Dr. Hudson tells us he sent copies of the below letter to GOP Reps Tom Weldon, Johnnie Caldwell, Andy Welch, Trey Kelly, and Wendell Willard.
Dear Representatives:
Please allow a reconsideration vote on SR675, official English legislation.
We are on to what you did, (Tom)! You would only not show-up, if instructed to do so by your Chairmen Wendell Willard or Johnnie Caldwell (under the guise of you having “other business”) to allow for a vote with the majority ratio of Democrats to Republicans only if the intention was to kill the bill. There was no requirement for a vote on Thursday, March 10, 2016 in the sub-committee hearing! So, we would highly recommend that when a member of the sub-committee (Oh, say perhaps Representative Barry Fleming) requests a reconsideration vote, that you allow a new vote with all of the Republican members present!
Allowing for the SR675 to pass out of committee, and get to the House floor for a positive vote (Like with what the State Senate did on February 29th by a 2/3rds majority vote)!
If this does not come to pass each and everyone of the Republicans that were part of this scheme will be savaged in every County, District, and the State GOP Conventions, meetings, and any place else that we can hold sway! This is an unconscionable act that the GA. Republican Party will be livid over, and it will never be allowed to be forgotten!
BTW, Tom, I do not know if you have an opponent this election cycle, but if you do I hope you are defeated; and if you do not have an opponent, you should have one for being so despicable!
You along with Rep. Wendell Willard, Rep. Johnnie Caldwell, Speaker David Ralston, and the other Reps. Andy Welch, and Trey Kelley that were party to this scheme to do the bidding of the Chamber of Commerce have and will be exposed for your dirty deeds to not allow the citizens of Georgia to vote on this Constitutional Amendment to make English Georgia’s official language of government!
Dr. Bill Hudson, Marietta