October 19, 2009

Tamar Jacoby of “Immigration Works” open borders corporation whines about difficulty importing even more foregin labor while American workers starve

Posted by D.A. King at 11:15 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

I hope that you will all consider getting the open borders’ groups e-mail lists. One of them below from Tamar Jacoby:


Friends –

This has not been a good year for employers who rely on temporary workers.

At both the top and bottom of the economy, legal foreign workers and the employers who count on them are in the crosshairs.

The economic downturn combined with increased union influence in Washington has emboldened restrictionist Republicans and labor-friendly Democrats. Both the administration and Congress are responding to the new climate, preparing legislation and making administrative changes that will make it more difficult for employers to bring foreign workers to the U.S.

Former U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services chief counsel Lynden Melmed has prepared an IW policy brief that outlines the changes in the works.

The Department of Labor has tightened regulations on agricultural H2A visas. Democrats in Congress are drafting legislation that will make it more difficult and expensive for employers to hire seasonal H2B workers. And legislation is pending in the Senate that would do the same for higher-skilled H1B workers.

These changes will make it more difficult for employers across America to run their businesses and grow as the economy turns upward.

But all employers who hire foreign workers – even those who don’t participate in existing visa programs – should take note. If comprehensive immigration reform comes up in Congress next year, this is the climate in which the debate will take place.

All best, Tamar

Tamar Jacoby
ImmigrationWorks USA
