August 24, 2011

Obama’s Backdoor Amnesty

Posted by D.A. King at 9:54 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Front Page magazine

Obama’s Backdoor Amnesty

The Obama administration’s new immigration amnesty is a purely political calculation intended to shore up the president’s sagging support among Latino voters.

President Obama has a habit of not enforcing laws he doesn’t like.

He doesn’t like the Defense of Marriage Act so he won’t defend it in the court. He doesn’t like energy exploration so he has ignored court order after court order that would allow deep-water oil drilling. He doesn’t like the free speech protections in the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC so he’s planning an executive order to undermine it.

Now we can add immigration laws to the list.

But Obama cannot come out and state baldly that he is ignoring the law of the land, a move that diminishes respect for the rule of law and shows prospective illegal immigrants that America doesn’t care if they respect the nation’s borders. He has to try to convince the American public that his refusal to enforce the law is somehow in the best interests of the nation.

That’s exactly what he’s done.

Justifying the new, thinly veiled immigration amnesty, President Obama continues to draw on the teachings of Rules for Radicals​ author Saul Alinsky.

Alinsky, the neo-communist father of modern community organizing whose tactics Obama taught in college, wrote that “you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.”

According to Alinsky’s tenth rule “of the ethics of means and ends,” all great leaders lie and use moralistic propaganda in order to accomplish their goals. They invoke “‘moral principles’ to cover naked self-interest.” They must do this because “[a]ll effective actions require the passport of morality.”

It irritates President Obama that Congress has not passed his beloved Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act so he has decided to bypass the nation’s lawmaking body, ignore existing law, and simply decree it…

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