January 25, 2017


Posted by D.A. King at 12:34 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

25 January 2017

Open records request
Whitfield County Schools

Compliance with state Public Benefits law
Re; OCGA 50-36-1

Mr. Eric Beavers
Communications Specialist
Whitfield County Schools
P.O. Box 2167
Dalton, GA 30722-2167
Phone: (706) 217-6724

Mr. Beavers,

Please regard this as my official request for public records under Georgia’s open records law.

Please send me copies of any and all state required verification documents, including applications, affidavits and Secure and Verifiable ID associated with the calendar years 2015 and 2016 administration of the adult education for English language classes conducted by Whitfield County Schools, including the Adult English Class for ESOL Parents conducted at Varnell, Antioch, Pleasant Grove and Dug Gap schools.

Please also include any document that illustrates the original start date of these adult education classes.

Please contact me with any questions. I hope for an electronic response.

Thank you,

D.A. King

Marietta, Ga. 30066

  • UPDATED January 26, 2017 

To: D.A. King

Re; OPEN RECORDS REQUEST       January 26, 2017  1:38 PM

“Dear Mr. King,

To the extent we understand the records you have described, the District has no records responsive to your request. To the extent that you seek records that may be related to the program that you reference those records would be exempt from production pursuant to O.C.G.A. section 50-18-72(a)(37).

2017-01-25 0:28 GMT-05:00 D.A. KING <DKing1952@comcast.net>:

Eric Beavers – Communications Specialist
Whitfield County Schools
w: (706) 217-6724 • c: (706) 980-7447”

Email from Anna Bello :

Good morning ****

I was told that you needed the times and places where I offer Adult English Class for ESOL Parents. The following is my schedule:

Monday = Varnell 9-11am
Tuesday = Antioch 8-10 am
Wednesday = Pleasant Grove 10-12 am
Friday = Dug Gap 12:30-2:30 pm

Please call me if you have any questions.
Thank you
Ana M. Bello
T III Parent Involvement Coordinator
Cell: 706-980-1702