February 12, 2018

EAD codes

Posted by D.A. King at 12:11 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below pasted in from ‘Common-Place Handbook United States Citizenship and Immigrant Status (USCIS) Codes’ located here.

Common EAD codes



February 11, 2018

It’s not “English only!’ Misrepresenting Georgia Senate Resolution 587 – which would allow voters to decide on constitutional official English: Scott Slade on GPTV Lawmakers show, February 1, 2018

Posted by D.A. King at 6:10 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: Federalist Papers.org


Before you read on: Please know that the DeKalb County School system alone deals with 140 languages and that it is merely a matter of time before the crazies demand that we operate our government in any and all languages. There are about 7000 languages in the world. DDS already offers the written road rules exam in 11 foreign languages. 


Below is a short audio of a recent local TV show (GPTV Lawmakers) focused on the state legislature and pending legislation. One senate Resolution (SR587) is being hammered by the liberals because it would allow voters to decide on making English the official constitutional language of Georgia government. Too unifying.

Out takes of the Resolution (SR587) below.

We recommend voters discard the intentionally false anti-English labels used by the media to describe this legislation. The game is to call it “English only” – trusting that you will never understand that if passed and then approved by we the people in November, important safeguards would be put in place IN THE CONSTITUTION for non-English speakers. Again, SR587 (Sen. Josh McKoon and 30-ish cosponsors) is an effort to allow voters to decide on English as the official language of government, not on “English only.”

The liberal media must resort to false labels because polling shows the concept of constitutional official English has the bipartisian support of 76% of Georgians. 

Scott Slade is only one of many in the Georgia media who use the inaccurate description. It is a staple of the Associated Press. WSB-TV libs are shameless in this. The liberal AJC too.

Do you want to be allowed to vote on this question?

Line 80:  “( ) YES Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to provide that English

Line 81  ( ) NO is the official language of the State of Georgia?”


–> Audio: Turn up the volume.

In which Scott Slade uses the false description invented by the anti-English lobby on SR587, which would allow Georgia voters to decide on amending the state constitution to make English the official language of government and put clear protections into the constitution for non-English speakers. He is speaking to a very liberal rookie legislator, Bee Nguyen, who clearly does not want you to be able to vote on the question.

“…tell us how you feel about the English only legislation…” (here)


 From SR587:

“(b)(1) English is the official language of the State of Georgia…


(5) No law, ordinance, decree, program, or policy of this state or its political subdivisions shall penalize or impair the rights, obligations, or opportunities available to any person solely because a person speaks only English.

(c) The state and its political subdivisions may use a language other than English for any of the following purposes:
(1) To teach or encourage the learning of languages other than English;
(2) To protect the public health or safety;
(3) To teach English to those who are not fluent in the language;
(4) To permit the use of American Sign Language and to comply with any other applicable federal law;
(5) To protect the rights of victims of crime and criminal defendants;
(6) To ensure equality of access to a court of competent jurisdiction;
(7) To promote diplomacy, trade, commerce, and tourism;
(8) To create or promote state or agency mottos, inscribe public monuments, and perform other acts involving the customary use of a language other than English; and

(9) To utilize terms of art or terms of phrases from other languages which are commonly used in communications otherwise in English.”

February 8, 2018

The liberal AJC and Jeremy Redmon on illegal immigration: Inaccurate by omission – again. Tells readers “young immigrants” require amnesty

Posted by D.A. King at 8:10 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  



photo: AJC

The liberal AJC and Jeremy Redmon on illegal immigration: Inaccurate by omission – again

Tells readers “young immigrants” require amnesty

A recent AJC ‘news’ story intended to re-educate readers on illegal immigration and amnesty (‘Five things to know about DACA amid federal government shutdown debate’) is typical of the product from the agenda-driven leftist editors at the liberal newspaper. Written by ‘Institute for Justice and Journalism on Immigration Reporting’ – trained immigration reporter Jeremy Redmon, the piece ignored the fact that only illegal aliens have a need for Obama’s illegal DACA amnesty.

“Last year, the Trump administration announced it was phasing out DACA, which temporarily shields from deportation young immigrants who were brought here as children”

The word ‘illegal’ is not mentioned anywhere in the story. (Note to AJC leadership: We saved the screen shot for when/if you make un-noted changes to online copy)

It must come as an alarming shock to real immigrants that they apparently need amnesty for their children when they bring them to the USA.

This is from the same “journalists” who describe the illegal alien lobby as “civil rights advocates” and leave out the word “temporary” in the headline on a weeper about ending TPS for Salvadorans. They have an aversion to the word “illegal.”

The intentional – and shameless – omission is part of the ongoing AJC open borders propaganda program and makes the entire report inaccurate and serves to blur the line between real, legal immigrants and the illegal alien victims of borders who scream in our streets that they will never obey our laws. But that was exactly the intent.

“Credible. Compelling. Complete.” Indeed.


Illegal aliens protest borders in Atlanta, January, 2016 – photo DIS

February 7, 2018

2012: Associated Press managing editor says illegals are illegal!

Posted by D.A. King at 12:41 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


“Many illegal immigrants aren’t ‘undocumented’ at all,” explained Deputy Managing Editor Tom Kent. “They may have a birth certificate and passport from their home country, plus a U.S. driver’s license, Social Security card or school ID. What they lack is the fundamental right to be in the United States.”


About one billion dollars sent out of Georgia to Latin america in 2004 (see page 10) Survey of Remittances

Posted by D.A. King at 12:15 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

State by State Survey of Remittances Senders_ US to Latin America

February 6, 2018

Conservative Review: Dreams of Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson snuffed out by illegal alien

Posted by D.A. King at 11:30 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Getty Images


Conservative Review
February 5, 2018

Dreams of Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson snuffed out by illegal alien

How many more people like this are now on the streets thanks to open borders, the amnesty pushers, and sanctuary cities?

Do 26-year-old Americans have dreams too?

While football fans were celebrating a thriller end to the Super Bowl last night, news agencies were reporting that Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson had been killed Sunday by a drunk driver. Jackson and his ride-share driver, Jeffrey Monroe, were struck by a car that veered onto the emergency shoulder while they were standing outside their vehicle. Who was the drunk driver? Manuel Orrego-Savala, an illegal alien from Guatemala who had been deported in 2007 and 2009. These two individuals are the latest forgotten men – victims of the illegal alien policies championed by the entire political class in a zero-sum sympathy game focused exclusively on illegal aliens.

There’s been a growing trend in the media of ICE-shaming over deportations. They superficially report on illegal aliens or criminal legal aliens being deported under “cruel” circumstances and portray the deportee as a sympathetic character. Yet they never report on the victims of amnesty and sanctuary city policies and the murder and mayhem committed by criminal aliens.

While the circumstances of Orrego-Savala’s ICE detainer and whether he was released by a sanctuary city in Indiana are still unclear, there has been an epidemic of DUI manslaughters in this country as a result of sanctuary cities releasing criminal aliens. In 2015 alone, the Obama administration released almost 20,000 criminal aliens who had collectively racked up over 12,000 DUI convictions.

Although this illegal alien is 37 years old, just outside the window for DACA amnesty, many of the drunk drivers are young illegal aliens. Remember, under every amnesty plan except for the Goodlatte bill, DUI convictions do not disqualify them from applying for amnesty.

Orrego-Savala immediately fled the scene after striking Jackson and Monroe in the emergency shoulder but was apprehended by local police shortly thereafter. He initially gave police a false identity as a Mexican national under the alias of Alex Cabera Gonsales.

How many more people like this are now on the streets thanks to open borders, the amnesty agenda, and sanctuary cities? According to USCIS, 535 DACA recipients who have been stripped of their status due to criminal convictions have been released by ICE and remain at large.

ICE Director Thomas Homan recently confirmed that half of criminal aliens re-offend within a year and 75 percent within five years. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, 243,000 criminal aliens have been processed through Texas state and local prisons since 2011, accounting for 644,000 criminal offenses. “Those arrests include 1,314 homicide charges; 76,766 assault charges; 18,256 burglary charges; 77,381 drug charges; 780 kidnapping charges; 43,900 theft charges; 49,535 obstructing police charges; 4,210 robbery charges; 6,951 sexual assault charges; and 9,653 weapon charges.” Please read the rest here.

February 5, 2018


Posted by D.A. King at 6:34 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

photo: DIS – added October 20 – 1:12 PM


Here, from Power Line blog

Georgia state Rep Bee Nguyen, (D-Atlanta), sounds like quite a hater! @BeeForGeorgia #AntiEnglish

Posted by D.A. King at 3:45 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

January 2018 press conference in which Democrat legislators oppose allowing Georgians to vote on amending the state constitution to make English the official language of government

Georgia state Senator Josh McKoon has sponsored a Resolution that would allow all Georgia voters to decide on a ballot question in November asking if the state constitution should be amended to make English our official language of government. Pretty radical stuff, eh? The “tolerant” Dems are having a hate attack over that possibility. Including Rep Bee Nguyen, who seems like an arrogant hater. So do Brent Jorgensen and Pam Parker.

The below is part of the AJC Political Insider blog today.

“Politicians, beware. Your “favorites” can also come back to haunt you. Last week, state Rep. Bee Nguyen, D-Atlanta, clicked “like” on a Tweet that attacked state Sen. Josh McKoon, R-Columbus, over his proposed constitutional amendment to make English the official language of Georgia. (It already is that by statute.) The Tweet in question was rather person(al):

“He needs to focus losing weight. Heart attack. Oh good. Don’t lose weight. Hate him.”
Nguyen didn’t respond to a text message seeking comment, but she has since “un-liked” the message.”




February 4, 2018

ICE chief rips DC politicians: ‘Sick and tired’ of them trashing border cops

Posted by D.A. King at 4:02 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Washington Examiner

January 31, 2018

ICE chief rips DC politicians: ‘Sick and tired’ of them trashing border cops

SAN ANTONIO — Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan blasted Congress on Wednesday for its decades-long failure to fix the root causes of illegal immigration, and warned against giving Democrats an extension of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program without real border security measures.

“If we get a clean DACA bill, shame on all of us. You can’t address DACA and reward people that brought children here illegally and not address underlying reasons of DACA,” Homan told around 200 ICE officers, Border Patrol agents, and Department of Homeland Security officials here at the Border Security Expo on Wednesday. He said the time for “kicking this can down the road” has passed.

“Sanctuary cities, end them. Detainers, legislate them. TVPRA, change it,” he said of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act. “Asylum, raise the bar. We have the knowledge to fix it, but you know what we need is the willpower of Congress … I’ve been doing this 34 years, we’re talking about the same thing every year.” .. Read the rest here.

February 3, 2018

D.A. King in Insider Advantage Georgia: Georgians Should Oppose President’s Amnesty Proposal

Posted by D.A. King at 11:58 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

photo: DIS


Insider Advantage Georgia
February 2, 2018

D.A. King

Georgians Should Oppose President’s Amnesty Proposal

The Dustin Inman Society has been fighting immigration amnesty since 2005. We oppose President Donald Trump’s DACA amnesty that would surely lead to U.S. citizenship for at least 1.8 million illegal aliens, which is already far in excess of the 690,000 illegal aliens registered for Obama’s illegal DACA decree.

Further, we reject any plan that rewards any illegal aliens with a path to U.S. citizenship.

We note that the pending offer is a direct contradiction of candidate Trump’s campaign pledge of “there will be no more amnesty.”

Despite the promised— but long-delayed — possible benefits to the American immigration system, there are other multiple and obvious reasons for opposition to President Trump’s framework. As pro-enforcement conservatives, we are disappointed that some trusted elected Republican leaders are supporting the amnesty that would lead to an eventual surge in hostile Democrat voters.

Because most of illegal immigration is a direct result of illegal employment, we cannot support a compromise that does not include an E-Verify requirement.

It was proved in 1986 that amnesty does not stop illegal immigration. In fact even the discussion of another amnesty always, including today, results in increased illegal border crossings. In addition to what has sadly become “normal” illegal immigration, reports are that so many father-led families are crossing the U.S. border that immigration agents don’t have room to hold them.

Over 100,000 “unaccompanied alien minors” have rushed the border and been quietly released inside the U.S. since FY 2016. It doesn’t take much imagination to understand that the anti-borders mob will be howling for future repeated amnesties “for the children” at regular intervals. Think, “a DACA a decade.”

Visa overstays are being ignored in the debate

As we have been continuously reminding all concerned, about half of the illegal aliens in the U.S. do not come over our borders illegally. They come on legal, temporary visas and refuse to go home. The president could put up a wall across the entire southern border tomorrow and it would not end the visa overstay crisis or illegal immigration.

The Department of Homeland Security reported that in 2016 alone, 629,000 visa holders overstayed their visas as students, workers or tourists.

Readers need to know that for proponents of open borders, the DACA approach is merely an admitted first step to full blanket amnesty for all illegal aliens.

We agree with the President that Americans are dreamers too and support the pending comprehensive legislation called “Securing America’s Future Act (H.R. 4760)” introduced in the U.S. House by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. You can read an outline of that compromise here. You can see if your own Georgia representative supports the bill here.

D.A. King is a nationally recognized authority on illegal immigration and president of the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society.

Original article here.

Note, IAG is a subscription website. The above is reprinted here with permission.

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