November 2, 2007

We get mail, from Americans in Oregon

Posted by D.A. King at 11:00 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Dear Mr. King,

Thank you for the work your doing addressing illegal immigration. I’m Puerto Rican, Italian and Irish. And I’m the most feared women in Oregon. Ha, I really am. Born in Queens, New York two months early which gave me the tenacity to endure hard situations as someone dared to short my special education kids a year of speech services to boost AYP for the ELL, NCLB. I got in that Governor’s face and told him off. Especially after I served on the budge committee and found out the money went into PERS benefits for union employees.

Well, I’m not an in your face kind of person but when it comes to these liberal immoral leaders who feels is okay to short the special education kids to promote the English as a second language kids you are gonna hear this Puerto Rican get Jennifer Lopez loud. And I’m still squeaking. All the way to the Whitehouse, and they hear me loud and clear. Daily. Then the feds came to investigate NCLB. Then they made a discovery, Oregon shorted the special education kids.

In fact I called to Governor Arnie’s office in California the next state over to ask how do you get Democrats to implement real ID? Cut the transportation funding they said. The bottom line this has nothing to do about race, and everything to do about discrimination. Well Discrimination to the American citizens who have to pay for illegal immigration and the over abundant amounts of poverty that come here illegally. As we are without health care, education and opportunity all to owe them a living, an illegal one at that. If that makes me a racist so be it. I feel its un-American to promote illegal immigration.

On that note, Thank you for addressing this.

Good job, and god bless America.
