August 23, 2016

Complaint filed with the Georgia Immigration Enforcement Review Board, August 18, 2016

Posted by D.A. King at 10:04 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  
  • IERB Attachment to complaint of 18 August, 2016 – City of Atlanta

I have reason to believe that the city of Atlanta is and has been in violation of OCGA 50-36-1 since 2013 by not verifying eligibility for the issuance and renewal of business licenses, which are public benefits in Georgia.

On July 25, 2016 I made a lawful request for public records from the City of Atlanta’s business license department for multiple affidavits from an Atlanta-operated business that are required to be collected before a business license is issued. The business entity in question is the Atlanta Historical Society, which operates the Atlanta History Center.

My request was for copies of the E-Verify and SAVE affidavits pertaining to Atlanta Historical Society business license renewal applications for the years 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 as well as other documents required by state law. Please see my original request via email and some of the various responses from the City of Atlanta representatives attached.

The SAVE affidavit requirement falls under the authority of the IERB as it is mandated in OCGA 50-36-1.

(5) “SAVE program” means the federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements program operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security or a successor program designated by the United States Department of Homeland Security for the same purpose.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (d) of this Code section or where exempted by federal law, every agency or political subdivision shall verify the lawful presence in the United States under federal immigration law of any applicant for public benefits.

As of today’s date, I have not received any of the requested copies of the documents in question, including the notarized SAVE affidavit. I suspect that the reason Atlanta officials have not forwarded the requested copies to me is that the original documents which are required by law do not exist.

To be clear: My complaint does not involve public records laws but only the requirement that all agencies that administer public benefits collect the SAVE affidavit before processing applications for or issuing such benefits, including business licenses.

Being that Atlanta city officials refuse to comply with my open records request, perhaps the IERB will consider use of its subpoena power to discover the existence – or absence – of the requested SAVE affidavit.

Because of past experience with the IERB, I feel obligated to add that I have little expectation of enthusiastic or effective oversight, investigation or meaningful sanctions if my suspicions of violation of state law were ever proven valid.

D.A. King – citizen
Marietta, Ga.

  • Sent to City of Atlanta, Information Management (via email)

25 July, 2016

To whom it may concern,

Please consider this email my official request for public records as designated under Georgia’s Open Records Act.

Please send me copies of the following documents for the years 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 as filed by the Atlanta Historical Society
* Notarized E-Verify Affidavit

* Notarized SAVE Affidavit

* Copy of government issued ID filed by applicant

* Business license issued for Atlanta Historical Society

I am happy to pay any lawfully accessed copy fees, but would prefer an electronic response.

Please contact me with any questions. I look forward to your timely reply.

Thank you,

D.A. King
2984 Lowe Trail
Marietta, Ga. 30066
* Greetings,

We are in receipt of your email and evaluating your request. We will follow-up with you regarding our findings by Friday, August 11, 2016.


Lolita R. Ferrell, MBA | Management Analyst
City of Atlanta | Department of Finance | Office of the CFO
68 Mitchell Street SW, Suite 11100 | Atlanta, GA 30303
t: 404.330.6901 | m: 404.323.6273 | f: 404.589.2782
e: | w:

  • On Aug 12, 2016, at 1:34 PM, DOFBusinessOffice wrote:


Attached you will find the final response to your Open Records Request.

DOF Business Office Team

Department of Finance | Business Office
City of Atlanta | City Hall Tower | Office of the Chief Financial Officer
68 Mitchell Street SW, Suite 11100 | Atlanta, GA 30303
p: 404.330.6430 | e: | w:


  • From: D.A. KING [] 
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 2:50 PM
To: DOFBusinessOffice
Cc: Phil Kent
Subject: Re: Open Records request

Ms. Ferrell,

Thank you for a response. However, this reply in no way matches the lawful open records request I made On July 25.
I am now working on the assumption that because you have not forwarded copies of the documents I have requested, they do not exist.

If the City of Atlanta has indeed issued and renewed a business license for the Atlanta Historical Society without soliciting and receiving the affidavits I requested, there is a serious violation of state law ( OCGA 50-36-1, OCGA 50-36-2 as examples) to be addressed in addition to the fact that the open records request saw no action in the three-day period clearly required by separate state law.

D.A. King

Mr. Phil Kent, Publisher, Insider Advantage Georgia
Member, Georgia Immigration Enforcement Review Board


February 27, 2014

D.A. King in the Marietta Daily Journal: Questions for candidate Governor Nathan Deal

Posted by D.A. King at 12:07 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Some breakfast questions for Gov. Deal

by D.A. King The Marietta Daily Journal

February 27, 2014

Candidate for re-election Gov. Nathan Deal is the guest speaker at Saturday morning’s Cobb County Republican Party monthly breakfast. Sadly, I am unable to go.

The most educational part of hearing candidates and elected officials speak usually is the Q&A session. So I humbly offer a few “absentee” question ideas for my Republican friends to offer to the Governor.

Q: Why is the Republican governor silent on the fact that Georgia has been tricked into issuing drivers licenses to some illegal aliens by President-with-no-honor-Obama?

Unlike Arizona — where the Republican governor issued an Executive Order to prevent it from happening — since 2012, Georgia has been issuing drivers licenses to a class of Obama-protected illegal aliens who have been rewarded with delayed action on deportation. This law can be changed and at least one bill is pending under the Gold Dome to stop these illegals from keeping or renewing their driver’s license.

Deal’s office has “no comment” on this situation or the pending legislative fix.

If Obama goes through with expanding national “deferred action” de facto amnesty, which is quite possible, Georgia would be further inundated with illegal victims of geography who are allowed to obtain a valid driver’s license — the real “national ID card” that can document the “undocumented workers” who haunt the Peach State. We have more illegals than Arizona.

Q: Why has not Republican Deal raised his voice about the fact that the state’s “Immigration Enforcement Review Board (IERB)” created in the immigration/E-VERIFY bill that he signed into law in 2011 has proven to be extremely … ahem … ineffective?

I know first-hand. I filed a valid complaint with the IERB against multiple official agencies that the state Department of Audits and Accounts monitoring office listed as being in violation of state law on E-VERIFY, public benefits eligibility verification and proper compliance reporting in early July, 2012. Please note the date on this newspaper. My complaint is still “pending.” Don’t look to find this story in the Georgia media. The Governor’s office is also silent.

Q: Why is the governor quiet on the illegal immigration crisis but now urging that we tighten laws addressing who must pay for treatment in American emergency rooms, as he told a UGA alumni meeting this week?

It is no secret that illegal aliens are able to take American jobs because they are hired at wages on which most of us cannot live “the American Dream.” They then depend on taxpayer subsidies for services, including no-cost health care that is in large part accessed through mandated treatment in American emergency rooms. Neither is it a secret that many American hospitals have gone bust and closed as a result.

Q: Why did the governor appoint an avowed anti-enforcement immigration radical to the state Board of Corrections last fall?While many outraged Georgia conservatives are left scratching their heads, the state’s Democrat illegal alien lobby is applauding Deal for his recent appointment of one of their own to the state’s Board of Corrections.

Ms. Rocio Del Milagro Woody, who, along with Jane Fonda, is a Founding Friend” of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO), was sworn in for a five-year term on the corrections board on Sept. 26. Jerry Gonzalez, head of GALEO, proudly announced the appointment in a September press release.

Woody is also a member of the GALEO board of directors. Gonzalez is a frequent White House visitor for “how to” seminars on another amnesty. And a former fund raiser for the Democrat party. GALEO lobbied against passage of Georgia’s E-Verify laws in 2006 and 2011.

While referring to illegally present aliens as “immigrants” and immigration enforcement as “anti-business,” Deal’s newly appointed corrections board member Del Milagro Woody has publicly spoken-out against the federal 287(g) program, immigration enforcement in general, and complained that immigration law in Arizona “has encouraged Georgia politicians to claim that illegal immigration is costing jobs and threatening the economy.”

Note to concerned Georgians: Woody is not officially finished with the appointment process. The Republican-majority state Senate must confirm her appointment before the looming end of session. You may want to ask your own Senator about his planned vote.

Q: Why is the governor not happily promoting the pending state Senate Resolution that would allow all November voters to decide on a ballot question asking if the state Constitution should be amended to make English the constitutional official language of Georgia?

Georgia is run by Republicans who ran as conservatives.

Q: Why are so few conservative voters asking questions?

D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society and a nationally recognized authority on immigration matters. Twitter: @DAKDIS

September 25, 2012

D.A. King’s September 24, 2012 letter to the Georgia Attorney General – Sam Olens – asking for legal action against department heads who refuse to obey state immigration and employment laws

Posted by D.A. King at 9:35 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Updated: Response from AG office:

Subject: RE: Request for prosecution/civil action of verified and admitted violation of state immigration-related law, Georgia Attorney General
Wednesday, September 26, 2012 6:08 PM

Mr. King,

We are in receipt of and have reviewed the below request. Upon review and inquiry with the Immigration Enforcement Review Board, it is clear that each of your complaints are still fully pending before the Board. Because the sole purpose for which the General Assembly created the Board was enforcement of the statutory provisions at issue in your complaint, and the Board currently has an enforcement action pending on this very matter, it would be imprudent for us to proceed separately with your complaint at this time.

If you wish to discuss this matter further, please feel free to call me.


Nels Peterson

24 September, 2012 D.A. King

Honorable Mr. Sam Olens
Attorney General, State of Georgia
Office of the Attorney General
40 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, Ga 30334

Sent via email – also shared with selected media outlets corrected version

Request for prosecution/civil action of verified and admitted violation of state law

Dear Mr. Olens,
I write to ask your office to begin civil action/prosecution/ for violations of state law (OCGA 13-10-91 & OCGA 50-36-1) regarding protection of taxpayer funded public benefits and preservation/protection of jobs and employment positions for legal Georgia residents.

As you know, existing law (OCGA 45-10-28) allows your office to collect penalties of up to $10,000.000 from department heads who violate these laws. Further, Georgia law clearly allows action from your office to sanction violators independently from any action – or inaction – of the Immigration Enforcement Review Board (IERB).

Having been involved in filing valid, well researched and documented complaints with the IERB and witnessed one of their meetings at which two valid complaints were set aside while a third was defected to a future meeting – despite a clear public admission from the Commissioner of Community Affairs that his agency has been in violation of Georgia law since January 1, 2010 – I have little hope that any real or meaningful sanctions will be imposed on any department heads or officials who violate the laws I cite above.

Currently, the many illegal immigration/illegal employment laws the Georgia legislature has passed and that two governors have signed into law since 2006 are regarded as “compliance optional” with a wink and a smiling nod by many state agencies and local governments and their well-funded lobbying corporations.

In July of this year I filed three valid and legal complaints with the IERB. In the interest of time and ease of processing for your office, I am filing this request electronically and using the information already collected and prepared as background and evidence for this complaint to and request for action from your office.

My original complaints to IERB regarding violation of the above laws can be read HERE. I hope that all department heads involved will be considered for sanctions by your office.

Additional information on complaints.


I am now told that the number of agencies which have not filed the required reports focused on E-Verify has dropped to around 500. This, after multiple warnings over the course of several months by the Department of Audits and accounts regarding action that was mandated by state law before December 31, 2011. I respectfully urge you to prove that Georgia law will be enforced as deterrence to future refusal to comply.


A written response from Mike Beatty, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs office to the IERB is HERE. Please note in addition to the admission in this letter, on Thursday, September 20, 2012 Commissioner Beatty addressed the IERB in an open meeting and acknowledged and admitted that his office has been in violation of Georgia law since January, 2010.

While the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper sent a reporter to the September 20th meeting, that newspaper did not make any of that admission public and to my knowledge, published no report on the admission by Commissioner Beatty.

The Associated Press also had a reporter present and did report on the meeting and Beatty’s admission. That AP news report can be read HERE. I respectfully urge you to prove that Georgia law will be enforced as deterrence to future refusal to comply.


Again, the requirements under Georgia law for these agencies have been in place since 2010. I respectfully urge you to prove that Georgia law will be enforced as deterrence to future refusal to comply.

Mr. Olens, I am not certain that this electronic correspondence to your office is the correct and acceptable method of contact.
I am sure that the information here is accurate and that the violations detailed here are quite real. I appeal to you to take action on my complaints and to inform me if this letter and background material should be sent to your office in a hard-copy format.

Very respectfully,

D.A. King
Marietta, Georgia 30066

September 24, 2012

Mike Beatty, Georgia Department of Community Affairs Commissioner submits letter to Immigration Enforcement Review Board admitting illegal failure to help safeguard taxpayer-funded public benefits

Posted by D.A. King at 9:27 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Beatty’s confession letter from DCA to the IERB is HERE.

Note: If you look up “shuckin’ and tap-dancin””, inept, “good-old-boy”, transparent professional Georgia politician in the dictionary, you should find a photo of Mike Beatty.

The AP reported on Thursday’s IERB meeting HERE. Jeremy Redmon, the AJC immigration reporter was there too – I challenge anyone to find a report from him or the “watchdog” AJC on this. Really too bad there was no video of this sadly hilarious meeting.

My three compliants HERE. Don’t look now, but with ther exception of two or three members who really care, the Georgia Immigration Enforcement Review Board is a mockery of a sham. More later.

August 14, 2012

Three complaints filed in July with Georgia’s Immigration Enforcement Review Board – is anybody out there?

Posted by D.A. King at 12:09 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

UPDATE – September 3, 2012: I received a reply from the enforcement board! HOORAY! See the date of the reply and the text of the two letters HERE

In July I filed three separate complaints with the Georgia Immigration Enforcement Review Board. As of today’s date, I have received no official response or notification of receipt from the board. Because I phoned the agency appointed to handle administrative duties for the board (the Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts – GDDA), I am aware that all of the complaints have been received.

I did not retain copies of the completed formal pre-printed complaint form provided by the GDAA. The blank version can be viewed here. I post below the attachments to the complaint forms with my explanation of the grounds for the complaints.

Readers should note that complaint #1 dated July 3, 2012 involves more than 1200 official governments, agencies and departments in Georgia that have not filed required reports on use of the no-cost E-Verify system for their own offices or those of their contractors. I miscalculated the number and entered my own estimate of “1170” agencies in the complaint. That estimate is in error and low.

Complaint # 2 is aimed at Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for violation of Georgia law intended to help ascertain the number and titles of agencies that administer “public benefits” as listed in state law and whether or not these agencies are in compliance with 2009 state law focused on use of the federal SAVE program and preventing ineligible applicants from obtaining taxpayer funded public benefits. My contention is that DCA has failed to collect and report required information from the various agencies affected by state law.

Complaint # 3 is against an uncounted number of official agencies – a list that entails forty-six pages – for violation of the Georgia law requiring them to report the information mentioned in complaint #2.



July 3, 2012 Attachment to formal complaint form – D.A. King

Please regard this attachment as part of my formal complaint against the attached list of entities for non-compliance with Georgia law (OCGA 13-10-91 – relevant language quoted below) designed to protect jobs and tax dollars. The attached list of agencies in violation is taken from the official Dept. of Audits and Reports website. It numbers approximately 1170 official taxpayer funded agencies.

I lack the time or resources to find all of the addresses and phone numbers of these agencies or names of the many department heads. I trust and request that the Immigration Enforcement Review Board will obtain that information and use its subpoena authority to obtain any pertinent information relevant to my lawful complaint.

OCGA 13-10-91

“(7)(A) Not later than December 31 of each year, a public employer shall submit a compliance report to the state auditor certifying compliance with the provisions of this subsection. Such compliance report shall contain the public employer’s federal work authorization program verification user number and date of authorization and the legal name, address, and federal work authorization program user number of the contractor and the date of the contract between the contractor and public employer…”

Thank you,
D.A. King

Attachment to DCA complaint of 23 July 2012 – D.A. King

Please regard this as my official complaint against the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for violation of OCGA 50-36-1.

50-36-1 requires DCA to collect specific information from official agencies that administer public benefits. That being: to list all of those public benefits and to report if there any of those benefits for which the respective agencies do not have authority from the federal government to use the Systematic Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) eligibility verification database.

By law, this information is supposed to be collected in an annual report due on or before January 1st of each year.

Text of the relevant code from 50-36-1

(i) It shall be unlawful for any agency or political subdivision to provide or administer any public benefit in violation of this Code section. On or before January 1 of each year, each agency or political subdivision which administers any public benefit shall provide an annual report to the Department of Community Affairs that identifies each public benefit, as defined in subparagraph (a)(3)(A) of this Code section, administered by the agency or political subdivision and a listing of each public benefit for which SAVE authorization for verification has not been received.

In my effort to obtain the information legally required to be collected, I have had several conversations with Mr. Jonathan Sharp at DCA who was kind enough to forward to me the information ( HERE and HERE ) – his office has collected regarding the above mandate. Apparently what is being collected and filed is not what Georgia law requires. Mr. Sharp has told me that his office is collecting information submitted by various agencies that identifies public benefits they deal with and then information on “unverified applicants” with a column in the report created for that purpose.

The word “applicants” does not appear anywhere in the code paragraph above and is not the intention of this part of the law. Further, Mr. Sharp informed me that his office was aware of the widespread practice of agencies reporting for a single day in the year and chose as the reporting day one that either had zero applications for public benefits of had no negative responses on queries to the federal SAVE program.

Mr. Sharp informed that his department regarded the laws as difficult to understand. For the record: I do not agree and the code is the product of an extensive vetting process by various legislative committees in the 2009 legislative session as included in HB2.

To be clear: DCA is not collecting the information required by law, nor is it collecting an annual report on the information it is gathering. I do not believe that Mr. Sharp is responsible for the alleged violation.


The Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act of 2006 (SB 529) created the requirement that all official Georgia agencies administering public benefits apply to obtain written federal authority to use the SAVE program and to verify the benefit eligibility of most applicants for public benefits. Those benefits were defined in the law with references to federal code (8USC1611 & 8USC1621) definitions of public benefits. In the interest of additional clarity and certainty, HB 2 of 2009 further defined public benefits by inserting a list of those benefits into state law.

Because it was obvious that most official agencies dealing with public benefits (such as municipalities, counties and others) were ignoring the law and there was no readily available official list of offices that administer public benefits to monitor compliance, HB 2 created the mandate that all administering agencies report the benefits they work with and if they have not obtained authority to use the SAVE system from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to use the SAVE database.

It is important to know that the SAVE office requires separate listings in agreements for each public in agreements to use the database. (Example: if the agency administers business licenses, housing loans and community transportation, each benefit must be listed in the official DHS MOU).

As it is currently being done, the DCA system provides no information on authority to use SAVE and is reporting information that is not required, apparently as the result of one day’s activity of an agencies work and leaving off the information for which the section of code was created.

DCA is in violation. The language above went into effect on January 1, 2010. With the correct institution of reporting requirements, DCA should have a 2010 and a 2011 report filed from each agency that administers public benefits as per the list in 50-36-1 and anyone who asks should be able to see if there are agencies administering public benefits for which they lack applicant verification authority.
I believe the current systems is not only illegal, but is also costing Georgia taxpayers money and further straining the state budget by likely rewarding illegal aliens who have escaped capture at our borders with public benefits.

Note: I do not believe that every agency that actually administers public benefits is even in compliance with the actual law or the illegal reporting system the DCA has put into place.

I ask that the Immigration Enforcement Review Board use its authority and subpoena power to investigate the above educated allegations.

Please find attached a report obtained from DCA last week that shows the information being collected and the agencies that are reporting. Please note the columns on the top and the heading on the right that reads: “Had Unverified Applicants.” Again, this is not the required information in Georgia law.



Attachment to additional compliant of 23 July 2012

Please regard this as part of my official complaint against the agencies listed (and other official agencies as yet unknown) on the enclosed report (HERE) received from the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) regarding violation of OCGA 50-36-1. My compliant also is aimed at the various department heads responsible.

The official agencies listed are in violation of 50-36-1 in that they are not submitting required information.

OCGA 50-36-1

(i) It shall be unlawful for any agency or political subdivision to provide or administer any public benefit in violation of this Code section. On or before January 1 of each year, each agency or political subdivision which administers any public benefit shall provide an annual report to the Department of Community Affairs that identifies each public benefit, as defined in subparagraph (a)(3)(A) of this Code section, administered by the agency or political subdivision and a listing of each public benefit for which SAVE authorization for verification has not been received.

Agencies are required to file an annual report which public benefits they administer and then to list any relevant public benefits for which they do not have authority to use the federal SAVE program to verify applicant eligibility. This is not happening.

They are instead reporting on public benefits administered and whether they have “Ineligible Applicants.” Information provided to me by DCA reflects that many of these agencies are using a one-day sample of information on whether they have applicants who are ineligible, with days selected on which to report that do not have any applicants for public benefits or any negative quires to SAVE.

I also request that the Board use its power to subpoena information on a complete list of official agencies administering public benefits in Georgia as I have reason to believe that there are agencies that are not using SAVE as required by state law of even filing a report to DCA with the incorrect request for information (please see other complaint with today’s date).

I ask that the Board obtain official reports for 2010 and 2011 containing data as intended by law from department heads to compare to current information as well as to replace the reports on file that were submitted in violation of requirements in 50-36-1.


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