April 14, 2021

Letter to the AJC that never saw print or response – too much information?

Posted by D.A. King at 11:41 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: AJC.com



I just stumbled on this and don’t think it was posted in the AJC file. It is now. To see our file, put “AJC” in the DIS search box to the far left here or on the DIS home page.

“It Seems Newsworthy”: Letter to the Editor Sent to the Atlanta Journal Constitution Re; Partial Coverage on Sheriff Keybo Taylor – *287(g) *AJC

March 13, 2021

Liberal AJC still hawking Kasey Carpenter HB 120 scam

Posted by D.A. King at 12:13 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: DIS/sourcers as noted.

From ImmigrationPoliticsGA.co

Liberal AJC still hawking fake news on HB 120 but omits “Opportunity Tuition…”



February 9, 2021

AJC headline tells readers door to higher education closed to immigrants in Georgia! – actual policy says not so

Posted by D.A. King at 12:29 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: DIS from sources as noted.


AJC headline tells readers door to higher education closed to immigrants in Georgia! But, it isn’t true.

Atlanta Journal Constitution editors still mum on Georgia law in yet another celebratory infomercial on demise of 287(g) in Cobb & Gwinnett – AJC

Posted by D.A. King at 7:43 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Image: DIS from sources as noted.


Atlanta Journal Constitution editors still mum on Georgia law in yet another celebratory infomercial on demise of 287(g) in Cobb & Gwinnett.

“The February 8, 2021 front page, dead tree version is headlined “Cobb, Gwinnett shift immigration priorities.”  The anti-enforcement lobby’s moldy objection to jails – the only place 287(g) was used in either Cobb or Gwinnett counties – checking immigration status of incoming prisoners somehow inhibits victims of crime on the street from reporting those crimes is embedded throughout. It’s an infomercial.”

Added to master file here from new site for book storage.

Column here.

February 4, 2021

Amanda Coyne has left the (AJC) building – we hope it was something we said

Posted by D.A. King at 2:22 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: AJC

From IAG:

A now former reporter at the liberal Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper known for multiple, unapologetic accuracy blunders is apparently now a “Communications Associate” at the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA). GMA is the powerful lobbying entity for Georgia’s more than five hundred cities and towns. We hear the job change was effective January 1, 2021.

We were happy to take the time to post two requests for correction sent to the AJC editors last year on stories created by Coyne and approved by her editors. Maybe it paid off?

Last February Coyne reported on a silly, but simple bill from anti-enforcement Democrats (apologies for the repetition) in the Georgia House that was virtue signaling against use of the term “illegal alien” (also “alien” and “illegal”) that we were proud to have helped install in multiple state laws. Through Coyne, the AJC reported that under the legislation, “illegal alien” would be replaced with the term “unauthorized immigrant”. One problem with the story was that “unauthorized immigrant” was not anywhere in the text of the bill. Apparently Coyne wished it or just made it up. Her yarn left out the changes to the other icky words – illegal and alien….Here

February 1, 2021

AJC selling instate tuition for illegal aliens bill with misinformation …again

Posted by D.A. King at 12:08 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Kevin Riley, Editor in Chief, AJC.Photo: AJC


AJC selling instate tuition for illegal aliens bill with misinformation again #HB120 #KaseyCarpenter *Opinion
FEBRUARY 1, 2021



January 22, 2021

Immigrant abuse again: Liberal AJC tells readers Biden to propose citizenship path for “immigrants”

Posted by D.A. King at 1:08 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The far-left game is and has been to blur the lines between immigrants and illegal aliens.


Photo: Jan 20, 2021 AJC edition, page A-4


December 23, 2020

Letter to AJC editor that did not see print (in fairness, it was well over the word limit) – Victims of illegal alien crime not on agenda

Posted by D.A. King at 10:46 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Image: AJC


AJC dodged input from victims of illegal immigration Dec 2020

Dear editor,

With the misleading (hard copy) headline “Cobb reckons with immigrant legacy” the AJC explains it is withholding the names of multiple illegal aliens quoted in a long weeper celebrating the looming end of the lifesaving 287(g) program in Cobb County. Most victims of borders will be released from the Cobb jail after capture.

We note the stated AJC policy of shielding illegal alien’s identities “due to their concern over stigma or deportation” and wonder: Will this ‘woke’ protection apply to all criminals in the future?

The AJC story quoted Adelina Nichols, a Mexican citizen who runs the anti-enforcement, corporate-funded Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR). Nichols is well known for her public use of “Chinga La Migra” on placards and t-shirts to express her unbridled hate for any immigration enforcement officials. Google it.

“Being undocumented, your dream is just not getting deported” one illegal alien laments to the AJC.

The vanishing dream for Americans – in their own country – is family safety, security and an equal application of our immigration laws. That ideal could easily have been illustrated in the AJC story with a quote from Woodstock’s Kathy Inman. If asked, Inman would have replied from the wheelchair she has been in since 2000 when an illegal alien who was released after multiple contacts with local law enforcement put her there and killed her only child, Dustin. We don’t think “family separation” is a universal concern at the AJC.

Not for the first time, we remind the AJC management and staff that illegal aliens are not “immigrants.”  Real immigrants do not require shielding in ‘news’ stories to protect them from deportation.

D.A. King


King is president of the Dustin Inman Society

We present the now entirely pretense-free AJC – Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper, Kevin Riley, editor

Posted by D.A. King at 10:29 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Letters@AJC.com  KRiley@ajc.com – More here.


Photo: AJC

December 7, 2020

AJC (Atlanta Constitution) editorial for open borders/free low of labor: “The ultimate goal of any White House policy ought to be a North American economic and political alliance similar in scope and ambition to the European Union”.

Posted by D.A. King at 3:11 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Unemployment line, 2020. Photo: CNBC

“The ultimate goal of any White House policy ought to be a North American economic and political alliance similar in scope and ambition to the European Union.”


Atlanta (Journal) Constitution newspaper

Constitution Home Edition
Friday, 9/7/2001
page A18

OUR OPINIONS: Bush, Fox should pursue union similar to Europe

/ Staff,

Mexican President Vicente Fox envisions a North American economic alliance that will make the border between the United States and Mexico as unrestricted as the one between Tennessee and Georgia.

Though neither Fox nor President Bush expects to dissolve the 2000-mile border overnight, the Mexican leader clearly prefers sooner rather than later. In Washington this week, Fox surprised his friend and fellow rancher president by calling for sweeping American immigration reform by year’s end.

Currently, U.S. government immigration policy echoes its position on gays in the military: Don’t ask, don’t tell. The nation essentially winks at the estimated 3 million illegal Mexican immigrants toiling in fields, poultry plants and construction sites. If America cracked down and rounded up all those workers, the nation’s agricultural and construction industries would collapse, says Jagdish Sheth, Emory University’s Kellstadt professor of marketing.

Despite American dependence on their labor, undocumented workers still live in the shadows and under threat of deportation, and Fox is right to insist that Mexicans working, paying taxes and obeying the law have ”all their legal rights when they’re living here in the United States.”

Those rights don’t have to spring from legal residency. Some sort of temporary guest worker visas stand a better chance with congressional conservatives than the blanket amnesty suggested last month by the White House. Opponents shot down that trial balloon before it even cleared the tree tops.

In the short-term and during this country’s economic downturn, Bush ought to concentrate on a work permit program that concedes the need for Mexican workers but imposes controls to stem illegal crossings. By loosening border restrictions, Mexicans may eventually return to their homeland, a journey that now entails too many perils. Reflecting the new policy of encouraging citizens to return, Fox said Thursday, “We need you to come home one day and play a part in building a strong Mexico.”

The United States also must play a part in sustaining Mexico’s economic growth. “For marginal workers, leaving his or her country is not an easy proposition. It is not a lark. It is a risky, dangerous proposition, ” says Juan M. Del Aguila, an Emory University associate professor of political studies. “If we can create incentives for them to stay in their own country, many of these potential immigrants would.”

In boom states like Georgia, it’s been painless to absorb Mexican immigrants. But in the unlikely scenario that the economy hits the skids, migrant labor — whether illegally coming from Mexico or legally from rural Alabama — could snatch jobs away from the local unskilled labor pool.

; ” Unlike the varied landscapes and cultures of European Union members, the United States, Canada and Mexico already share a great deal in common, and language is not as great a barrier. President Bush, for example, is quite comfortable with the blended Mexican-Anglo culture forged in the border states of Texas, California and Arizona.

Of the three North American players, the United States clearly holds the place of dominance. By joining with its neighbors to the north and south, the United States would have the strongest voice in coordinating fiscal, energy and drug enforcement polices that affect the continent.

An erroneous public perception exists that Mexico would be the main beneficiary of a U.S.-Mexico partnership. In the aftermath of the 8-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement, Mexico has become the third-largest importer of Georgia products, $1.2 billion worth of goods last year. Mexico is the United States’ second-largest trading partner.

“Fundamentally, our economic integration with Mexico is inevitable, ” says Emory’s Sheth. “Out of nowhere, Mexico has become a $200 billion a year trade partner. We think that will grow to $500 billion.”

“If you look at the European process, not all countries benefit equally all the time, ” says Del Aguila. “But the commonwealth as a whole has improved, the standard of living has risen.”

Historically, immigration has enriched America culturally and economically, as demonstrated most recently by the Cubans in South Florida. The challenge with Mexico is to better manage the natural flow of a people who are not only America’s fastest-growing immigrant group, but also its closest neighbors.

“Our choice is to fight it and lose, ” says Georgia State University economics professor David Sjoquist, “or embrace it and all come out better for it.”

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