Illegal immigration and official English – D.A. King in the Marietta Daily Journal: D.A. KING: Georgia conservatives lose again under Gold Dome

Georgia Capitol –
Marietta Daily Journal
April 15, 2016
Georgia conservatives lose again under Gold Dome
“Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to provide that English is the official language of the state of Georgia?” — Proposed statewide ballot question for the November election contained in SR675 sponsored by Republican Sen. Josh McKoon.
As a late note on the end of the 2015-16 General Assembly, here are more examples of Gold Dome reality for people who don’t know how their government really works — and some observations.
Despite a December Rosetta Stone Communications poll showing a whopping 76 percent bipartisan public approval rate for amending the state constitution to make English the official language of government, Georgia voters will not be allowed to answer the above ballot question in November.
Unless there is a badly needed executive order from Gov. Nathan Deal changing current policy at DDS, Georgia will continue to give illegal aliens, foreign diplomats and Mercedes Benz executives here on a legal visas the exact same driver’s license.
McKoon’s SB6 would have created a new, vertically-oriented driving card for the illegal aliens with Obama’s deferred action on deportation amnesty and would have clearly displayed their illegal status. That would have made it more difficult for illegal victims of borders to board airliners, rent vehicles, enter federal buildings and register to vote.
Now that the doubt has again been removed on where Gov. Deal and corporate Georgia (sorry for the repetition) stand on religious liberty legislation, readers should take an interest in why and how SR675 and SB6 were defeated in a Republican-ruled state.
Both bills passed the GOP state senate. All 39 Senate Republicans voted to let voters decide on the official English Resolution. Only one GOP senator voted against the bill improving the security on driver’s licenses for illegal aliens. That was restaurant owner Sen. Tommie Williams of South Georgia. Williams told the Senate he wanted to protect his illegal alien sous chef.
Nevertheless, both bills are as dead as Poncho Villa. They expired in the Republican-majority Georgia House controlled by Speaker David Ralston because of Ralston’s personal animosity for the bill’s sponsor and because of orders from the Georgia Chamber of Commerce. The legislation had all the usual enemies.
In a post legislative session sigh-of-relief editorial, the AJC Editorial Board dismissed the majority desire of the great-unwashed Georgia electorate on official English with “lawmakers rightly stalled other symbolic nose-thumbing at the status quo, such as bills that would have made English the official language…”
Further out on the left, the triumphant, corporate-funded illegal alien lobby is also still rejoicing. “The failure of the anti-immigrant measures was a step forward in the search for equal rights for everyone in Georgia,” says Adelina Nicholls, executive director of the anti-borders Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights.
Got that? Allowing American voters to decide on English as the constitutional official language of government and noting on their driver’s licenses that illegal aliens are illegal aliens is “anti-immigrant.” Nichols gleeful remark should be regarded as an answer to the question “how un-American are they?”
We note here that Nichols is an avowed Socialist — and that even when the Democrats controlled the state Capitol, illegal aliens could not legally obtain a Georgia driver’s license. We also note — again — that when the tribalist open borders organizers speak of “equal rights for everyone,” they are aiming directly at the end of immigration enforcement and voting rights for illegal aliens.
Republicans may want to ask Gov. Deal if it is somehow “best in the overall interest of the state of Georgia and its citizens as a whole” to give illegal aliens any type of driver’s licenses. And the governor’s staff needs to do a much better job of prepping him on driver’s licenses for illegal aliens and Obama’s executive amnesty. On archived video, Deal can be seen and heard telling a Telemundo reporter last month that “we verified the legal status” associated with the Georgia driver’s licenses, including those now belonging to illegal aliens. Reminder to all concerned, according to immigration law and the Obama White House, deferred action on deportation does not provide legal status.
Many Republican county and district conventions last year saw passage of resolutions supporting a ballot question on constitutional official English and ending the practice of rewarding any illegals with any Georgia driver’s license. The driver’s license resolution also passed at the Republican state convention. This was due to the courage and hard work of common sense, grassroots conservative activists in Georgia’s Republican party.
For Georgia conservatives, the failure of SR675 and SB6 to pass the GOP-controlled legislature should serve as obvious indicators of badly needed change.
D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society and an independent voter. Twitter: @DAKDIS