Dustin Inman – forever sixteen
Marietta Daily Journal (paywall)
Letters to the Editor
November 20, 2016
Voters need to demand full enforcement of our laws
Many people know about our son being killed by an illegal alien when he was 16 years old in 2000. The illegal, who came here from Mexico, had been stopped by law enforcement officers six months before he ran into our car and killed Dustin and put his mom in a wheelchair for life [1]. He was allowed to go on his way and then took our only son’s life.
We voted for Mr. Trump and are proud to say we have met him. But, we are concerned that it seems now he is saying an illegal alien must be convicted of a felony before deportation laws are enforced. Are we really willing to allow people who have no legal right to be here to stay until they are convicted or until they kill another American? We aren’t.
We beg you to contact Mr. Trump and all of our Georgia politicians to demand the full enforcement of our laws — even our immigration laws. We know Gov. Deal has dismissed the crisis, we are hoping most Georgians have not also. You can get more information on our son, Dustin, at www.TheDustinInmansociety.org [2] .
We hear a lot about “family separation” of illegal alien’s families as reasons for not enforcing our immigration laws. The lack of enforcement has separated our American family forever. It is not fair and American can never be great again until we enforce all of our laws. Even for illegals.
Billy and Kathy Inman
Woodstock HERE [3]