up at the Republican state convention this weekend?

D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society. He is not a member of any political party. Facebook – The Dustin Inman Society

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – Ga GOP officials made nice at illegal alien fundraiser

April 4, 2011

Ga- Secretary of State Kemp Announces Approval of Georgia’s Proof of Citizenship Requirement for New Voter Registration Applicants

Posted by D.A. King at 11:09 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Secretary of State Kemp Announces Approval of Georgia’s Proof of Citizenship Requirement for New Voter Registration Applicants

Atlanta – Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp announced today that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) precleared Georgia’s law and related regulations which require new voter registration applicants to provide evidence of United States citizenship with their voter registration applications. The law is Act 143 of the 2009 Georgia General Assembly, also known as Senate Bill 86.

Secretary Kemp stated, “This law is a common sense enhancement to our voter registration process that will prevent non-citizens from voting in Georgia’s elections. Every ballot cast by a non-citizen erases a ballot cast by an eligible Georgia voter. The voter roll protections in Act 143, our photo ID requirement for in-person voting, and our triple-signature verification procedure for mail-in ballots make Georgia a national model for election security and integrity.”

Act 143 was signed into law by Governor Sonny Perdue on May 5, 2009 and requires those registering to vote to submit evidence of United States citizenship with their applications. There are many forms of acceptable identification, including a Georgia driver’s license number or identification card number, birth certificate, U.S. passport, U.S. naturalization documents or alien registration number, and a copy of a driver’s license or identification card from any state whose cards comply with the requirements of the federal REAL ID Act of 2005.


Under federal law, Georgia must obtain federal preclearance of any change affecting voting by filing suit in federal court or by obtaining administrative preclearance through the DOJ. On November 15, 2010, the State filed suit against the DOJ in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to obtain preclearance of Act 143 and related regulations. Last week, after the DOJ indicated that it would consent to preclearance because the law did not have a discriminatory effect or purpose, the State submitted Act 143 and related regulations to the DOJ for administrative preclearance. After receiving that preclearance, the State dismissed its lawsuit.

In June 2010, the State filed a lawsuit against the DOJ to obtain preclearance of its voter verification process under the federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA). That process verifies information obtained from a voter registration applicant with information maintained by the Department of Drivers Services and Social Security Administration. At the time the State filed suit, Georgia was the only state in the nation barred from complying with the HAVA voter verification requirement. After the DOJ determined that the State’s HAVA verification process did not have a discriminatory purpose or effect, the State obtained administrative preclearance and dismissed the suit.

Brian Kemp has been Secretary of State since January, 2010. Among the office’s wide-ranging responsibilities, the Secretary of State is charged with conducting efficient and secure elections, the registration of corporations, and the regulation of securities and professional license holders. The office also oversees the Georgia Archives and the Capitol Museum.

December 3, 2020

Transcript of most of the ‘Stop the Steal’ (DON’T VOTE!) Rally, Lin Wood/Sidney Powell Dec 2, 2020 Alpharetta, GA

Posted by D.A. King at 3:02 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Lin Wood speaks at a “Stop the Steal” rally in Atlanta, Ga. on Decermber 2, 2020. (NTD via YouTube) Photo: Yahoo Finance


The below is a transcript of most of the “press conference”/rally in Alpharetta yesterday. It was recorded from here and transcribed by Cost: $60.00

I watched this live, then recorded from Youtube. I put what I regard as the more interesting (bizarre) remarks in bold. They were telling people not to vote in the January 5, 2021 senate runoff here…Shake my head.

Breitbart on Lin Wood here.

This from Lin Wood near end at bottom of this transcript:

Lin Wood:
“When you get out front like this sometimes people say you’re trying to make money. I don’t want your money. God’s given me enough and enough is enough. But I will tell you to support my foundation, #fightback. I formed it five months ago to defend and preserve and protect the constitutional rights. And I’m gonna do it!”




Lin Wood :
We …

Four more years. Four more years.

Lin Wood :
We’re gonna send a message. We’re gonna send a message from Wills Park in Alpharetta, Georgia.


Lin Wood :
To the state capital in the Golden Dome of Georgia to the tin roof of the governor’s mansion of Georgia. We’re gonna send ’em a message.

Lin Wood:
And the message is this: it’s 1776 in America again. And you’re not gonna take our freedom. We’re gonna fight for our liberty. We’re gonna send that message from Wills Park today, and we’re gonna send it all the way over to Beijing, China. We’re not gonna let you take our country over. Never gonna happen on our watch.

Lin Wood :
This is America. You picked a fight with the wrong people.

U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.

Lin Wood:
We’re gonna send that message. We’re gonna send that message to George Soros. Get out of our country, George Soros.


Lin Wood :
We are not going to allow ourselves to go back into the polling booth. And you hear us out, Governor Kemp. You hear me while you hide in your closet. And you hear us, you hear the people, Brad Raffensperger. And I want Lieutenant Governor Geoffrey Duncan to hear it too.




Lin Wood :
And the guy that’s makin’ a ton of money, Gabriel Sterling, you listen up, Gabriel. You’re not going to sell our votes to China.


Lin Wood :
We’re not gonna vote on your damn machines made in China.


Lin Wood:
We’re gonna vote on machines made in the U.S.A.


U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.

Lin Wood :
I tell you what. I believe that a great man one time called upon the black Americans to take action. We’re not here for violence. That Martin Luther King Jr. believed in non-violent civil disobedience. Civil disobedience. I want you to go to the governor’s mansion. I want you to circle it. I want you to blow your horns until Brian Kemp comes out and orders a special session of the Georgia legislature. Get us our legislature and tell everybody we want our legislator to meet, and we want him to fix the mess that he created. And then he can resign.


Lin Wood :
And then as far as I’m concerned, lock him up.


Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up.

Lin Wood :
There’s a few others that need to go with him.


Keep preaching.

Lin Wood :
Now, everybody’s been reading the media. Stop. It’s a lie.

Lin Wood :
Stick with OAN and Newsmax. They tell you the truth. Read the Epoch Times. They tell you the truth. This is the battle between good and evil. This is the battle between truth and lies. I’m going to introduce now a person that’s gonna tell you the truth. They want to know where’s your evidence? Show us your evidence.

Lin Wood :
Oh, we’re gonna show ’em the evidence. There’s piles of evidence. There’s mountains of evidence. This election was a fraud on America. Donald Trump won a may, massive, landslide victory unparalleled in the history of this country. And he’s gonna stay in the White House, because we the people voted for him, and we the people run this country. This country belongs to you, and you, and you, and you. It belongs to the people.


Lin Wood:
I challenge, I challenge Governor Kemp to step up in front of the people, put his hand on this Bible, and tell us that he did not take money from China. He did. So did Brian Raffensperger. They won’t put their hand on this bible and swear to the contrary, because if they do, they will commit perjury, and there’s another reason to lock ’em up.


Lin Wood:
The person that’s leading the charge, I’ve been with her when she’s worked 23 hours a day.


Lin Wood :
I’ve seen the young people fighting for America under her charge and leadership. And let me tell ‘ya, you can call her the crap- … but she’s Sidney Powell. Come on up here, Sidney.


Sidney Powell :
Thank you.

Sidney Powell :
Thank you all. Thank you all so much.

Sidney. Sidney. Sidney. Sidney.

Sidney Powell :
Than- (laughs)


Sidney Powell :
You all are amazing. You, you are the heart and soul and spirit that makes this country the exceptional place that it is. You inspire us. (Laughs)

Sidney Powell:
Aw, thank you.

We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you.

Sidney Powell :
We feel your prayers. I, I feel your prayers, I, General Flynn and I, throughout the ordeal we have been through, have felt the prayers of you and millions of people all across the country and frankly from around the world, who have helped us face everything we have faced and have the strength to proceed every day to keep fighting for the truth.


Sidney Powell :
Americans around the world and peop- … freedom-loving people around the world are starved for the truth and for freedom. That is exactly what they have all tried to take away from all of us. It’s been increasing exponentially for the last 20 years. It’s unbelievable to me as a child of the ’50s that grew up in just an amazing time in this country when you could walk to school safely and, and have friends of all kinds and there was none of the divisiveness, at least in my life and the lives of my friends, regardless of their color, that we see now.


Sidney Powell:
In the world of real Americans, we’re not defined by who we look like, what we look like, what color we are or anything else.

Sidney Powell :
We’re defined by our love for freedom an, and liberty and justice for all on which …


Sidney Powell:
On which this extraordinary nation was founded. Those are the values, American values, God, family, country, are the values we must return to now.


Sidney Powell :
Continue to be influenced by flat-out any of the [inaudible 00:10:19] to impose their

Sidney Powell :
will on so many of us.


Sidney Powell :
Now is the time for every patriot in this country to stand up, make their voices heard, and be counted.

Sidney Powell :
Still massive voter fraud across this country. It took all four [inaudible 00:11:44] Dominion machines. We have experts and a witness who have explained to us that these fraud exists in the DNA of all the software that was run by any voting system in the country. So they all are at risk of having been manipulated.

Sidney Powell :
I think we will eventually find that the algorithm that flipped votes at a certain percentage took from Trump to Mr. Biden was run all across the country. There might be a few areas that it wasn’t used in, but not many. And then we have the extraordinary evidence of inexplicable spikes, I mean, hundreds of thousands of spikes in votes. We can see them injected into the system sometimes at a rate of 90 percent for Biden and 10 percent for Trump. We all know that defies reality.


Sidney Powell :
You can’t flip a coin 300,000 times and have it always land on heads.

Sidney Powell :
There are lots of people that got cheated. And it, it went even local races, um. Yep. Yep. Yep.

Sidney Powell :
Lots of congressional seats, Senate seats. I, I agree, there should not be a runoff, certainly not on Dominion machines.


Sidney Powell :
I think I would encourage all Georgians to make it known that you will not vote at all until your vote is secure.


Sidney Powell :
And I mean that regardless of party [inaudible 00:14:01] used in but not many and then we have the extraordinary evidence of inexplicable s-, spikes, I mean hundreds of thousands of spikes in votes. We can see them injected into the system, sometimes at a rate of 90 percent for Biden and 10 percent for Trump. We all know that defies reality.


Sidney Powell :
You can’t flip a coin 300,000 times and have it always land on heads. There are lots of people that got cheated. And it, it went, even local races, um. Yep. Yep. Yep.

Sidney Powell :
Lots of congressional seats, Senate seats.

Sidney Powell:
I, I agree. There should not be a runoff, certainly not on Dominion machines.


Sidney Powell :
I think I would encourage all Georgians to make it known that you will not vote at all until your vote is secure.


Sidney Powell :
And I mean that regardless of party. We, we can’t live in a, in a republic, a free republic, unless we know our votes are legal and secure.


Sidney Powell :
So we must have voter ID. And we probably must go back to paper ballots.


Sidney Powell ):
That are, that are signed and have a thumb, your thumbprint on them.


Sidney Powell :
And we certainly should be able to find a system … that can count them, even if it has to be done by hand.


Sidney Powell ):
What we have experienced the last four years, both with respect to General Flynn and President Trump, is unacceptable in the United States of America.


Sidney Powell :
We expect that in Venezuela, unfortunately, where the Dominion systems and Smartmatic technology first took root and was used to ensure the election of Hugo Chavez, the brutal dictator.

Sidney Powell :
I‘m still wondering what role our three-letter agencies had in the creation and distribution of that.


Drain that swamp. Drain that swamp. Drain that swamp.

Sidney Powell ):

Drain that swamp. Drain that swamp. Drain that swamp. Drain that swamp.

Sidney Powell :
I knew the swamp was really bad, but … it’s at least 20 percent worse than I thought it was … be done.


Sidney Powell :
And that’s why, that’s why they have fought so hard to get rid of President Trump and tried every dirty, nasty, evil, illegal trick in the book to do it.

Sidney Powell :
Yep, it is pure evil.

[inaudible 00:17:56]

Sidney Powell :
We’ve already traced a lot of the money that did this back to China. We have, uh, internet, white-hat hackers I think they call them, who saw backdoors open in the system and saw people in, Ira- … ran, and China, and Hong Kong, and Serbia … influence in our election system.

[inaudible 00:18:24]

Sidney Powell :
All of this must come to a screeching halt right now.


Sidney Powell :
You and your children and your grandchildren and their children deserve the very best America has to offer.


Sidney Powell :
The only thing that really distinguishes us from other countries is our love of freedom and the application of the rule of law.


Sidney Powell :
It hasn’t been applied fairly or equally in, probably two decades.

Sidney Powell :
We must demand that that change right now.


Sidney Powell :
We will give all our evidence to the Department of Justice as soon as we get it pulled together.


Sidney Powell:
I know. I-I wish I could say I didn’t have concerns about how that would be handled. But I-, unfortunately I still do. It’s going to take a lot of indictments, and fast. To show us that they really mean business. Because there has been flagrant election fraud.

Sidney Powell:
We have evidence of everything from people buying votes with checks written from a business on K street in D.C.. To sh-, ballots being shredded, ah, ballots being manufactured, ballots coming across the border from Mexico that are counterfeit. A plane full of ballots that came in. Ballots distributed across state lines after being faked.

Sidney Powell:
I mean, there is no kind of voter fraud that hasn’t been experienced this year across the country. (audience roar)

Sidney Powell:
Yeah. Yeah, Georgia was absolutely full of it. Life, the FEDer. So I-uh, but so are other states, including north Virginia. Pennsylvania went solid for Trump, yet there’s still s-, yeah. (audience roar)

Sidney Powell:
So we need to flood the legislators here in Georgia and the governor and the secretary of state with phone calls and letters. Yeah, I know, I know. Everybody feels like they’re not being listened to and that’s just not right. This is, this is your state and your country. And they need to remember they work for you. (audience roar)

Sidney Powell:
I just want to thank you all so much for caring so much enough to be here today. (audience roar)

Speaker 3:
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, woo!

Sidney Powell:
It-it is my honor and I know that Lyn feels like it’s his honor, and so does the rest of our significant team who have been working day and night since the election. None of whom have been paid a dime yet although we do-, uh, w-, people have been generating, have been contributing generously to

Sidney Powell:
W-we haven’t even had the time to get the stuff set up to write a check to pay anybody with yet. (laughs) We’re too busy fighting the fight. But, thank you. I know you have my six and we all really appreciate that. Once again, you inspire us. God bless you and God bless America. (audience roar)

Lin Wood:
God bless you, Sidney Powell. God bless you. God bless all of the people here. (audience roar)

Lin Wood:
Danny Hamilton, and I want to thank Danny Hamilton. Trump bus! Thank you Danny. Read the United States Constitution. And here’s what it makes clear, all the power. Not some of the power, all of the power belongs to the people! (audience roar)

Lin Wood:
This is our country. We tell government what they can and cannot do. They do not control the people. This is our country. We’re gonna take it back! (audience roar)

Lin Wood:
They’re sucklin’ the walls of Jericho. People are praying in this country. They are sucking the walls of Jericho and God Almighty is going to tear the walls down. And we’re gonna take America back again! You watch it happen, you watch it happen! (audience roar)

Lin Wood:
You send that message to Bill Barr at the justice department. Do your job!

Speaker 3:
Do your job, do your job, do your job, do your job, do your job, do your job!

Lin Wood:
You work for us, Attorney General Barr. Do your job. You tell the director of the F.B.I., do your damn job! You work for us. Investigate this fraud. And tell the director of the Central Intelligency Agency, get out of our country! You don’t spy on Americans! (audience roar) You’re not gonna ever do it again in America! (audience roar)

Lin Wood:
Thank God for Donald Trump. (audience roar) God Almighty created every one of us, and he created Donald Trump. And he gave him a task to fulfill in his life. And that was to be President of the United States in 2020. And he’s going to be President of the United States for four more years, watch it happen. (audience roar)

Lin Wood:
The people will not allow it to be taken away from them, and neither, and neither will Almighty God. God’s gonna save this country.

Lin Wood:
[inaudible 00:06:28] Everyone of you to do it. He’s gonna fill you with the spirit of King David, the warrior. We are the rock, the people are the rock. And we’re gonna slay the wrath, the communist, the liberals, the phony’s. Joe Biden will never set foot in the Oval Office of this country. It will not happen and I will watch. Never gonna happen! (audience roar)

Lin Wood:
Come up here, Vernon Jones, a great American. Vernon, come up here. God bless Vernon Jones. Bring it up Vernon. Yeah, baby!

Vernon Jones:
Hello America! (audience roar) Hello Georgia! Are you fired up? (audience roar) I am too! This is a hell-of-a day. I need someone to help me, just for a minute. I see Daniel Boone Junior in the house. Come up here and hold my hand. He has a Daniel Boone hat on. I want him to come up. He’s a little shy. Uh, you won’t do it? Come on. I-is he gonna come up?

Vernon Jones:
Daniel Boone, you know about Daniel Boone.

Vernon Jones:
I love this country, and I love Georgia. I’m Vernon Jones. I’m a member of the House of Representatives. (audience roar) And I took a oath to serve and protect not only the constitution, but the people of the state of Georgia. And I’m not backing down.

Vernon Jones:
I’m here as an elected official. It’s my obligation and my duty to get your questions answered. I am too, in support and calling for a special session in the Georgia general [sender 00:08:50]. (audience roar)

Vernon Jones:
This is not a third world country. This is the United States of America. And I’m not just doing it for Republicans, I’m doing it for Democrats. I’m doing it for every single person who live in the state of Georgia. This is not partisan. We are America. And you deserve; you elect 180 members of the House, and you elect another 56 state Senators.

Vernon Jones:
We should, the constitution gave us the authority to set all the rules and regulations as it relates to state law for elections, not the Secretary of State. (audience roar) We should have that oversight. And that’s why we need, we need to have a special session. So we can look at what Rothenburger did in his agreements with Stacey Abrams and that crowd which is not a fair fight. That’s an unfair fight. (audience roar)

Vernon Jones:
We are still in it, not only for black voters but white voters, and democratic voters, and republican voters and libertarians. We are still in it for everybody! We all should be on this stage. We all should be on this stage! And I’m like you, I don’t want to see my country go any further left. A matter of fact, let’s put it in reverse and back it up. (audience roar)

Vernon Jones:
That’s why I’m supporting Senator David Perdue and Senator Kelly Lafleur and I tell you why. Some them talks about staying home. I think about Dr. King. I think about how those folks who fought in the movement, they were kicked, and they were beat. And some of ’em even killed. Just to be able to go and vote. Dr. King would stand up for you then too. It’s your country. You hire the politician, they don’t hire you. You have to come out.

Vernon Jones:
And I’m going to tell you why. Georgia has a history of born in the battle. Georgia has a history of fighting. We goin’ take this back to George Washington. General Patton. We are gonna fight for this country and we are gonna hold the line like America’s held the line in every war we’ve ever been in. (audience roar)

Vernon Jones:
Georgia is the battleground state. It’s Georgia. Hold the line! (audience roar) Hold the line!

Speaker 3:
Hold the line!

Vernon Jones:
Hold the line!

Speaker 3:
Hold the line!

Vernon Jones:
Hold the line!

Speaker 3:
Hold the line!

Vernon Jones:
Hold the line!

Speaker 3:
Hold the line! (roars)

Vernon Jones:
Peace out, man.

Lin Wood:
Vernon Jones. Now I love Vernon Jones. Vernon Jones are more alike than we are different. But I’m gonna disagree with Vernon Jones. Last check, they offered him? Where is David Perdue? He outta be standing right here. Those two people want your vote, then they outta tell you what we’re[inaudible 00:12:36]. Get a special session of the legislature now. (audience roar)

Lin Wood:
Do not be fooled twice. This is Georgia. We ain’t dumb. We’re not going to go vote on January 5 and have a machine made by China. You’re not going to fool Georgians again. If Kelly Lafleur wants your vote, if David Perdue wants your vote, they got to earn it.

Lin Wood:
They’ve got to demand publicly, repeatedly, consistently. Brian Kemp, call a special session of the Georgia Legislature. And if they do not do it, if Kelly Lafleur and David Perdue do not do it, they have not earned your vote. Don’t you give it to them. Why would you go back and vote in another rigged election? For God sakes, fix it! You got to fix it before we’ll do it again.

Lin Wood:
They’ve already got 800,000 absentee ballots. They were printin’ them out over there in China, sending them over here, stamping them with a computer, signing the names. They stole this election from Doug Collins. Doug needs to stand up and fight too.

Lin Wood:
There needs to be the electors chosen from the state of Georgia, at a special session of the legislature to vote for Donald J. Trump. That’s who Georgia wants to be president. That’s who we, the people voted for.

Lin Wood:
And then give us a election on January the 5th. An entire down ballot vote that’s fair, that’s honest, where nobody can cheat us again.

Lin Wood:
So the message needs to be sent. If they care about we the people, they’ll support we the people. Remember, they don’t have the power. They just have the name Senator in front of their names because you gave it to them. Excuse me, Brian Kemp gave it to Kelly Lafleur. Not the people.

Lin Wood:
I voted Democrat, I voted Republican. I try to vote sometimes for the lesser of the two evils. That’s what happened when I voted for Brian Kemp over Stacey Abrams. He’ll never get my vote again. He’s not going to get you vote again either, is he?

Lin Wood:
Brian Kemp needs to go back down and get his shotgun and go shoot quale and dove. And let the people run the state of Georgia. Get of the damn oval. Get out of mansion. You don’t deserve to be here, Brian Kemp. Get out of the basement. And take Brad Rothensburger with you. And take Jeffrey Duncan with you too. Ya’ll all go out on a quale shoot and leave Georgia alone because you’re not doing the people’s will. (audience shoots)

Lin Wood:
Maybe it’s time.

Speaker 3:
U.S.A., U.S.A.!

Lin Wood:
Maybe it’s time to look beyond the Democrats and the Republicans. Maybe it’s time for there to be a party of the people. (audience roar) Maybe there is time for it to be a party of American patriots. ‘Cause I see American patriots everywhere! And American Patriots love America. We are not going to be taken over by the Chinese.

Lin Wood:
If you take the China money, go to China. Don’t stuff your pockets with Chinese money when we buy Dominion on you-you buy the COVID equipment from the people that sent the virus over here. You don’t buy bullets from the enemy.

Lin Wood:
Tell that to Brian Kemp. ‘Cause that’s what he did.

Lin Wood:
And Sidney Powell and I want to try and answer your questions. (audience roar)

Lin Wood:
That’s a-, Sidney Powell. How ’bout it? How ’bout Sidney Powell and Mike Flynn in 2024!

Lin Wood:
He’ll fight for America ’cause he’ll fight like a friend. (audience roar) I told ya’, I’m not partisan.

Speaker 3:
Vernon Jones for Governor.

Lin Wood:
Vernon Jones for Governor. (audience roar) Then we’ll fight like a Flynn. How ’bout some good solid hard working American patriot out of the crowd of people I see here today. Run for governor. Take back your state.

Lin Wood:
I support Donald Trump because he loves the people. I spoke with him the other day, he called me. I want you to know one thing that he told me. He knows he won this election. He said, “If I lost this election fair and square, I would concede.” But he said, “Lyn, I didn’t lose it, I won it.” And he said to me, with the conviction of the President of the United States of America, “I will never concede.”

Lin Wood:
Don’t you ever concede, Mr. President. You won this election! America voted for you! Stay in the White House! (audience roar)

Speaker 3:
U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A, U.S.A-

Lin Wood:
I’m not here-

Speaker 3:
U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A.!

Lin Wood:
When you get out front like this sometimes people say you’re trying to make money. I don’t want your money. God’s given me enough and enough is enough. But I will tell you to support my foundation, #fightback. I formed it five months ago to defend and preserve and protect the constitutional rights. And I’m gonna do it!

Lin Wood:
You guys don’t have to vote for me. You don’t have to give me any money. But go to, and look at what we’re trying to do, and help us.

Lin Wood:
Now I want to tell you a personal story if you don’t mind. I was 16 years old. Yeah. Wanna tell this story first. That bus, Mr. Hamilton brought over 1000 people here today. Give him a hand, give him a round of applause. (audience roar/cut)

*I stopped the recording here, before the rally ended. – dak

September 9, 2020

Repost: Georgia’s Republican Lt. Governor endorses former board member of anti-immigration enforcement corporation for state senate – Jason Anavitarte

Posted by D.A. King at 11:39 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Originally posted on

Georgia’s Republican Lt. Governor endorses former board member of anti-immigration enforcement corporation for state senate – Jason Anavitarte

Georgia’s Lt. Governor, Geoff Duncan. Photo:

GALEO infamous in state politics for its extreme positions on immigration and radical leadership

Jason Anavitarte registered to run for state House in 2006 as a Democrat.

Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan office phone – 404-656-5030

Republican Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan has endorsed a candidate for state senate who is a former board member of a leftist organization that lobbies against immigration enforcement, voter ID, ICE holds and official English for government.

State Senate District 31 hopeful Jason Anavitarte served on the board of directors of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) from 2006 to 2009. During that time, GALEO lobbied against passage of the nationally noted SB529, the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act which established a requirement that public employers and their contractors sort out newly hired blackmarket labor with use of the federal employment verification system now known as E-Verify.

The legislation also required state use of the federal 287(g) program that allows local law enforcement to screen jail inmates for immigration status and report illegal alien prisoners to ICE for deportation proceedings. The bill, now law, that GALEO vehemently opposed also requires that local and county governments verify the legal status of people applying for local, state and federal public benefits.

GALEO Executive Director and former Democrat fundraiser, Jerry Gonzalez, drew much attention during the lobbying frenzy against the 2006 state immigration enforcement measure when he escorted self-described illegal aliens into the gold-domed state Capitol telling legislators they should regard the illegal aliens  as “constituents.” Gonzalez described the illegals as merely “immigrants.” The staged and pre-announced GALEO transporting and encouragement of the illegals made a memorable note for pro-enforcement groups and news in the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

As has been reported elsewhere, GALEO was established in 2003. Along with Jane Fonda, Anavitarte is also listed as a GALEO “Founding Friend.”

A February Twitter post from Lt. Governor Duncan describes Anavitarte as a “proven conservative…”

Photo: @GeoffDuncanGA Twitter feed


The endorsement from Duncan has raised eyebrows in conservative quarters of the state’s Republican Party not only because GALEO is well known for its corporate-funded opposition to immigration enforcement, but because candidate Anavitarte, now running as a Republican,filed to run for state House in 2006 as a Democrat.

The Lt. Governor also serves as president of the state senate.

Jason Anavitarte. Photo: Rome-News Tribune

Perhaps the most jarring surprise for pro-enforcement voters in Duncan’s endorsement is the fact that in 2016, U.S. Senator David Perdue terminated the Judiciary Committee’s confirmation process of another former GALEO board member and State Court Judge, Dax Lopez, who was nominated for a federal judgeship by former President Barack Obama. Perdue made it clear that his office investigated the nominee’s ties to the controversial GALEO and ended the chances of confirmation because of that relationship.

“After a thorough review of the professional and judicial record of DeKalb County Judge Dax Lopez, I have become uncomfortable with his longstanding participation in a controversial organization including his service on its board of directors” Perdue wrote in his statement on the matter.

The obvious – and many say troubling – difference in judgment between Georgia’s Republican Lt. Governor and its senior U.S. Senator is not going un-noticed by grassroots GOP voters.

According to the left-leaning Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than green card holders.

Georgia’s governor, Brian Kemp, snared a primary endorsement from President Donald Trump in 2018 due in large part to Kemp’s tough talk and campaign promises on illegal immigration. Kemp has not mentioned immigration since the November, 2018 election.

Ballotpedia lists four Republican candidates for Georgia’s senate District 31.





Jason Anavitarte write up on Immigration Politics Georgia

Posted by D.A. King at 11:10 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below column originally appeared on

Former Dem candidate and board member on anti-enforcement immigration lobby group wins GOP primary for Georgia state senate

Jason Anavitarte. Photo: Marietta Daily Journal


Lt. Governor’s PAC reportedly kicks in $250,000 for narrow victory


Jason Anavitarte, controversial candidate for the Republican ballot in Georgia’s state senate District 31 primary contest has apparently squeaked past opponent Boyd Austin, a former mayor.

 Austin has criticized Anavitarte as representing “outside interests” rather than the district; “…a breakdown of Anavitarte’s contributions from both his April 30th report as well as his latest one bear this out. In the April document 94 percent of Anavitarte’s contributions come from outside the district (with many from lobbyists). In the latest report, outside-the-district donations make up 97 percent of Anavitarte’s total. Only six individuals in the district gave a monetary contribution” according to a July note at Insider Advantage Georgia.

As of August 22, the Secretary of State website still shows results of the August 11TH primary contest as Unofficial Results – Totals may not include all Absentee or Provisional Ballots” but watchers agree that Anavitarte will likely prevail in the final vote tally.

UPDATE: Final and official results show that Anavitarte won 10,574 to 10,348, a margin of 226 votes.

Anavitarte has drawn considerable attention since it was revealed that from 2006 -2009 he served on the board of the radical GALEO Inc. GALEO is well known as a corporate-fundedforce against immigration enforcement, ICE holds, 287(g), voter ID and official English. In 2006, the same year Anavitarte joined the board of directors, GALEO teamed with the ACLU, MALDEF, and the ADL in a protest rally against state immigration enforcement.

GALEO Director Jerry Gonzalez has illustrated the group’s mission with antics such as escorting admitted illegal aliens into the Georgia senate Chamber in an effort to stop passage of a 2006 bill, the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (SB529) – aimed at reducing Georgia’s attractiveness as a destination for illegal immigration. Gonzalez has also been criticized for badgering a diminutive female state Rep, Katie Dempsey, for her pro-enforcement position on E-Verify in a Rome, Ga. public forum.

GALEO’s Jerry Gonzalez. Photo: Dustin Inman Society

In early 2016, another former GALEO board member and state court judge, Dax Lopez, was passed over for confirmation after an Obama nomination for a lifetime seat on the federal bench due to his ties to GALEO.  This writer was proudly credited with leading the opposition to the Lopez nomination with the research series ‘A Beginner’s Guide to GALEO’ posted on the Dustin Inman Society website in 2015 and 2016.

On its political blog, the Atlanta Journal Constitution has reported that a PAC, ‘Advance Georgia,’ founded by Georgia’s Republican Lt. Governor and president of the senate Geoff Duncan helped Anavitarte’s slim victory with a $250,000 infusion:

“Jason Anavitarte might owe Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan a thank-you note for his apparent narrow GOP runoff victory over Boyd Austin in the contest to replace state Sen. Bill Heath, R-Bremen. The lieutenant governor’s PAC pumped about $250,000 into Anavitarte’s bid. He’s currently up by about 200 votes – a 1% margin says the liberal AJC Political Insider blog.

Georgia’s Lt. Governor and President of the Senate, Geoff Duncan. Photo: AJC.

“Jason Anavitarte is a former member of the Paulding County School Board and candidate for Senate District 31 in the Georgia Legislature. Most recently, Jason served as Senior Adviser of Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan’s campaign and served on the state finance committee for Governor Brian Kemp during the 2018 election. Jason has been named one of the 50 Most Influential Latinos in Georgia” according to Anavitarte’s campaign website, Campaign website (August 19, 2020).

Anavitarte, who has described himself as an admirer and supporter of Senator Marco Rubio, is a former Doraville City Council member and in 2005 filed to run for the state House as a Democrat. In the recent primary he was endorsed by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and originally did not mention illegal immigration on his campaign site as an issue.

That changed after he drew the attention of pro-enforcement conservatives and the media. He now has stated policy positions on immigration that are curiously tailored to a candidate for federal office as opposed to a state senate seat, but has assured voters he is supports legal immigration without offering limits. From

“I support legal immigration and I want to see our current immigration laws upheld. I support the following reforms:

  1. Secure the border. Lack of border security is causing a rise in crimes. It is estimated that in 2018 235,000 illegal immigrants were arrested on various charges.

  2. End chain migration. Stop the original immigrant from petitioning to bring their extended families into the USA.

  3. Move to a merit-based skill categories system. This system would put an emphasis on education and skill as a basis for acceptance into the country.

  4. Reform welfare. Deny welfare to anyone with a green card or visa.

  5. NO AMNESTY! Enforcement of deportation will stop people from coming to our borders.

  6. I support the use of e-verify by our businesses. We need to hire people that are legal to work here in Georgia.

  7. No in-state tuition for illegal immigrants.”

Lt Governor Duncan’s PAC was the topic of AJC coverage in October, which included the observation: “the financial haul could also help Duncan exert more influence over a fractious Republican caucus that sporadically sparred during his first legislative session. Duncan said he preferred to view it as a “partnership” to support Republicans.”

According to the most recent estimates from DHS, Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than Arizona and enforcement of laws designed to deny jobs, benefits and services to illegals is routinely ignored by the Republicans who have run the state for *more than a decade nearly two decades.

Anavitarte and his committee and floor votes on illegal immigration-related matters will be the focus of much attention from conservative writers and voters when he becomes a state senator.

*Edited, 1Sept2020 – dak


May 5, 2020

AJC Political Insider: June, 2019 – Republicans should warm to illegal alien lobby to court Hispanic voters

Posted by D.A. King at 11:27 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Photo: AJC

“Before the Lopez ordeal, GALEO had routinely attracted high-profile Republican officials to its gatherings, including Gov. Nathan Deal and Attorney General Sam Olens. Some of those visits dried up after the judicial tussle.

But (John) King’s appointment could mean the end of the Georgia GOP’s ostracization of the group – a necessary first step if Republicans intend to court Hispanic votes in the future.”

See The Jolt here.

We think Galloway wrote this one.


March 13, 2020

D.A. King in Insider Advantage Ga: Crossover Day will reveal much about House GOP, sanctuary policies (The bill was not allowed a vote)

Posted by D.A. King at 2:00 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Dustin Inman Society

SPOILER ALERT, Mar 13, 2020: Republican Speaker David Ralston did not allow a vote on HB 1083 on Crossover Day.

Insider Advantage Georgia
The Forum

March 12, 2020
Crossover Day will reveal much about House GOP, sanctuary policies

D.A. King

How “pro-enforcement” is today’s Republican state leadership on illegal immigration? With today being Crossover Day under the Gold Dome, Georgia voters will hopefully be allowed a clear view of where their House Reps stand on sanctuary policies for criminal aliens – in a state with more illegal aliens than green card holders. In an election year.

HB 1083 from Rep. Jesse Petrea (R – Savannah) is all set to go to the floor – assuming GOP House leadership gives the OK to move it from the Rules committee. We will know by midnight tonight.

Georgia Speaker David Ralston

Basically, the commonsense bill makes it illegal for any local or state law enforcement agency to refuse to honor an ICE detainer or to decline to notify federal authorities before release of a prisoner in who ICE has an interest. The well-crafted and simple legislation also says that Georgia law enforcement must allow ICE to interview prisoners under their control and outlaws any policies that prohibit “participation in any program or agreement authorized under Section 287 of the federal Immigration and Nationality Act…”

Rep. Jesse Petrea; Ga General Assembly

Amending and greatly improving the definition of “sanctuary” in existing law, it’s an extremely good bill, perhaps light on immediate punishment for local agencies and officials that violate the language, but that is something that can be remedied.

The fact that Petrea’s bill gives common, everyday individuals a method of redress against a government entity – including law enforcement – found to be in violation of the above if the violation causes injury or death by an illegal alien is a giant step forward. And it is driving the corporate-funded anti-enforcement mob crazy with fear and anger.

When this writer last looked, Petrea’s bill had nearly fifty co-signers including at least one Democrat. DeKalb County’s Vernon Jones is signer number four.

A very honorable mention should go to Freshman Rep. Philip Singleton (R – Sharpsburg) for his hard work on his own anti-sanctuary bill (HB915) that served to drive consideration of Petrea’s bill.

GA state Rep Philip Singleton
Photo: Georgia General Assembly

Readers here who may be wondering why they have not heard of this measure before now should know that while there is extensive exposure of legislation to reward illegal aliens with instate tuition and (inaccurate) coverage of a bill to end use of the legal and accurate term “illegal alien” to describe illegal aliens, no, the AJC has not done a story on HB 1083. So you likely read it here first.
Petrea’s public safety bill enjoys all the right enemies, including the usual suspects who are funded to fight against immigration enforcement with mindless and false howls of “anti-immigrant!” and “hate!”

Going in the opposite direction of sanctuary state California, and along with one of Gov. Brian Kemp’s campaign pledges on illegal immigration, HB 1083 will serve to save lives in Georgia if it becomes law. If it doesn’t, it will vividly illustrate the true values of the Republican leadership. Either way, tomorrow Petrea’s anti-sanctuary for criminal aliens legislation will no longer be treated as a secret by Georgia media.

If it becomes law, here’s hoping it is one of those laws that is actually enforced.

A political independent, D.A. King is president of the Dustin Inman Society, which advocates for final passage of HB 1083.

March 10, 2020

Call to Action! DIS action alert sent out today about noon – YES to HB1083!

Posted by D.A. King at 9:06 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


UPDATE: 13 March : Republican Speaker David Ralston did not allow a vote on hit bill in the Republican-controlled House.

The Dustin Inman Society at
The Dustin Inman Society
March 10, 2020
Dear D.A.,

YES to HB1083!

HB1083, an anti-sanctuary bill that requires local law enforcement in Georgia to honor ICE detainers and to comply with federal immigration law has advanced to the House Rules Committee!

This bill moved because of your help! We need more help.

We need more of your calls to pass this lifesaving bill!

Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than green card holders. Gov. Kemp ran on a promise to end sanctuary cities. This bill makes Georgia safer for our families. HB1083 is pro-enforcement.



Please call the offices of Rules Chair Smith, Vice Chair Hatchett, and Speaker Ralston today leave a polite message telling them to pass HB 1083 into law!

Make your call today! And tomorrow! And Thursday! HB1083 must pass by Thursday at midnight to go on to the senate.

Speaker Ralston: 404.656.5020
Chair Smith: 404-656-5141
Vice Chair Hatchett: 404-656-5025

And here’s a sample script:

Hello, my name is ________ and I’m a citizen in ________. I’m calling today to ask that HB1083 be passed into law to save lives in Georgia. We agree with Gov Kemp: Criminal aliens kill Americans. Please tell the boss we are calling as supporters of the Dustin Inman Society. Thank you.”

Be sure to check the DIS Blog for current updates, as well as the DIS Facebook page.


D.A. King

The Dustin Inman Society

March 8, 2020

UPDATED! GA Speaker David Ralston: 404-656-5020 – ACTION NEEDED: Anti-sanctuary bill stuck in Republican-ruled Gold Dome committee. One phone call from you will help

Posted by D.A. King at 9:37 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: Legal Americans .com

UPDATED 13March – Republican Speaker of the House did not allow a vote on HB 1083.

UPDATED 5:00 PM – Thank you al for your calls! The Speaker’s voicemail box is full. Please start again Monday AM!

We can save lives with this bill!

Anti-sanctuary city bill held up in Republican Georgia House committee! Every call counts. The anti-border crazies are calling right now!

Sanctuary city policies kill Americans. Please make one call to try to save HB1083 – and to save lives in Georgia?

Speaker David Ralston’s office is 404-656-5020. 

Please call and leave a message with the staffer;

“We are watching how Republicans stand up to the leftists and we want HB1083 to pass. Stop the deadly illegal alien sanctuary policies in Georgia.” 


Speaker David Ralston

HB1083 was on its way to a “do pass” vote in the GOP-controlled House Judiciary non-civil committee last week when it was suddenly tabled. The reason is a (partial) mystery, but what we do know is that the illegal alien lobby, including the hate-mongering SPLC, is very busy organizing phone calls to Republican Speaker David Ralston’s office to kill the bill.

The phone line has voice mail. Please call today and Monday and please share this note? It is good to call more than once. Time is running out. “Cross over day” is Thursday.

Remember when candidate Brian Kemp promised to end sanctuary city policies? Us too.


March 2, 2020

D.A. King in the Dalton Daily Citizen News yesterday: In-state tuition benefits for illegals merely an incremental step

Posted by D.A. King at 1:54 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: GBPI

Dalton Daily Citizen News

Sunday, March 1. 2020

D.A. King: In-state tuition benefits for illegals merely an incremental step

There is a hard and very well-financed push on in today’s Georgia for “equity” for illegal aliens that pro-enforcement Georgians should not ignore. Gone are the days when trusting voters could sit back and blindly trust Republican state legislators who ran as conservatives to uphold commonsense values and to do everything possible to discourage illegal immigration. More than ever before, it’s all about the money.

It cannot be said enough: According to the left-leaning Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, Georgia is now home to more illegal aliens than green card holders. Green cards are only awarded to real immigrants — that is, permanent residents who obeyed American immigration laws.

With his shameless abandonment of clear and detailed illegal immigration campaign promises, it is Gov. Brian Kemp (a Republican) who is setting the example for many dollar-first lawmakers and profiteers. Sadly, most Republicans cower at the thought of speaking up. That is not true of the illegals themselves.

Recently in this space, an illegal alien currently under cover of former President Obama’s “temporary” Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) executive amnesty and working for Facebook’s cheap labor lobbying arm, the billionaire-funded,, again called for this equality for “dreamers.” The vast open borders lobby concocted that label two decades ago after the DREAM Act amnesty “for the children” was introduced the first time in Congress. The term was originally intended to invoke universal sympathy for the illegal aliens who claim victim status for their parent’s violation of our borders and immigration laws.

Readers should note the fact that the parents are still living, working and driving illegally in the U.S. is never part of the presentation.

Today, “dreamers” has been intentionally expanded to encompass virtually any young “victim of borders” who is stamping their feet in a demand for special treatment and amnesty. It is usually mixed in with claims of “injustice” for all “immigrants” in hopes that Americans will not stop to consider that an easy way to discern the difference between immigrants and illegal aliens is that immigrants do not require a repeat of the “one time” Republican amnesty of 1986 that served to expand and embolden illegal immigration.

Neither do real immigrants need special legislation to access in-state tuition in Georgia University System of Georgia colleges.

In today’s Georgia, illegal aliens are lobbying our lawmakers

Consider the opening line from lobbyist Jaime Rangle’s sales pitch column here for passage of the Georgia Resident In-State Tuition Act (HB997) education amnesty recently introduced under the Gold Dome by Dalton’s State Rep. Kasey Carpenter (a Republican): “Despite the efforts of leaders across our nation to reform immigration policies that unfairly limit opportunities for immigrants in our quest to achieve the American Dream, much more needs to be done. We must fix the broken system so immigrants like myself can continue contributing to Georgia’s prosperous economy and communities.”

GA state Rep Kasey Carpenter. Photo: GA. General Assembly.

Georgians must stop to realize that this plea will never end and is merely part of the well-designed incremental plan to achieve complete parity for all illegal aliens who arrived here decades ago, last year, last week — and next year.

If a larger economy is the true desire of the grassroots GOP base, the next step to officially open borders and an influx of much of the third-world is an easy one to take.

It is not evident that most Republicans, elected or not, stop to realize that the goal in this “equity” push on in-state tuition applies to illegal aliens living illegally in Georgia, DACA or not. But it does not apply to Americans, including real immigrants, living in Michigan (for example). It is also not clear that lawmakers are cognizant of the fact that while DACA recipients have been rewarded with work permits, non-DACA illegals that would benefit from the discounted tuition rate have no legal ability to work anyway.

Why is Rep. Carpenter pushing for the taxpayer-funded post-secondary education for them? Does he expect the feds to approve yet another amnesty?

If it is real “equity” we want, shouldn’t everyone in Georgia’s public universities only pay in-state tuition?

Pro-borders Americans of all descriptions should be more — not less — active than the illegal alien lobby. Right now there are three bills in Atlanta to give special treatment and taxpayer-funded tuition breaks to people with no legal right to be in Georgia; two of them were introduced by Republicans.

Would you vote for any Republican who had made a campaign promise to do this?

D.A. King is president of the Dustin Inman Society. He is not a member of any political party.



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