While reading this anti-enforcement pap was and still is a hoot, we particularly enjoy reading the sentiment on page V: “According to a study (March 21, 2005) by the Pew Hispanic Center, the number of undocumented immigrants is approximately 11 million in the United States, despite current efforts to control illegal immigration though “higher fines, hordes of agents [1] and hundreds of sensors.”
Who wrote and edited this little gem put out by the Kennesaw State University Center for Hispanic Studies?
The ADL and GALEO.

GALEO’s Jerry Gonzalez – photo, DIS
Robert A. DeVillar, Ph.D., Senior Editor – Director KSU Center got Hispanic Studies and Jerry Gonzalez, MPA, Coordinating Editor, Executive Director, GALEO & GALEO Latino Community Development Fund, that’s who. Click on the image of the cover page below to read it. Don’t miss page V.