Carl Todd. A man among men and a WWll hero. Gone a year and not forgotten. This is what I wrote when he passed last year:
R.I.P. Carl Todd – American hero
In Colorado tomorrow there will a memorial service for our friend and Sue’s step-father, Carl Todd, who died on August 18, 2015. Carl lived to be a very healthy and fully lucid 93 years of age. Which is remarkable because of the fact that Carl flew daylight bombing missions over enemy territory during World War ll with the U.S. 8th Air Force.
Carl was a true hero. In the war, the 8th Air Force suffered more KIAs than did the entire U.S. Marine Corps.
The late 1990’s photo here is Carl and me in front of a giant American flag at the D-Day museum in New Orleans. I am very proud of the pic and it is framed and proudly displayed here at El Rancho King.
I had to pry the below information out of Carl years ago:
Carl Todd – Captain of the ship, flew B-24 bombers with the U.S. 8th Air Force when he was age 22-23. 93rd Bomb Group. 409th Bomb Squadron, 2nd Air Division, based in England.
We all had great time with Carl, who was a generous and loyal friend of ours. He will be missed and trust me, they don’t make ’em like this anymore.
Carl Todd, a man among men.
Good bye, sir. Thank you for helping to save the world and for being such a terrific friend.

Carl Todd, D.A King at the D-Day museum.