September 12, 2006

One of my matricula consular ID’s on Google…and in a Mexican newspaper

Posted by D.A. King at 7:12 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Being the proud owner of my own Mexican matricula consular ID cards (I have three, the name on one I keep to myself) has proven invaluable to illustrate the ease of forgery and access to these little laminated stealth amnesty cards.

I have been spending a lot of time recently speaking to various groups like Rotary, Kiwanis and various GOP organizations around Georgia in an effort to educate them on the facts and consequences of the illegal immigration crisis created by the President of the United Statesā€™ refusal to secure our borders in a war on terror.

One of the first questions I ask, whether the group numbers 30, 100 or 1500, ā€œhow many of you are aware that we had an amnesty for nearly three million illegal aliens in 1986?ā€

While the numbers of aware people are increasing, it is still alarming to me that there are so many Americans who are completely unaware of the ’86 amnesty and the fact that we proved amnesty does not stop illegal immigration twenty years ago.

The MSM has done a superb job of hiding the 1986 amnesty while promoting the next oneā€¦eh?

As part of my presentation, I talk about the matricula, explain that the Office of Intelligence of the FBI regards that Mexican ID as a security threat to the U.S. and show one or both of my own enlarged and foam board mounted versions.

On both, my own face for radio in the photo. On one, my own name and DOB and addressā€¦on the other, I chose a different name ā€“ ā€œAlā€.

ā€œAl Qaida Gonzalezā€. I think it makes the point perfectly.

Google images has one of my matricula consulars featuredā€“the Al Qaida Gonzalez matricula, which appears in several places on Google.

A Mexican newspaper, El Porvenir in Monterrey, has posted an article on its site (under ā€œlegalā€) that reports on the efforts in Mexico to convince the Mexican House of Representatives to accept the matricula consular IDā€¦like the United States does.

Like U.S. banks do. (The article does not mention that American airlines accept the matricula as well, but that Blockbuster Video does not. )

The original article is here.

I ran it through an online translator here and got this out in English.

They request is accepted registers consular

Tuesday, 27 of December of 2005

The federal Deputies exhort the federal executive so that this registers consular is accepted like identification in all the country.

Mexico, 26 Dic (Notimex). – The House of Representatives exhorted the federal Executive so that the consular matriculation of high digital security, that sends the Secretariat of Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), is accepted like official identification in all the national territory.

Also it asked for the federal Executive to manage the necessary thing before the financial and deprived sector, as well as with the state and municipal governments and the different levels from government, so that they accept this document.

The federal deputy Juan Manuel DƔvalos Padilla, into Partido Institutional Revolucionario (PRI), informed that with this proposal he tries himself to support to the connacionales so that when you would reingresen to the national territory accepts the consular matriculation to them that grants the Mexican chancellery.

In interview in the Legislative Palace of San Lazaro, he was sorry that to the emigrants who return to the country she denies the passage to them to Mexican ground with the presentation of the mentioned document although she fulfills the requirements that the SRE for their expedition asks for.

DĆ”valos Padilla referred that this matriculation is accepted by the Electoral Federal Institute and in the State United it is valid to open banking accounts and to make proceedings before the police departments, public libraries and expedition of driver’s license, among others.

The emigration from Mexican to the United States has grown years in the last and continuously that country accepts or approves diverse requests of the Mexican diplomatic authorities, like the certificate of consular matriculation that is used in diverse states of that nation, indicated.

As far as I can see, the editor in Mexico , in an effort to illustrate the contention that the ā€œconsular matriculation of high digital securityā€ is ā€¦wellā€¦..ā€secureā€ has gone into Google images, found an image of a matricula consular, ignored the name on the card, totally disregarded the mugshot photo, and used my Al Qaida Gonzalez matricula image in their posting.

It took me awhile to stop laughing at the irony before I could write this up.

Maybe I should try to become a matricula model.