November 5, 2007

Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss: Secure the borders first – THEN amnesty again?

Posted by D.A. King at 4:34 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

For those who don’t know, Senator Saxby Chambliss was in north Georgia yesterday for “meet and greets” – he will be back. I have posted his schedule here.

I attended his event in Cherokee County yesterday but did not go to Dalton. In Dalton, he apparently talked about border security and illegal immigration in his public remarks.

He didn’t in Cherokee County.

It seems that from conversations with his staff and his public statements that Chambliss and far too many others think that the American people will accept another amnesty if they make us believe our borders are secured.

The talking point from Chambliss is apparently “secure the borders first.”…THEN we will try again to grant amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens we have allowed to come into our nation.

That is not a concept that the huge majority of American people – Georgians included – share.

Nearly half of the total illegals in our nation did not come here illegally – they entered on a visa and never left. Secured borders or not, Senator Chambliss’ attitude will only encourage more to do the same and wait for the next amnesty.

Chambliss has shown his lack of understanding on this crucial issue too many times to count and repeated conversations with his staff have failed to educate this Senator.

From the Dalton Citizen today:

“We have to secure the border… That has to be the first step,” he said. “We have better control of that.” Fences are being built in some areas and officials have been working to find “hot spots” where people are crossing the border, he said. “We have to continue to work hard and make sure we get that border sealed. Then once we get the border sealed and restore confidence in the American people we are serious about enforcing the laws of this country from the standpoint of immigration, I think the American people” will consider options for illegal aliens already in the country.”

The chances of this American who is educated on the border security and illegal immigration crisis voting for Saxby Chambliss for six more years as U.S. Senator fade each time I hear him speak.