IERB letter to City of Atlanta: You need to cut that out…
Somebody who watches but not the state government – has discovered your violation. Now, cut that out, or we will actually sanction you. Maybe. By the way, how many times have you done it?
November 30, 2016IERB letter to City of Atlanta: You need to cut that out…Somebody who watches but not the state government – has discovered your violation. Now, cut that out, or we will actually sanction you. Maybe. By the way, how many times have you done it? November 29, 2016Instate tuition for illegal aliens in GOP Georgia? Federal agencies and “lawfully present”
I put this together Sunday and sent it to the Georgia AG, Phil Kent, a legislator and several other places. Instate tuition November 27, 2016 dak 1) DACA recipients are denied Obamacare by the feds. They are also not liable for the “no health insurance” penalty. This was a result of an interpretation of “lawfully present” by a federal agency. Q: If a fed agency can make its own determination on benefits to DACA beneficiaries, why should state entities be denied that same avenue? “Lawfully Present” Individuals Eligible under the Affordable Care Act “On August 30, 2012, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued an interim final rule excluding individuals granted deferred action under the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) policy from the “lawfully present” definition, for purposes of PCIP eligibility.[8] This policy, in effect, excludes this subgroup from eligibility for the health insurance exchanges and the premium tax credits. Individuals granted deferred action based on other administrative policies remain eligible as “lawfully present.” and many other sources. 2) DACA students are not eligible for federal student aid/Pell Grants. “If I have been granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), am I eligible for federal student aid? Q: Since instate tuition is treated as a public benefit because it is state “aid” – why should the Regents not have the same ability to decide on their interpretation of “lawfully present” regarding state aid to DACA recipients? 3) State law passed in 2008 refers to Title IV regulations when determining eligibility for non-citizens access to instate tuition. Please see page 3, SB 492 AP lines 11 -16. (OCGA 20-3-66) As is illustrated above, that does not include DACA or anyone in illegal status. DHS/USCIS makes it clear on deferred action on deportation: “Deferred action does not provide lawful status.” Georgia Residency Requirements For State Programs at Private Instiutions ** Added * Jan 2017 In original version of HB 87 (2011), Ga. AG office was originally assigned the responsibility of creating a list of Public Benefits . That language was out in 2013 SB 160 (?). But the part of that list (HERE) that defined “Public Benefits” for post secondary education essentially, it says that attendance is a Public Benefit resreved for ‘lawful precense’ aliens that must pay out of state tuition. *Please let me know if you come to different conclusion?
November 27, 2016Georgia Baptist Convention inserts fed law into RESOLUTION ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION… approved, Southern Baptist Convention – November, 2016
RESOLUTIONS ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, PASTORAL RESPONSE TO CULTURE, AND APPRECIATION APPROVED BY MESSENGERS AT ANNUAL MEETING November 18, 2016 HERE Joe Westbury The Resolution on a Christian Response to Illegal Immigration was submitted by Brad Whitt, messenger from Abilene Baptist Church in Martinez. The document walked the fine line between acknowledging “the federal government’s failure to fulfill its responsibility in the area of illegal immigration during both the Democratic and Republican administrations” and the biblical mandates to “not mistreat the alien living among you … act compassionately toward those who are in need … love our neighbors as ourselves … [and] do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” —>The resolution acknowledged the government’s lack of enforcement that has “caused severe consternation among a sizable constituency of Americans and has led to the crisis we now face” and stated that it is a violation of federal law to “bring in, harbor, shield from detection, transport, employ or encourage an unauthorized immigrant to remain” in the nation. The messengers, through the wording of the document, urged the U.S. Congress to seriously address the issue of a reported 12 million illegal immigrants living in the nation and to enforce all existing immigration laws. It then urged Christians “to act redemptively and reach out to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of all immigrants and within the law, to offer English As a Second Language and Citizenship classes … [and] make the most of the tremendous opportunity for evangelism, ministry, and discipleship …” A second resolution on Pastors, Culture, and Christian Citizenship was submitted by Rusty Stewart, messenger from Poplar Springs North Baptist Church in Dublin. The document took strong exception on a local Seventh-Day Adventist lay minister who was required to submit his sermons, notes, and transcripts – along with his ministerial credentials – to the State Attorney General within days of employment. Dr. Eric Walsh was then terminated within a week based on the content of those sermons. The public outcry was so strong that the Attorney General’s office withdrew its request. The resolution further stated that “ there is a great need for a new generation of pastors to take the lead in courageously confronting an American culture and government that is hurtling downward to new depths of moral decadence and for pastors to stand firm in the face of continued threats to the sanctity of human life, the sacredness of marriage between one man and one woman, to the Biblical identity of men and women as they were created by God and the fundamental freedom to express our faith in the public arena. It concluded by calling on Gov. Nathan Deal’s newly appointed Attorney General, Chris Carr, to not only withdraw his legal demands with Dr. Walsh, but also settle the case, and refrain from allowing any other such cases to happen in Georgia.” Messengers then urged pastors “to preach the whole counsel of God, not only passionately inviting people to Jesus, but also prophetically declaring biblical truth concerning the burning moral issues that are being debated in the culture and government without fear of government reprisals; and “we encourage pastors to model and promote informed and active Christian citizenship among the membership of our churches …” A final resolution expressed a Resolution of Appreciation to Calvary Baptist Temple and the Savannah Baptist Association for its generous hosting of the annual meeting. Messengers also thanked President Thomas Hammond for this leadership and Georgia Baptist Convention Executive Director J. Robert White on his 24 years of service. The resolution was submitted by the 2016 Committee on Resolutions. Southern Baptist Convention – On Immigration And The Gospel Phoenix, AZ – 2011Southern Baptist Convention On Immigration And The Gospel Phoenix, AZ – 2011 HERE WHEREAS, The Kingdom of God is made up of persons from every tribe, tongue, nation, and language (Revelation 7:9); and WHEREAS, Our ancestors in the faith were sojourners and aliens in the land of Egypt (Exodus 1:1-14; 1 Chronicles 16:19; Acts 7:6); and WHEREAS, Our Lord Jesus Christ lived His childhood years as an immigrant and refugee (Matthew 2:13-23); and WHEREAS, The Scriptures call us, in imitation of God Himself, to show compassion and justice for the sojourner and alien among us (Exodus 22:21; Deuteronomy 10:18-19; Psalm 94:6; Jeremiah 7:6; Ezekiel 22:29; Zechariah 7:10); and WHEREAS, The Great Commission compels us to take the gospel to the nations (Matthew 28:18-20), and the Great Commandment compels us to love our neighbor as self (Mark 12:30-31); and WHEREAS, The gospel tells us that our response to the most vulnerable among us is a response to Jesus Himself (Matthew 25:40); and WHEREAS, The Bible denounces the exploitation of workers and the mistreatment of the poor (Isaiah 3:15; Amos 4:1; James 5:4); and WHEREAS, The United States of America is increasingly diverse in terms of ethnicity, language, and culture; and WHEREAS, Approximately 12 to 15 million undocumented immigrants live and work within our borders; and WHEREAS, The relative invisibility of the immigrant population can lead to detrimental consequences in terms of health, education, and well-being, especially of children; and WHEREAS, Recognizing that Romans 13:1-7 teaches us that the rule of law is an indispensable part of civil society and that Christians are under biblical mandate to respect the divinely-ordained institution of government and its just laws, that government has a duty to fulfill its ordained mandate, and that Christians have a right to expect the government to fulfill its ordained mandate to enforce those laws; and WHEREAS, The governing authorities of a nation have the right and responsibility to maintain borders to protect the security of their citizens; and WHEREAS, Undocumented immigrants are in violation of the law of the land; and WHEREAS, Many of these persons, desiring a better future for themselves and their families, are fleeing brutal economic and political situations; and WHEREAS, The issue of immigration has prompted often-rancorous debate in the American public square; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, June 14-15, 2011, call on our churches to be the presence of Christ, in both proclamation and ministry, to all persons, regardless of country of origin or immigration status; and be it further RESOLVED, That we declare that any form of nativism, mistreatment, or exploitation is inconsistent with the gospel of Jesus Christ; and be it further RESOLVED, That we deplore any bigotry or harassment against any persons, regardless of their country of origin or legal status; and be it further RESOLVED, That we ask our governing authorities to prioritize efforts to secure the borders and to hold businesses accountable for hiring practices as they relate to immigration status; and be it further RESOLVED, That we ask our governing authorities to implement, with the borders secured, a just and compassionate path to legal status, with appropriate restitutionary measures, for those undocumented immigrants already living in our country; and be it further RESOLVED, That this resolution is not to be construed as support for amnesty for any undocumented immigrant; and be it further RESOLVED, That we pray for our churches to demonstrate the reconciliation of the Kingdom both in the verbal witness of our gospel and in the visible makeup of our congregations; and be it finally RESOLVED, That we affirm that while Southern Baptists, like other Americans, might disagree on how to achieve just and humane public policy objectives related to immigration, we agree that, when it comes to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to His church, the message, in every language and to every person, is “Whosoever will may come.” Officials: Georgia GOP needs to reach beyond white voters – Translation: More closely obey the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and be more like the Democrats…Reporter Newspapers Posted by Dyana Bagby on November 27, 2016.Officials: Georgia Republicans should broaden their party’s appeal to Latinos, Asians and African Americans if they want to retain control of the governor’s mansion and the Legislature in the future, local political experts say. “We need to reach out and work with people who aren’t Caucasian. It’s that simple,” said state Sen. Fran Millar (R-Dunwoody). “We need to have a message that resonates with these people.” State Sen. Fran Millar Millar was re-elected Nov. 8 to a third term representing District 40, which covers portions of DeKalb, Fulton and Gwinnett counties. Although traditionally a Republican stronghold, the district’s demographics have changed dramatically in recent years as members of minority groups and transplants have moved to the suburbs. Millar’s opponent, Tamara Johnson-Shealey, a Peachtree Corners Democrat who ran on a platform that included protecting voter rights and being supportive of immigrants, received 44 percent of the vote — two more points than she received when she ran against Millar two years ago. “And she didn’t do anything. She ran a Facebook campaign and got 44 percent of the vote. That is an area of concern for me,” he said. State Sen. Hunter Hill (R-Smyrna), whose district includes parts of Sandy Springs and Buckhead, won his re-election with only 52 percent of the vote over Democrat and political newcomer, community activist and pediatric dentist Jaha Howard. And with Cobb and Gwinnett counties voting for Democrat Hillary Clinton over Republican Donald Trump in the presidential race, Millar said state Republicans can no longer “take things for granted.” “This is maybe a wake-up call,” he said. Republicans did score a victory in House District 80, which includes Brookhaven and a slice of Sandy Springs, with Meagan Hanson defeating incumbent state Rep. Taylor Bennett by fewer than 300 of the 24,486 votes cast. Joseph Knippenberg, a professor of politics at Brookhaven’s Oglethorpe University, said while Democrats like to claim HD 80 is a swing district, “it’s basically a Republican district” where “a generic Republican beats a generic Democrat for the time being.” Knippenberg said Hill’s “near-death experience” is due to the rapidly changing demographics of his district and that some Republicans, such as Hill and Millar, can no longer waltz into office and will have to “break a sweat” in upcoming races and also reach out to minorities. Millar, who voted for Trump, said the contentious president-elect might have played a role in hurting some local Republican candidates in the metro Atlanta suburbs, such as in Cobb and Gwinnett. “For me, [voting for Trump] was about capitalism and the Supreme Court,” he said. Millar denied criticisms that Trump ran a racist and anti-Semitic campaign and said “he’s not going to deport 10 million” undocumented immigrants like he promised throughout his campaign. Instead, Millar said he believes Trump and his administration will focus on health care, education, lowering taxes and transportation. “For the things that are important to everyone, you have to offer a solution,” Millar said. State Rep. Tom Taylor (R-Dunwoody) ran unopposed in District 79, which includes portions of Chamblee and Doraville, cities known for their ethnic and racial diversity and immigrant populations. He agreed with Millar that this election might indeed be a wake-up call for state Republicans. “Georgia’s population is becoming more urbanized,” he said. “We had a large influx of immigrants from the Olympics who have now become citizens. We’ve got a lot corporations relocating here.” Rather than focusing on rural, mostly white constituents, Republicans will need to be more welcoming of being labeled “fiscal conservatives but social moderates,” Taylor said. Knippenberg said the state GOP may have to rein in rural lawmakers who might feel emboldened by a Trump presidency to continue to push for controversial socially conservative policies. “Republicans who have won in metro Atlanta need to figure out a way to persuade rural Republicans to not hang issues on them that will hurt them,” he said. An example is the Religious Restoration Freedom Act, vetoed by Gov. Nathan Deal last year, and heavily supported by Republicans living outside Atlanta’s blue bubble. “If the party is not competitive in metro Atlanta, it is not going to win the governor’s seat,” he said. The national Anti-Defamation League, with a Southeastern office in Atlanta, is tracking upticks of hate crimes across the country in the wake of Trump’s election. It condemned the appointment of Steve Bannon, former Breitbart News executive, CEO of Trump’s presidential campaign and now the White House chief strategist, warning of Bannon’s support of the alt-right movement, a “loose network of white nationalists and anti-Semites.” David Schaefer, director of Policy and Advocacy for the Latin American Association, which has an outreach center on Buford Highway in Brookhaven, said his organization still is analyzing Trump’s transition and his cabinet picks. “[W]e are responding in ways that will address the concerns of the community,” Schaefer said. “We are working with the Mexican Consulate [located on Chantilly Drive, just across I-85 from Brookhaven and Buckhead] to hold a series of community informational forums in the upcoming weeks.” Locally, two Cross Keys High School teachers recently were suspended after they were accused of making deportation threats to some students; Cross Keys is known for its many Latino students. Taylor said in a recent interview he voted for Trump but knew nothing of Bannon. “I had never heard of him … I know no history of this guy,” he said. “There’s a lot of rhetoric out there.” He asked people to “give everyone a chance” and said change in government moves like an aircraft carrier, or, in other words, very slowly. “We will have to wait and see what happens,” he said. HERE Emory University debates becoming a sanctuary campus – VIDEOEmory a sanctuary campus?
Atlanta’s Fox Five news Emory University debates becoming a sanctuary campus ATLANTA – Emory University’s president said this week that the school is studying a proposal to become a so-called sanctuary campus. It is a term that has popped up after the election of Donald Trump. As a sanctuary campus, Emory would not willingly participate in the deportation of its students who are in the country illegally. Currently, they’re protected by a presidential order that Mr. Trump has threatened to rescind. Students at Emory sent a petition to the Emory University President Claire E. Sterk asking, among other things, that the campus become a sanctuary which would not participate in the deportation of undocumented students. In that petition, the students state, “The election of Donald Trump presents a clear challenge to Emory’s core commitments to inclusiveness, particularly for undocumented members of our community.” “I would encourage our university to provide sanctuary to such students,” Emory graduate student Erin Roark said. Rourk signed the petition. “My husband is Muslim, and I’m very concerned about all of the Islamic-phobic rhetoric we heard around the election,” said Rourk. In a letter to the student, the school president wrote, “…the need for a sanctuary campus and ways to protect all members of the Emory community is being reviewed by the university leadership.” “We had students coming in in tears worried that their families were going to be deported,” said Rebecca Duncan. Duncan is an elementary school teacher from the San Francisco area eating lunch across from the Emory campus and talked about her own experiences in the classroom. “So, it’s utterly ridiculous to think that we could get rid of them or that there is any reason why they should leave this country. And anybody who thinks that really needs to get their head out of the sand,” said Duncan. “Let me point out that it is a violation of existing long-time federal law to harbor or shelter or assist or to encourage an illegal alien to remain in these United States,” said D.A. King, an immigration enforcement activist with the Dustin Inman Society. Becoming a sanctuary campus could be extremely controversial. In a state, in fact, a region that overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump in the election. He campaigned on ending the presidential protection for undocumented students. “We should all note that in Mexico this would never happen. Illegal aliens are not allowed to attend school in Mexico,” said King. No decision has been made, and Emory said that in the meantime, they will continue to welcome and support undocumented students through the current government program. November 23, 2016On Georgia Rep. Jones’ wire transfer bill and fake news from the AJC – Golden Isles News
Below is my letter to the editor published today. Golden Isles News November 23, 2016 Wire transfer bill a wise move The Golden Isles News’ recent report on state Rep Jeff Jones’ commonsense legislation to create a system by which the state can reap as much as $100 million a year from black market activity contained more than one concerning premise. Jones’ refundable fee on out-of-state wire transfers idea would mimic an already proven-successful, six-year-old system that has brought in millions for Oklahoma. The refundable fee would apply only to individuals. It is important to restate: That means all individuals. Even drug dealers and illegally present ‘victims of borders.’ Your report says “…allegations have been made in the press and elsewhere that the proposed legislation targets undocumented workers sending money back to their families in their home countries…” “Allegations?” What if the bill really was only aimed at illegal aliens? Is that something to be ashamed of or to qualify as an “allegation?” Given the incomplete and inaccurate media coverage of the organized crime of illegal immigration in Georgia and the U.S. over the last several decades, it is not difficult to understand some confusion on the part of people who only depend on the MSM for “news” – but “allegation?” A recent report posted by the Atlanta Journal Constitution Political Insider blogger, Jim Galloway, told readers that the bill only applied to “foreigners.” That false premise went all over the state, as intended. This is what is known as “fake news” – designed to stop educated evaluation of this quite reasonable revenue bill. Galloway had never read the bill. We cannot honor real immigrants or protect the tradition of immigration if we do not guard our borders and enforce our immigration laws. According to the DHS, Georgia ranks number seven for states in the nation in its illegal population. We have more illegal aliens than Arizona. Estimates are that Georgia taxpayers are spending upwards of $2.4 billion a year on illegal immigration. Mexico received about $25 billion last year sent back by its citizens living outside of that nation. In 2006, more than $1 billion was sent out of Georgia to Latin America. That is not an allegation, but a fact. The “allegations” should come when we note any elected official – or journalist – who ignores the very real negative consequences of illegal immigration. Further, using the unfounded, race-baiting, anti-enforcement smears from the discredited, Southern Poverty Law Center to attack the respected Center for Immigration Studies ignores the fact that the far-left defames any and all who speak up on sensible, legal immigration. Opponents of Jones bill need to use real facts to explain why it is a bad idea to add $100 million a year to state coffers while we struggle to increase pay for our law enforcement officers. D.A. King. D.A. King is president of the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society November 20, 2016Billy and Kathy Inman had a letter to the editor published in today’s Marietta Daily Journal:Voters need to demand full enforcement of our laws
![]() Dustin Inman – forever sixteen Marietta Daily Journal (paywall) Opinion November 20, 2016 Voters need to demand full enforcement of our laws Many people know about our son being killed by an illegal alien when he was 16 years old in 2000. The illegal, who came here from Mexico, had been stopped by law enforcement officers six months before he ran into our car and killed Dustin and put his mom in a wheelchair for life. He was allowed to go on his way and then took our only son’s life. We voted for Mr. Trump and are proud to say we have met him. But, we are concerned that it seems now he is saying an illegal alien must be convicted of a felony before deportation laws are enforced. Are we really willing to allow people who have no legal right to be here to stay until they are convicted or until they kill another American? We aren’t. We beg you to contact Mr. Trump and all of our Georgia politicians to demand the full enforcement of our laws — even our immigration laws. We know Gov. Deal has dismissed the crisis, we are hoping most Georgians have not also. You can get more information on our son, Dustin, at . We hear a lot about “family separation” of illegal alien’s families as reasons for not enforcing our immigration laws. The lack of enforcement has separated our American family forever. It is not fair and American can never be great again until we enforce all of our laws. Even for illegals. Billy and Kathy Inman Woodstock HERE |