Atlanta’s WSB TV News of the alternate truth: ‘We will not say illegal!’
The below is a genuine WSB TV news report I happened to see this evening. It was the first time I have watched more than 10 seconds of local “news” in more than a year. There was a time that WSB TV was a real, balanced, quality news outlet. Those days are long over. I have called to complain about their nearly hilarious incompetence before, only to be told that “D.A. it is just some 20-something at the copy desk writing this stuff…” I guess that was intended to make it acceptable.
The topic of the segment imbedded on the bottom here is illegal aliens who have been given Obama’s executive amnesty and who have filed for the renewal before the Thursday deadline President Trump offered on September 4th.
Note that the victims of borders and immigration laws are just “people” in the presentation that the reporter was able to get past her supervisors. As in “Today is the final day for people who were brought to the US as children to file an extension to allow them to stay.” That’s odd. And alarming. My adopted sister was brought to the US as a child in 1956 from Korea. My neighbors brought their daughter here as a child in the 1990s’. WSB TV is telling its viewers these Americans they should have filed “an extension.”
We think the liberals at WSB are trying to avoid the icky “I” word. And it is a nice touch that the illegal aliens with DACA are never described as even “immigrants”- but “children of immigrants.”
What a cruel country we are to children!
I added italics to the funniest lines to save the readers here time. Video on the bottom.
You can call the WSB TV newsroom at 404-897-7409 to offer your opinion on their “journalism. They love to hear from viewers. You can also email them at NewsTips@wsbtv.com .
I have saved a bunch of WSB TV stories. Here is another one. HERE is one they have taken down, but it was a reporter interviewing an admitted illegal alien who resented a state bill on drivers licenses. He spoke only Spanish. For ‘balance’, the WSB reporter then interviewed the head of GALEO, the state’s largest illegal alien lobby corporation, Jerry Gonzalez, which is funded by corporate Georgia – including Coca-Cola.
GALEO sponsors also include Cox Enterprises which own WSBTV! That fact is not ‘news’ and not noted. Here is another once upon a time story they took down after I called…
HERE is another one in which the fact that a hit-and-run driver who killed a woman is an illegal alien was never mentioned.
This is far from the worst example of mindless and agenda-driven WSB TV “journalism.”
Transcript here- video below. They allotted 2:14 seconds to this beauty. Thursday, October 5, 2017 6:00 news.
Wendy Corona “Today is the final day for people who were brought to the US as children to file an extension to allow them to stay.
Police arrested several people in Los Angeles during a protest over the end to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, otherwise known as DACA program.
Channel Two’s Laurie Wilson talks to one local law firm that has taken hundreds of calls from people needing help.
Laurie Wilson: After local and national protests about whether DACA should be allowed to continue, a decision to end the program that allows children of immigrants to stay in the country, well it came down from President
Trump a month ago.
Alexandros C.: It has been hectic, to say the least. We’ve, we’ve had at least 200 people calling.
Laurie Wilson: At a law office in Cobb County, clerk [Alexandros Correjos 00:00:45] says helping people file extension paperwork has been a full time job.
Alexandros C.: We’ve been working, uh, crazy hours, uh, 16 hour, uh, days and, you know. But, you know, we, we have the satisfaction of know that we are helping our community.
Laurie Wilson: Thursday, DACA extension paperwork was due in an office in Chicago, Illinois. It had to physically arrive by 5:00 PM.
Alexandros C.: Today is that, is the last day. That window is closed as of right now.
Laurie Wilson: Correjo’s concern now is for those who may have waited until the last minute and could run into firms or individuals promising to deliver if DACA recipients are willing to pay big.
Alexandros C.: Fortunately, chaos is an opportunity, is an opportunity for people who, uh, prey on, on our communities.
Laurie Wilson: At Correjos’ office, they took only a few last minute filers Wednesday, but did not accept anyone Thursday. For those who did get their papers in on time?
Alexandros C.: Some sort of status, you know? Which is, is not citizenship, is not, they’re not become green card holders automatically, but it’s at least they have the right to be here.
Laurie Wilson: And Correjo warns to stay away from anyone who says they can still get your paperwork filed. He says it is absolutely too late. As far as those who did file by tonight’s deadline, uh, they now get a two-year
extension here in the country. As for what’s next, lawmakers have a six month window to come up with a more comprehensive legal path to legal citizenship.
Live in Cobb County, Laurie Wilson, Channel Two Action News.”