About “PROJECT SOUTH, Institute for the Elimination of Poverty and Genocide”
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404.622.0602 office
678.951.0556 fax
PROJECT SOUTH staff page HERE. [2]
- PROJECT SOUTH 2014 IRS form 990 HERE [3]

Anti-borders Azadeh Shahshahani, Legal & Advocacy Director PROJECT SOUTH [4]. She has been recognized as one of 100 Influential Georgia Muslims.
Azadeh Shahshahani, Legal & Advocacy Director
Azadeh has worked for a number of years in North Carolina and Georgia to protect the human rights of immigrants and Muslim, Middle Eastern, and South Asian communities. She previously served as National Security/Immigrants’ Rights Project Director with the ACLU of Georgia. [5]Azadeh is a past president of the National Lawyers Guild [6]. Through the NLG, Azadeh has participated in international delegations, including to post-revolutionary Tunisia and Egypt, a delegation focused on the situation of Palestinian political prisoners, and election monitoring delegations to Venezuela and Honduras. She has also served as a member of the jury in people’s tribunals on Mexico and the Philippines. Azadeh also serves as Chair of Georgia Detention Watch [7], Co-chair of the US Human Rights Network Working Group on National Security [8], and on the Advisory Council of the American Association of Jurists. She is the author or editor of several human rights reports, including a 2012 report titled “Prisons of Profits: Immigrants and Detention in Georgia, [9]” as well as law review articles and book chapters focused on racial profiling, immigrants’ rights, and surveillance of Muslim-Americans. Azadeh received her JD from the University of Michigan Law School where she was Article Editor for The Michigan Journal of International Law. She also has a Master’s in Modern Middle Eastern and North African Studies [10] from the University of Michigan. Azadeh is the recipient of the 2016 Georgia WAND [11] Peace and Justice Award, American Immigration Lawyers Association [12] 2012 Advocacy Award, and the University of Georgia Law School 2009 Equal Justice Foundation Public Interest Practitioner Award. [13]
She has been recognized as one of 100 Influential Georgia Muslims. [14]