November 25, 2009

FAST FACT: Customs and Border Patrol was able to capture 556,000 aliens entering the United States illegally in Fiscal Year 2009

Posted by D.A. King at 12:35 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Customs and Border Patrol was able to capture more than 556,000 aliens entering the United States illegally in Fiscal Year 2009 HERE

(Exact number according to the Customs and Border Patrol: 556,041)

Apprehensions have always been the best indicator and informational tool used to estimate the real number of unauthorized border crossings. Border Patrol estimates are that they are able to catch one out of every three or four illegal crossers. I have had convsersations with Border Patrol Agents on the line who, when their supervisors were not around, have told me that the real ratio is closer to “one in eight or ten.”

Either way…do the math on the 516,000 figure. No matter what Obama, Napolitano, the media, La Raza or little Jerry Gonzalez try to tell you, American borders are not secure. While enforcement actions that have been advanced by the individual states have served as a serious deterent to illegal immigration in those respective states, the main reason that illegal immigration numbers are down for now is that the job market is so depressed. ( Some illegal aliens are receiveing money sent FROM Mexico TO the U.S.)

What we are proving – over and over again – without any doubt is that if there are no jobs for illegal aliens, many potential illegal aliens won’t come to America. ( Duh…)

Absent any intention of the Obama administration to enthusiastically and equally enforce American immigration or employment laws and while we continue to address illegal immigration on the state and local level, now is the time to create and implement a verifiable, fraud proof and secure federal biometric workplace verification ID .

Don’t hold your breath.

Much more reliable information HERE