November 4, 2007

Rich Pellegrino: Letter to the editor Marietta Daily Journal: BRAVO BILL NIGUT, and “there is no such thing as an “illegal immigrant”

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More from Rich Pellegrino here…
From today’s Marietta Daily Journal MDJ link here.Rich Pellegrino/Letter to the Editor: There’s no such thing as an ‘illegal’ person

Bravo to Bill Nigut of the Anti-Defamation League for pointing out the sometimes subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle language of dehumanization that leads to prejudice and bigotry.

The term “illegal” itself is dehumanizing and is not even accurate. There is no such thing as an “illegal” person or “illegal immigrant.” If there is, then we are all “illegal” if we have ever broken a law – like speeding, or if our ancestors came here illegally (most did by standards of the dominant groups of their times).

There are only human beings, some of whom may commit illegal acts (most of us fall into that category, whether we get caught or not). Even technically, by the law of our land, no criminal laws have been broken by anyone entering this country undocumented. It is a civil matter, like a divorce or a lawsuit – so if you are divorced or have even been sued, I guess you are “illegal.”

Since spiritually, technically and legally there is no such thing as an “illegal immigrant,” the only reason, therefore, to even use that term is to belittle another group of human beings and that is bigotry.

We were all called such terms by the dominant group of the time – two recent examples are the “n-word” used to demean African Americans and “wop” (“without papers”) used to demean Italian Americans (my ancestors).

It is time to grow up as an American people and realize that what makes this country great are immigrants from all countries and backgrounds, and that we don’t have to engage in childish schoolyard antics and call other people names in order to feel superior ourselves.

The current Latino immigrants have earned the right to be here by working hard and abiding by our laws, just as all of our ancestors did before them.

My family has become tired of the hate rhetoric disguised as concern for the rule of law and national security and has started a movement in Cobb County (which is spreading nationwide), made up of ordinary white and black Americans who want to welcome and protect our recent Latino, Asian, African, Middle Eastern and other immigrant neighbors, no matter what their immigration status, and help them assimilate into and continue contributing to the growth of our great nation.

Rich Pellegrino

Director, Cobb Cherokee Immigrant Alliance