June 11, 2007

D.A.’s guest column today posted on Insider Advantage: On Amnesty and Temporary Workers

Posted by D.A. King at 12:28 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below column was written for and originally posted on Dick Pettys’ Insider Advantage Georgia ( June 11, 2007), a subscription website. Re-posted here with permission. I have added a few hyperlinks to educate the reader.

On Amnesty and Temporary Workers

D.A. King

Ahh, irony… and timing.

In its cover story this week, no less than Time magazine , describes the soon to be resurrected “immigration” bill as exactly what the President and a large majority of the U.S. Senate have been vehemently denying for weeks: The legislation is “amnesty”.

A source of great annoyance to elected officials in Georgia who would entertain taking the politically suicidal act of actually voting for the Bush Inc. / Kennedy/ La Raza scam is that the American public has come out of the shadows, learned some inconvenient and indisputable facts on the issue and now, like Time, recognizes amnesty when they see it.

Unlike Time, they want no part of it…again.

Those pesky facts and twenty-one years of looking for a better life in post amnesty America are impossible to ignore.

As is the observation of a principled Senator from Alabama.

With considerable understatement on La Bill, Jeff Sessions minces no words in a quote to CNN last week: “This is not a good piece of legislation, it really needs to be re-drafted.”

A component of the “Grand Bargain” not getting the focused attention it so richly deserves is the “Temporary Worker” plan incased in the legalization – at – any – cost scheme. It will never work as advertised and its certain failure is guaranteed by an arrangement put in place by the very people who wrote the language of the bill.

What we are to believe is that low-skilled workers will be legally admitted into the U.S. to provide low wage labor for the bosses, then, having earned five to ten times as much as possible in their own nations, will depart for home at the agreed upon date.

It is never going to happen.

We would do well to learn from the Europeans: Few things are more permanent than temporary workers.

The promise that our government will track down those Temps who refuse to depart on time is empty in light of the fact that at present, the Department of Homeland Security admits to lacking the ability to find about 650,000 convicted criminals who are already under deportation orders and roaming American streets.

The same coalition that is presently pushing the amnesty will insure that once in Ben Franklin’s Republic – people “doing the jobs Americans are not doing” ( at wages on which Americans cannot live) are firmly anchored and never leave.

The present convoluted and incorrect interpretation of the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution is one pre-planned instrument to un-keep the promise of any “temporary” status of the bargain priced labor.

The practice of granting automatic citizenship to children born on U.S. soil to non-citizens is even now creating the absurd howls that forced removal is a human-rights violation and would “break up families”.

“You can’t make me leave, I have American citizen children” seems a defense that can be used by a variety of criminals to escape punishment. We look forward to the next Wall Street insider – trader defendant using the baby waving angle at trial…it seems to be working.

Despite the fact that existing federal immigration law (not something we hear much about in the Senate these days) makes it a crime to encourage an illegal alien to remain in the United States, the influential banking industry has for years been opening accounts, issuing credit cards and making mortgage loans to people it knows to be residing and working in the U.S. illegally.

Somebody, anybody, convince us that making a mortgage loan to anyone is not encouraging them to remain in the U.S. For now, let’s ignore the money-laundering aspect of running ill-gotten gains through bank accounts or wiring the same out of the country.

The site of well-heeled banking lobbyists spending millions to insure that the ‘temporary’ worker be allowed to remain because he has kids, a mortgage and is now part of the “fabric of America” does not require much imagination.

Neither does the true intent of the “Temporary worker” plan.

King is a columnist for the Marietta Daily Journal and president of the Dustin Inman Society, a Marietta-based non-profit actively opposed to illegal immigration and the senate border security compromise legislation. On the Web: www.TheDustinInmanSociety.org