June 20, 2019

Praise for the lifesaving 287(g) program in Cobb County, Georgia

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Photo: Culpepper Star Exponent

Marietta Daily Journal

Letters to the editor

June 19. 2019

Praise for enforcement of 287(g)


I am grateful to Sheriff (Neil) Warren for his staunch enforcement of Section 287(g) of the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act. It allows a local official, usually the Sheriff, to authorize certain LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) to act as ex-officio agents of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement arm (ICE) of the Department of Homeland Security. In short, if a person who breaks our laws is arrested, and it turns out that the lawbreaker is already a criminal by being here illegally, the deputized LEO can hold that person in the local jail until ICE can take him/her into custody. What, if anything, is the slightest bit ā€œcontroversialā€ about this?

Contrary to accusations leveled by opponents of 287(g), LEOs donā€™t go out searching randomly for individuals of foreign appearance; they are apprehended as a result of breaking the law! Only then is a background check conducted, and if the lawbreaker is already a criminal by being here illegally, that crime is added to the criminal act for which the criminal was apprehended. The LEO then advised ICE that they have an illegal alien in custody. If the crime for which the criminal was arrested is of a serious nature, the criminal will normally be indicted, sentenced and confined, being released if and when the sentence has been carried out or if early release is granted or mandated ā€” but he/she will be released to ICE for deportation.

Individuals who object to 287(g) are, in my opinion, devoid of common sense! Keep on keepinā€™ on, Sheriff Warren ā€”and more power to you!

Scott Chadwick

