November 4, 2007

Colonel James T. Cooper USAF Retired. Marietta Daily Journal letter to editor on Bill Nigut and the ADL smear

Posted by D.A. King at 9:33 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Col. James T. Cooper/Letter to the Editor: Nigut, ADL have lost their credibility

Published: 11/04/2007

Bill Nigut has done it again. The Anti-Defamation League’s leadership shows again how an organization with initially noble causes can drift so far to the left that it loses its credibility.

The same Soros-like agenda that is found in the ACLU and other secular progressive organizations has shown up with the ADL. There is a Yiddish expression that translates as “beating on a teakettle,” or “hocking” and making a lot of noise with little substance. Bill Nigut seems to be the ADL’s hocker for this region.

He is attacking immigration-reform columnist D.A. King with distorted reasoning and half-truths, very similar to how Josef Goebbels used the big lie in Nazi Germany. Bill is not a Nazi, but his tactics are almost the same. I was involved with a part of what became Homeland Security during my military career and I can tell you for certain that terrorists, rapists, murderers, thieves, gang members and narcotic smugglers do, indeed, enter our country illegally and have for decades.

Neither I nor Mr. King are racists or against legal immigrants of any race entering this country as they should. I suggest that Mr. Nigut sit down with Mr. King and discuss this as rational human beings. He would find that King is not a monster, but Bill will probably not do this. I would love to see the two of them on Sean Hannity’s show in a debate.

Colonel James T. Cooper USAF retired

East Cobb