Billy Inman in the MDJ – letter to the editor: THANK YOU Senator Perdue for stopping GALEO’s Dax Lopez’ confirmation
Marietta Daily Journal

Dustin Inman, killed by an illegal alien – Billy Inman is Dustin’s Dad
Letters to the editor
January 28, 2016
I write a short note to say a genuine THANK YOU to Georgia Sen. David Perdue.
The fact that Sen. Perdue stepped up last week and made it clear that Obama’s nominee to fill an empty federal court seat in Georgia was a horrible idea came as huge and very welcomed news.
Federal judges, once confirmed by the senate, serve a lifetime term. Obama had offered up a man named Dax Lopez to be a judge in Georgia’s northern district. Dax Lopez was a member of the board of directors of a radical immigration corporation called “GALEO” for eleven years and only resigned when Georgians spoke up against his confirmation.
A corporate-funded advocacy group, GALEO opposes immigration enforcement, voter ID, local jails holding criminal aliens and English as our official language. As Lopez made crystal clear, he “agrees with GALEO’s mission.” Having a federal judge who openly supports amnesty is clearly wrong for Georgia.
Sen. Perdue boldly used his authority as a home-state senator and a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee to terminate any further consideration of GALEO’s Dax Lopez.
I hope Georgians of all descriptions will contact Senator Perdue’s office and offer a well-deserved message of gratitude. The senator saved us from perhaps 30 years of Dax Lopez and his agenda on the federal bench. To be clear: Sen. David Perdue stepped up when others didn’t and did the right thing for Georgia … the political outsider done good!
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – Perdue did right thing for state