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‘Peach State Values’ — Republican Georgia state Senators William Ligon and Larry Walker have a PAC – and spent money to re-elect state Sen. Chuck Payne (who says he will limit terms of congress)


Image credit: As indicated on mailer source


Peach State Values PAC

Incorporated May 18, 2020

GA. State Senator William Ligon CEO

GA. State Senator Larry Walker CFO & Secretary.

Sec of State info here [2]

You can see one the PACS campaign fliers for Senator Chuck Payne’s re-election  campaign here [3]. It’s the first one pasted in. (Breitbart News here [4])

Payne is allied with FWD.us. [5] – an amnesty-again, cheap labor lobby that has a DACA illegal alien working the halls [4] in the Gold Dome. You can see Sen. Payne and FWD.us here [6] and here. [7]

FWD.us (FWDus on Twitter) is an amnesty, illegal anti-enforcement  group. This must reading.

Complete DIS Chuck Payne file here. [8]