September 18, 2006

Illegal alien lobby demands Governor Perdue retract statements saying that illegals are involved in illegal activity

Posted by D.A. King at 8:54 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

There was a press confrence today at the Georgia Capitol…a lot of the usual suspects were there.

I went and watched.

Below from the AP:

Groups demand Perdue retract immigration statements
Associated Press

ATLANTA – Hispanic and black leaders on Monday called for Gov. Sonny Perdue to retract statements about illegal immigrants made last week during the announcement of a statewide crackdown on false documentation.

Gathered underneath the rotunda at the state Capitol, labor advocates and civil rights leaders said the governor and other lawmakers are unfairly targeting immigrants as a ploy to get re-elected.

During a news conference last week, Gov. Perdue said, “It is simply unacceptable for people to sneak into this country illegally on Thursday, obtain a government-issued ID on Friday, head for the welfare office on Monday and cast a vote on Tuesday,” according to a transcript provided by Perdue’s press office.

The Coordinating Council of Community Leaders, who organized the rally at the Capitol, delivered to the governor’s office Monday a letter blasting Perdue’s comments.

“We are distraught that … statements made last week will only increase the climate of suspicion around Latino immigrants and increase racial profiling,” says the letter, signed by council members Teodoro Maus and Adelina Nicholls.

Perdue said he has no plan to apologize for criticizing illegal immigration.

“I won’t apologize for criminal activity,” Perdue said

It is entertaining to read the rest here.

And more from 11 Alive news here.