Cobb/Paulding Adult Education Center / Cobb County School District.
Cobb Center | 240 Barber Road | Marietta, GA 30060 | Phone: (678) 594-8011 Ext. 245 | FAX: (678) 594-8015
Paulding Center | 11 Courthouse Square | Dallas, GA 30132 | Phone: (770) 443-1660 | FAX: (770) 443-6320
Cobb/Paulding Adult Education Center / Cobb County School District
To: Ms. Margaret Halstead
Please regard this email as my official open records request for copies of the below documents.
Please send me copies of all forms, affidavits and applications for registration and admission to the ESL Adult education classes advertised in this webpage sponsored by Cobb County Schools.
Please include all public benefits affidavits and copies of secure and verifiable ID as required in OCGA 50-36-1.
I understand there may be some redaction.
Please contact me with any questions. Please forward this request if I have sent it to the wrong department.
Thank you,
D.A. King
Marietta, Ga. 30066
reply: 2:24 PM the next day.
Mr. King,
In order to process your open records request, we will need you to submit it directly to openrecords@cobbk12.org as indicated on our website and in accordance with OCGA § 50-18-70 et al.
Kelly Moore
Open Records Clerk
Policy, Planning & Student Support
Cobb County School District
Phone 770-514-3870
Fax 678-594-7778
September 13, 2017:
Mr. King,
I wanted to confirm receipt and inform you of a delay in responding to your request. Cobb County School District offices were closed on September 11 and 12 due to the weather, therefore you can expect to receive a response from us by the end of the business day Thursday, September 14th.
Kelly Moore
Open Records Clerk
Policy, Planning & Student Support
Cobb County School District
Phone 770-514-3870
Fax 678-594-7778
Sept. 14, 2017:
Very sorry. You are correct. My oversight. Please send me copies from dates July 1, 2012 to 15 Sept., 2017.
On Sep 14, 2017, at 5:00 PM, OpenRecords <OpenRecords@cobbk12.org> wrote:
Mr. King,
I am responding to your email submitted under the Georgia Open Records Act, O.C.G.A. § 50- 18-70 et. seq. Your request is included below.
In reviewing the responsive documents to your request, I realized that you did not specify a timeframe for which you are seeking this documentation. Also, I wanted to make sure that I have interpreted your request correctly.
To confirm your request, I have attached a sample set of documentation in which we believe to be responsive to the request below. Please review and confirm that these are documents you are seeking. Additionally, please confirm for which school years you would like to receive the documents. Once you have confirmed this information, we will be able to provide an accurate time and cost estimate for the full production of documents.
Kelly Moore
Open Records Clerk
Policy, Planning & Student Support
Cobb County School District
Phone 770-514-3870
Fax 678-594-7778
This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any unauthorized dissemination, distribution or copying of any information from this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by collect telephone call at (770-514-3870) or electronic mail (e-mail).
Initial responses to open records requests and any applicable exemptions are based upon general knowledge of documentation types and the relationship of the requestor to the record(s). Noted exemptions may or may not be applicable to the records upon production. Additional exemption may also be identified upon the actual review of the records if they were not available at the time of the response. The final list of redactions that apply to any record produced will be identified in the final response in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(b). To the extent that the open records request is related to any pending litigation matters involving the school district, please be advised the Georgia Open Records Act, O.C.G.A. § 50-18-71(e), requires that you send a copy of your request to counsel for the school district: Gregory, Doyle, Calhoun & Rogers at 49 Atlanta Street, Marietta, GA 30060.
September 20, 2017
Mr. King,
I am responding to your email received September 15, 2017 under the Georgia Open Records Act, O.C.G.A. § 50- 18-70 et. seq. Your original request is also included below.
Of those records that can be produced, the records first must be redacted of confidential information. See, O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(b). Redaction may include the following:
· Portions of the documents contain personally identifiably student information pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 20 U.S.C. § 1232g. (“FERPA”), as detailed in O.C.G.A. §50-18-72(a)(37).
There is a cost associated with the production of these records. The district charges for the production of records at the hourly salary of the lowest-paid full-time employee who has the necessary skill and training to search for, retrieve, copy, review, and redact the documents, less the first quarter hour. See O.C.G.A. § 50-18-71(c)(1). The labor time for the production of these records is estimated to be 333 hours. Therefore, the total cost to produce these records is estimated to be $11,045.61. Additionally, it will take approximately four to six (4-6) weeks to produce these records.
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 50-18-71(d), the district is providing you a cost estimate to produce these records and will defer retrieval of the records until such time as you pay in full the estimated cost of record production. Please let me know if you wish for the District to proceed. If no response is received within thirty (30) days, the District will consider the request withdrawn and the cost estimate null and void. You may respond by email to openrecords@cobbk12.org.
Kelly Moore
Open Records Clerk
Policy, Planning & Student Support
Cobb County School District
Phone 770-514-3870
Fax 678-594-7778
This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any unauthorized dissemination, distribution or copying of any information from this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by collect telephone call at (770-514-3870) or electronic mail (e-mail).
Initial responses to open records requests and any applicable exemptions are based upon general knowledge of documentation types and the relationship of the requestor to the record(s). Noted exemptions may or may not be applicable to the records upon production. Additional exemption may also be identified upon the actual review of the records if they were not available at the time of the response. The final list of redactions that apply to any record produced will be identified in the final response in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(b). To the extent that the open records request is related to any pending litigation matters involving the school district, please be advised the Georgia Open Records Act, O.C.G.A. § 50-18-71(e), requires that you send a copy of your request to counsel for the school district: Gregory, Doyle, Calhoun & Rogers at 49 Atlanta Street, Marietta, GA 30060.