Illegal aliens rally in Atlanta against immigration enforcement, January, 2016 photo: DIS files
Mindlessness is confusing…
On immigration, the Atlanta Journal Constitution would rather be inaccurate and politically correct than get the story right. And they are willing to prove it.
A post on the AJC’s ‘Political Insider’ blog today describes the election-year objection [1] from Georgia Republican Congressman Tom Graves to the Library of Congress’ capitulation to the anti-borders mob with its announcement that the legal and accurate term “illegal alien” would be replaced with the usual Newspeak goop.
But, in a story about the term “illegal alien” the AJC editors couldn’t bring themselves to use the term in the blog’s headline. Instead, it reads “Tom Graves leads revolt against Library of Congress effort to drop ‘illegal immigrant [2]’”
Get it?
Decide for yourselves how far gone Atlanta’s newspaper really is, but even La Times [3]and the Huffington Post [4] could muster the courage to be accurate with the proper headline on essentially the same story.
We are guessing that current management at the AJC hasn’t yet considered the problems it now faces from the illegal alien lobby here in Georgia with use of the term “illegal immigrant” to replace illegal alien. We suspect they will, soon enough. A Georgia character, Jerry Gonzalez, who runs one of Georgia’s corporate-funded [5] illegal alien lobby groups (GALEO [6]), made it clear years ago – pre-Obama – that just uttering “illegal” connected to “immigrant” is “an offensive slur” and akin to use of the “N-word [7].”
We assume the AJC will fall in line soon to stay on the good side of GALEO and the other speech police, but for those of us who have dodged the re-education camps, we offer some real world evidence [8]that yes, AJC editors and staff, there really are illegal aliens in Georgia and the words are good enough for the IRS, federal law, Georgia law and even for the “Wise Latina,” U.S. Supreme Court [9] Justice Sonia Sotomayor.