November 15, 2019

Forward! – I mean – Todd Shulte and the Red Star for amnesty

Posted by D.A. King at 11:50 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

This is the logo from something from the good folks at called “The Coalition for the American Dream” seen today on a tweet from FWDus president @TheToddShulte .

Photo: @TheToddShulte Twitter feed



 Statement on the Launch of the Coalition for the American Dream

WASHINGTON, DC – President Todd Schulte issued the following statement today on the launch of the Coalition for the American Dream:


“ is proud to partner with so many important leaders in the business community to push to protect Dreamers….” Here.

Where else have we seen the red star as identifier? And, for the kiddies: Where else have we seen the “Forward!” slogan?

Soviet Red Star Symbol

The five-pointed red star which is based on the outer shape of the Pentagram has become the globally recognised symbol of Communism. Its origin as a Communist sign can be traced to Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820 – 1895) who were drawn to this symbol for various reasons but allegedly believed in its mystical representation of the human body and its inherent strength.

The red colour is supposed to represent the “blood” of those who had struggled for their rights and freedom. Its transformation from a little known ideological sign to a mass political symbol originated during the Russian Civil War (c1917 – c1923). One story suggests that the local Moscow garrison were given tin stars to wear on their hats. They later painted these tins stars Red to symbolise their joining of the Red Army.

Following its adoption as an emblem of the Soviet Union, the red star became a symbol for communism in a larger sense. The Russian military continues to use the Red Star to this day even though the ideal of Russian Communism no longer dominates the nation. Once feared throughout the Capitalist West, it is apparently still illegal to display the symbol in Hungary. Here.

Soviet Red Star – photo:


