LTE – Opinion: Biden isn’t savior of a divided America

Photo: NBC News (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
Gainesville Times
Nov 14, 2020
Opinion: Biden isn’t savior of a divided America
The height of hypocrisy is Sleepy Joe Biden calling for unity and asking that every American give him a chance to govern. Really?
The Democrats attacked President Trump relentlessly and viciously for four years. They spied on him and his campaign — and John Durham’s pending investigation should prove it. The Robert Mueller probe spent two years and $35 million accusing Trump of Russian collusion; it was a hoax. They impeached Trump over an innocent phone call; he was exonerated by the U.S. Senate. Biden called Trump a “clown” during the first presidential debate. If that isn’t divisive, what is?
Moreover, the biased media has told more lies and spun more conspiracy theories than they can count. And there’s no accountability except when President Trump refers to this unprincipled mob as “fake news.”
And yet Biden, our next president if the Trump legal challenges are unsuccessful, has the unmitigated gall to say things will be better if he spends the next four years in the Oval Office (highly unlikely given his declining mental acuity and low energy). An embarrassing gaffe machine who hid in his basement during most of the presidential campaign, Biden believes he’s the savior of our divided nation.
Well, check out Biden’s abysmal record:
Biden drafted the 1994 crime bill that incarcerated thousands of Black men. He told Charlamagne tha God, a Black television host, “you ain’t Black” if you don’t vote for me.
Biden watched American manufacturing plants close after supporting bad trade deals with Canada, Mexico, China, Japan and Europe.
Biden proclaimed: “If you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised, not cut.”
Biden promised repeatedly that he’d end fracking and jeopardize our energy independence, then claimed he never made such statements during the second presidential debate.
Biden supports open borders and promises amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants, who’d compete for jobs with American citizens.
Biden opposes the ridiculous Green New Deal and free everything for all, but he’ll cave to the radical left’s demands once in office.
Biden vowed to be “the most progressive president in history,’ which is really saying something after President Obama.
As Obama’s vice president, Biden was wrong on most every foreign policy decision. Prior to the raid that killed terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden, Biden said: “Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go.” Joe opposed the successful Gulf War and supported the one-sided nuclear deal with Iran.
Biden oversaw America’s relationship with Ukraine during the Obama administration. Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, received millions from Barisma Holdings, a corrupt Ukrainian company. Joe threatened to withhold a $1 billion payment to Ukraine. Joe boasted: …. read the rest here.