New Normal – “Border surge”: Obama is giving out work permits and SSNs to illegal aliens without even the pretense of vetting

‘STOP THE RAIDS – NOT ONE MORE DEPORTATION!’ Protest in front of Atlanta immigration court, January 7, 2016
Obama is giving out work permits and SSNs to illegal aliens without even the pretense of vetting.
(Note: In Georgia, as in other states, the ability to produce a federal EAD (work permit) and a valid SSN can be used to obtain a drivers license – the defacto national ID card.)
We have two separate news reports indicating that the Obama administration has been issuing work permits and Social Security Numbers to the illegal aliens who made up the 2014 “border surge” that was depicted by the media to be mostly “Central American children.”
We note the impossibility of vetting these people, whoever they are.
Here (1:45 minute video) is the first whiff from a local TV news report just after the “raids” of early January that reportedly netted all of 121 victims of borders who had pending deportation orders. The reporter was handed a copy of a work permit that one of the illegals had been issued when she landed in Atlanta after crossing over from Mexico. I have spoken to the reporter and he is firm that the work permit was described and presented to him as having been issued to the recently deported.
Then, the Washington Post’s Pam Constable filed a (one-sided) story from Atlanta with the same claim: Another illegal alien, Rosa Vargas, who had been caught up in the same micro-sweep had apparently been issued a work permit soon after reaching the U.S. – the valid Social Security number comes along with that prize.
“The whole family agreed she would be better off leaving, that she should come here because she would be safe in America,” said Morales, 30, a carpenter with temporary legal status. He said Vargas was issued a work permit and a Social Security number when she was released from border detention in 2014 and found work cleaning houses in Atlanta after coming to live with him.”
“Give me my permiso!”
The “migrants” are getting a ” Notice to Appear ” – which they call ‘ permisos ’ – to show up in immigration court some time in the distant future to plead for asylum or refugee status. Most never appear in court and simply disappear into Obama’s transformed America. They are here to stay. That ‘permiso’ document allows them to claim to be ‘legally present’, pending a court’s decision to send them home – or not. With this they can get work permits — and then drivers licenses unless and until another “raid” results in deportation, which is very unlikely.
It also appears from Constable’s report that the narrating alien (Morales) has been given some sort of “temporary legal status” – we think that means deferred action on deportation through the DACA program. If so, the temporary status is not “legal. ” According to DHS, deferred action recipients are still illegal aliens.
What Is DACA
On June 15, 2012, the Secretary of Homeland Security announced that certain people who came to the United States as children and meet several guidelines may request consideration of deferred action for a period of two years, subject to renewal. They are also eligible for work authorization. Deferred action is a use of prosecutorial discretion to defer removal action against an individual for a certain period of time. Deferred action does not provide lawful status (emphasis mine).
So, to sum up, with zero fanfare that we know of, Obama has apparently been giving at least some of ‘border surgers’ the ability to not only take American jobs, but to obtain a drivers license.
Here we note that the drivers license is used as ID blend into mainstream America, to register to vote, rent a car or truck, buy explosives and board an airplane. The organized rush on the border is the new normal.
In Georgia the drivers license issued to illegal aliens with deferred action is so similar to the ones issued to American citizens and non-citizens with legal status (like executives from Mercedes Benz) that the Department of Driver Services has taken to imprinting a large arrow on graphics of the license given to illegals directing the viewer to the slight addition noting “limited term.”
For the reader who may be asking: Yes, the deferred action illegal aliens are also being issued official state photo ID cards (“Georgia ID”) – and are eligible for a host of public benefits – including unemployment benefits.
Georgia is ruled by Republicans. Who ran as “conservatives.”
On the drivers license to illegal aliens, we think there is a better way.