July 21, 2016

Anti-borders mob in Atlanta demands ICE be dismantled, blocks city intersection and all but one of them see charges dismissed.
Last month, there was yet another angry illegal alien lobby march in Atlanta demanding open borders. I wrote it up HERE but had to leave just before it ended. A Local TV report HERE tells us that four of the 50-70 protestors were arrested. I followed up with APD and Municipal Court yesterday to see what happened to the people who were allowed to block traffic in the middle of the day while screaming at federal officers and while Atlanta police looked on.
Below are the names of and disposition information on the four street screamers who were finally arrested by APD after illegally blocking an city entire intersection adjacent to ICE headquarters and federal immigration court for about ninety minutes. All were all booked and reportedly charged with ‘Pedestrian in the Road‘ on June 27, 2016. The small group of anti-American protestors started out at the state Capitol with a march demanding an end to immigration enforcement. They had communist monitors to insure the event went according to plan.
*Juan Carlos Gonzales-Medina, DOB 3/18/1979
Citation # 5135710
Booking # 1600014543
→Case # 161791233
Released June 28 – cash bond $306.00
CASE DISMISSED JUNE 28 as per Atlanta Municipal Court
*Asma Miloud El Huni DOB 8/4/1977
Citation # 5137282
Booking # 1600014541
Released June 27 – cash bond
CASE DISMISSED JUNE 28 as per Atlanta Municipal Court
*Paul McLennan DOB 2/16/1954
Citation # 5137284
Booking # 1600014542
Released June 27
CASE DISMISSED JUNE 28 as per Atlanta Municipal Court
*Kevin Caron, DOB 8/30/1986
Citation # 5137285,
Booking # 1600014544
Released June 28 – cash bond
**CASE BOUND OVER TO STATE COURT. State court clerk tells me they have not received the case yet, but it could be two years before the case is heard – it if ever is.
City of Atlanta Pretrial Detention – 404-865-8000
Call courthouse for disposition 404-954-6767
July 19, 2016
Deportations go down – media silent.

July 13, 2016

Congressman Buddy Carter
Note: A very similar letter also ran in the St. Simons Island newspaper, The Islander, on Monday, July 11. We are grateful to all concerned for the space. We are also grateful to Congressman Buddy Carter for signing on to HR 997 last night.
Savannah Morning News
Letters to the editor
Friday, July 7, 2016
Rep. Carter should support bill making English our official language
In our “press one for English” politically-correct environment, far too few Americans realize that unlike most nations, the United States has no official language. We assume that Republican Rep. Buddy Carter is aware of that sad fact.
Pro-English constituents should ask Mr. Carter when he is home from the Washington, D.C., bubble why he has not signed on to co-sponsor HR 997, “the English Unity Act of 2015” which establishes English as the official language of the United States.
H.R. 997 requires naturalization ceremonies and most official functions of the U.S. government to be conducted in English. This important legislation introduced in February of last year also declares that all citizens should be able to read and understand generally the English language text of U.S. laws.
Does Rep Carter have an objection to the nation being bound by an official language? We hope not. A common language is the most unifying force known throughout history. And most of us can see the severe and dangerous lack of unity in our multi-language nation. If people can talk to each other, they can find commonality on most other matters.
It is difficult to imagine that a negative position on official English would increase support for any Republican Georgia politician who ran as “a conservative.”
We hope Rep. Carter is given an opportunity to explain his position on official English and his apparent reluctance to help pass this important official English bill, HR 997.
D.A. King
Editor’s note: The writer is president of the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society, which advocates for immigration enforcement and official English. HERE

Congressman Tom Graves, Georgia 14
2442 Rayburn House Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5211
Dalton Daily Citizen
Letters to the editor
June 30, 2014
Press Graves on English language bill
In our “press one for English” politically-correct environment, far too few Americans realize that unlike most nations, the United States has no official language. We assume that Republican Rep. Tom Graves is aware of that sad fact.
Pro-English constituents may want to take advantage of the July 4 break for Congress and ask Mr. Graves while he is home from the Washington, D.C., bubble why he has not signed on to co-sponsor HR 997, “the English Unity Act of 2015.” This important legislation was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in February of last year.
Does Graves have an objection to the nation being bound by an official language? We hope not. A common language is the most unifying force known throughout history. If people can talk to each other, they can find commonality on most other matters.
It is difficult to imagine that this never came up in the primary race or that a negative position on official English would increase support for any Republican politician who ran as “a conservative.”
We hope Rep. Graves is given an opportunity to explain his position on official English and his apparent reluctance to help pass this important bill, HR 997.
D.A. King
Editor’s note: Graves declined to respond to this letter. Letter HERE
July 9, 2016
 Rich Pellegrino, Cobb County’s anti-enforcement “Village thinker” and violence advocate Rich Pellegrino can be contacted at Pilgrim1@mindspring.com
Marietta Daily Journal ( pay wall )
Letters to the editor
July 3, 2016
Writer threatens ‘no peace’ for Smyrna, Cobb County
In numerous articles during the past year since this police-involved fatal shooting, the MDJ reported that the GBI, Cobb Police and DOJ have investigated this case and determined the shooting was justified. That is totally inaccurate as all local agencies were charged with investigating the case and presenting the results of the investigation — the evidence — to the district attorney, without any determination of justification, or not. The district attorney’s office then also conducted its own investigation and all of this evidence — over 1,300 pages of it, including multiple videos and witness testimonies — were condensed into a 30-minute presentation by the district attorney to the grand jury — the only body in this chain charged to determine whether there should be a criminal indictment, and with that limited time and information presented to them, they made a determination not to indict. That was the only agency or body which made any determination.
Having reviewed that body of evidence, along with other concerned citizens, including attorneys, it is clear to this writer, to even a lay person, that there was no way anyone or any group of citizens, like those comprising the grand jury, could effectively evaluate the mountains of evidence in thirty minutes time in order to render a fair decision and determination. Of course, the district attorney knew this, so his impartiality must be questioned, and therefore there must be a new independent special prosecutor and a new grand jury empaneled.
Failing this solution, I, along with other concerned individuals and organizations in this community, will be forced to try this and related cases in the streets and courts of public opinion, which we will continue to do through many avenues, echoing the words of the millennial youth and civil rights movements, “No justice, No peace” — if there is no justice in this case, there will be no peace for Smyrna and Cobb. As a parent of sons and daughters like Nicholas Thomas, I will not have peace nor will I rest until Officer Owens is off our streets, and, as a citizen of this county, I will not have trust in our justice system until the cover up of his wrong doing is ended.
Rich Pellegrino
Mableton HERE
July 8, 2016
U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions’ note

About “PROJECT SOUTH, Institute for the Elimination of Poverty and Genocide”
9 Gammon Ave SE Atlanta, GA 30315 HERE
404.622.0602 office
678.951.0556 fax
- PROJECT SOUTH 2014 IRS form 990 HERE
 Anti-borders Azadeh Shahshahani, Legal & Advocacy Director PROJECT SOUTH. She has been recognized as one of 100 Influential Georgia Muslims.
Azadeh Shahshahani, Legal & Advocacy Director
Azadeh has worked for a number of years in North Carolina and Georgia to protect the human rights of immigrants and Muslim, Middle Eastern, and South Asian communities. She previously served as National Security/Immigrants’ Rights Project Director with the ACLU of Georgia. Azadeh is a past president of the National Lawyers Guild. Through the NLG, Azadeh has participated in international delegations, including to post-revolutionary Tunisia and Egypt, a delegation focused on the situation of Palestinian political prisoners, and election monitoring delegations to Venezuela and Honduras. She has also served as a member of the jury in people’s tribunals on Mexico and the Philippines. Azadeh also serves as Chair of Georgia Detention Watch, Co-chair of the US Human Rights Network Working Group on National Security, and on the Advisory Council of the American Association of Jurists. She is the author or editor of several human rights reports, including a 2012 report titled “Prisons of Profits: Immigrants and Detention in Georgia,” as well as law review articles and book chapters focused on racial profiling, immigrants’ rights, and surveillance of Muslim-Americans. Azadeh received her JD from the University of Michigan Law School where she was Article Editor for The Michigan Journal of International Law. She also has a Master’s in Modern Middle Eastern and North African Studies from the University of Michigan. Azadeh is the recipient of the 2016 Georgia WAND Peace and Justice Award, American Immigration Lawyers Association 2012 Advocacy Award, and the University of Georgia Law School 2009 Equal Justice Foundation Public Interest Practitioner Award.
She has been recognized as one of 100 Influential Georgia Muslims.
July 7, 2016
E-Verify poster

Atlanta History Center HB 87 poster.
 Photo: DAK