AJC inventing “facts” on state legislation again – HB960 and “illegal alien”

UPDATE: We have been looking everyday for a correction that has not been made. SMH. March 11, 2020.
A Tuesday, Feb 25, 2020 AJC print version blurb (Removal of “illegal alien” language from state law sought” – page B7- Metro) on pending legislation in Georgia tells readers that HB960 “would replace the term with “unauthorized immigrant.” Actually reading the bill tells a different story.
The bill is another attempt to erase the all-too-accurate “illegal alien” and substitute the mindless “undocumented…” In this case the hope is to strike “illegal alien” from state law and substitute “undocumented person.”
We can’t find the term “unauthorized immigrant” anywhere in the bill.
AJC reporter Amanda Coyne [3] should be asked to explain why she got it so wrong. Why? Because this is not the first time the AJC has run false goop about illegal immigration legislation [4] and because people, including this writer, will never again believe anything Coyne is allowed to put in print without verifying it themselves.
Neither is the AJC piece complete. The bill also has language that eliminates the word “alien” from the code and inserts “person.” As in “we’re all just people…why do we need immigration laws…?” And it changes “illegal” to “undocumented.”
Here is a snippet from HB 960, lines 19-23:
“19 (b) A person who, while committing another criminal offense, knowingly and intentionally
20 transports or moves an
illegal alienundocumented person in a motor vehicle for the21 purpose of furthering the
illegalundocumented presence of thealienperson in the United22 States shall be guilty of the offense of transporting or moving an
illegal alien23 undocumented person.”
We’ll take the time to review other Amanda Coyne yarns later. For now, we are sending a request for a correction to the AJC leadership. But we are not holding our breath.
I don’t see the story online. See photo below. You can see the text of the bill for yourself here. [5]

*This was originally posted on ImmigrationPoliticsGA.com [7]