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THE ILLEGAL ALIEN LOBBY: #1 A beginners guide to GALEO – doing the job Georgia’s liberal media does not do… Kilpatrick Stockton

*Note: The below is the first installment of the “Beginners Guide to GALEO” (see here for all installments [1]) which was a collection of verified information on GALEO we were proud to share with the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee and our U.S. Senators in 2015/2016. It was related to GALEO board member Dax Lopez and his nomination to the federal bench. We were successful – Lopez, a longtime GALEO board member and fundraiser saw his nomination fail. We win.  

An AJC news story here [2]. Another one here [3]. And here [4]. And a happy LTE on our win from D.A. King [5]


Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials Inc. (GALEO)
IRS 501 c (6) [7] non-profit
“To promote civic engagement and leadership of the Latino community…”

Reality: To serve as community organizer for illegal aliens, to lobby against enforcement of American immigration laws, against official English, voter ID and an equal application of American law and for another amnesty in the name of identity politics…

IRS form 990 EZ for 2013 [8]

* Reported revenue $77,737 (see Part 1, line 9) of which $17,520 was reported as paid to Executive Director Jerry Gonzalez (see Part IV) for 20 hours work per week.

* Not included in reported revenue total was $9000.00 in donated rent. (Schedule O)

Note: The address for both GALEO and GALEO Latino Community Development Fund Inc. (below) is 1100 Peachtree St. Suite 2800, Atlanta, Ga., 30309. That is the same address as the law offices of Kilpatrick Stockton [9] in Atlanta. Multiple people have confirmed to me over the years that they have seen the GALEO offices inside Kilpatrick Stockton office suite.

See “Advocacy. [10]


**** and…


GALEO Latino Community Development Fund Inc.
IRS 501 c (3) [11] non-profit
“To help implement civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino community in Georgia. Through our leadership program…GALEO has graduated over 400 community leaders (as of 2013 filing) throughout the state in both urban and rural areas and has equipped them with basic leadership skills for the community members to accomplish more for themselves in their own communities …

*Note: In partnership with the UGA Fanning Institute: From the GALEO website [12] – “The Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) and the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund (GLCDF) were established to increase the leadership development and civic engagement of the Latino community across Georgia.

The GLCDF has implemented the GALEO Institute for Leadership (GIL) to focus upon leadership development of the Latino community across our state. As part of the GALEO Institute for Leadership, we have formed a strategic partnership with the University of Georgia’s Fanning Institute to expand and develop our joint efforts for their Community Leadership Program.”

Reality: Training more wanna-be Jerry Gonzalez anti-borders community organizers for placement around Georgia. 

IRS form 990 for 2013 [13]

* Reported revenue: $72,793 (see Part I , line 1) of which $ 55,140 (see Part IV) was reported as paid to Executive Director Jerry Gonzalez.

* Gonzalez salary represents is 75 % of total donated revenue. Reported hours worked per week: 20.

* Not included in this revenue is: $ 9000.00 donated rent and $ 23,320 in “donated media services from a Latino television network. Telemundo is our educated assumption [14] – (See Part II, block 28). A current Telemundo reporter, Maria Duarte, is a former GALEO senior staffer [15] and currently vice-Chair of the GALEO Leadership Council. [16]

I have given info like this to many members of the press since 2005. There has never been any corresponding reports on GALEO or profiles of Gonzalez or GALEO founder and bagman, former state Senator Sam Zamarippa.

I have been “profiled” by the AJC twice and by the Associated Press and the New York Times .

Including Georgia’s Republican Attorney General Sam Olens and Brian Kemp, Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, along with Republican state Senator and Appropriations Chairman Jack Hill and with Republican Georgia House Representative B.J. Pak, (write-up here [17]) other GALEO donors and sponsors can be seen here [18] from the GALEO 12th Annual Power Breakfast, its largest fund-raising event of the year, and one of several such annual events.

* Note Part II, line 1.

Also, we find no record on Guidestar of an IRS form 990 for either above corporation for the year 2014 yet.

See also: GALEO Institute for Leadership [19] and GALEO Leadership Council [16] .




edited, 6:30 PM, Sept. 8, 2015