**UPDATED WITH VIDEO LINK – Betrayed! Bill to end the practice of giving illegal aliens the same drivers license as legal immigrants dies in Republican Senate Public Safety Committee today – two Republicans (Chuck Payne and Kay Kirkpatrick) vote with the Democrats
Why do you think we call it “Georgiafornia?“
Legislation to alter the drivers license Republican-ruled Georgia is giving to illegal aliens with a delay on deportation dies in committee today.
Here is the language of the bill.
Republican-controlled committee kills the bill 5-4 vote. It’s all on video. Archive will be ready tomorrow AM.
**UPDATE: Here is a link to the official video archive. SB417 presentation begins around 55:20 and the vote begins around 123:20. Use the red button slide on the bottom of the screen. You need to put your cursor near it to see it.
When you watch it, you will be able to hear the applause of delight from the illegal aliens in the back of the room.
Republican state senators Chuck Payne and Dr. Kay Kirkpatrick vote with the Democrats to kill public safety bill on illegal aliens drivers licenses. Another, Senator Ben Watson walks out of hearing before the vote. Pro-enforcement bill info here.
Senator John Albers, Chairman. Members here.
Georgia state Senator Josh McKoon watched as two Republican senators voted to kill his legislation that would have insured that illegal aliens do not receive the same drivers license as legal immigrants.
SB 417 was a do-over of a very similar bill that passed the senate in 2016 – by a vote of 37-17 in 2016. The measure did not stop the aliens that USCIS says lack lawful status from driving, it merely changed the design of the card and would not have allowed for federal use, as in boarding airliners or entering federal buildings.
The Chairman could have voted to break a tie, but these two Republicans gave the Democrats and the illegal alien lobby the needed margin.
More later, but expect solicitation for donations to finance qualifying fees for primary opponents for Republican senators Kay Kirkpatrick and Chuck Payne.

Photo of the NO voters as they voted:Red circles are “NO” voters on pro-American public safety drivers license reform bill.