May 16, 2019

“Now, the open borders billionaires at FWDus have jumped in to create a letter writing campaign to you on behalf of Dax Lopez” Letter to Gov Kemp from conservative immigrant Mary Grabar

Posted by D.A. King at 1:29 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below letter was copied to us today. The links were in it when it arrived.

Re; Dax Lopez

Governor Kemp,

I see that you may appoint state court Dax Lopez to Superior Court and I write to ask you to consider the ramifications of advancing this man, who I am sure by now you know was a board member of the radical and race-baiting GALEO lobbying corporation.

When Lopez was nominated for federal court several years ago his record and that of GALEO were exposed for all to see and caused conservative Senator David Perdue to reject his nomination. The outcry then was shared by many of us who were amazed that while Lopez was an active board member, GALEO Executive Director Jerry Gonzalez attacked law enforcement officers and stood against literally all of the conservative principles of fairness and immigration enforcement, not to mention voter ID. Now, the open borders billionaires at FWDus have jumped in to create a letter writing campaign to you on behalf of Dax Lopez. That seems enlightening to me. I hope it does to you as well.

Dax Lopez is the favorite son of the people who will never stop pushing against immigration enforcement. He should not be trusted with an appointment to Superior Court.

At least one dependable news report indicates that while he was a sitting judge and an active part of the anti-enforcement GALEO operation, Dax Lopez personally lobbied then Governor Deal to veto public safety legislation aimed at protecting Georgians from the crime of illegal immigration.

As a proud immigrant and attentive conservative, I hope you listen to the people who elected you and remember your own campaign pledges on the illegal immigration that is ravaging Georgia and Georgians.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Grabar


May 14, 2019

Conservative Republican Women of North Atlanta send a letter to Gov. Kemp opposing appointment of GALEO’s Dax Lopez to Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit – Superior Court

Posted by D.A. King at 8:48 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below letter was copied to us today.


May 10, 2019

D.A. King on Insider Advantage Georgia today: Illegal Alien Employer Arrest an Enforcement Opportunity for Kemp

Posted by D.A. King at 3:47 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: Insider Advantage Georgia

Illegal Alien Employer Arrest an Enforcement Opportunity for Kemp

D.A. King

May 10, 2019

The news that a Mexican illegal alien amassed a large fortune by illegally operating a construction company while employing other illegal aliens and living in a Bartow County compound — complete with a security wall and armed guards – presents a golden opportunity for Gov. Brian Kemp. That is, if the new governor wants to make clear his determination to fight illegal immigration.

It cannot be said enough: The chief cause of illegal immigration is illegal employment. Reduce the former and see less of the latter. Fewer illegal aliens equals fewer crimes committed by illegal aliens. It seems obvious.

As the anti-enforcement Georgia Budget and Policy Institute was kind enough to remind us last summer, Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than Lawful Permanent Residents (green card holders). Only the most politically blind and naĂŻve still hold out hope that congress will accomplish anything meaningful on ending the illegal immigration crisis.

The logical conclusion is that state and local governments should use all available tools to make Georgia as inhospitable as possible to illegal employers and illegal aliens. That would include unapologetic enforcement of state laws already in place.

Which brings us back to the governor and Juan Antonio Perez, the illegal alien recently busted by the feds and who reportedly had somewhere around 200 employees “almost all of them here illegally.”

Kemp should consider having the GBI obtain the employment records from all of the companies operated by Perez, if he has any. Including the I-9 forms. The I-9 form is the outdated, 20th century paper device used to collect and record identity verification documents presented by new employees to the employer.

It is impossible for an illegal alien to complete the I-9 process without use of false or stolen ID. Georgia has a state law for that.

Intended to severely punish ID fraud in the process of obtaining employment, Georgia’s “Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011” (HB 87) put OCGA 16-9-121.1 in place.

“Offense of aggravated identity fraud”
(a) A person commits the offense of aggravated identity fraud when he or she willfully and fraudulently uses any counterfeit or fictitious identifying information concerning a real, fictitious, or deceased person with intent to use such counterfeit or fictitious identifying information for the purpose of obtaining employment.”

The law says that a first offense “shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 15 years, a fine not to exceed $250,000.00, or both…”

To our knowledge, the law has not been enforced.

The governor can send a strong signal to illegal aliens who have little reason to avoid living and working in Georgia by application of this statute and prosecution of the victims of borders who now fearlessly commit identity fraud to reside, work illegally and lower wages in Georgia. Let’s start with the black market labor that worked for Juan Antonio Perez.

Pro-enforcement conservatives are watching.

D.A. King is president of the Marietta-based Dustin Inman Society. D.A

May 9, 2019

Female and suburban: Self-described “Conservative Independent Voter” writes to Governor Kemp “you will lose two votes at our house in 2022 if you approve Dax Lopez…”

Posted by D.A. King at 10:09 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

State Court Judge and GALEO board member (circa 2011) Dax Lopez. Image: Twitter

This copy was sent here this morning. Nice to know she reads my letters to the editor!

May 8, 2019

Dear Governor Kemp,

I hope that you will follow the lead of Senator David Perdue on Dax Lopez and end consideration for putting him on a higher court.

Despite what you are likely being told by the establishment Republicans who want you to think advancing Lopez – who worked with the radical and race-baiting GALEO for eleven years – will somehow produce more Hispanic votes in 2022, Lopez has no business being any type of judge, let alone a Superior Court Judge.

My conservative Hispanic friends already vote Republican. They all agree that GALEO and Lopez are far to the left of the values you told us about in your recent campaign and that there is no goodwill to be gained from rule-of-law voters by your rewarding the anti-enforcement crowd with an anti-enforcement Superior Court judgeship for Dax Lopez.

Below is a quote I found from February, 2016 by Senator Perdue on why he decided against allowing the senate confirmation to move forward when Obama tried to advance GALEO’s board member, Dax Lopez.

“After a thorough review of the professional and judicial record of DeKalb County Judge Dax Lopez, I have become uncomfortable with his long-standing participation in a controversial organization, including his service on its board of directors,” Perdue wrote in a statement. “I believe similar concerns would be raised by many of my colleagues, making Judge Lopez’s final confirmation unattainable.”

The myth being pushed by the Chamber of Commerce-type, anything-for-a-buck Republicans who will say anything to dodge any real discussion of immigration enforcement is that capitulation will result in more votes from Latinos.

I respectfully point out something I learned from D.A. King in the AJC. In 1988 when Georgia H.W. Bush ran for president – just two years after President Reagan granted the immigration amnesty in 1986 – Bush only reaped 30% of the Hispanic vote. Proudly telling voters he would crack down on the scourge of illegal immigration, President Trump still got 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2016.

You will lose two votes at our house in 2022 if you approve Dax Lopez after all the nasty verbal attacks on law enforcement officers from GALEO staffers while Lopez was an advisor and board member – and all the GALEO crowd has done to impede immigration enforcement, voter ID and official English and ICE holds.

Dax Lopez should not ever have been selected by the nominating commission. The stench of politics is unmistakable. I urge you to appoint one of the other candidates.

Sue Ann Lanier
Independent Conservative Voter

Cobb County Sheriff Neil Warren’s letter to Governor Kemp on GALEO’s Dax Lopez and DeKalb Superior Court: “Georgians deserve better”

Posted by D.A. King at 9:58 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below letter was sent here today.


May 8, 2019

Say “no” to Dax Lopez for Superior Court says Kennesaw small business owner Bill Buckler in a letter to Governor Kemp #GALEO

Posted by D.A. King at 4:42 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Mr Buckler sent us the below copy of his letter to Governor Kemp


May 7, 2019

Dear Governor Kemp,

I have learned that Dax Lopez is a possible appointee to Superior Court in DeKalb County and that you have final say on that choice.

We urge you to reject Lopez for any promotion in the court system. As we hope you know, he spent more than a decade as a proud member of the board at the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) while that far-left outfit lobbied under the Gold Dome against enforcement of our immigration laws.

Dax Lopez has already been rejected by both of our U.S. Senators for federal court. We hope for that same outcome in your consideration for his current and quite unbelievable nomination for the empty seat in DeKalb County.

Like lots of conservatives all over the state who voted for you, we are watching this very closely.

Thank you,

Bill Buckler…

Kennesaw, GA

Marietta residents John and Maria Litland send a letter to Gov Kemp: “Please choose any other candidate for DeKalb Superior Court except Dax Lopez”

Posted by D.A. King at 12:29 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

May 8, 2019

Re; Dax Lopez’ possible appointment to DeKalb Superior Court

Dear Governor Kemp,

My wife is a proud immigrant, which means she came to our nation lawfully. We watch immigration matters very closely and are livid that illegal immigration is allowed to flourish here in Georgia. I am told we have more illegal aliens than Arizona. You will hear more from us on your apparent lack of action on that fact soon, but we write today to urge you to discard Dax Lopez’ name from consideration for advancement in Georgia’s court system

Conservative Senator David Perdue made the obvious and correct decision in 2016 in stopping the conformation process of GALEO’s Dax Lopez when former President Obama nominated Lopez for federal District Court here in Georgia. In addition to serving eleven years on the GALEO board while that corporate-funded leftist organization fought immigration enforcement here in Georgia and in Washington, Lopez also personally petitioned then Governor Deal to veto already-passed legislation designed to safeguard our public safety from the crime of illegal immigration.

GALEO leader Jerry Gonzalez has nothing but praise for Lopez’ expertise in advancing the anti-enforcement cause GALEO works for since 2003. Lopez has made it clear he agrees with the GALEO mission while Democrats who fight against immigration enforcement support him financially in his political campaigns.

Lopez helped GALEO raise funds as a keynote speaker at a 2011 funder while he was a sitting state court judge. That the nomination for Lopez has even reached your desk is a fantastic and curious disgrace and a slap in the face for those of us who value the rule of law and depend on agenda-free courts that deal with illegal aliens and illegal immigration.

My friend and our sheriff here in Cobb County, Neil Warren, has been attacked and called names by GALEO while Lopez was a board member and GALEO smears real immigrants by referring to illegal aliens as “immigrants” and people who favor enforcement as “haters.” Lopez has never uttered any regret for his service and assistance to GALEO or the agenda it pushes.

Please choose any other candidate for DeKalb Superior Court except Dax Lopez. He is far away from the Georgia mainstream and has been unafraid to prove as much since 2003 when he hooked his wagon to the Jane Fonda-funded GALEO.

John and Maria Litland

Retired Senior Agent, U.S. Immigration Service, Robert Trent, sends a letter to Governor Kemp against appointing GALEO’s Dax Lopez to DeKalb Superior Court

Posted by D.A. King at 10:58 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below letter was copied to us yesterday.


May 7, 2019

Dear Governor Kemp,

I was recently informed that Dax Lopez is being considered for a seat on the Georgia Supreme Court, if this is true, it is truly unfortunate for all Georgians. Mr. Lopez has served on the Board of GALEO, a radical activist organization that supports illegal immigration and strongly opposes immigration law enforcement. They also support open borders and illegal aliens.

GALEO currently supports the hiring of non-U.S. Citizens to be police officers, a dangerous and unnecessary thing to do during these trying times where we have global terrorism. We need to be tightening up on our security and safety, not providing the keys to the kingdom to those that haven’t taken an oath to serve, protect Americans, and defend our constitution.

Mr. Lopez with GALEO has:

-Organized and participated in marches in the streets of Atlanta demanding and end to any enforcement of American immigration laws;

-Lobbied against Georgia sheriffs cooperation with federal immigration law enforcement authorities and congratulated sheriffs for refusing to honor ICE detainers served on criminal deportable aliens;

-And lobbied against any state laws that inhibit the crimes of illegal
immigration and illegal employment.

Dax Lopez harbors these radical views, which would serve to influence his judicial decisions to the detriment of all Georgians. I hope the commission can find other nominees that don’t have an agenda such as the one displayed by Mr. Lopez.


Robert M. Trent
(St. Mary’s, Georgia)
Senior Special Agent (Ret.)
U.S. Immigration Service

CC: Judicial Nomination Commission

May 7, 2019

Letter to Governor Brian Kemp from Union County Sheriff Mack Mason in opposition to GALEO’s Dax Lopez as Superior Court Judge

Posted by D.A. King at 11:04 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  



The below letter was copied to us today.


May 6, 2019

UPDATED — ACTION NEEDED: Believe it or not: GALEO’s anti-enforcement judge, Dax Lopez, is again under consideration for higher court, this time by Republican Governor Brian Kemp

Posted by D.A. King at 11:53 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: DIS


Governor Kemp can be emailed at

The governor’s office phone number is 404-656-1776.

*They do not seem to have voicemail after business hours/weekends right now.

GALEO’s Dax Lopez was previously nominated by Barack Obama for a lifetime term on the federal District Court in Georgia, but because of his association with the radical, leftist GALEO, that confirmation was stopped by Georgia’s U.S. senators in 2016, with Sen. David Perdue taking the lead. You can read about that here and here.

Dax Lopez runs for office as a Republican but seems to have a lot of Democrat donors!

Here is a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee from Cobb County Sheriff, Neil Warren.

Then, later in 2016, Lopez – who has asked that state illegal immigration bills be vetoed – and helped GALEO with fundraising, was nominated for the Georgia Supreme Court. He withdrew when it was clear the public outrage had not been forgotten.

Both times, many state legislators and elected officials, including Georgia sheriffs, sent letters of opposition to Washington and the governor’s office. We at DIS were happy and proud to organize the fight both times. You can read all about it here and here.

Republican Governor Kemp needs to hear from Republican voters on promoting GALEO’s Dax Lopez. Do you want a former GALEO board member as a Superior Court judge in a state with more illegal aliens than Arizona?

After he was rejected by the U.S. Senate for federal court, will Gov. Kemp really promote GALEO’s Dax Lopez? Is this what Republicans elected Governor Brian Kemp to do concerning our courts? 

–> You can see the entire DIS blog archive on Dax Lopez here.

IF you want to help us fight the crime of illegal immigration in Georgia, please get on our email list here.


Daily Report
May 2, 2019

Judicial Nominating Commission Sends Kemp 3 Shortlists

Nominees are now on Gov. Brian Kemp’s desk to fill vacancies in the Coweta, Macon and Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit Superior Courts. They could become some of the governor’s first judicial appointments since taking office in January…

For the Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit:

  • Dax E. Lopez, judge, State Court of DeKalb County
  • Stacey K. Hydrick, judge, State Court of DeKalb County
  • Shondeana Crews Morris, judge, State Court of DeKalb County, Traffic Division.    Here


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