May 12, 2020
May 11, 2020
May 5, 2020
AJC Political Insider: June, 2019 – Republicans should warm to illegal alien lobby to court Hispanic voters
“Before the Lopez ordeal, GALEO had routinely attracted high-profile Republican officials to its gatherings, including Gov. Nathan Deal and Attorney General Sam Olens. Some of those visits dried up after the judicial tussle.
But (John) King’s appointment could mean the end of the Georgia GOP’s ostracization of the group – a necessary first step if Republicans intend to court Hispanic votes in the future.”
See The Jolt here.
We think Galloway wrote this one.
April 30, 2020
VIDEO – Former ICE Director Tom Homan talks about his new book with Mark Krikorian of CIS

Former ICE Director Tom Homan and D.A. King at Dustin Inman Society immigration forum. Photo:
We are proud of the fact that Mr. Tom Homan was Keynote Speaker at the Dustin Inman Society’s Feb 8, 2020 immigration forum ‘Honoring Immigrants: An Expert Pro-Enforcement Discussion on Immigration.’
Packed full of facts and information on illegal immigration!
April 29, 2020
April 23, 2020
The Dustin Inman Society is proud to welcome Mrs. Sabine Durden-Coulter to our advisory board
We have followed Sabine for years and admired her determination in seeking justice for American families who have been separated forever because of illegal immigration. Sabine’s son, Dominic died in July, 2012 in a fatal motorcycle crash.
A Riverside County Sheriff’s dispatcher , Dominic, 30, was killed instantly in Moreno Valley, California his way to work when an illegal alien driving an unlicensed pickup truck took a wrong turn. Dom’s obituary can be read here.
The Guatemalan driver, Juan Zacarias Lopez Tzun, had a record of drunk driving convictions. His initial sentence included nine months’ jail time, five years of probation, and a restitution fee of $18,800. More here.
Sabine, an immigrant, was invited to speak on illegal immigration at the 2016 Republican convention and is on the board of AVIAC and is tireless in her work against illegal immigration.
April 10, 2020
Mark Krikorian on importing foreign labor with soaring unemployment: Visas for Pottersville
“With 10 million unemployment claims just in the past two weeks and a jobless rate that could reach 32 percent, the Trump Administration is continuing the trend of increasing importation of foreign workers, whose numbers have doubled over the past decade.”
American Greatness
Visas for Pottersville
April 2, 2020
Mark Krikorian
In the Christmas classic “It’s a Wonderful Life,” George Bailey is shown an alternate, dystopian version of Bedford Falls. In Pottersville, renamed for the greedy local mogul, the neighborhood bar is instead a raucous saloon, George’s flirty childhood friend has become a prostitute, and his real-world wife, Mary, is instead a spinster librarian.
At one point in Bedford Falls, George and Mary confess their love while on a phone call with a wealthy school friend. In the course of the call, Sam Wainwright announces plans to build a plastics factory in Rochester. George answers:
If there had been a Pottersville version of that call, Sam, instead of hiring those jobless locals, would have responded, “Hire Americans? Nah, I’ll just import foreign workers on visas. Hee haw!”
Welcome to Pottersville.
Bad Policy Meets Harsh Reality
With 10 million unemployment claims just in the past two weeks and a jobless rate that could reach 32 percent, the Trump Administration is continuing the trend of increasing importation of foreign workers, whose numbers have doubled over the past decade.
This last is perhaps the most unreal. Following its recent practice, Congress responded to pressure from industry lobbyists to increase the number of H-2B visas by passing the buck to DHS, authorizing—but not requiring—it to increase the number. The administration decided on the largest-ever increase—35,000 additional visas—in the long-ago days of 3 percent unemployment (i.e., March 5).
Rather than retract that increase under today’s radically changed circumstances, DHS last week formally submitted the order for the increase to the White House and was expected to start doling out the visas this week.
March 28, 2020
The Dustin Inman Society is proud to welcome our friend Maria Litland to our board of advisors!

John and Maria Litland at the Feb 8, 2020 DIS immigration forum in Atlanta.
We welcome Mrs. Maria Litland to the DIS family. Maria has accepted our invitation to be a member of the board of advisors and we look forward to sound and educated advice from Maria.
A proud immigrant, Maria is married to Mr. John Litland and resides in Marietta. Maria has helped us with education in the Georgia Capitol and is fervently pro-enforcement on American borders and immigration law.
Thank you, Maria!
March 17, 2020
Kevin Riley, editor – The liberal AJC again: Refuses to use accurate “pro-enforcement”, but uses “anti-illegal immigration” in story copy- then reverts to the false “anti-immigrant activist” in photo blurb
The liberal AJC is at it again. In a March 4, 2020 story about the sewer that is Gwinnett County Commission politics and their ethics rules, the liberal AJC describes me as an “anti-illegal immigration activist” (hooray! they got it right! – see second paragraph on right side column in image below) then reverts to their usual anti-accuracy smear campaign by describing me as “an anti-immigration activist” in the blurb under the photo of the rather dim Marlene Fosque. I sent a note to the management, including editor Kevin Riley, demanding a correction, but as usual, they are happy to run lies. There was no correction. Riley does not return phone calls or emails.
The liberal AJC announced in 2012 that it was eliminating the position of public editor/ombudsman when then public editor Shawn McIntosh explained that “instead, we’re asking our entire newsroom leadership team to take on some of the public editor duties of listening to readers and responding to their concerns.” As I have noted before, since the liberal AJC cleansed itself of the now former Senior Managing Editor, Bert Roughton, the only editor who replies to my complaints and queries is opinion page editor, Andre Jackson.
As I have told the liberal AJC management, editors and reporters for seventeen years, I am not anti-immigrant or anti-immigration. Neither are any of the immigrants who support the Dustin Inman Society and are on our board. But liberals are liberals. And the smear agenda must be driven.
You can read the entire liberal AJC yarn here in Press Reader if you want to register. I have the paper copy in my files.
I put the liberal AJC up as being as dishonest a rag as any in the country.
March 13, 2020
D.A. King in Insider Advantage Ga: Crossover Day will reveal much about House GOP, sanctuary policies (The bill was not allowed a vote)
SPOILER ALERT, Mar 13, 2020: Republican Speaker David Ralston did not allow a vote on HB 1083 on Crossover Day.
Insider Advantage Georgia
The Forum
March 12, 2020
Crossover Day will reveal much about House GOP, sanctuary policies
D.A. King
How “pro-enforcement” is today’s Republican state leadership on illegal immigration? With today being Crossover Day under the Gold Dome, Georgia voters will hopefully be allowed a clear view of where their House Reps stand on sanctuary policies for criminal aliens – in a state with more illegal aliens than green card holders. In an election year.
HB 1083 from Rep. Jesse Petrea (R – Savannah) is all set to go to the floor – assuming GOP House leadership gives the OK to move it from the Rules committee. We will know by midnight tonight.
Basically, the commonsense bill makes it illegal for any local or state law enforcement agency to refuse to honor an ICE detainer or to decline to notify federal authorities before release of a prisoner in who ICE has an interest. The well-crafted and simple legislation also says that Georgia law enforcement must allow ICE to interview prisoners under their control and outlaws any policies that prohibit “participation in any program or agreement authorized under Section 287 of the federal Immigration and Nationality Act…”
Amending and greatly improving the definition of “sanctuary” in existing law, it’s an extremely good bill, perhaps light on immediate punishment for local agencies and officials that violate the language, but that is something that can be remedied.
The fact that Petrea’s bill gives common, everyday individuals a method of redress against a government entity – including law enforcement – found to be in violation of the above if the violation causes injury or death by an illegal alien is a giant step forward. And it is driving the corporate-funded anti-enforcement mob crazy with fear and anger.
When this writer last looked, Petrea’s bill had nearly fifty co-signers including at least one Democrat. DeKalb County’s Vernon Jones is signer number four.
A very honorable mention should go to Freshman Rep. Philip Singleton (R – Sharpsburg) for his hard work on his own anti-sanctuary bill (HB915) that served to drive consideration of Petrea’s bill.
Readers here who may be wondering why they have not heard of this measure before now should know that while there is extensive exposure of legislation to reward illegal aliens with instate tuition and (inaccurate) coverage of a bill to end use of the legal and accurate term “illegal alien” to describe illegal aliens, no, the AJC has not done a story on HB 1083. So you likely read it here first.
Petrea’s public safety bill enjoys all the right enemies, including the usual suspects who are funded to fight against immigration enforcement with mindless and false howls of “anti-immigrant!” and “hate!”
Going in the opposite direction of sanctuary state California, and along with one of Gov. Brian Kemp’s campaign pledges on illegal immigration, HB 1083 will serve to save lives in Georgia if it becomes law. If it doesn’t, it will vividly illustrate the true values of the Republican leadership. Either way, tomorrow Petrea’s anti-sanctuary for criminal aliens legislation will no longer be treated as a secret by Georgia media.
If it becomes law, here’s hoping it is one of those laws that is actually enforced.
A political independent, D.A. King is president of the Dustin Inman Society, which advocates for final passage of HB 1083.