March 11, 2018

Open borders Marxists have to resort to childish name calling

Posted by Fred Elbel at 3:51 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Name-calling is pretty serious for kids. Remember how elementary school kids used name-calling as a bullying tactic? There wasn’t much rationale behind it. It was intended to intimidate, ridicule, and diminish the victim.

Yet it’s pretty funny when those who are purportedly adults resort to name-calling as a tactic of attempted intimidation.

There are very good reasons to enforce immigration law, as noted in the article My Secret Plan to Destroy America, by Dick Lamm, former Governor of Colorado. Another is that mass immigration is driving America’s population to double within the lifetimes of children born today.

Those who support immigration reduction and immigration law enforcement are accustomed to being called names such as racist, nativist, and white nationalist.* That’s it? That’s all that the open borders Marxists can come up with? No arguments of substance, no plethora of factual evidence to substantiate their point?

The joke’s on them! Anyone with half a brain can see through the shallow, childish attacks. Especially when babbled repetitiously by the Marxist mouthpieces of mass immigration.


The Big Lie

The Big Lie is a formal debating strategy where a falsehood so colossal is told that no one would dare question it. Incessant repetition gels its undeniable existence. The Big Lie was coined by Adolf Hitler in his 1925 book, Mein Kampf.

One of the most common Big Lies we hear is that “We’re a nation of immigrants.” Really? I’m not. Are you?

America is a nation of American citizens. A very small fraction of Americans are legal immigrants, and a larger fraction are illegal aliens who evaded capture at our border. In our past, the vast open spaces of America were settled by American settlers, some of whom were immigrants. In perspective, of course, every nation is ultimately a nation of immigrants – there are no documented cases of people sprouting directly out of the soil.

Another Big Lie is that the Statue of Liberty is a tribute to mass immigration. It’s not. See the articles listed below to learn more about the third-rate poem that happened to win a fund-raising contest.


The ad hominem attack

An ad hominem attack is a formal debating tactic of attacking your opponent’s character as opposed to answering their argument. It is a de facto admission of the inability to win the debate on the merits of one’s argument alone.

Accusation of racism is a form of an ad hominem attack. Name-calling – that is, the ad hominem attack – is a popular tool of cultural Marxists, mainly because that’s all they’ve got.


More attacks

More formal debating strategies – also knows as logical fallacies – are summarized in Logical Fallacies and the Art of Debate and Master List of Logical Fallacies.

Other methods of attacking ideas and specific opponents prevail. Most notable are those delineated in Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. In particular, Rule 13 has been applied with vigor by the open borders leftists:

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”

For example, open borders Marxists have repeatedly attacked John Tanton, who single-handedly fostered huge advances in the environmental and immigration sanity domains. See A Case Study in Disinformation – Attacking John Tanton. Other examples are noted in these articles: Alinsky Does Amnesty and the Political Persecution of Dinesh D’Souza.


The joke’s on them!

When you come across a racist attack levied against an immigration patriot – that is, a repetitious rehash of contorted material previously contrived, ask yourself:

What are they trying to prove? Is this the best argument they can come up with? It’s gotta be a joke, right? Nobody could deliberately want to look that childish, inept, and stupid.



* Crazy SPLC smears black woman as white nationalist, by Fred Elbel, CAIRCO, November 5, 2015:

“As a black American, I am outraged at the lengths the hate-mongering left goes to smear advocates for sanity and control regarding immigration….

So if you subscribe to the SPLC and IMAGINE 2050 because you think they are fighting for minority Americans, you’ve been scammed, duped and used. They lie about anyone who doesn’t fall in line and with their anti-American ideology. Just as they lied about me, Ms. Espinoza, U.S. Inc. and everyone who attended the educational event in Washington….”

– Inger Eberhart, MBA, MA, Advisory Board member: The Dustin Inman Society, Writer: The Social Contract Press, Californians for Population Stabilization

The Practice of Ritual Defamation – How Values, Opinions, and Beliefs Are Controlled in Democratic Societies, by Laird Wilcox, The Social Contract, Spring 2010:

An important rule in ritual defamation is to avoid engaging in any kind of debate over the truthfulness or reasonableness of what has been expressed, only condemn it. To debate opens the issue up for examination and discussion of its merits, and consideration of the evidence that may support it, which is just what the ritual defamer is trying to avoid. The primary goal of a ritual defamation is censorship and repression….

It is not used to persuade, but to punish. Although it may have cognitive elements, its thrust is primarily emotional. Ritual defamation is used to hurt, to intimidate, to destroy, and to persecute, and to avoid the dialogue, debate, and discussion upon which a free society depends. On those grounds it must be opposed no matter who tries to justify its use.

Learn more about the widely discredited SPLC hate group

Time to Remove Socialist “Huddled Masses” Plaque from Statue of Liberty, by Selwyn Duke, Canada Free Press, February 2, 2018

Huddled masses and deceptive clichés

Statue of Liberty – Liberty Enlightening the World

The Statue of Liberty stands firm on liberty, not a poem, enlightening the world

March 10, 2018

Immigration quote: Nancy Pelosi says illegal aliens “make America more American”

Posted by D.A. King at 10:40 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  



March 9, 2018

Breaking: Dalton Republican Chuck Payne gets a primary challenger in state Senate District 54 – *Updated

Posted by D.A. King at 12:15 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Republican state senator Chuck Payne. Photo: Senate website.

Just in from various sources at the Georgia Capitol

Scott Tidwell has reportedly qualified to oppose Dalton’s Chuck Payne in the GOP primary for North Georgia’s Senate District 54.

Including from this pro-enforcement outlet, Senator Chuck Payne has been under barrage of fire recently for his “no” vote – along with Senator Kay Kirkpatrick – in the senate Public Safety Committee last month on an illegal alien drivers license reform bill (SB417) offered by conservative Senator Josh McKoon. A nearly identical bill passed the senate in 2016 with a near two-thirds majority but was not allowed a hearing in the House.

According to DDS, Georgia has issued, renewed or replaced more than 21,000 drivers licenses and or ID Cards for aliens USCIS says lack lawful status.

Payne penned a response to this writer’s letter to the editor of the Dalton Daily Citizen that was not well received by many conservatives in his district. Word from Dalton is that Payne has created almost as much anger over his curious public defense of his vote as he has the vote with the Democrats to kill McKoon’s legislation.

Details to follow.

*Update, 12:50: I just spoke to Mr. Tidwell who was calling from the Georgia Capitol. He qualified about 11:00AM and said he had prayed about this decision all week. I asked him about Patne’s vote on the drivers license reform bill. He was not happy with his senator’s vote. “My vote would have been the opposite of that” he told me. On illegal immigration told me “this is a big issue with me…I am not for amnesty or this sort of thing” he said. His idea is that no illegal aliens should have a Georgia drivers license.

Age forty-six, Scott Tidwell is a native Georgian who grew up in the Powder Springs – Austell area of Cobb County. He lives with his family in Resaca. More details to follow.

Scott Tidwell qualifies for senate race. Photo: Special to DIS.

March 7, 2018

It’s a travesty of a mockery of a sham, but I am sending an open records request to the IERB anyway

Posted by D.A. King at 10:20 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: Bitalia & Co


Sent via email tonight at 10;13

Please consider this my official request for public records under state law.


Please send me the minutes of the February 28, 2018 IERB meeting.

Please send me any existing taxpayer funded audio or video recording of the February 28, 2018 meeting.

Please send me a list of the IERB members the Chairman counted as ‘present’ at the February 28, 2018 meeting.

As I have never been allowed to see or address these documents, please send me the written responses (including ‘Stipulations of Dismissal’) sent to the board by all of the respondents who had complaints addressed in the February 28, 2018 IERB meeting.

Please send the minutes of the IERB meeting in which Shawn Hanley was elected Chairman to replace Ben Vinson.

Please send me contact information for the court reporter who worked the February 28, 2018 IERB meeting.

Please send me any all documents that identify the person (male) who addressed the board and had the dismissals organized for the board to address and his position and title.

Please send me a copy of any IERB rule that addresses and allows any member to be regarded as “present” if that member is not physically in attendance at a “hearing.”

Please send any document or reference to a IERB rule that allows an initial hearing of a complaint and action on that complaint without allowing the complainant to offer or explain evidence or to address the board.

Please send any document or IERB rule that puts a time limit on a complainant’s question or observation in addressing the board.

D.A. King
2984 Lowe Trail
Marietta, Ga. 30066

#SB452 has been pulled

Posted by D.A. King at 9:58 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


On the bill from the anti-enforcement @AP.

Breaking: #SB452 has been removed from the agenda of today’s House Public Safety Committee – word is at request of Lt. Gov’s General Counsel and Director of Policy

Posted by D.A. King at 9:33 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


March 6, 2018

Terry Anderson (RIP) goes to Washington, 1999

Posted by D.A. King at 9:16 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Request for correction: Dear editor at The Hill and Mollie Hooper’s error on the Goodlatte bill

Posted by D.A. King at 11:18 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Illegal aliens protest borders in Atlanta, January, 2016 – photo DIS


Dear editor at The Hill

Mollie Hooper gets it wrong — twice — in a February 28 piece on Rep. Steve King in which she tells readers that the DACA solution offered by Rep. Bob Goodlatte includes a path to U.S. citizenship.

“King also said he opposed a GOP immigration bill sponsored by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) that would provide a pathway to citizenship for people covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA allowed immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children to work and go to school without fear of deportation” writes Hooper.

The Goodlatte bill codifies Obama’s DACA decree and provides a three-year renewable legal status with work and travel authorization. It does not grant green cards and thus no specific path to citizenship.

And let’s not overlook the fact that likely half of the now illegal victims of American borders did not cross those boundaries illegally. The DACA amnesty has also been extended to individuals who came to the U.S. lawfully and then illegally overstayed their visas.

I would have written sooner, but I assumed an astute editor would note the important error. This loyal reader asks for a correction.

D.A. King
Marietta, GA.

March 5, 2018

Fast Fact: Pennsylvania Sued Over Noncitizen Voters

Posted by D.A. King at 11:36 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

photo: FAIR


Pennsylvania Sued Over Noncitizen Voters


March 4, 2018

Denise Burns’ letter in the Dalton Daily Citizen on Georgia state Senator Chuck Payne: Not buying Sen. Payne’s explanation

Posted by D.A. King at 5:10 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Red circles are “NO” voters on pro-American public safety bill.


Dalton Daily Citizen

Letter to the editor

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Not buying Sen. Payne’s explanation

I appreciated the letter to the editor from Mr. D.A. King of the Dustin Inman Society educating us on Sen. Chuck Payne’s vote to kill a Republican-sponsored illegal alien driver’s license reform bill. Thanks to the Daily Citizen-News editors for running it.

It came as shocking news for many people that GOP Georgia is giving any driver’s licenses to any illegals.

The fact that we are documenting “the undocumented” doesn’t square with the message that politicians who campaign as Republican “conservatives” are doing everything possible to make Georgia unattractive to illegal immigration. The fact that non-citizens, who the Department of Homeland Security says lack lawful immigration status, carry around the same state-issued credentials as the legal immigrants we welcome is just wrong. Additionally, the revelation that the illegals use their driver’s licenses as valid federal ID for things like getting through security at American airports as easily as Americans boggles the logical mind. Can you see the potential security threat? I certainly can.

At our house, we are having trouble following Payne’s intellectual consistency on his recent votes. His rebuttal letter to Mr. King here tells us he thought the monetary cost of a law that would clearly mark the illegal aliens’ driver’s licenses was too high and that he thought it would cause the “creation of a whole new bureaucracy to enforce these new provisions would come without any warranted difference from what we currently have.” Huh? I still don’t have any idea what that meant. And I didn’t see him say what the cost was. Don’t all laws have a cost? Some new spending, especially on matters of public safety, is wise.

Less than a week after Payne joined the Dems in voting “no” in a committee against reliably-conservative Sen. Josh McKoon’s driver’s license bill, he voted “yes” in the full senate on SB452, a bill that will increase the chances of authorities being informed of the status of illegal aliens after they are arrested and prosecuted for additional crimes. I applaud that common sense vote. But I don’t follow Payne’s logic or priorities in adding to “the size of government.”

Maybe Payne is getting confusing advice from his campaign manager/advisor or the Gold Dome cheap-labor lobbyists on illegal immigration. Whatever the case, his letter here was unconvincing and discomforting to conservative voters who value public safety and steady, consistent, logical representation in Atlanta.

Denise Burns



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