March 22, 2018

VIDEO Republican Georgia Rep Heath “this-isn’t-Nazi-Germany” Clark explains how he led the way to gut an important illegal immigration bill here, SB452

Posted by D.A. King at 10:00 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  



Georgia House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee hearing on SB452, March 20, 2018. Clark is explaining what he did to the immigration enforcement senate bill in sub-committee.

Note: ALL subcommittee meetings under the Gold Dome should be broadcast and video archived. Note to Republican state legislators: Don’t be Heath Clark.

Don’t be a Rep Heath Clark: A note from a retired federal agent and a warning and advice to Republican Georgia lawmakers on immigration-related legislation

Posted by D.A. King at 8:40 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

photo: DIS


Warning and advice to Republican Georgia lawmakers on immigration-related legislation: Educate yourself with real world facts, stop ignoring pro-enforcement experts while you allow the corporate-funded, leftist open borders lobby to indoctrinate you – and understand that honest journalism is dead. 

Below is a note from coastal Georgia resident and retired federal agent, Robert Trent sent to me after he read about Rep. Heath Clark and the House Public Safety Committee’s gutting of SB452 here. Rep Clark led the way to change language in SB452 so that local law enforcement information on illegal aliens apprehended in Georgia would not be passed on to other authorities until the illegals commit a felony.

He also made it clear the non-citizens should not be required to carry their aliens registration documents because they might lose them “and it is a pain” to replace them. He explained to a hearing room packed with the illegal alien lobby that he took this position because “this isn’t Nazi Germany.”   Video here.

Clark is a Republican.  All illegal aliens are deportable.

Federal law, since 1940 does require aliens over age 18 to carry proof of registration.

“Section 264(e) of INA requires every individual over the age of 18 to carry their “registration” documents with them at all times.   Specifically, section 264(e) reads:

e) Every alien, eighteen years of age and over, shall at all times carry with him and have in his personal possession any certificate of alien registration or alien registration receipt card issued to him pursuant to subsection (d)

[where the government issues a “registration certificate” after each foreign national’s registration]. Any alien who fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction for each offense be fined not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both.” Here.

After I read Bob’s note, I asked him to send me a short bio which I paste here. The fact is that most of the “facts” gathered by legislators on state immigration bills come from the dishonest but well-funded anti-borders leftists who have created a vast industry to influence Georgia lawmakers. I restate a point that has been made and times before: In a state with more illegal aliens than Arizona, most of our lawmakers know very little about immigration – that is to say no more than what the liberal AJC and other news outlets allow them to “know.”

Which leads me to a riddle: What do many state Republican politicians and the liberal media call a recognized authority on immigration who is an independent voter and who after fifteen years of active participation knows the game and what the press ignores hides under the Gold Dome?  Answer: “Enemy.”

Robert Trent: Immigration enforcement career as follows:
* Graduated from the U.S. Border Patrol Academy 10/1978
* Patrol Agent, El Centro, CA 10/78 – 11/1984
* Patrol Agent, Beecher Falls, VT 11/1984-6/1988
* Special Agent, Washington District Office, 6/1988 (Assignments: Anti-Smuggling Unit; and Asian Organized Crime Task Force.
* Senior Special Agent, Washington District Office, 1993 (Assigned to the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force “OCDETF”)
* Assistant Director, US Immigration Officer Academy, 2001, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynco, GA (in charge of all enforcement training programs)
* I was detailed to the Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of State to co-direct the investigative operations regarding corruption in U.S. Consulates.

The unsolicited note from former immigration agent Robert Trent:

“When I worked drug investigations in and around Washington, DC most of the alien drug dealers were El Salvadoran MS-13. Working jointly with local police and other federal law enforcement agencies, we would do hand to hand purchases of small amounts of cocaine, meth, and heroin. Later in the same day, or the next, I would be asked to ID the sellers.

Typically I would approach them individually, and begin a small talk conversation in a combination of Spanish and English. Because I was white and a middle-aged male, they typically believed I was some kind of cop. They almost never thought I was immigration, because they knew there were very few immigration agents policing the streets, and they were right (approx. 24 agents for all of northern VA , and DC).

I’d ask them where they were from, and most would say some nearby town in MD to VA. Then I’d ask what country they were from, and invariably most would say El Salvador.

Under the law, once alienage is established, it is incumbent on the alien to prove they are legally present in the U.S.. Meaning the ball is legally in their court.

This is the part where I would discreetly show them my credentials, and inform them that they had to show me a document that legally permitted them to be in the U.S.. Rarely would they produce any ID, although occasionally they would produce fake or stolen ID. Sometimes, depending on the circumstances, I would make an arrest right then and there on the possession of the documents. This gave me the opportunity to search their pockets, take them to the office for fingerprints, and further checks.

More often they wouldn’t produce anything, but would agree to take me to their residence, so they could show me their documents. These trips were invaluable, because it gave us the opportunity to get a look inside and out of their abode. This was great for future the execution of search/arrest warrants.

To motivate them to engage with me in this activity I would tell them about INA Section 264(e), and how it was a misdemeanor to not carry immigration documents.

When the public reads articles in the paper about massive drug sweeps, and multiple people being arrested, most have been identified through this activity. Major drug distribution cases are built very slowly in this manner.”

(Robert Trent)

We thank Bob for his input. We do not thank Rep Heath Clark and th members of the House Public Safety Committee who voted with the crazies against maximum protection for trusting Georgians from illegal aliens who commit any other crimes.

March 21, 2018

SPLC lobbyist, Naomi Tsu, tried to steal my iPhone – she seems very camera shy, but not tolerant SB 452

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Naomi Tsu – photo, SPLC


An angry Naomi Tsu, an SPLC lawyer and registered lobbyist here in Georgia tried to steal and or damage my iPhone yesterday in a state Capitol committee room. This, in a public space where is is perfectly lawful for photography. She was quite upset that I took her picture and rushed me in the crowded room. It was the only funny thing that happened to me all day.

Tsu registered as a lobbyist on March 1st, which was just three days after the immigration enforcement bill, SB 452 passed the senate – which was (about) two-thirds of the way through the forty legislative day session which ends this year on March 29.

I was one of few pro-American speakers in a recent Georgia state Capitol committee hearing on an immigration enforcement bill – SB452 – yesterday (no, really, I was there!).

To be clear, the lovely Gold-Domed building is a public space and photography is allowed in committee rooms. At least according to Georgia law. But that law takes a back seat to the demands of the anti-borders crazies. They seem to hate photos of themselves on the job.

Below are three pics I took in a crowded space where Tsu had commandeered the committee’s speakers sign-up sheet – because leftists do not wait in line. In the last one, you can see Tsu’s hand just before she grabbed my phone and before I wrenched it back from her. Yes, I did go report her to a State Trooper who was one of several put in placed to control the usual suspects mob.

Before all this, Tsu tried to shake my hand. I avoided that bizarre and revolting situation using the same reasoning that causes me to buy the extra long-handled toilet plungers. I also mentioned that in my educated opinion she is a “slime-er.” She appeared less than pleased with that too. Naomi Tsu, from the discredited SPLC didn’t seem at all, you know… tolerant.

The enforcement bill, a center piece of gubenatorial candidate Lt. Governor Casey Cagle’s campaign was gutted in the Republican committee, but did pass out. The smart money says the senate does not agree to the evisceration, which was led by “this- isn’t-Nazi-Germany”, Rep Heath Clark, Republican committee member.


photo, DAK

photo; DAK

Introducing Republican Georgia state Rep Heath Clark from Warner Robbins

Posted by D.A. King at 12:14 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Omission as revenge – too funny: Payback from the liberal AJC and it’s immigration reporter: Omit coverage of my testimony in favor of SB452 in committee yesterday

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photo: DIS


If a pro-enforcement immigration activist attends a hearing but the Atlanta Journal Constitution Institute for Justice and Journalism on Immigration Reporting – trained reporter, Jeremy Redmon, carefully omits his presence in a news report, was he really there?  

An illegal immigration enforcement bill SB452 was heard in the Georgia House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee yesterday. Including the SPLC lobbyist, a Naomi Tsu, the room was packed full of the same crazies you see screaming in our streets against borders and immigration enforcement. Because far too many conservatives who can go to the state Capitol during the day have no idea no how their government works and are clueless  on the level of hatred the left has for normal Americans, there were only two of us available to speak in favor of the bill.

My estimate is the at least twenty anti-borders leftists spoke against the bill. My friend Ed Painter and I were the only pro-American speakers during the four-hour hearing. VIDEO.

As an aside, under the proud direction of  Rep Heath Clark the bill was gutted in the  committee, but was still passed out.

Redmon — who has me blocked on Twitter — and the AJC did a write-up of the bill and mentioned both the SPLC slime-ers and Ed Painter:

“The Southern Poverty Law Center, Project South and immigration attorney Arturo Corso raised numerous other concerns about SB 452 during Tuesday’s committee hearing.

Ed Painter, a former Whitfield County sheriff’s deputy from Dalton, spoke in favor of the original — and more stringent — version of the bill.”

But yours truly, a constant and educated critic of the AJC and Redmon was apparently not really there. We put this in the “too funny.” category.



March 19, 2018

California issues REAL ID Act compliant drivers licenses – and non-compliant drivers licenses – why doesn’t Georgia? DDS

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Below are photos from the California DMV of the two tiers of drivers licenses they issue. One is eligible to be used as federal ID to board airliners, enter federal buildings and to buy guns. The other isn’t.

Which one would you rather illegal aliens in Georgia were given?


Photo, California DMV


Photo, California DMV

March 18, 2018

The liberal #AJC on “immigrants” and enforcement – as told by their foreign language outlet

Posted by D.A. King at 9:51 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: Zazzle

Nuestra Comunidad: Locals unite to support immigrants in Georgia

Samantha DĂ­az Roberts
8:18 a.m. Friday, March 16, 2018 Metro Atlanta / State news

“Under this administration, the only solution we have left is to come together.”

That was the message heard loud and clear at ‘Pol-ICE,’ an immigration forum held in recent weeks by various organizations in Decatur. Community members who attended the event learned about policies considered to be antiimmigrant in the state.

Activists and representatives from the immigrant community who were present at the the event discussed four key topics:

  • the consequences of the 287(g) program, which allows certain state and local law enforcement agencies to engage in federal immigration enforcement activities;
  • the unconstitutionality of Senate Bill 452, which would require local law enforcement and court officials in Georgia report to U.S. immigration enforcement if they learn a suspect is in the country illegally;
  • the deplorable conditions of ICE detention centers;
  • and what can be done to avoid the passing of more laws that negatively impact the immigrant community in Georgia.

“We are asking for your support. If we need to march, sign a public petition, have a press conference, then let’s do it. Get out of your comfort zone,” urged Adelina Nicholls, Director of the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights.

The panel also included a presentation by Azadeh Shahshahani, lawyer and director of the pro-immigrant organization Project South.

“Any opportunity we have to file lawsuits and block unconstitutional laws is something we will deal with, but litigation isn’t the only way. There are many ways for members of the community to get involved so that laws like this are not passed in their town,” explained Shahshahani… More here.

D.A. King in the Boston Globe: Letter to editor – What about legal immigrants?

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Boston Globe letters, March 17, 2018

Note, the Globe has a policy on use of the legal and accurate term “illegal alien,” which is what I wrote in my letter.

photo: louisproyect

Globe editor,

Your story about Lilian Calderon Jimenez (“Detained and bewildered,” Page A1, March 12) hit all the usual notes on the evils of borders and of enforcement of American immigration laws. But thank you for explaining that this victim of borders was already under a final order of deportation. And that her case was 15 years old.

After reading formulated stories like this for years, I have grown weary of the repetition and clear message they are intended to send. Immigrant living here illegally: victim. Immigration enforcement: oppression.

It seems most readers do not realize that the United States must either enforce its immigration laws or admit that the legal immigrants who join the American family according to our laws are fools and that the rule of law upon which our republic was founded is a thing of the past.

We look forward to reading about the American dream of the 1 million legal immigrants we admit each year and their expectation of equal protection under the law.

D.A. King


The Dustin Inman Society

Marietta, Ga.

The Dustin Inman Society is a nonprofit organization that advocates for enforcement of our immigration laws. Here

March 17, 2018

*UPDATED: SPLC joins corporate-funded anti-enforcement group, GALEO, in advocacy against passage of public safety legislation in Georgia #SB452

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Photo: CAPS

SPLC joins corporate-funded anti-enforcement group, GALEO, in advocacy against passage of public safety legislation in Georgia

We happily predict SB452 goes to the governor’s desk. *UPDATED: Despite the fact that it had the votes to pass, SB 452 died on the last day of session when Republican Speaker David Ralston refused to allow a vote. He did however keep the House in session past midnight to get a bill passed on which his son was lobbyist. Here.

On a rainy Saturday a contractor (he is an American) is working across the hall to remove and replace our 1984 toilet — which reminded me of Morris Dees, Heidi Beirich and the SPLC….

Monday’s email (March 12, 2018) brought us two frantic emails from anti-enforcement advocacy groups urging us to act to kill legislation pending in the Georgia legislature. One of the groups, GALEO, is well known here for it’s anti-borders advocacy since 2003 and is financed by corporate Georgia (see Cox Enterprises (parent company of the AJC newspaper), Coca-Cola, Georgia Power, State Farm Insurance Co., Southwest Airlines, Telemundo, Univision et al). Run by a perpetually-angry ethnic hustler named Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO is notably radical enough that one of it’s former board member’s nomination for a federal judgeship died in the U.S. Senate because of the association. At DIS, we are proud of our work in stopping Dax Lopez from becoming a federal judge – and going to the state Supreme Court.

The other action alert was from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Both emails urged us to take action to stop passage of SB452, a bill aimed at identifying illegal aliens in Georgia law enforcement custody and sharing that information. According to the left-tilted Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, which also opposes the bill, SB452 is bad for “immigrants” — and Georgia. We disagree and are actively working for passage and have helped amend the bill to quantify the number of foreigners and, separately, the number of illegal aliens in the state corrections system.

The bill has already passed the Georgia Senate and is set to be heard in the House Public Safety Committee Monday.

From the GBPI:

“The legislation requires local police departments and jails across Georgia to take a series of steps once an unauthorized immigrant comes into their custody. That includes notifying local prosecutors, requiring sentencing courts to review immigration papers and, most importantly, handing over that Georgian’s address and other personal information to ICE. The legislation envisions a seamless process that takes custody of any undocumented resident who comes into contact with Georgia’s court system, even for minor violations like a parking ticket, and hands them over to federal immigration agents.


A local NPR station hates SB452 too. Rep Jesse Petrea is set to shepherd the bill through the House process. Petrea is a hero from last year here. We happily predict this one goes to the governor’s desk.

With any mention of immigration enforcement and protecting Americans from illegal alien criminals (note: Heidi hates the term “crimigrants”), it is easy to understand why the Marxist hate mongers at the SPLC are up in arms against the bill, but as far as we can remember, this is the first time since we started our pro-enforcement effort here in 2003 that we have seen them send out an alert against specific legislation. It makes me want to take a shower, but we have been on their email list – as well as GALEO’s – for fifteen years. When pro-enforcement groups advocate for passage of such bills or enforcement of immigration laws, the crazies call it “hate.”

Here is the message from GALEO and below is the we-hate-imigration-enforcement, kill-the-bill goop from the SPLC:

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MARCH 12, 2018
Dear ******,

We need your help to ensure public safety organizations protect all Georgians. Tell your Representatives to say NO to SB 452.

Nearly 1 in 5 Georgians are part of the immigrant community. This legislation would make it mandatory for local police officers to enforce immigration laws.

As a result, police would be unable to focus their time on ensuring that our communities are safe, and immigrant victims and witnesses of crime will be scared to report crimes to police officers.

Here are more facts about the bill:

  • SB 452 will make our communities less safe.
  • SB 452 will go against our values and split up families by taking immigrant parents away from their children who are U.S. citizens.
  • SB 452 will hurt business in Georgia by making the state look unfriendly to immigrants. We want to show companies that Georgia is open for economic development, not that we are making our police act as immigration agents.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Spread the word! Ask your friends, family members, neighbors, congregations, and communities to call their lawmakers using the toll-free number.

Thank you,

Your friends at the SPLC

P.S. Not in Georgia? Reply to this email and we’ll update our records.

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March 16, 2018

Chattanooga Free Press: After vote against immigration ID, Georgia state senator faces challenge from right

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Republican state senator Chuck Payne. Photo: Senate website.

Chattanooga Free Press

After vote against immigration ID, Georgia state senator faces challenge from right

After opposing a bill to create a separate driver’s license for some immigrants, state Sen. Chuck Payne faces competition in the Republican primary.

Payne, R-Dalton, voted down a bill in the Senate Public Safety Committee that would have created a new “Driver’s Safety Card” for immigrants who hold work permits but do not have lawful status. It would be an alternative to a driver’s license and only last as long as the work permit. They would also say “NO LAWFUL STATUS” and “NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR OFFICIAL PURPOSES.”

With Payne’s vote, the bill died in committee, 5-4, on Feb. 21. He and state Sen. Kay Kirkpatrick voted with three Democrats to kill the legislation. The supporters were all Republicans…. Here.

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